858 resultados para flock-level risk factors
The pattern of change in cardiovascular risk factors, blood pressure (SBP and DBP) and plasma total cholesterol (TC), over time, their tracking and their relation to anthropometric measurements during the first year of life were investigated. Also, the effect of breast feeding on TC and the relationship of blood pressure measurements and family history of CVD risk factors were examined. One hundred five newborn term, healthy infants who were seen at a pediatric clinic in The Woodlands, Texas were followed longitudinally from 2 weeks to 1 year of age. TC, blood pressure, weight and length of the infants were measured at age 2 weeks, and again at 2, 4, 6, 9 and 12 months. In addition, family history, maternal and paternal, of CVD risk factors was obtained. Data analyses included only 40 infants who completed one year of follow up.^ At 2 weeks of age, the median value for TC was 23 mg/dl higher for females than for males. This difference disappeared as infants got older. For males, most of the increase in TC median levels, from 114 to 137 mg/dl, occurred between the ages of 2 weeks and 2 months, whereas for the female group, TC levels increased moderately, about 10 mg/dl, between 9 and 12 months of age. Tracking of TC was examined by using Spearman's correlation analysis. There were strong correlations between measurements taken as early as 2 weeks of age with later measurements. These correlations were stronger and more significant for males than for females (for males, r varied between 0.51 to 0.70, whereas for females, r varied between 0.11 to 0.70). The association of body measurements with TC is no more than modest and is closer for female infants than for male infants. Analysis, also, showed that infants who received breast milk had a TC mean value 47 mg/dl higher than that for infants who received formula milk only during the period of breast feeding and this difference disappeared by age 12 months.^ In both genders, most of the increase in blood pressure (about 10-15 mmHg in both SBP and DBP) occurred during the first 4 months of life. Most of the increase for male infants occurred during the first 2 months of life, while for females, the increase in SBP and DBP was between the age of 2 and 4 months. Neither SBP nor DBP track well during the first year of life and most of the correlations between measurements at different ages were not significant for either gender. The cross-sectional relationship of blood pressure measurements and selected body measurements was assessed. For females, only at age of 12 months did DBP have positive and significant correlations with weight, length and Quetelet index (r = 0.57, 0.60 and 0.57, respectively). There were no significant correlations between blood pressure and body measurements for males. Finally, analysis showed that maternal history of CV risk factors was significantly related to SBP in the female infant group, but not for males. For DBP, neither maternal nor paternal history was related. ^
A population-based case-control study of risk factors for ectopic pregnancy has been conducted. The investigation includes 274 cases diagnosed in Rochester, Minnesota residents from 1935 through 1982, and 548 matched controls selected from live birth deliveries. Risk factor information documented prior to the last index menstrual period was obtained via medical record abstract for 22 potential risk factor variables.^ Univariate matched analyses revealed nine variables with significantly elevated odds ratios (ORs). Following conditional logistic regression for matched sets, four variables remained as significant risk factors for ectopic pregnancy. These risk factors with ORs and 95% confidence intervals (Cls) were: current intrauterine device use (OR = 13.7, Cl = 1.6 - 120.6), infertility (OR = 2.6, Cl = 1.6 - 4.2), pelvic inflammatory disease (OR = 3.3, Cl = 1.6 - 6.6), and tubal surgery (OR = 4.5, Cl = 1.5 - 13.9). After adjusting for these four major risk factors, the following variables did not have statistically significant ORs: abdominal/pelvic surgery (OR = 2.0), acute appendicitis (OR = 2.0), anovulation (OR = 1.2), clomiphene citrate use during the index conception (OR = 3.5), induced abortion (OR = 2.1), in utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol (OR = 1.6), myomas (OR = 0.7), ovarian cysts (OR = 1.0), and past intrauterine device use (OR = 1.2). ^
This cross-sectional study examines the prevalence of selected potential risk factors by stage of diabetic retinopathy (DR) among Black American women with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) followed at a university diabetes clinic. DR was assessed by ophthalmoscopy and five-field retinography, and graded on counts of microaneurysms, hemorrhages and/or exudates, and presence of proliferative DR. Prevalence of other vascular diseases was assessed from medical records. Potential risk factors included age, known duration of diabetes, type of hypoglycemic treatment, concentrations of random capillary blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, urine protein and fibrinogen, body mass index, and blood pressure. Prevalence of these risk factors is reported for three categories: No DR, mild background DR, severe background or proliferative DR (including surgically treated DR). Duration, age at diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, concentration of urine protein and average blood glucose, hypertension and cardiovascular disease were significantly associated with DR in univariate analysis. The covariance analysis employed stratification on duration, age at diagnosis and therapy of diabetes. The highest DR scores were calculated for those diagnosed before age 45, regardless of duration, therapy, or average blood glucose. Only individuals diagnosed before age 45 had high blood glucose concentrations in all categories of duration. These findings suggest that in this clinic population of Black women, those diagnosed with NIDDm before age 45 who eventually required insulin treatment were at the greatest risk of developing DR and that longterm poor glucose control is a contributing factor. These results suggest that greater emphasis be placed on this subgroup in allocating the limited resources available to improve the quality of glucose regulation, particularly through measures affecting compliance behavior.^ Findings concerning the association of DR with concentration of blood glucose and urine protein, blood pressure/hypertension and weight were compared with those reported from American Indian and Mexican American populations of the Southwestern United States where prevalence of NIDDM, hypertension and obesity is also high. Additional comparative analyses are outlined to substantiate the preliminary finding that there are systematic differences between these ethnic populations. ^
Background: The impact of anesthetic techniques for breast cancer surgery traditionally has been centered on the incidence of acute pain syndromes and complications immediately after surgery. Evaluating anesthesia management beyond short-term effects is an emerging science. Several animal studies have concluded that regional anesthesia independently reduces cancer recurrence and metastasis. A small number of retrospective clinical studies indicate that reductions in cancer recurrence are attributable to anesthesia technique; however, individual risk factors need to be taken into consideration. ^ Purpose: The aims were to: 1) investigate differences in patient, disease and treatment factors between women who received surgical treatment for breast cancer with paravertebral regional and general anesthesia compared to women who received general anesthesia alone; 2) explore patient, disease and treatment factors associated with recurrence of breast cancer; and 3) test the association between type of anesthesia and breast cancer recurrence and survival over 22–46 months following surgery. ^ Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 358 patients with stage 0-III disease who received a partial or total mastectomy without axillary node dissection between October 2006 and October 2008 at a large academic cancer center. Follow-up ended in August 2010 with a median follow-up time of 28.8 months. ^ Results: The patient demographics were equally represented across anesthesia groups. Mean BMI (kg/m2) was greater for the patients who received general anesthesia (GA) alone (29±6.8) compared to those that received paravertebral regional block (PVB) with GA (28±5.1), p=0.001. The PVB with GA group had more advanced stages of disease (p=0.01) and longer surgeries (p=0.01) than the GA only group. Breast cancer recurrence was detected in only 1.7% of the study population. The mean age was 51±18 in those who had a recurrence compared to 58±11 in the non-recurrent group (p=0.06). Overall, no association between anesthesia type and recurrence was found (p=0.53), with an unadjusted estimated hazard ratio of 1.84 (95% CI 0.34–10.08). ^ Conclusions: In contrast to previous retrospective studies in cancer patients receiving surgical and anesthesia treatment, this study was unable to detect a difference in relating type of anesthesia with decreased breast cancer recurrence. Nonetheless, a significant association between BMI and type of anesthesia was observed and should be taken into account in future studies. Because the overall rate of recurrence was very small in this population, a larger study would be needed to detect any differences in rates of recurrence attributable to type of anesthesia. ^
Background: Helicobacter pylori infection among Native Americans is more prevalent than any other minority group in the United States. Few studies involving Helicobacter pylori have been conducted on Native Americans and no previous studies have been conducted in the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo population. Therefore we wanted to explore the prevalence and risk factors of Helicobacter pylori within this community. We also explored whether household transmission is occurring. ^ Materials and Methods: We conducted a cross-section study on the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo community. Main household caregivers were interviewed on household conditions, hygiene practices, and household sociodemographics. All household members were tested for IgG urine antibodies against Helicobacter pylori using RAPIRUN test kits. 13C urea breath testing using BREATHTEK kits was provided to study participants that had positive antibody results and utilized as confirmatory results of infection. ^ Results: Prevalence of Ysleta del Sur Pueblo was determined to be 27.4%. When comparing for ethnicity, Native Americans had increased prevalence of infection then Mexican-Americans living on the Pueblo. That prevalence increased from 1.6 to 3.3 when taking account only United States born study participants. The household secondary prevalence rate was found to be 23.8%. Helicobacter pylori infection rates increased with increasing age and decreasing income. ^ Conclusions: Native Americans had an increased risk of infection. As expected risk factors for Helicobacter pylori correlated with previous studies, but we found evidence of limited current transmission within households. However, due to the limited sample size (n=62) and power, we were not able to find statistical significance for some risk factors. A statistical association was found with age where increasing prevalence corresponded with increasing age suggesting that the birth cohort may be in effect within this population.^
Pneumonia is a well-documented and common respiratory infection in patients with acute traumatic spinal cord injuries, and may recur during the course of acute care. Using data from the North American Clinical Trials Network (NACTN) for Spinal Cord Injury, the incidence, timing, and recurrence of pneumonia were analyzed. The two main objectives were (1) to investigate the time and potential risk factors for the first occurrence of pneumonia using the Cox Proportional Hazards model, and (2) to investigate pneumonia recurrence and its risk factors using a Counting Process model that is a generalization of the Cox Proportional Hazards model. The results from survival analysis suggested that surgery, intubation, American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) grade, direct admission to a NACTN site and age (older than 65 or not) were significant risks for first event of pneumonia and multiple events of pneumonia. The significance of this research is that it has the potential to identify patients at the time of admission who are at high risk for the incidence and recurrence of pneumonia. Knowledge and the time of occurrence of pneumonias are important factors for the development of prevention strategies and may also provide some insights into the selection of emerging therapies that compromise the immune system. ^
Venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), is the third most preventable cardiovascular disease and a growing public health problem in the United States. The incidence of VTE remains high with an annual estimate of more than 600,000 symptomatic events. DVT affects an estimated 2 million American each year with a death toll of 300,000 persons per year from DVT-related PE. Leukemia patients are at high risk for both hemorrhage and thrombosis; however, little is known about thrombosis among acute leukemia patients. The ultimate goal of this dissertation was to obtain deep understanding of thrombotic issue among acute leukemia patients. The dissertation was presented in a format of three papers. First paper mainly looked at distribution and risk factors associated with development of VTE among patients with acute leukemia prior to leukemia treatment. Second paper looked at incidence, risk factors, and impact of VTE on survival of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during treatment. Third paper looked at recurrence and risk factors for VTE recurrence among acute leukemia patients with an initial episode of VTE. Descriptive statistics, Chi-squared or Fisher's exact test, median test, Mann-Whitney test, logistic regression analysis, Nonparametric Estimation Kaplan-Meier with a log-rank test or Cox model were used when appropriate. Results from analyses indicated that acute leukemia patients had a high prevalence, incidence, and recurrent rate of VTE. Prior history of VTE, obesity, older age, low platelet account, presence of Philadelphia positive ALL, use of oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy, presence of malignancies, and co-morbidities may place leukemia patients at an increased risk for VTE development or recurrence. Interestingly, development of VTE was not associated with a higher risk of death among hospitalized acute leukemia patients.^
Retrospective data from the Cameron Country Hispanic Cohort (1) were analyzed to assess the burden of cancer in the Mexican American population living in Brownsville TX. Data provided by the study participants for themselves and their parents and other extended relatives on cancer and related risk factors were used to determine both the prevalence of cancer and these risk factors as well as any associations between them. Lifetime incidence of cancer among the study participants was of 2.8%. Lifetime incidence of cancer among the parents of the study population was calculated for cancer in general and for specific cancer sites to determine the ranking of occurrence of each type of cancer. Some cancer types in this population were ranked higher than what would be expected when compared with national data from Hispanics in the U.S, these were: Liver cancer (3rd vs. 7th nationally in males and 6th vs. 13th nationally in females), stomach cancer (4th vs. 8th nationally in males and 5th vs. 11th nationally in females) and ovarian cancer (3rd vs. 8th nationally in females). A significant association with cancer was found for being born in the United States compared to being born elsewhere (O.R. 1.62, 95% C.I. 1.01–2.60) among study participants and the same association was also found between birth of parents in the United States regardless of gender for cancers in general (O.R. 1.38 95% C.I. 1.12–1.70), stomach cancer (O.R. 1.92 95% C.I. 1.01–3.67) and colorectal cancer (O.R. 2.93 95% C.I. 1.28–6.72). Having been born in the United States and having a family history of cancer was also found to be significantly associated with other risk factors for cancer such as obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance, both among the parents and the participant population, suggesting these interactions are complex. These high rates of cancer and particular prominence of less usual cancer such as liver and ovary in health disparities warrant evaluation of early detection strategies.^
Complex diseases, such as cancer, are caused by various genetic and environmental factors, and their interactions. Joint analysis of these factors and their interactions would increase the power to detect risk factors but is statistically. Bayesian generalized linear models using student-t prior distributions on coefficients, is a novel method to simultaneously analyze genetic factors, environmental factors, and interactions. I performed simulation studies using three different disease models and demonstrated that the variable selection performance of Bayesian generalized linear models is comparable to that of Bayesian stochastic search variable selection, an improved method for variable selection when compared to standard methods. I further evaluated the variable selection performance of Bayesian generalized linear models using different numbers of candidate covariates and different sample sizes, and provided a guideline for required sample size to achieve a high power of variable selection using Bayesian generalize linear models, considering different scales of number of candidate covariates. ^ Polymorphisms in folate metabolism genes and nutritional factors have been previously associated with lung cancer risk. In this study, I simultaneously analyzed 115 tag SNPs in folate metabolism genes, 14 nutritional factors, and all possible genetic-nutritional interactions from 1239 lung cancer cases and 1692 controls using Bayesian generalized linear models stratified by never, former, and current smoking status. SNPs in MTRR were significantly associated with lung cancer risk across never, former, and current smokers. In never smokers, three SNPs in TYMS and three gene-nutrient interactions, including an interaction between SHMT1 and vitamin B12, an interaction between MTRR and total fat intake, and an interaction between MTR and alcohol use, were also identified as associated with lung cancer risk. These lung cancer risk factors are worthy of further investigation.^
Injection drug use is the third most frequent risk factor for new HIV infections in the United States. A dual mode of exposure: unsafe drug using practices and risky sexual behaviors underlies injection drug users' (IDUs) risk for HIV infection. This research study aims to characterize patterns of drug use and sexual behaviors and to examine the social contexts associated with risk behaviors among a sample of injection drug users. ^ This cross-sectional study includes 523 eligible injection drug users from Houston, Texas, recruited into the 2009 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance project. Three separate set of analyses were carried out. First, using latent class analysis (LCA) and maximum likelihood we identified classes of behavior describing levels of HIV risk, from nine drug and sexual behaviors. Second, eight separate multivariable regression models were built to examine the odds of reporting a given risk behavior. We constructed the most parsimonious multivariable model using a manual backward stepwise process. Third, we examined whether HIV serostatus knowledge (self-reported positive, negative, or unknown serostatus) is associated with drug use and sexual HIV risk behaviors. ^ Participants were mostly male, older, and non-Hispanic Black. Forty-two percent of our sample had behaviors putting them at high risk, 25% at moderate risk, and 33% at low risk for HIV infection. Individuals in the High-risk group had the highest probability of risky behaviors, categorized as almost always sharing needles (0.93), seldom using condoms (0.10), reporting recent exchange sex partners (0.90), and practicing anal sex (0.34). We observed that unsafe injecting practices were associated with high risk sexual behaviors. IDUs who shared needles had higher odds of having anal sex (OR=2.89, 95%CI: 1.69-4.92) and unprotected sex (OR=2.66, 95%CI: 1.38-5.10) at last sex. Additionally, homelessness was associated with needle sharing (OR=2.24, 95% CI: 1.34-3.76) and cocaine use was associated with multiple sex partners (OR=1.82, 95% CI: 1.07-3.11). Furthermore, twenty-one percent of the sample was unaware of their HIV serostatus. The three groups were not different from each other in terms of drug-use behaviors: always using a new sterile needle, or in sharing needles or drug preparation equipment. However, IDUs unaware of their HIV serostatus were 33% more likely to report having more than three sexual partners in the past 12 months; 45% more likely to report to have unprotected sex and 85% more likely to use drug and or alcohol during or before at last sex compared to HIV-positive IDUs. ^ This analysis underscores the merit of LCA approach to empirically categorize injection drug users into distinct classes and identify their risk pattern using multiple indicators and our results show considerable overlap of high risk sexual and drug use behaviors among the high-risk class members. The observed clustering pattern of drug and sexual risk behavior among this population confirms that injection drug users do not represent a homogeneous population in terms of HIV risk. These findings will help develop tailored prevention programs.^
Bisphosphonates represent a unique class of drugs that effectively treat and prevent a variety of bone-related disorders including metastatic bone disease and osteoporosis. High tolerance and high efficacy rates quickly ranked bisphosphonates as the standard of care for bone-related diseases. However, in the early 2000s, case reports began to surface that linked bisphosphonates with osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ). Since that time, studies conducted have corroborated the linkage. However, as with most disease states, many factors can contribute to the onset of disease. The aim of this study was to determine which comorbid factors presented an increased risk for developing ONJ in cancer patients.^ Using a case-control study design, investigators used a combination of ICD-9 codes and chart review to identify confirmed cases of ONJ at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). Each case was then matched to five controls based on age, gender, race/ethnicity, and primary cancer diagnosis. Data querying and chart review provided information on variables of interest. These variables included bisphosphonate exposure, glucocorticoids exposure, smoking history, obesity, and diabetes. Statistical analysis was conducted using PASW (Predictive Analytics Software) Statistics, Version 18 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois).^ One hundred twelve (112) cases were identified as confirmed cases of ONJ. Variables were run using univariate logistic regression to determine significance (p < .05); significant variables were included in the final conditional logistic regression model. Concurrent use of bisphosphonates and glucocorticoids (OR, 18.60; CI, 8.85 to 39.12; p < .001), current smokers (OR, 2.52; CI, 1.21 to 5.25; p = .014), and presence of diabetes (OR, 1.84; CI, 1.06 to 3.20; p = .030) were found to increase the risk for developing ONJ. Obesity was not associated significantly with ONJ development.^ In this study, cancer patients that received bisphosphonates as part of their therapeutic regimen were found to have an 18-fold increase in their risk of developing ONJ. Other factors included smoking and diabetes. More studies examining the concurrent use of glucocorticoids and bisphosphonates may be able to strengthen any correlations.^
Childhood obesity is a persistent problem in the U.S., especially among Hispanics. Health complications like hypertension, type II diabetes, and metabolic syndrome (Met-S) are being seen at younger ages, and current screening procedures may be inadequate. This study sought to describe the risk factors for Met-S present in a sample of 106 overweight and obese Hispanic children, aged 5-14 years, participating in Nutrition and Exercise Start Today (NEST), a randomized weight management intervention trial at a rural health clinic in New Braunfels, Texas; and to determine associations between these factors and other clinical and socio-demographic characteristics linked to obesity. Baseline data was analyzed for the prevalence of large waist circumference (WC), elevated blood pressure (BP), high fasting serum glucose and serum triglycerides (TG), and low serum HDL cholesterol, in relationship with selected sample characteristics. Main findings included high baseline prevalence rates of large WC (77%), reduced HDL (57%), and elevated BP (30%). WC was significantly associated with BMI percentile and the serum liver function test alanine aminotransferase (ALT) by Fisher's exact test (p<0.001 and p=0.032, respectively), while there were significant relationships between HDL and both female gender and ALT. BMI percentile and ALT were associated with all sets of Met-S diagnostic criteria examined. BMI percentile also had a strong association (p=0.005) with total number of Met-S risk factors, while ALT had a weaker association (p=0.093). WC is a low-cost, simple measure whose use may improve clinic surveillance for childhood obesity and complications like Met-S. WC, BP, HDL and ALT may be used as part of targeted screening for obesity complications like Met-S, particularly in situations where resources are limited.^
The prevalence of diabetes in Mexican Americans is disproportionately higher than in non-Hispanic whites. The rate of diabetic retinopathy resulting from prolonged diabetes is also greater in Mexican Americans than in non-Hispanic whites. A longitudinal study was carried out on data collected from Mexican Americans in Starr County, Texas to assess the association between socioeconomic and acculturation factors with diabetic retinopathy prevalence, incidence, and progression in those free of diabetic retinopathy or who had only early non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. A multivariable analysis was done. ^ The incidence rate was 12.78 cases per year and the progression rate was 8.55 cases per year. The baseline characteristics of the population revealed that more people with occupations synonymous with lower income jobs like trade workers and machine operators had early non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. A multivariable analysis revealed that those with early non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy were more likely to have been born in Mexico as compared to those free of diabetic retinopathy. Surprisingly, a multivariable analysis also showed that those that progressed in diabetic retinopathy disease status were more likely to have been employed as compared to those that did not. ^ This analysis reveals that Mexican Americans are heterogeneous in socioeconomic and acculturation factors that may be used to deter the incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy severity. These findings could be targeted to create culturally sensitive intervention programs that will improve the detection and treatment of diabetic retinopathy in the work arena in addition to programs that will impact those that do not work. Workplace preventative health screenings and dissemination of language-specific informational brochures is warranted to curb the rates of progression in those employed. ^ A limitation of this study is the narrow surrogates used for assessing socioeconomic and acculturation status. To fully evaluate these variables, a study using a questionnaire with a multitude of surrogates for socioeconomic and acculturation factors should be employed.^
Background: Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is rare and accounts for 2.5% of all invasive breast cancers. The 5-year survival rates are significantly lower than for other types of breast cancer, highlighting the significance of cancer prevention in IBC. The comprehensive multi-disciplinary team Morgan Welch Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Program and Clinic at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center treats the largest number of Inflammatory Breast patients in a single center. Because of this unique center, large patient resources, and good medical and epidemiological records, we were able to conduct the largest single center case-control and case-case study on IBC. Methods: We identified 246 patients diagnosed with IBC and 397 cancer free patients seen at the Dan L Duncan Cancer Prevention Clinic. Breast cancer reproductive risk factors and lifestyle risk factors were compared between tumor subtypes of IBC patients (Estrogen Receptor positive (ER+) and/or Progesterone Receptor positive (PR+), Human Epidermal Growth Factor 2 positive (HER2+)), and (ER -/PR-/HER2-)) and cancer free controls. Results: Breastfeeding was the only significant risk factor (p<0.01) between tumor subtypes in IBC patients. In the case-control study that included all IBC patients and cancer free patients the descriptive statistics indicate significant difference in BMI, history of smoking, number of children, age of first pregnancy, any breastfeeding and total time breastfeeding (p<0.05). No differences were found in the frequency of other breast cancer risk factors. Conclusion: The associations determined between cancer free controls and IBC patients have identified previously unknown risk factors for IBC. The risk factors identified by the case control study suggest BMI, history of smoking, and the protective effect of breastfeeding as potential modifiable risk factors that can be used to decrease the incidence of IBC. Impact: These results highlight the importance of evaluating epidemiologic risk factors of IBC, which could lead to the identification of distinct etiologic pathways that could be targeted for prevention.^