965 resultados para flame retardant additives


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The paper gives an account of the types of blackening associated with canned prawn in brine and their control. It was found that blackening caused by iron sulphide could be controlled by maintaining proper titratable acidity of fill brine in cans. The paper also elaborates on the factors responsible for or governing this critical titratable acidity. In regard to copper sulphide blackening, control was found to be difficult by maintaining the acidity or by additives such as EDTA when the copper content in the material went above the critical level.


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Ions generated during combustion have been used in three ways to give qualitative combustion information. Langmuir type probes have been inserted into the combustion chamber opposite the spark plug location. The centre electrode of the sparking plug itself has been used to produce an ionisation signal from the slightly ionised gases remaining after the flame front has departed. The spark discharge at ignition time has been used as an anemometer.


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In deriving the flamelet model for nonpremixed combustion certain terms, but not the unsteady term, are assumed to be negligible. This results in a relation between all reacting scalars and the mixture fraction as independent variable. An ideal test of the flamelet assumption can be based on direct numerical simulation (DNS) data, if all reacting scalars are conditioned on mixture fraction and conditional moments are evaluated. The fundamental assumption of the flamelet model are unwillingly justified. The unsteady and steady formulations of the same equations are compared and found that unsteadiness is important in an unsteady simulation.


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The majority of computational studies of confined explosion hazards apply simple and inaccurate combustion models, requiring ad hoc corrections to obtain realistic flame shapes and often predicting an order of magnitude error in the overpressures. This work describes the application of a laminar flamelet model to a series of two-dimensional test cases. The model is computationally efficient applying an algebraic expression to calculate the flame surface area, an empirical correlation for the laminar flame speed and a novel unstructured, solution adaptive numerical grid system which allows important features of the solution to be resolved close to the flame. Accurate flame shapes are predicted, the correct burning rate is predicted near the walls, and an improvement in the predicted overpressures is obtained. However, in these fully turbulent calculations the overpressures are still too high and the flame arrival times too low, indicating the need for a model for the early laminar burning phase. Due to the computational expense, it is unrealistic to model a laminar flame in the complex geometries involved and therefore a pragmatic approach is employed which constrains the flame to propagate at the laminar flame speed. Transition to turbulent burning occurs at a specified turbulent Reynolds number. With the laminar phase model included, the predicted flame arrival times increase significantly, but are still too low. However, this has no significant effect on the overpressures, which are predicted accurately for a baffled channel test case where rapid transition occurs once the flame reaches the first pair of baffles. In a channel with obstacles on the centreline, transition is more gradual and the accuracy of the predicted overpressures is reduced. However, although the accuracy is still less than desirable in some cases, it is much better than the order of magnitude error previously expected.


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When two rough surfaces are loaded together it is well known that the area of true contact is very much smaller then the geometric area and that, consequently, local contact pressures are very much greater than the nominal value. If the asperities on each surface can be thought of as possessing smooth summits and each of the solids is elastically isotropic then the pressure distribution will consist of a series of small, but severe, Hertzian patches. However, if one of both of the surfaces in question is protected by a boundary layer then both the number and dimensions of these patches, and the form of the pressure distribution within them, will be modified. Recent experimental evidence from studies using both Atomic Force Microscopy and micro-tribometry suggests that boundary films produced by the action of commercial anti-wear additives, such as ZDTP, exhibit mechanical properties, which are affected by local values of pressure. These changes bring about further modifications to local conditions. These effects have been explored in a numerical model of rough surface contact and the implications for the mechanisms of surface distress and wear are discussed. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A ball-on-flat reciprocating micro-tribometer has been used to measure the friction coefficient between aluminium alloy strip and a steel ball. A relatively small ball and correspondingly low contact load is used to give a contact width of the order of 100μm, closer to asperity contact widths than generally found for this type of test. The effects of load, initial strip surface roughness, lubricants and boundary additives are investigated. It is found that the friction coefficient is significantly reduced by the addition of a lubricant. Observations of the wear tracks and ball surface show that the material transfer from aluminium to the ball is reduced in the presence of the lubricant. The initial friction coefficient is further reduced by the addition of a boundary additive, but the friction coefficient after 8 cycles is unchanged. Copyright © 2004 by Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.


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The probabilistic nature of ignition of premixed and non-premixecl turbulent opposed-jet flames has been examined and the flame structures following ignition have been visualized directly and with OH-PLIF. It has been found that high bulk velocities decrease the ignition probability in all locations and for all flames. Ignition is sometimes possible even in locations where there is negligible probability of finding flammable mixture and is sometimes impossible in locations with high probability of flammable fluid. The edge flame propagation speed is also estimated.


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An experimental and theoretical investigation of premixed turbulent combustion in an engine simulator is presented. The distribution of hydroxyl radicals formed in the combustion of propane/air mixtures was visualized by 2D-LIF and used to monitor the progress of the combustion process. For stoichiometric mixtures, images showed a continuous wrinkled flame front, while in lean (λ=1.5) mixtures, local flame extinction was observed as discontinuities in the reaction zone. A bright active reaction zone was still observed in flame inlets and closed concave structures. The effects of self-absorption and of collisional quenching on the fluorescence signal are considered and appear to have only a minor net influence on the shape and width of the flame front. The images are evaluated and interpreted in terms of the Lewis number effect and the laminar flamelet model. Analysis was performed by determining the contour lines of the images (specifically, the ratios of average maximum to equilibrium OH concentration) and comparing with corresponding ratios from unstrained flame simulations. The results show that although the degree of turbulence is not high enough for straining effects to be important, flamelet curvature does play a significant role in the combustion of lean mixtures; this is manifested by a mean effective flame velocity that is less than the laminar burning velocity. © 1991 Combustion Institute.


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Gasoline Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion has been studied widely in the past decade. However, in HCCI engines using negative valve overlap (NVO), there is still uncertainty as to whether the effect of pilot injection during NVO on the start of combustion is primarily due to heat release of the pilot fuel during NVO or whether it is due to pilot fuel reformation. This paper presents data taken on a 4-cylinder gasoline direct injection, spark ignition/HCCI engine with a dual cam system, capable of recompressing residual gas. Engine in-cylinder samples are extracted at various points during the engine cycle through a high-speed sampling system and directly analysed with a gas chromatograph and flame ionisation detector. Engine parameter sweeps are performed for different pilot injection timings and quantities at a medium load point. Results show that for lean engine running conditions, earlier pilot injection timing leads to partial oxidation of the injected pilot fuel during NVO, while the fraction of light hydrocarbons remains constant for all parameter variations investigated. The same applies for a variation in pilot fuel amount. Thus there is evidence that in lean conditions, pilot injection-related NVO effects are dominated by heat release rather than fuel reformation. © 2009 SAE International.


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Portland cement is the most commonly and widely used binder in ground improvement soil stabilisation applications. However, many changes are now affecting the selection and application of stabilisation additives. These include the significant environmental impacts of Portland cement, increased use of industrial by-products and their variability, increased range of application of binders and the development of alternative cements and novel additives with enhanced environmental and technical performance. This paper presents results from a number of research projects on the application of a number of Portland cement-blended binders, which offer sustainability advantages over Portland cement alone, in soil stabilisation. The blend materials included ground granulated blastfurnace slag, pulverised fuel ash, cement kiln dust, zeolite and reactive magnesia and stabilised soils, ranging from sand and gravel to clay, and were assessed based on their mechanical performance and durability. The results are presented in terms of strength and durability enhancements offered by those blended binders.


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The fluid dynamic operation of a valveless pulse combustor has been studied experimentally and numerically. Through phase-locked chemiluminescence and pressure measurements it is shown that mechanical energy is created periodically in the flame surface, with an efficiency of 1.6%. This mechanical energy leaves the pulse combustor through unsteady jets at the aerovalve inlet and the tailpipe exit stations. Two thermodynamically distinct flows are identified: a flow that is transported from inlet to exit and participates in combustion along the way, and a flow that is ingested and then ejected from the combustor without undergoing combustion. It is the latter of these two flows which has the greatest quantity of net work done on it. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are known to exhibit extraordinary mechanical properties such as high tensile strength, the highest Young modulus etc. These, combining with their large aspect ratio, make CNTs an excellent additive candidate to complement or substitute traditional carbon black or glass fiber fillers for the development of nano-reinforced composites. CNTs have thus far been used as additives in polymers, ceramics and metals to be pursued on practical applications of their composites. © 2010 IEEE.


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Lean premixed prevaporized (LPP) technology has been widely used in the new generation of gas turbines in which reduced emissions are a priority. However, such combustion systems are susceptible to the damage of self-excited oscillations. Feedback control provide a way of preventing such dynamic stabilities. A flame dynamics assumption is proposed for a recently developed unsteady heat release model, the robust design technique, ℋ ∞ loop-shaping, is applied for the controller design and the performance of the controller is confirmed by simulations of the closed-loop system. The Integral Quadratic Constraints(IQC) method is employed to prove the stability of the closed-loop system. ©2010 IEEE.


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The past 15 years have seen increasing applications of soil mix technology in land remediation, mainly in stabilisation/solidification treatments and the construction of low-permeability cut-off walls and permeable reactive barriers; clear evidence of the versatility of the technology and its wide-ranging applications. This paper provides an overview of some of the recent innovations of soil mix technology in land remediation covering equipment developments and applications, including systems for rectangular panels and trenching systems, treatments, such as chemical oxidation, and additives, such as modified clays, zeolites and reactive magnesia. The paper also provides case studies for such innovations. The paper concludes with an overview of an on-going research and development project SMiRT (Soil Mix Remediation Technology) which will involve field trials on a contaminated site and will employ some of the innovations discussed in the paper. The range of significant advantages that soil mix technology now offers compared to other remediation techniques is likely to place this remediation method at the forefront of remedial options for future brownfield projects.


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A general equation for a variance parameter, appearing as a crucial quantity in a simple algebraic expression for the mean chemical rate, is derived. This derivation is based on a flamelet approach to model a turbulent premixed flame, for high but finite values of the Damköhler number. Application of this equation to the case of a planar turbulent flame normal to the oncoming flow of reactants gives good agreement with DNS data corresponding to three different values of the Damköhler number and two values of the heat release parameter. © 2011.