927 resultados para finite difference time-domain analysis


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The literature investigated the effects of chronic baroque music auditory stimulation on the cardiovascular system. However, it lacks in the literature the acute effects of different styles of music on cardiac autonomic regulation. To evaluate the acute effects of baroque and heavy metal music on heart rate variability (HRV) in women. The study was performed in 21 healthy women between 18 and 30 years old. We excluded persons with previous experience with music instrument and those who had affinity with the song styles. All procedures were performed in the same sound-proof room. We analyzed HRV in the time (standard deviation of normal-to-normal respiratory rate (RR) intervals, root-mean square of differences between adjacent normal RR intervals in a time interval, and the percentage of adjacent RR intervals with a difference of duration greater than 50 ms) and frequency (low frequency [LF], high frequency [HF], and LF/HF ratio) domains. HRV was recorded at rest for 10 min. Subsequently they were exposed to baroque or heavy metal music for 5 min through an earphone. After the first music exposure they remained at rest for more 5 min and them they were exposed again to baroque or heavy metal music. The sequence of songs was randomized for each individual. The power analysis provided a minimal number of 18 subjects. Shapiro-Wilk to verify normality of data and analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by the Bonferroni test for parametric variables and Friedman's followed by the Dunn's post-test for non-parametric distributions. During the analysis of the time-domain indices were not changed. In the frequency-domain analysis, the LF in absolute units was reduced during the heavy metal music stimulation compared to control. Acute exposure to heavy metal music affected the sympathetic activity in healthy women.


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The influenza virus has been a challenge to science due to its ability to withstand new environmental conditions. Taking into account the development of virus sequence databases, computational approaches can be helpful to understand virus behavior over time. Furthermore, they can suggest new directions to deal with influenza. This work presents triplet entropy analysis as a potential phylodynamic tool to quantify nucleotide organization of viral sequences. The application of this measure to segments of hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) of H1N1 and H3N2 virus subtypes has shown some variability effects along timeline, inferring about virus evolution. Sequences were divided by year and compared for virus subtype (H1N1 and H3N2). The nonparametric Mann-Whitney test was used for comparison between groups. Results show that differentiation in entropy precedes differentiation in GC content for both groups. Considering the HA fragment, both triplet entropy as well as GC concentration show intersection in 2009, year of the recent pandemic. Some conclusions about possible flu evolutionary lines were drawn. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Essa dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a influência de famílias wavelets e suas ordens no desempenho de um algoritmo de localização de faltas a partir das ondas viajantes de dois terminais de uma linha de transmissão aérea. Tornou-se objetivo secundário a modelagem de um sistema elétrico de potência (SEP) para obtenção de um universo de faltas que validassem o localizador. Para isso, parte de um SEP da Eletrobrás-Eletronorte em 500/230 kV foi modelado no Alternative Transient Program (ATP) utilizando-se parâmetros reais. A Transformada Wavelet, via análise multiresolução (AMR), é empregada valendo-se de sua característica de localização temporal, permitindo caracterizações precisas de instantes de transitórios eletromagnéticos ocasionados por faltas, as quais geram ondas que ao se propagarem em direção aos terminais da linha contêm os tempos de propagação destas do local do defeito a tais terminais e podem ser convenientemente extraídos por tal transformada. Pela metodologia adotada no algoritmo, a diferença entre esses tempos determina com boa exatidão o local de ocorrência da falta sobre a linha. Entretanto, um dos agentes variantes do erro nessa estimação é a escolha da Wavelet usada na AMR dos sinais, sendo, portanto, a avaliação dessa escolha sobre o erro, objetivo principal do trabalho, justificada pela ainda inexistente fundamentação científica que garanta a escolha de uma wavelet ótima a uma certa aplicação. Dentre um leque de Wavelets discretas, obtiveram-se resultados adequados para 16 delas, havendo erros máximos inferiores aos 250 metros estipulados para a precisão. Duas Wavelets, a Db15 e a Sym17, sobressaíram-se ao errarem, respectivamente, 3,5 e 1,1 vezes menos que as demais. A metodologia empregada consta da: exportação dos dados das faltas do ATP para o MATLAB®; aplicação da transformação modal de Clarke; decomposição dos modos alfa e síntese dos níveis 1 de detalhes via AMR; cálculo de suas máximas magnitudes e determinação dos índices temporais; e por fim, a teoria das ondas viajantes equaciona e estima o local do defeito sobre a LT, sendo tudo isso programado no MATLAB e os erros de localização analisados estatisticamente no Microsoft Excell®. Ao final elaborou-se ainda uma GUI (Guide User Interface) para a Interface Homem-Máquina (IHM) do localizador, servindo também para análises gráficas de qualquer das contingências aplicadas ao SEP. Os resultados alcançados demonstram uma otimização de performance em razão da escolha da wavelet mais adequada ao algoritmo e norteiam para uma aplicação prática do localizador.


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A presente pesquisa trata o projeto e análise de uma antena monopolo planar com geometria modificada visando sua utilização para recepção do sinal de TV digital operante no Brasil na faixa de 470 MHz a 806 MHz. Faixa essa contida no espectro de UHF – Ultra High Frequency (300 MHz a 3 GHz). Para desenvolvimento desse trabalho foi tomado como referência à antena denominada “The Hi Monopole”. Que originalmente foi apresentada para operar em sistemas UWB (Ultra Wide Band) em 3,1 a 10,6 GHz. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho proposto, diferentes técnicas de adequação da antena podem ser utilizadas para operação em banda larga, tais como: modificação na estrutura da antena, carregamento resistivo, chaveamento, utilização de elementos parasitas e estruturas de casamento. O projeto de antenas banda larga pode ser realizado a partir de três abordagens diferentes: domínio do tempo, domínio da frequência e método de expansão por singularidades. O método no domínio da frequência foi empregado neste trabalho para o projeto da antena proposta, algumas das técnicas supracitadas foram analisadas almejando o aumento da largura de banda, sendo confeccionado um protótipo da antena para validar os conceitos empregados. A antena foi então projetada para a faixa de 470 MHz a 890 MHz. O protótipo construído para essa mesma faixa apresentou bons resultados, o que valida à técnica empregada. Aspectos positivos e negativos do uso desta técnica são discutidos ao longo do trabalho. O programa computacional comercial CST® MICROWAVE STUDIO, baseado na Técnica da Integração Finita (FIT), foi usado para simulações no domínio da frequência.


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Apresentamos aqui uma metodologia alternativa para modelagem de ferramentas de indução diretamente no domínio do tempo. Este trabalho consiste na solução da equação de difusão do campo eletromagnético através do método de diferenças finitas. O nosso modelo consiste de um meio estratificado horizontalmente, através do qual simulamos um deslocamento da ferramenta na direção perpendicular às interfaces. A fonte consiste de uma bobina excitada por uma função degrau de corrente e o registro do campo induzido no meio é feito através de uma bobina receptora localizada acima da bobina transmissora. Na solução da equação de difusão determinamos o campo primário e o campo secundário separadamente. O campo primário é obtido analiticamente e o campo secundário é determinado utilizando-se o método de Direção Alternada Implícita, resultando num sistema tri-diagonal que é resolvido através do método recursivo proposto por Claerbout. Finalmente, determina-se o valor máximo do campo elétrico secundário em cada posição da ferramenta ao longo da formação, obtendo-se assim uma perfilagem no domínio do tempo. Os resultados obtidos mostram que este método é bastante eficiente na determinação do contato entre camadas, inclusive para camadas de pequena espessura.


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O presente trabalho apresenta um projeto e análise de uma antena monopolo planar multibanda operante nas frequências de 2000 MHz, 2500 MHz e 3500 MHz para aplicação em dispositivos móveis 3G e 4G. Dentre essas faixas estão contidos os espectros 3G (1895- 2165 MHz), 4G (2500-2690 MHz) e 4G (3400-3600 MHz) utilizadas pelo LTE e WIMAX 3,5. Para o desenvolvimento desse estudo foi tomado como referência uma antena dual-band de Hua- Ming Chen projetada para operar em sistemas ISM 1800 MHz, redes Wireless e Bluetooth 2400 MHz. O projeto proposto neste trabalho é uma modificação na estrutura da antena dual-band adaptada para tripla ressonância simultânea em frequências utilizadas em redes móveis 4G. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto utilizou-se para simulação o software CST® MICROWAVE STUDIO baseado no método Integração Finita no Domínio, as simulações foram feitas no domínio do tempo. Após obtenção satisfatória dos resultados simulados, um protótipo da antena foi confeccionado para medição e teste, os resultados apresentados são coerentes aos obtidos na simulação, o que valida o método proposto.


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The present work describes an alternative methodology for identification of aeroelastic stability in a range of varying parameters. Analysis is performed in time domain based on Lyapunov stability and solved by convex optimization algorithms. The theory is outlined and simulations are carried out on a benchmark system to illustrate the method. The classical methodology with the analysis of the system's eigenvalues is presented for comparing the results and validating the approach. The aeroelastic model is represented in state space format and the unsteady aerodynamic forces are written in time domain using rational function approximation. The problem is formulated as a polytopic differential inclusion system and the conceptual idea can be used in two different applications. In the first application the method verifies the aeroelastic stability in a range of air density (or its equivalent altitude range). In the second one, the stability is verified for a rage of velocities. These analyses are in contrast to the classical discrete analysis performed at fixed air density/velocity values. It is shown that this method is efficient to identify stability regions in the flight envelope and it offers promise for robust flutter identification.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The FENE-CR model is investigated through a numerical algorithm to simulate the time-dependent moving free surface flow produced by a jet impinging on a flat surface. The objective is to demonstrate that by increasing the extensibility parameter L, the numerical solutions converge to the solutions obtained with the Oldroyd-B model. The governing equations are solved by an established free surface flow solver based on the finite difference and marker-and-cell methods. Numerical predictions of the extensional viscosity obtained with several values of the parameter L are presented. The results show that if the extensibility parameter L is sufficiently large then the extensional viscosities obtained with the FENE-CR model approximate the corresponding Oldroyd-B viscosity. Moreover, the flow from a jet impinging on a flat surface is simulated with various values of the extensibility parameter L and the fluid flow visualizations display convergence to the Oldroyd-B jet flow results.


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This paper presents a new methodology to analyze aeroelastic stability in a continuous range of flight envelope with varying parameter of velocity and altitude. The focus of the paper is to demonstrate that linear matrix inequalities can be used to evaluate the aeroelastic stability in a region of flight envelope instead of a single point, like classical methods. The proposed methodology can also be used to study if a system remains stable during an arbitrary motion from one point to another in the flight envelope, i.e., when the problem becomes time-variant. The main idea is to represent the system as a polytopic differential inclusion system using rational function approximation to write the model in time domain. The theory is outlined and simulations are carried out on the benchmark AGARD 445.6 wing to demonstrate the method. The classical pk-method is used for comparing results and validating the approach. It is shown that this method is efficient to identify stability regions in the flight envelope. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To evaluate the retinal nerve fiber layer measurements with time-domain (TD) and spectral-domain (SD) optical coherence tomography (OCT), and to test the diagnostic ability of both technologies in glaucomatous patients with asymmetric visual hemifield loss. Methods: 36 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma with visual field loss in one hemifield (affected) and absent loss in the other (non-affected), and 36 age-matched healthy controls had the study eye imaged with Stratus-OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California, USA) and 3 D OCT-1000 (Topcon, Tokyo, Japan). Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and normative classification were recorded. Total deviation values were averaged in each hemifield (hemifield mean deviation) for each subject. Visual field and retinal nerve fiber layer "asymmetry indexes" were calculated as the ratio between affected versus non-affected hemifields and corresponding hemiretinas. Results: Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements in non-affected hemifields (mean [SD] 87.0 [17.1] mu m and 84.3 [20.2] mu m, for TD and SD-OCT, respectively) were thinner than in controls (119.0 [12.2] mu m and 117.0 [17.7] mu m, P<0.001). The optical coherence tomography normative database classified 42% and 67% of hemiretinas corresponding to non-affected hemifields as abnormal in TD and SD-OCT, respectively (P=0.01). Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements were consistently thicker with TD compared to SD-OCT. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness asymmetry index was similar in TD (0.76 [0.17]) and SD-OCT (0.79 [0.12]) and significantly greater than the visual field asymmetry index (0.36 [0.20], P<0.001). Conclusions: Normal hemifields of glaucoma patients had thinner retinal nerve fiber layer than healthy eyes, as measured by TD and SD-OCT. Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements were thicker with TD than SD-OCT. SD-OCT detected abnormal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness more often than TD-OCT.


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This paper presents preliminary results to determine small displacements of a global positioning system (GPS) antenna fastened to a structure using only one L1 GPS receiver. Vibrations, periodic or not, are common in large structures, such as bridges, footbridges, tall buildings, and towers under dynamic loads. The behavior in time and frequency leads to structural analysis studies. The hypothesis of this article is that any large structure that presents vibrations in the centimeter-to-millimeter range can be monitored by phase measurements of a single L1 receiver with a high data rate, as long as the direction of the displacement is pointing to a particular satellite. Within this scenario, the carrier phase will be modulated by antenna displacement. During a period of a few dozen seconds, the relative displacement to the satellite, the satellite clock, and the atmospheric phase delays can be assumed as a polynomial time function. The residuals from a polynomial adjustment contain the phase modulation owing to small displacements, random noise, receiver clock short time instabilities, and multipath. The results showed that it is possible to detect displacements of centimeters in the phase data of a single satellite and millimeters in the difference between the phases of two satellites. After applying a periodic nonsinusoidal displacement of 10 m to the antenna, it is clearly recovered in the difference of the residuals. The time domain spectrum obtained by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) exhibited a defined peak of the third harmonic much more than the random noise using the proposed third-degree polynomial model. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000070. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The boundary layer over concave surfaces can be unstable due to centrifugal forces, giving rise to Goertler vortices. These vortices create two regions in the spanwise direction—the upwash and downwash regions. The downwash region is responsible for compressing the boundary layer toward the wall, increasing the heat transfer rate. The upwash region does the opposite. In the nonlinear development of the Goertler vortices, it can be observed that the upwash region becomes narrow and the spanwise–average heat transfer rate is higher than that for a Blasius boundary layer. This paper analyzes the influence of the spanwise wavelength of the Goertler the heat transfer. The equation is written in vorticity-velocity formulation. The time integration is done via a classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The spatial derivatives are calculated using high-order compact finite difference and spectral methods. Three different wavelengths are analyzed. The results show that steady Goertler flow can increase the heat transfer rates to values close to the values of turbulence, without the existence of a secondary instability. The geometry (and computation domain) are presented