1000 resultados para festivales de cine


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"Bruno Aleixo" is a viral animation character, created by the Portuguese collective GANA, that surfaced online in 2008. Their animation works have meanwhile crossed onto the most diverse media, and have been branching out in multiple webs of narratives, constantly referring to each other, as well as constantly quoting disparate references such as film classics, chatrooms and TV ads for detergents. This paper attempts a triple analysis of this object of study: the ways in which technology has been fostering non-linear narratives while widening the available aesthetic spectrum, the ways in which processes of cultural consumerism are being reinvented in light of the web 2.0, and the use of "pseudo-nonsense" as a process of oblique cultural psychoanalysis. We will further attempt to demonstrate how new media and web networks have been contributing to a fragmentation of audiences, as well as a blurring between dominant cultures and sub-cultural phenomena; and we will end by positing that the structural principles behind the "Bruno Aleixo" series can be applied in social and cultural contexts situated at the opposite end of the spectrum of traditional expectations regarding Animation.


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Minimally invasive cardiovascular interventions guided by multiple imaging modalities are rapidly gaining clinical acceptance for the treatment of several cardiovascular diseases. These images are typically fused with richly detailed pre-operative scans through registration techniques, enhancing the intra-operative clinical data and easing the image-guided procedures. Nonetheless, rigid models have been used to align the different modalities, not taking into account the anatomical variations of the cardiac muscle throughout the cardiac cycle. In the current study, we present a novel strategy to compensate the beat-to-beat physiological adaptation of the myocardium. Hereto, we intend to prove that a complete myocardial motion field can be quickly recovered from the displacement field at the myocardial boundaries, therefore being an efficient strategy to locally deform the cardiac muscle. We address this hypothesis by comparing three different strategies to recover a dense myocardial motion field from a sparse one, namely, a diffusion-based approach, thin-plate splines, and multiquadric radial basis functions. Two experimental setups were used to validate the proposed strategy. First, an in silico validation was carried out on synthetic motion fields obtained from two realistic simulated ultrasound sequences. Then, 45 mid-ventricular 2D sequences of cine magnetic resonance imaging were processed to further evaluate the different approaches. The results showed that accurate boundary tracking combined with dense myocardial recovery via interpolation/ diffusion is a potentially viable solution to speed up dense myocardial motion field estimation and, consequently, to deform/compensate the myocardial wall throughout the cardiac cycle. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Given the dynamic nature of cardiac function, correct temporal alignment of pre-operative models and intraoperative images is crucial for augmented reality in cardiac image-guided interventions. As such, the current study focuses on the development of an image-based strategy for temporal alignment of multimodal cardiac imaging sequences, such as cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or 3D Ultrasound (US). First, we derive a robust, modality-independent signal from the image sequences, estimated by computing the normalized crosscorrelation between each frame in the temporal sequence and the end-diastolic frame. This signal is a resembler for the left-ventricle (LV) volume curve over time, whose variation indicates di erent temporal landmarks of the cardiac cycle. We then perform the temporal alignment of these surrogate signals derived from MRI and US sequences of the same patient through Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), allowing to synchronize both sequences. The proposed framework was evaluated in 98 patients, which have undergone both 3D+t MRI and US scans. The end-systolic frame could be accurately estimated as the minimum of the image-derived surrogate signal, presenting a relative error of 1:6 1:9% and 4:0 4:2% for the MRI and US sequences, respectively, thus supporting its association with key temporal instants of the cardiac cycle. The use of DTW reduces the desynchronization of the cardiac events in MRI and US sequences, allowing to temporally align multimodal cardiac imaging sequences. Overall, a generic, fast and accurate method for temporal synchronization of MRI and US sequences of the same patient was introduced. This approach could be straightforwardly used for the correct temporal alignment of pre-operative MRI information and intra-operative US images.


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In daily cardiology practice, assessment of left ventricular (LV) global function using non-invasive imaging remains central for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Despite the different methodologies currently accessible for LV segmentation in cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images, a fast and complete LV delineation is still limitedly available for routine use. In this study, a localized anatomically constrained affine optical flow method is proposed for fast and automatic LV tracking throughout the full cardiac cycle in short-axis CMR images. Starting from an automatically delineated LV in the end-diastolic frame, the endocardial and epicardial boundaries are propagated by estimating the motion between adjacent cardiac phases using optical flow. In order to reduce the computational burden, the motion is only estimated in an anatomical region of interest around the tracked boundaries and subsequently integrated into a local affine motion model. Such localized estimation enables to capture complex motion patterns, while still being spatially consistent. The method was validated on 45 CMR datasets taken from the 2009 MICCAI LV segmentation challenge. The proposed approach proved to be robust and efficient, with an average distance error of 2.1 mm and a correlation with reference ejection fraction of 0.98 (1.9 ± 4.5%). Moreover, it showed to be fast, taking 5 seconds for the tracking of a full 4D dataset (30 ms per image). Overall, a novel fast, robust and accurate LV tracking methodology was proposed, enabling accurate assessment of relevant global function cardiac indices, such as volumes and ejection fraction.


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In Europe, the first half of the twentieth century was characterize by the rise of authoritarian regimes that used cinema as a propaganda tool for the prosecution and consolidation of political power. Indeed, film conveyed images, symbols, myths to an extent and strength that no other media had. In Portugal, the 1930 and 1940’s represent one of the most significant phases, either because of the introduction/strengthening of the technology of sound cinema, whether by the action of the Secretariado Nacional de Propaganda, the propaganda instrument of Estado Novo. Among the multitude of ways that this organization resorted to spread the political message of Estado Novo, cinema in particular aroused the attention of its director, António Ferro, as a preferred mean of communication with the masses. This communication seeks to examine the role played by António Ferro in the national film scene. It intends to determine the nature and direction of his cinematographic vision, i.e., his ethical and aesthetic assumptions, firstly, and secondly, its political action towards the portuguese film industry, as director of the SPN / SNI, under the tutelage of Oliveira Salazar.


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Na sequência de Que coisa é o filme, também publicado nesta colecção, abordamos aqui as relações entre filosofia e cinema, uma área de estudos que, sobretudo a partir de Cinéma 1 e Cinéma 2 de Gilles Deleuze e da vasta reflexão de Stanley Cavell, se autonomizou no âmbito dos Film Studies e das Teorias do Cinema. O presente texto constitui uma introdução às questões e problemas suscitados por uma filmosofia ou por uma cine-filosofia, esboçando primeiras hipóteses de trabalho sobre o que possa ser um “filme que filosofa”.


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ABSTRACT: Adopting the concept of metalepsis, as explained by Gérard Genette, I intend to tackle the miscegenation of ontological worlds as practiced in metacinematic films dealing either with the creator or the spectator and made famous with Woody Allen’s film The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985, EUA). Assuming the existence of two adjoining fictional universes, one of them intrafilmically projected onto a screen and the other positioned in front of it so as to create or observe the other, one realizes that, in fact, they both communicate in a more intense way. That is, they both can cross the barrier that separates them and function, literally, as communicating vessels thrusting themselves onto the other side of fiction. The use of this screen passage technique – which I call ‘spilling narrative’ – although it takes place inside the film, at an intradiegetic level, cannot be considered a simple comic effect. In actuality, it is a very serious affair, denoting the authorial intervention as a reflexive practice of écriture by means of a mise en abyme, according to Lucien Dällenbach. Therefore, the fictional spilling over of worlds which totally blends together both sides of the twice artificial universe of the fabula, represents the emotional and intellectual involvement of the creator with his/her creation and of the spectator with the world watched. Both illustrate the desire of fusion inherent in the acts of creation and reception. My approach will be based on Gabriele Salvatores’ Happy Family (2010) and Wojciech Marczewski’s Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema (1990).


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ABSTRACT: Between pure documentary and pure fiction there are, more and more, a reasonable number of cinematic alternatives that convey a dimension of non-reality. Between the pointedly factual discourse and the irrational belief in an entirely narrative world, there intervenes an informed conviction in a truthful but nonexistent universe, in which the formal enunciation sells an image of objectivity. In a path that leads us from the forms and contents of reflexive and performative documentaries, according to Bill Nichols, and ends up in fake documentary itself, we will have the opportunity to stress the filmic construction and its inherent narrative purpose, be it a fictional story or the creator himself as character (others would say subject) of the cinematic construct. In a boomerang kind of logic, the more the objects direct us to a referent, the more they restore us a creative/authorial reference and, along with it, the narrative idea that instills it. In Woody Allen’s case, this storytelling manifests itself in the fake documentary genre, which works as if it is the reality, only to better manifest the sole reality that interests the director: that of the metacinema, or the cinema as self-referencial reality. The practical examples will be derived from the following films: Take the Money and Run (1969) e Husbands and Wives (1992).


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ABSTRACT: The American metacinema which, by tradition, is narrative but extremely formulaic favours the story above the telling. No man contributed more to alter this state of affairs than Orson Welles, whose cinematic practice exalted the filmic enunciation and linked it more explicitly to the narrative intentions of the creator, making it obvious that metanarrative is synonymous with metacinema. With Citizen Kane (1941), in particular, the cinema was made more disnarrative, as meant by French writer/director Alain Robbe–Grillet, well ahead of Modernism. The fragmented narration, the temporal convolutions, a tendency for paradox and the interpretative obstacles all come together to anticipate the serial practice of David Lynch in his last four features. Structuring the films in segments which constitute different but complementary versions of the same events, Lynch manages to express the director’s enunciation along with the narration of the characters, reinforcing the role of the telling in the midst of the story. In INLAND EMPIRE (2006) the use of mise-en-abyme as a way of duplicating stories and tellers further increases the objective and complicates what is clearly the reign of the puzzle or mind-game film. In the footsteps of Welles, Lynch contributed for an outbreak of metanarrative / metacinematic crossover indie films closer to the European aesthetic practice but still very much within the American narrative tradition.


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En un país acostumbrado a una cultura en que domina el subtitulado, se ha podido observar, en la última década, una incremento de productos audiovisuales doblados tanto para cine como para televisión. El fenómeno del doblaje, aún poco conocido y estudiado, podrá llevar a un cambio de actitudes y de hábitos del público portugués. La necesidad de observar y analizar el doblaje en Portugal, así como la voluntad de comprender este fenómeno constituyen la bases de esta tesis, como resultado concreto de una investigación llevada a cabo en el ámbito de los Estudios de Traducción Audiovisual, con vista a la obtención del grado académico de Doctor en Traducción y Paratraducción, otorgado por la Universidad de Vigo. El presente trabajo tiene como punto de partida el macrocontexto de la Traducción Audiovisual, pero se focaliza en el doblaje y, secuencialmente, en la realidad del doblaje en Portugal y en el doblaje de productos infanto-juveniles, incidiendo sobre el humor como un microcosmo relevante, debido a su especificidad en términos lingüísticos y culturales para la observación de este fenómeno. Se comprende la Traducción Audiovisual como mediación lingüística, cultural y semiótica centrada en un producto – el texto audiovisual. Este es el resultado de la acción combinatoria de signos verbales, visuales y auditivos. Cada uno transporta un sentido único e insustituible para la comunicación, ganando nuevos significados en las varias combinaciones creadas por esos mismos signos. Este polimorfismo semiótico se concretiza a través de la conjugación singular y exclusiva de todos los elementos verbales y no verbales, consistiendo en algo más que una suma de factores. Es un nuevo texto que se construye en un momento y en un espacio determinados.En este contexto, sobresale un fenómeno que está ganando más relevancia como modalidad traductora en la televisión portuguesa: la aceptación “inconsciente” del doblaje, ya que los programas doblados con imagen real se están imponiendo gradualmente y el público infanto-juvenil tiene una mayor apetencia por estos productos, contribuyendo así en un consumo creciente del doblaje. Asistiendo a este cambio en los comportamientos, se cuestiona si estaremos frente a un nuevo tipo de espectador, más receptivo al doblaje, una vez que las nuevas generaciones, acostumbradas desde edad temprana a ver programas doblados, pueden cambiar sus preferencias y hábitos televisivos, adoptando una actitud más positiva hacia el doblaje. De esta manera, se considera la hipótesis de que el consumo masivo de productos audiovisuales doblados por los jóvenes actuales llevará a la aceptación del doblaje como medio preferencial de acceso al texto audiovisual, lato senso en el futuro. En este sentido y con el propósito de comprender y describir el fenómeno del doblaje en Portugal, conviene analizar varios aspectos, principalmente los de la oferta de productos audiovisuales doblados, del proceso técnico y profesional, de las preferencias de los receptores, del producto y de la traducción. Desde una perspectiva histórica, en la génesis de la opción por subtitular los productos audiovisuales extranjeros en Portugal, habría un intento de desincentivar el consumo de películas extranjeras y de impulsar la distribución de la producción nacional, que se adecuaba más a los valores del régimen de Salazar. Aún después del cambio de régimen, los subtítulos se mantuvieron como modalidad traductora dominante, que resulta de un proceso de habituación y aculturación que puede explicar el mantenimiento de las preferencias del público portugués durante décadas. Sin embargo, en Portugal se ha asistido al aumento gradual de la oferta televisiva y fílmica, sobre todo desde la introducción de los canales privados de señal abierta y por suscripción. La observación y contabilización de la oferta elevisiva reveló un número significativo de productos audiovisuales doblados en Portugal, dirigidos hacia los segmentos etarios más jóvenes. La hegemonía del doblaje con relación a los subtítulos, en lo que se refiere a la traducción de los productos infanto-juveniles extranjeros, condujo a un incremento del consumo de programas infanto-juveniles doblados. Ante esto y debido a la utilización del doblaje, se constató el dominio de la lengua portuguesa en la programación infanto-juvenil, lo que disminuye el contacto de este público con las lenguas extranjeras. Así se comprobó una tendencia a ampliar el ámbito de acción del doblaje en las emisiones televisivas, respondiendo a las cuotas de lengua portuguesa en la televisión en Portugal. Se imponía así ir remontarse hasta el origen del producto final y comprender cómo funciona el proceso técnico del doblaje. Para eso viví in loco la experiencia de la grabación en estudio, entrevisté personalmente y por correo electrónico a los profesionales del área, vi y analicé documentos dedeo emitidos en la televisión y en Internet sobre esta actividad profesional. De la observación llevada a cabo en el terreno, se comprobó que el proceso de doblaje en Portugal es, sobre todo, una cadena secuencial de profesionales, que pasa por la intervención de distintos agentes en el texto doblado, no siendo únicamente responsabilidad del traductor. La versión final se somete a la manipulación lingüística de los directores de doblaje, a la adaptación sonora de los técnicos de sonido y a la interpretación de los actores, No se pudo comprobar el grado de responsabilidad de cada interviniente, dado que no fue posible acceder a las primeras versiones traducidas Se ha demostrado que el traductor es uno entre muchos agentes en el proceso técnico y que su intervención termina cuando entrega el texto traducido al director de doblaje. Considerando que en Portugal son los niños y los jóvenes los principales destinatarios del doblaje, se comprobó el perfil heterogéneo de este público, delimitado por franjas etarias y caracterizado por la especificidad de sus competencias lingüísticas, culturales y cognitivas, así como por la inexperiencia vivencial. Este hecho propicia la adopción del doblaje modalidad traductora preferencial para este segmento etario. Se confirmó, como resultado de la observación empírica efectuada, que la tipología de los programas televisivos infanto-juveniles en Portugal es poco diversificada y algo repetitiva, con gran prevalencia de la animación sobre la imagen real. Sin embargo, esta investigación reveló la existencia de un nuevo tipo de formato televisivo, con elevado potencial investigativo y que modificó los hábitos y las costumbres del público infanto-juvenil: las teencoms. Esta nueva tipología televisiva, compuesta por secuencias cortas de historias, por un ritmo acelerado de la acción y un discurso dotado de estructuras discursivas sencillas con un enfoque humorístico de fácil comprensión y asimilación por los espectadores más jóvenes, se emite doblada, contrariamente a la práctica imperante en Portugal de utilizar subtítulos en los programas extranjeros. Después de describir cómo ocurre y se materializa este fenómeno, hace falta comprender el porqué de este cambio de actitud. El doblaje de programas infanto-juveniles puede contener ‘ingredientes’ atractivos que cautivan a este nuevo público, haciéndolo una práctica natural y apetecible. Se cuestiona si los consumidores de programas infanto-juveniles doblados aceptan esta modalidad de TAV (Traducción Audiovisual) como natural e invisible, ya que estos presentan coherencia funcional y, así, garantizan niveles elevados de satisfacción. En este sentido, importa comprender cuáles son los factores de atracción y comprobar la eficacia del producto doblado. Uno de esos factores es el humor, como lo demuestra la cantidad de productos audiovisuales cómicos en Portugal destinados a las franjas etarias más jóvenes. Con relación a la traducción de textos humorísticos, dos ideas figuran en varios estudios: la dificultad en traducir el humor debido a las características lingüístico-culturales de cada comunidad, y la necesidad de recurrir a estrategias funcionalistas para que la comunidad pueda ser replicada en el producto audiovisual doblado. De la misma manera, considero que, por su subjetividad, la transferencia interlingüística del humor parece realmente una de las áreas más complejas para el traductor. Pero desde la óptica del investigador, se reveló como un objeto de análisis productivo y revelador del fenómeno del doblaje.


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Trabalho de Projeto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Produção.


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O volume I desta obra encontra-se disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/35539


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Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the predictive values of noninvasive tests for the detection of allograft vascular disease. METHODS: We studied 39 patients with mean ages of 48±13 years and a follow-up period of 86±13 months. The diagnosis of allograft vascular disease was made by cine-coronary arteriography, and it was considered as positive if lesions existed that caused > or = 50% obstruction of the lumen. Patients underwent 24h Holter monitoring, thallium scintigraphy, a treadmill stress test, and dobutamine stress echocardiography. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were determined in percentages for each method, as compared with the cine-coronary arteriography results. RESULTS: Allograft vascular disease was found in 15 (38%) patients. The Holter test showed 15.4% sensitivity, 95.5% specificity. For the treadmill stress test, sensitivity was 10%, specificity was 100%. When thallium scintigraphy was used, sensitivity was 40%, specificity 95.8%. On echocardiography with dobutamine, we found a 63.6% sensitivity, 91.3% specificity. When the dobutamine echocardiogram was associated with scintigraphy, sensitivity was 71.4%, specificity was 87%. CONCLUSION: In this group of patients, the combination of two noninvasive methods (dobutamine echocardiography and thallium scintigraphy) may be a good alternative for the detection of allograft vascular disease in asymptomatic patients with normal ventricular function.