982 resultados para features extraction


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Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM) are one of the earliest techniques used for image texture analysis. In this paper we defined a new feature called trace extracted from the GLCM and its implications in texture analysis are discussed in the context of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). The theoretical extension of GLCM to n-dimensional gray scale images are also discussed. The results indicate that trace features outperform Haralick features when applied to CBIR.


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Content Based Image Retrieval is one of the prominent areas in Computer Vision and Image Processing. Recognition of handwritten characters has been a popular area of research for many years and still remains an open problem. The proposed system uses visual image queries for retrieving similar images from database of Malayalam handwritten characters. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) descriptors of the query images are extracted and those features are compared with the features of the images in database for retrieving desired characters. This system with local binary pattern gives excellent retrieval performance


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A spectral angle based feature extraction method, Spectral Clustering Independent Component Analysis (SC-ICA), is proposed in this work to improve the brain tissue classification from Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). SC-ICA provides equal priority to global and local features; thereby it tries to resolve the inefficiency of conventional approaches in abnormal tissue extraction. First, input multispectral MRI is divided into different clusters by a spectral distance based clustering. Then, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is applied on the clustered data, in conjunction with Support Vector Machines (SVM) for brain tissue analysis. Normal and abnormal datasets, consisting of real and synthetic T1-weighted, T2-weighted and proton density/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images, were used to evaluate the performance of the new method. Comparative analysis with ICA based SVM and other conventional classifiers established the stability and efficiency of SC-ICA based classification, especially in reproduction of small abnormalities. Clinical abnormal case analysis demonstrated it through the highest Tanimoto Index/accuracy values, 0.75/98.8%, observed against ICA based SVM results, 0.17/96.1%, for reproduced lesions. Experimental results recommend the proposed method as a promising approach in clinical and pathological studies of brain diseases


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In recent years there is an apparent shift in research from content based image retrieval (CBIR) to automatic image annotation in order to bridge the gap between low level features and high level semantics of images. Automatic Image Annotation (AIA) techniques facilitate extraction of high level semantic concepts from images by machine learning techniques. Many AIA techniques use feature analysis as the first step to identify the objects in the image. However, the high dimensional image features make the performance of the system worse. This paper describes and evaluates an automatic image annotation framework which uses SURF descriptors to select right number of features and right features for annotation. The proposed framework uses a hybrid approach in which k-means clustering is used in the training phase and fuzzy K-NN classification in the annotation phase. The performance of the system is evaluated using standard metrics.


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Low grade and High grade Gliomas are tumors that originate in the glial cells. The main challenge in brain tumor diagnosis is whether a tumor is benign or malignant, primary or metastatic and low or high grade. Based on the patient's MRI, a radiologist could not differentiate whether it is a low grade Glioma or a high grade Glioma. Because both of these are almost visually similar, autopsy confirms the diagnosis of low grade with high-grade and infiltrative features. In this paper, textural description of Grade I and grade III Glioma are extracted using First order statistics and Gray Level Co-occurance Matrix Method (GLCM). Textural features are extracted from 16X16 sub image of the segmented Region of Interest(ROI) .In the proposed method, first order statistical features such as contrast, Intensity , Entropy, Kurtosis and spectral energy and GLCM features extracted were showed promising results. The ranges of these first order statistics and GLCM based features extracted are highly discriminant between grade I and Grade III. In this study which gives statistical textural information of grade I and grade III Glioma which is very useful for further classification and analysis and thus assisting Radiologist in greater extent.


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Efficient optic disc segmentation is an important task in automated retinal screening. For the same reason optic disc detection is fundamental for medical references and is important for the retinal image analysis application. The most difficult problem of optic disc extraction is to locate the region of interest. Moreover it is a time consuming task. This paper tries to overcome this barrier by presenting an automated method for optic disc boundary extraction using Fuzzy C Means combined with thresholding. The discs determined by the new method agree relatively well with those determined by the experts. The present method has been validated on a data set of 110 colour fundus images from DRION database, and has obtained promising results. The performance of the system is evaluated using the difference in horizontal and vertical diameters of the obtained disc boundary and that of the ground truth obtained from two expert ophthalmologists. For the 25 test images selected from the 110 colour fundus images, the Pearson correlation of the ground truth diameters with the detected diameters by the new method are 0.946 and 0.958 and, 0.94 and 0.974 respectively. From the scatter plot, it is shown that the ground truth and detected diameters have a high positive correlation. This computerized analysis of optic disc is very useful for the diagnosis of retinal diseases


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Mit aktiven Magnetlagern ist es möglich, rotierende Körper durch magnetische Felder berührungsfrei zu lagern. Systembedingt sind bei aktiv magnetgelagerten Maschinen wesentliche Signale ohne zusätzlichen Aufwand an Messtechnik für Diagnoseaufgaben verfügbar. In der Arbeit wird ein Konzept entwickelt, das durch Verwendung der systeminhärenten Signale eine Diagnose magnetgelagerter rotierender Maschinen ermöglicht und somit neben einer kontinuierlichen Anlagenüberwachung eine schnelle Bewertung des Anlagenzustandes gestattet. Fehler können rechtzeitig und ursächlich in Art und Größe erkannt und entsprechende Gegenmaßnahmen eingeleitet werden. Anhand der erfassten Signale geschieht die Gewinnung von Merkmalen mit signal- und modellgestützten Verfahren. Für den Magnetlagerregelkreis erfolgen Untersuchungen zum Einsatz modellgestützter Parameteridentifikationsverfahren, deren Verwendbarkeit wird bei der Diagnose am Regler und Leistungsverstärker nachgewiesen. Unter Nutzung von Simulationsmodellen sowie durch Experimente an Versuchsständen werden die Merkmalsverläufe im normalen Referenzzustand und bei auftretenden Fehlern aufgenommen und die Ergebnisse in einer Wissensbasis abgelegt. Diese dient als Grundlage zur Festlegung von Grenzwerten und Regeln für die Überwachung des Systems und zur Erstellung wissensbasierter Diagnosemodelle. Bei der Überwachung werden die Merkmalsausprägungen auf das Überschreiten von Grenzwerten überprüft, Informationen über erkannte Fehler und Betriebszustände gebildet sowie gegebenenfalls Alarmmeldungen ausgegeben. Sich langsam anbahnende Fehler können durch die Berechnung der Merkmalstrends mit Hilfe der Regressionsanalyse erkannt werden. Über die bisher bei aktiven Magnetlagern übliche Überwachung von Grenzwerten hinaus erfolgt bei der Fehlerdiagnose eine Verknüpfung der extrahierten Merkmale zur Identifizierung und Lokalisierung auftretender Fehler. Die Diagnose geschieht mittels regelbasierter Fuzzy-Logik, dies gestattet die Einbeziehung von linguistischen Aussagen in Form von Expertenwissen sowie die Berücksichtigung von Unbestimmtheiten und ermöglicht damit eine Diagnose komplexer Systeme. Für Aktor-, Sensor- und Reglerfehler im Magnetlagerregelkreis sowie Fehler durch externe Kräfte und Unwuchten werden Diagnosemodelle erstellt und verifiziert. Es erfolgt der Nachweis, dass das entwickelte Diagnosekonzept mit beherrschbarem Rechenaufwand korrekte Diagnoseaussagen liefert. Durch Kaskadierung von Fuzzy-Logik-Modulen wird die Transparenz des Regelwerks gewahrt und die Abarbeitung der Regeln optimiert. Endresultat ist ein neuartiges hybrides Diagnosekonzept, welches signal- und modellgestützte Verfahren der Merkmalsgewinnung mit wissensbasierten Methoden der Fehlerdiagnose kombiniert. Das entwickelte Diagnosekonzept ist für die Anpassung an unterschiedliche Anforderungen und Anwendungen bei rotierenden Maschinen konzipiert.


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To study the complex formation of group 5 elements (Nb, Ta, Ha, and pseudoanalog Pa) in aqueous HCI solutions of medium and high concentrations the electronic structures of anionic complexes of these elements [MCl_6]^-, [MOCl_4]^-, [M(OH)-2 Cl_4]^-, and [MOCl_5]^2- have been calculated using the relativistic Dirac-Slater Discrete-Variational Method. The charge density distribution analysis has shown that tantalum occupies a specific position in the group and has the highest tendency to form the pure halide complex, [TaCl_6-. This fact along with a high covalency of this complex explains its good extractability into aliphatic amines. Niobium has equal trends to form pure halide [NbCl_6]^- and oxyhalide [NbOCl_5]^2- species at medium and high acid concentrations. Protactinium has a slight preference for the [PaOCl_5]^2- form or for the pure halide complexes with coordination number higher than 6 under these conditions. Element 105 at high HCl concentrations will have a preference to form oxyhalide anionic complex [HaOCl_5]^2- rather than [HaCl_6]^-. For the same sort of anionic oxychloride complexes an estimate has been done of their partition between the organic and aqueous phases in the extraction by aliphatic amines, which shows the following succession of the partition coefficients: P_Nb < P_Ha < P_Pa.


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Almost everyone sketches. People use sketches day in and day out in many different and heterogeneous fields, to share their thoughts and clarify ambiguous interpretations, for example. The media used to sketch varies from analog tools like flipcharts to digital tools like smartboards. Whereas analog tools are usually affected by insufficient editing capabilities like cut/copy/paste, digital tools greatly support these scenarios. Digital tools can be grouped into informal and formal tools. Informal tools can be understood as simple drawing environments, whereas formal tools offer sophisticated support to create, optimize and validate diagrams of a certain application domain. Most digital formal tools force users to stick to a concrete syntax and editing workflow, limiting the user’s creativity. For that reason, a lot of people first sketch their ideas using the flexibility of analog or digital informal tools. Subsequently, the sketch is "portrayed" in an appropriate digital formal tool. This work presents Scribble, a highly configurable and extensible sketching framework which allows to dynamically inject sketching features into existing graphical diagram editors, based on Eclipse GEF. This allows to combine the flexibility of informal tools with the power of formal tools without any effort. No additional code is required to augment a GEF editor with sophisticated sketching features. Scribble recognizes drawn elements as well as handwritten text and automatically generates the corresponding domain elements. A local training data library is created dynamically by incrementally learning shapes, drawn by the user. Training data can be shared with others using the WebScribble web application which has been created as part of this work.


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We present a statistical image-based shape + structure model for Bayesian visual hull reconstruction and 3D structure inference. The 3D shape of a class of objects is represented by sets of contours from silhouette views simultaneously observed from multiple calibrated cameras. Bayesian reconstructions of new shapes are then estimated using a prior density constructed with a mixture model and probabilistic principal components analysis. We show how the use of a class-specific prior in a visual hull reconstruction can reduce the effect of segmentation errors from the silhouette extraction process. The proposed method is applied to a data set of pedestrian images, and improvements in the approximate 3D models under various noise conditions are shown. We further augment the shape model to incorporate structural features of interest; unknown structural parameters for a novel set of contours are then inferred via the Bayesian reconstruction process. Model matching and parameter inference are done entirely in the image domain and require no explicit 3D construction. Our shape model enables accurate estimation of structure despite segmentation errors or missing views in the input silhouettes, and works even with only a single input view. Using a data set of thousands of pedestrian images generated from a synthetic model, we can accurately infer the 3D locations of 19 joints on the body based on observed silhouette contours from real images.


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The central challenge in face recognition lies in understanding the role different facial features play in our judgments of identity. Notable in this regard are the relative contributions of the internal (eyes, nose and mouth) and external (hair and jaw-line) features. Past studies that have investigated this issue have typically used high-resolution images or good-quality line drawings as facial stimuli. The results obtained are therefore most relevant for understanding the identification of faces at close range. However, given that real-world viewing conditions are rarely optimal, it is also important to know how image degradations, such as loss of resolution caused by large viewing distances, influence our ability to use internal and external features. Here, we report experiments designed to address this issue. Our data characterize how the relative contributions of internal and external features change as a function of image resolution. While we replicated results of previous studies that have shown internal features of familiar faces to be more useful for recognition than external features at high resolution, we found that the two feature sets reverse in importance as resolution decreases. These results suggest that the visual system uses a highly non-linear cue-fusion strategy in combining internal and external features along the dimension of image resolution and that the configural cues that relate the two feature sets play an important role in judgments of facial identity.


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This paper argues that the Japanese business system cannot be adequately understood without extending the focus of analysis beyond the individual firm to the vertical keiretsu, or business group. The vertical group or keiretsu structure was first identified and studied in the auto and electronics industries, where it is most strongly marked, but it characterizes virtually all sectors, service industries as well as manufacturing. Large industrial vertical keiretsu are composed of subsidiaries engaged in three distinct types of activities (manufacturing, marketing, and quasirelated business). The coordination and control systems are built on the flows of products, financial resources, information and technology, and people across formal company boundaries, with the parent firm controlling the key flows. The paper examines the prevailing explanations first for the emergence and then for the persistence of the vertical group structure, and looks at the current pressures for change and adaptation in the system.


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The statistical analysis of compositional data is commonly used in geological studies. As is well-known, compositions should be treated using logratios of parts, which are difficult to use correctly in standard statistical packages. In this paper we describe the new features of our freeware package, named CoDaPack, which implements most of the basic statistical methods suitable for compositional data. An example using real data is presented to illustrate the use of the package


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It has been shown that the accuracy of mammographic abnormality detection methods is strongly dependent on the breast tissue characteristics, where a dense breast drastically reduces detection sensitivity. In addition, breast tissue density is widely accepted to be an important risk indicator for the development of breast cancer. Here, we describe the development of an automatic breast tissue classification methodology, which can be summarized in a number of distinct steps: 1) the segmentation of the breast area into fatty versus dense mammographic tissue; 2) the extraction of morphological and texture features from the segmented breast areas; and 3) the use of a Bayesian combination of a number of classifiers. The evaluation, based on a large number of cases from two different mammographic data sets, shows a strong correlation ( and 0.67 for the two data sets) between automatic and expert-based Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System mammographic density assessment