873 resultados para ethnicity - Africa - Tanzania


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As dificuldades observadas nas negociações multilaterais têm estimulado muitos países a promover acordos regionais e bilaterais de comércio, os quais vêm assumindo crescente importância na economia mundial: metade do comércio internacional é realizado, hoje, no âmbito de acordos preferenciais. Os três grandes blocos regionais - na Europa, na América e na Ásia - estão se consolidando, com pequena participação do Brasil que se limitou ao Mercosul, de modestas dimensões para o potencial de exportações do país. O governo brasileiro vem procurando fortalecer as relações comerciais do Brasil com parceiros do terceiro mundo, e este trabalho se inscreve nesse tema. A importância relativa da África do Sul no conjunto dos países em desenvolvimento foi a motivação deste estudo, destinado a descrever e analisar as características básicas dos setores exportador e importador daquele país, comparando-as com as do Brasil. Tal comparação visa identificar prováveis complementaridades e desafios que possam subsidiar a estratégia de aproximação comercial em curso. Algumas das conclusões e recomendações são: i) o Brasil tem mais a ceder em termos de redução de alíquotas de imposto de importação, e a África do Sul em abrangência dos itens envolvidos na negociação; ii) apesar de se identificar certa possibilidade de complementaridade entre os dois países, recomenda-se que o acordo abranja o maior número possível de produtos; iii) os esforços privados dos empresários brasileiros devem se concentrar na província de Gauteng, e em KwaZulu-Natal, que respondem pela maior parte da produção exportada assim como das empresas exportadoras - já os exportadores brasileiros de bens de consumo devem dar especial atenção às províncias de Gauteng, Western Cape e Mpumalanga; iv) para não dispersar esforços, mais eficaz se os empresários brasileiros fizerem seus contactos comerciais através de entidades que congreguem as empresas sul-africanas; v) São Paulo deve concentrar o maior número de empresários interessados no acordo, embora os empresários de outros estados possam ser mais receptivos porque individualmente se voltam mais para o mercado externo do que os paulistas, como os do Espírito Santo, Pará, Mato Grosso e os da região sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul.


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This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the process of import substitution in Sub-Saharan Africa. The process of industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa occurred in two phases: a first step, even very early during the colonial regime began around the 1920s and ended in the late forties; a second phase of industrialization began in the late fifties and gained momentum in the sixties, when import substitution was implemented more widely. Although these countries were the last to embark on the strategy of import substitution, they followed the same steps of Latin American countries, and as the structural domestic and external constraints were too strong, the failure of the policy of import substitution arrived early and the negative impact on these economies had a greater magnitude.


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) and of total nitrogen (N), as well as, to evaluate the root system in Tanzania-grass pastures fertilized with doses of urea in fall, spring and summer. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of Iguatemi, Maringa, Parana, Brazil, from March 2007 to March 2008. The experimental design was complete random blocks with subplots and four repetitions. The plots showed doses of N (50, 100 e 150 kg ha(-1) of N) plus the control (no N fertilization), and the subplots the season of the year. Root samples were taken at depths of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm. Root biomass showed a trend for mass accumulation up to a dosage of 100 kg ha(-1) for all seasons evaluated. Also, about 80% of the root system of Tanzaniagrass plants was found on the 0-10 cm layer for all dosages of N. Nitrogen fertilizer above 100 kg ha(-1) may foster fast forage plant growth reducing its NSC root storage capacity although favoring NSC and total N storage at stem base. NSC and total N concentrations were highest in fall, demonstrating that its usage is greater in spring due to the weather conditions being favorable to plant growth. In the regrowth, the largest reserve of total N was at the 0-10 cm root layer and the largest NSC reserve is at stem base.


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South-South Cooperation has become one of the axis of the Brazilian foreign policy, especially when related to Africa. Besides the economic, political and technologic areas, among others, the Brazilian government created a series of cooperation agreements with many African countries in the field of security and defense. This paper analyses the objective and reach of the actions concerning South-South Cooperation between the government of Brazil and the African countries, especially the ones from Atlantic Africa, making use of a bibliography related to the subject and sources derived from the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Defense.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A field trial was conducted designed in a completely randomized block in a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement to evaluate the application of nitrogen doses (N) (0, 40, 80 and 160 kg/ha) on the morphogenical characteristics and dry matter partition of three forage grasses (Panicum maximum cvs. Mombasa and Tanzania and Brachiaria sp. Hybrid Mulato). The leaf appearance (LAR, leaf/day) and stretching (LER; mm/day) rates, the number of green leaves per tiller (NLT) and the average weight of tillers (MTW; g) presented s positive linear response to the N dose while the phyllochron (Phil; day/leaves) showed a negative linear response. The highest LER, IAL and final leaf length (FLL; cm) occurred in the Mombaca and Tanzania grasses, while the highest LAR occurred in the Mulato grass. There was a negative quadratic effect of the N dose on the stem elongation rate (SER; mm/day) and LF. The Mombaca and Tanzania grasses presented the highest SER; however, in just two forages. The production of total dry matter (TDM; kg/ha), leaves (LDM; kg/ha) and stems (SDM; kg/ha) increased linearly and quadratically with the N dose, respectively, for the Mombaca and Tanzania grasses. There was a high positive correlation among DM, LDM and SDM and the Mombaca grass MTW. The dry matter production and morphogenic characteristics were influenced by the nitrogen fertilization as a result of the substantial increase in the flow of tissues stimulated by fertilization, proving the importance of N for forage biomass accumulation.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the structure of Tanzania grassland grazed by goats managed with different residue leaf area index (RLAI) under intermittent stocking. The experiment was carried out from February to August, 2008. The treatments consisted of three different targets RLAI (0.8, 1.6 and 2.4) and 95% light interception (LI) criterion determined the rest period. Forage samples were collected at average height sampling points and weighed. Subsequently, a smaller sample was removed to separate the morphological components (leaf, stem and dead material) and to determine the structural and productive features. The canopy architecture was evaluated by the method of inclined point quadrat. The pre-grazing height in the paddocks were significantly different among treatments. RLAI influenced dry matter contents of green forage, leaf, stem and total, with the exception of dry matter of dead material, where the lowest values were observed for 0.8 RLAI. Thus, RLAI modifies canopy structure and is sensitive to canopy height changes throughout the year. Pasture regrowth is not compromised by residual leaf area indexes between 0.8 and 2.4, when climatic factors are not limiting.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper addresses the role of literature in the construction of the new Brazilian society. The rescue of the cultural formation of identity values of the country, highlighting the African presence in various sectors of national life. In a project dedicated exclusively to children and young Brazilian students, aiming to demonstrate the multicultural and multiethnic existing in Brazilian culture. Literatures of Portuguese aid in the understanding of this reality.


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Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Malaysia: Castanediella eucalypti from Eucalyptus pellita, Codinaea acacia from Acacia mangium, Emarcea eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus brassiana, Myrtapenidiella eucalyptorum from Eucalyptus pellita, Pilidiella eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus brassiana and Strelitziana malaysiana from Acacia mangium. Furthermore, Stachybotrys sansevieriicola is described from Sansevieria ehrenbergii (Tanzania), Phacidium grevilleae from Grevillea robusta (Uganda), Graphium jumulu from Adansonia gregorii and Ophiostoma eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus marginata (Australia), Pleurophoma ossicola from bone and Plectosphaerella populi from Populus nigra (Germany), Colletotrichum neosansevieriae from Sansevieria trifasciata, Elsinoë othonnae from Othonna quinquedentata and Zeloasperisporium cliviae (Zeloasperisporiaceae fam. nov.) from Clivia sp. (South Africa), Neodevriesia pakbiae, Phaeophleospora hymenocallidis and Phaeophleospora hymenocallidicola on leaves of a fern (Thailand), Melanconium elaeidicola from Elaeis guineensis (Indonesia), Hormonema viticola from Vitis vinifera (Canary Islands), Chlorophyllum pseudoglobossum from a grassland (India), Triadelphia disseminata from an immunocompromised patient (Saudi Arabia), Colletotrichum abscissum from Citrus (Brazil), Polyschema sclerotigenum and Phialemonium limoniforme from human patients (USA), Cadophora vitícola from Vitis vinifera (Spain), Entoloma flavovelutinum and Bolbitius aurantiorugosus from soil (Vietnam), Rhizopogon granuloflavus from soil (Cape Verde Islands), Tulasnella eremophila from Euphorbia officinarum subsp. echinus (Morocco), Verrucostoma martinicensis from Danaea elliptica (French West Indies), Metschnikowia colchici from Colchicum autumnale (Bulgaria), Thelebolus microcarpus from soil (Argentina) and Ceratocystis adelpha from Theobroma cacao (Ecuador). Myrmecridium iridis (Myrmecridiales ord. nov., Myrmecridiaceae fam. nov.) is also described from Iris sp. (The Netherlands). Novel genera include (Ascomycetes): Budhanggurabania from Cynodon dactylon (Australia), Soloacrosporiella, Xenocamarosporium, Neostrelitziana and Castanediella from Acacia mangium and Sabahriopsis from Eucalyptus brassiana (Malaysia), Readerielliopsis from basidiomata of Fuscoporia wahlbergii (French Guyana), Neoplatysporoides from Aloe ferox (Tanzania), Wojnowiciella, Chrysofolia and Neoeriomycopsis from Eucalyptus (Colombia), Neophaeomoniella from Eucalyptus globulus (USA), Pseudophaeomoniella from Olea europaea (Italy), Paraphaeomoniella from Encephalartos altensteinii, Aequabiliella, Celerioriella and Minutiella from Prunus (South Africa). Tephrocybella (Basidiomycetes) represents a novel genus from wood (Italy). Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are provided for all taxa.


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Gaseous losses are the main factors affecting the efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers in pastures. To evaluate NH3-N volatilization losses in Tanzania grass fertilized with urea in autumn, spring and summer, a completely randomized design with repeated measurements over time and fifteen replicates was used. Plots were represented by urea levels (50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1 N) and subplots by time after fertilization (1; 2; 3; 6; 9; 12 and 15 days). The interaction between fertilization leveland time after urea application was significant for the accumulated NH3-N volatilization. Urea application leads to higher percentage N losses in the first three days after application. The average cumulative NH3- N loss for the three occasions (different seasons of the year) was 28%, 20% and 16% of N applied for fertilizer doses of 50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1 of N, respectively. The season of the year influenced NH3-N loss pattern and volume, with the lowest values recorded in spring, followed by summer and autumn. The cumulative NH3-N volatilization loss varies from 78 to 90% up to the third day after application of the total NNH3 loss.