954 resultados para epithelial ovarium cells


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A newly described subset of monocytes has been identified in peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) from the malignant ascites of patients with ovarian cancer. These cells were characterized by the production of IL-10 and TGF-β2, but not IL-12, IL-1α, or TNF-α, and expressed CD14, CD16, and CD54, but not HLA-DR, CD80, CD86, CD11a, CD11b, or CD25 cell surface antigens. Since this subset of monocytes could affect the modulation of tumor immune responses in vivo, studies were undertaken to determine their effect on the activation and proliferation of autologous T-cells from the peritoneal cavity of patients with ovarian carcinoma. Cytokine transcripts, including IL-2, GM-CSF, and IFN-γ were detected in T-cells isolated from patient specimens that also contained the IL-10 producing monocytes, although the IFN-γ and IL-2 proteins could not be detected in T-cells co-incubated with the IL-10 producing monocytes in vitro. Additionally, IL-10 producing monocytes co-cultured with autologous T-cells inhibited the proliferation of the T-cells in response to PHA. T-cell proliferation and cytokine protein production could be restored by the addition of neutralizing antibodies to IL-10R and TGF-β to the co-culture system. These results suggested that this subset of monocytes may modulate antitumor immune responses by inhibiting T-cell proliferation and cytokine protein production. Further studies determined that the precursors to the inhibitory monocytes were tumor-associated and only present in the peripheral blood of patients with ovarian cancer and not present in the peripheral blood of healthy donors. These precursors could be induced to the suppressor phenotype by the addition of IL-2 and GM-CSF, two cytokines detected in the peritoneal cavity of ovarian cancer patients. Lastly, it was shown that the suppressor monocytes from the peritoneal cavity of ovarian cancer patients could be differentiated to a non-inhibitory phenotype by the addition of TNF-α and IFN-γ to the culture system. The differentiated monocytes did not produce IL-10, expressed the activation antigens HLA-DR, CD80, and CD86, and were able to stimulate autologous T-cells in vitro. Since a concomitant reduction in immune function is associated with tumor growth and progression, the effects of these monocytes are of considerable importance in the context of tumor immunotherapy. ^


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An abundance of monocytes and macrophages (MO/MA) in the microenvironment of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) suggests possible dual roles for these cells. Certain MO/MA subpopulations may inhibit tumor growth by antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), phagocytosis, or stimulation of adaptive immunity. In contrast, other MO/MA subpopulations may support tumor growth by immunosuppressive or pro-angiogenic cytokine production. A better understanding of the phenotype and activity of MO/MA in EOC should lead to greater insight into their role in the immunopathobiology of EOC and hence suggest targets for treatment. We have found differences in the proportions of MO/MA subpopulations in the peripheral blood and ascites of EOC patients compared to normal donors, and differences in MO/MA surface phenotype in the associated tumor environment compared to the systemic circulation. We also demonstrate that, following their activation in vitro, monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) from the peripheral blood and ascites of EOC patients exhibit antitumor effector activities that are different from the behavior of normal donor cells. The phenotypic characteristics and antitumor activity of CD14+ MO/MA and an isolated subpopulation of CD14brightCD16 −HLA-DR+ MO/MA were compared in samples of normal donor peripheral blood and the peripheral blood and ascites from EOC patients. MDM were cultured with macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or a combination of LPS plus recombinant interferon-gamma. We determined that MO/MA from EOC patients had altered morphology and significantly less ADCC and phagocytic activity than did MO/MA from normal donors. ADCC and phagocytosis are mediated by receptors for the Fe portion of IgG (FcγRs), the expression of which were also found to be deficient on EOC MDM from peripheral blood and ascites. Anti-tumor functions not mediated by the FcγRs, such as macrophage mediated cytotoxicity and cytostasis, were not impaired in EOC MDM compared to normal donor MDM. Our findings also showed that MDM from both EOC patients and normal donors produce M-CSF-stimulated cytokines, including interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-6, which have the potential to support ovarian tumor growth and metastasis. These findings may be relevant to the pathogenesis of EOC and to the development of future bioimmunotherapeutic strategies. ^


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A serpin was identified in normal mammary gland by differential cDNA sequencing. In situ hybridization has detected this serpin exclusively in the myoepithelial cells on the normal and noninvasive mammary epithelial side of the basement membrane and thus was named myoepithelium-derived serine proteinase inhibitor (MEPI). No MEPI expression was detected in the malignant breast carcinomas. MEPI encodes a 405-aa precursor, including an 18-residue secretion signal with a calculated molecular mass of 46 kDa. The predicted sequence of the new protein shares 33% sequence identity and 58% sequence similarity to plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 and PAI-2. To determine whether MEPI can modulate the in vivo growth and progression of human breast cancers, we transfected a full-length MEPI cDNA into human breast cancer cells and studied the orthotopic growth of MEPI-transfected vs. control clones in the mammary fat pad of athymic nude mice. Overexpression of MEPI inhibited the invasion of the cells in the in vitro invasion assay. When injected orthotopically into nude mice, the primary tumor volumes, axillary lymph node metastasis, and lung metastasis were significantly inhibited in MEPI-transfected clones as compared with controls. The expression of MEPI in myoepithelial cells may prevent breast cancer malignant progression leading to metastasis.


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Uteroglobin (UG) is a multifunctional, secreted protein that has receptor-mediated functions. The human UG (hUG) gene is mapped to chromosome 11q12.2–13.1, a region frequently rearranged or deleted in many cancers. Although high levels of hUG expression are characteristic of the mucosal epithelia of many organs, hUG expression is either drastically reduced or totally absent in adenocarcinomas and in viral-transformed epithelial cells derived from the same organs. In agreement with these findings, in an ongoing study to evaluate the effects of aging on UG-knockout mice, 16/16 animals developed malignant tumors, whereas the wild-type littermates (n = 25) remained apparently healthy even after 1½ years. In the present investigation, we sought to determine the effects of induced-expression of hUG in human cancer cells by transfecting several cell lines derived from adenocarcinomas of various organs with an hUG-cDNA construct. We demonstrate that induced hUG expression reverses at least two of the most important characteristics of the transformed phenotype (i.e., anchorage-independent growth on soft agar and extracellular matrix invasion) of only those cancer cells that also express the hUG receptor. Similarly, treatment of the nontransfected, receptor-positive adenocarcinoma cells with purified recombinant hUG yielded identical results. Taken together, these data define receptor-mediated, autocrine and paracrine pathways through which hUG reverses the transformed phenotype of cancer cells and consequently, may have tumor suppressor-like effects.


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A highly sensitive assay combining immunomagnetic enrichment with multiparameter flow cytometric and immunocytochemical analysis has been developed to detect, enumerate, and characterize carcinoma cells in the blood. The assay can detect one epithelial cell or less in 1 ml of blood. Peripheral blood (10–20 ml) from 30 patients with carcinoma of the breast, from 3 patients with prostate cancer, and from 13 controls was examined by flow cytometry for the presence of circulating epithelial cells defined as nucleic acid+, CD45−, and cytokeratin+. Highly significant differences in the number of circulating epithelial cells were found between normal controls and patients with cancer including 17 with organ-confined disease. To determine whether the circulating epithelial cells in the cancer patients were neoplastic cells, cytospin preparations were made after immunomagnetic enrichment and were analyzed. Epithelial cells from patients with breast cancer generally stained with mAbs against cytokeratin and 3 of 5 for mucin-1. In contrast, no cells that stained for these antigens were observed in the blood from normal controls. The morphology of the stained cells was consistent with that of neoplastic cells. Of 8 patients with breast cancer followed for 1–10 months, there was a good correlation between changes in the level of tumor cells in the blood with both treatment with chemotherapy and clinical status. The present assay may be helpful in early detection, in monitoring disease, and in prognostication.


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In kidney epithelial cells, an angiotensin II (Ang II) type 2 receptor subtype (AT2) is linked to a membrane-associated phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) superfamily. However, the intervening steps in this linkage have not been determined. The aim of this study was to determine whether arachidonic acid mediates Ang II’s effect on p21ras and if so, to ascertain the signaling mechanism(s). We observed that Ang II activated p21ras and that mepacrine, a phospholipase A2 inhibitor, blocked this effect. This activation was also inhibited by PD123319, an AT2 receptor antagonist but not by losartan, an AT1 receptor antagonist. Furthermore, Ang II caused rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc and its association with Grb2. Arachidonic acid and linoleic acid mimicked Ang II-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc and activation of p21ras. Moreover, Ang II and arachidonic acid induced an association between p21ras and Shc. We demonstrate that arachidonic acid mediates linkage of a G protein-coupled receptor to p21ras via Shc tyrosine phosphorylation and association with Grb2/Sos. These observations have important implications for other G protein-coupled receptors linked to a variety of phospholipases.


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Salt and water secretion from intestinal epithelia requires enhancement of anion permeability across the apical membrane of Cl− secreting cells lining the crypt, the secretory gland of the intestine. Paneth cells located at the base of the small intestinal crypt release enteric defensins (cryptdins) apically into the lumen. Because cryptdins are homologs of molecules known to form anion conductive pores in phospholipid bilayers, we tested whether these endogenous antimicrobial peptides could act as soluble inducers of channel-like activity when applied to apical membranes of intestinal Cl− secreting epithelial cells in culture. Of the six peptides tested, cryptdins 2 and 3 stimulated Cl− secretion from polarized monolayers of human intestinal T84 cells. The response was reversible and dose dependent. In contrast, cryptdins 1, 4, 5, and 6 lacked this activity, demonstrating that Paneth cell defensins with very similar primary structures may exhibit a high degree of specificity in their capacity to elicit Cl− secretion. The secretory response was not inhibited by pretreatment with 8-phenyltheophyline (1 μM), or dependent on a concomitant rise in intracellular cAMP or cGMP, indicating that the apically located adenosine and guanylin receptors were not involved. On the other hand, cryptdin 3 elicited a secretory response that correlated with the establishment of an apically located anion conductive channel permeable to carboxyfluorescein. Thus cryptdins 2 and 3 can selectively permeabilize the apical cell membrane of epithelial cells in culture to elicit a physiologic Cl− secretory response. These data define the capability of cryptdins 2 and 3 to function as novel intestinal secretagogues, and suggest a previously undescribed mechanism of paracrine signaling that in vivo may involve the reversible formation of ion conductive channels by peptides released into the crypt microenvironment.


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The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride ion channel, but its relationship to the primary clinical manifestation of CF, chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa pulmonary infection, is unclear. We report that CFTR is a cellular receptor for binding, endocytosing, and clearing P. aeruginosa from the normal lung. Murine cells expressing recombinant human wild-type CFTR ingested 30–100 times as many P. aeruginosa as cells lacking CFTR or expressing mutant ΔF508 CFTR protein. Purified CFTR inhibited ingestion of P. aeruginosa by human airway epithelial cells. The first extracellular domain of CFTR specifically bound to P. aeruginosa and a synthetic peptide of this region inhibited P. aeruginosa internalization in vivo, leading to increased bacterial lung burdens. CFTR clears P. aeruginosa from the lung, indicating a direct connection between mutations in CFTR and the clinical consequences of CF.


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A differentiation induction subtraction hybridization strategy is being used to identify and clone genes involved in growth control and terminal differentiation in human cancer cells. This scheme identified melanoma differentiation associated gene-7 (mda-7), whose expression is up-regulated as a consequence of terminal differentiation in human melanoma cells. Forced expression of mda-7 is growth inhibitory toward diverse human tumor cells. The present studies elucidate the mechanism by which mda-7 selectively suppresses the growth of human breast cancer cells and the consequence of ectopic expression of mda-7 on human breast tumor formation in vivo in nude mice. Infection of wild-type, mutant, and null p53 human breast cancer cells with a recombinant type 5 adenovirus expressing mda-7, Ad.mda-7 S, inhibited growth and induced programmed cell death (apoptosis). Induction of apoptosis correlated with an increase in BAX protein, an established inducer of programmed cell death, and an increase in the ratio of BAX to BCL-2, an established inhibitor of apoptosis. Infection of breast carcinoma cells with Ad.mda-7 S before injection into nude mice inhibited tumor development. In contrast, ectopic expression of mda-7 did not significantly alter cell cycle kinetics, growth rate, or survival in normal human mammary epithelial cells. These data suggest that mda-7 induces its selective anticancer properties in human breast carcinoma cells by promoting apoptosis that occurs independent of p53 status. On the basis of its selective anticancer inhibitory activity and its direct antitumor effects, mda-7 may represent a new class of cancer suppressor genes that could prove useful for the targeted therapy of human cancer.


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The correlation between telomerase activity and human tumors has led to the hypothesis that tumor growth requires reactivation of telomerase and that telomerase inhibitors represent a class of chemotherapeutic agents. Herein, we examine the effects of inhibition of telomerase inside human cells. Peptide nucleic acid and 2′-O-MeRNA oligomers inhibit telomerase, leading to progressive telomere shortening and causing immortal human breast epithelial cells to undergo apoptosis with increasing frequency until no cells remain. Telomere shortening is reversible: if inhibitor addition is terminated, telomeres regain their initial lengths. Our results validate telomerase as a target for the discovery of anticancer drugs and supply general insights into the properties that successful agents will require regardless of chemical type. Chemically similar oligonucleotides are in clinical trials and have well characterized pharmacokinetics, making the inhibitors we describe practical lead compounds for testing for an antitelomerase chemotherapeutic strategy.


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Wnt family members are critical to many developmental processes, and components of the Wnt signaling pathway have been linked to tumorigenesis in familial and sporadic colon carcinomas. Here we report the identification of two genes, WISP-1 and WISP-2, that are up-regulated in the mouse mammary epithelial cell line C57MG transformed by Wnt-1, but not by Wnt-4. Together with a third related gene, WISP-3, these proteins define a subfamily of the connective tissue growth factor family. Two distinct systems demonstrated WISP induction to be associated with the expression of Wnt-1. These included (i) C57MG cells infected with a Wnt-1 retroviral vector or expressing Wnt-1 under the control of a tetracyline repressible promoter, and (ii) Wnt-1 transgenic mice. The WISP-1 gene was localized to human chromosome 8q24.1–8q24.3. WISP-1 genomic DNA was amplified in colon cancer cell lines and in human colon tumors and its RNA overexpressed (2- to >30-fold) in 84% of the tumors examined compared with patient-matched normal mucosa. WISP-3 mapped to chromosome 6q22–6q23 and also was overexpressed (4- to >40-fold) in 63% of the colon tumors analyzed. In contrast, WISP-2 mapped to human chromosome 20q12–20q13 and its DNA was amplified, but RNA expression was reduced (2- to >30-fold) in 79% of the tumors. These results suggest that the WISP genes may be downstream of Wnt-1 signaling and that aberrant levels of WISP expression in colon cancer may play a role in colon tumorigenesis.


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Anchorage and growth factor independence are cardinal features of the transformed phenotype. Although it is logical that the two pathways must be coregulated in normal tissues to maintain homeostasis, this has not been demonstrated directly. We showed previously that down-modulation of β1-integrin signaling reverted the malignant behavior of a human breast tumor cell line (T4–2) derived from phenotypically normal cells (HMT-3522) and led to growth arrest in a three-dimensional (3D) basement membrane assay in which the cells formed tissue-like acini (14). Here, we show that there is a bidirectional cross-modulation of β1-integrin and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling via the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. The reciprocal modulation does not occur in monolayer (2D) cultures. Antibody-mediated inhibition of either of these receptors in the tumor cells, or inhibition of MAPK kinase, induced a concomitant down-regulation of both receptors, followed by growth-arrest and restoration of normal breast tissue morphogenesis. Cross-modulation and tissue morphogenesis were associated with attenuation of EGF-induced transient MAPK activation. To specifically test EGFR and β1-integrin interdependency, EGFR was overexpressed in nonmalignant cells, leading to disruption of morphogenesis and a compensatory up-regulation of β1-integrin expression, again only in 3D. Our results indicate that when breast cells are spatially organized as a result of contact with basement membrane, the signaling pathways become coupled and bidirectional. They further explain why breast cells fail to differentiate in monolayer cultures in which these events are mostly uncoupled. Moreover, in a subset of tumor cells in which these pathways are misregulated but functional, the cells could be “normalized” by manipulating either pathway.


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Sik, the mouse homologue of the breast tumor kinase Brk, is expressed in differentiating cells of the gastrointestinal tract and skin. We examined expression and activity of Sik in primary mouse keratinocytes and a mouse embryonic keratinocyte cell line (EMK). Calcium-induced differentiation of these cells has been shown to be accompanied by the activation of tyrosine kinases and rapid phosphorylation of a 65-kDa GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-associated protein (GAP-A.p65). We demonstrate that Sik is activated within 2 min after calcium addition in primary keratinocytes and EMK cells. In EMK cells, Sik binds GAP-A.p65, and this interaction is mediated by the Sik Src homology 2 domain. Although Sik directly complexes with GAP-A.p65, overexpression of wild-type or kinase defective Sik in EMK cells does not lead to detectable changes in GAP-A.p65 phosphorylation. These data suggest that Sik is not responsible for phosphorylation of GAP-A.p65. GAP-A.p65 may act as an adapter protein, bringing Sik into proximity of an unidentified substrate. Overexpression of Sik in EMK cells results in increased expression of filaggrin during differentiation, supporting a role for Sik in differentiation.


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Recent evidence suggests that apical and basolateral endocytic pathways in epithelia converge in an apically located, pericentriolar endosomal compartment termed the apical recycling endosome. In this compartment, apically and basolaterally internalized membrane constituents are thought to be sorted for recycling back to their site of origin or for transcytosis to the opposite plasma membrane domain. We report here that in the epithelial cell line Madin–Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK), antibodies to Rab11a label an apical pericentriolar endosomal compartment that is dependent on intact microtubules for its integrity. Furthermore, this compartment is accessible to a membrane-bound marker (dimeric immunoglobulin A [IgA]) internalized from either the apical or basolateral pole, functionally defining it as the apical recycling endosome. We have also examined the role of a closely related epithelial-specific Rab, Rab25, in the regulation of membrane recycling and transcytosis in MDCK cells. When cDNA encoding Rab25 was transfected into MDCK cells, the protein colocalized with Rab11a in subapical vesicles. Rab25 transfection also altered the distribution of Rab11a, causing the coalescence of immunoreactivity into multiple denser vesicular structures not associated with the centrosome. Nevertheless, nocodazole still dispersed these vesicles, and dimeric IgA internalized from either the apical or basolateral membrane was detected in endosomes labeled with antibodies to both Rab11a and Rab25. Overexpression of Rab25 decreased the rate of IgA transcytosis and of apical, but not basolateral, recycling of internalized ligand. Conversely, expression of the dominant-negative Rab25T26N did not alter either apical recycling or transcytosis. These results indicate that both Rab11a and Rab25 associate with the apical recycling system of epithelial cells and suggest that Rab25 may selectively regulate the apical recycling and/or transcytotic pathways.


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Laminin-5 (LN5) is a matrix component of epithelial tissue basement membranes and plays an important role in the initiation and maintenance of epithelial cell anchorage to the underlying connective tissue. Here we show that two distinct LN5 function-inhibitory antibodies, both of which bind the globular domain of the α3 subunit, inhibit proliferation of epithelial cells. These same antibodies also induce a decrease in mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Inhibition of proliferation by the function-perturbing LN5 antibodies is reversed upon removal of the antibodies and can be overcome by providing the antibody-treated cells with exogenous LN5 and rat tail collagen. Because epithelial cells use the integrin receptor α3β1 to interact with both LN5 and rat tail collagen, we next investigated the possibility that integrin α3β1 is involved in mediating the proliferative impact of LN5. Proliferation of human epithelial cells is significantly inhibited by a function-perturbing α3 integrin antibody. In addition, antibody activation of β1 integrin restores the proliferation of epithelial cells treated with LN5 function-perturbing antibodies. These data indicate that a complex comprising LN5 and α3β1 integrin is multifunctional and contributes not only to epithelial cell adhesion but also to the regulation of cell growth via a signaling pathway involving mitogen-activated protein kinase. We discuss our study in light of recent evidence that LN5 expression is up-regulated at the leading tips of tumors, where it may play a role in tumor cell proliferation.