987 resultados para energy reporting
The Iowa Power Fund and the Office of Energy Independence are charged with the responsibility of creating an economically viable and sound energy future for Iowa through energy independence. This vision can only be achieved if a majority, if not all Iowans, are united in this cause and actively participate in it
A method is proposed for the estimation of absolute binding free energy of interaction between proteins and ligands. Conformational sampling of the protein-ligand complex is performed by molecular dynamics (MD) in vacuo and the solvent effect is calculated a posteriori by solving the Poisson or the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for selected frames of the trajectory. The binding free energy is written as a linear combination of the buried surface upon complexation, SASbur, the electrostatic interaction energy between the ligand and the protein, Eelec, and the difference of the solvation free energies of the complex and the isolated ligand and protein, deltaGsolv. The method uses the buried surface upon complexation to account for the non-polar contribution to the binding free energy because it is less sensitive to the details of the structure than the van der Waals interaction energy. The parameters of the method are developed for a training set of 16 HIV-1 protease-inhibitor complexes of known 3D structure. A correlation coefficient of 0.91 was obtained with an unsigned mean error of 0.8 kcal/mol. When applied to a set of 25 HIV-1 protease-inhibitor complexes of unknown 3D structures, the method provides a satisfactory correlation between the calculated binding free energy and the experimental pIC5o without reparametrization.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if heroin and cocaine can be distinguished using dual-energy CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty samples of heroin and cocaine at different concentrations and standardized compression (SC) were scanned in dual-energy mode on a newest generation Dual Energy 64-row MDCT scanner. CT number, spectral graphs, and dual-energy index (DEI) were evaluated. Results were prospectively tested on six original samples from a body packer. Wilcoxon's test was used for statistical evaluation. RESULTS: Values are given as median and range. Under SC, the CT number of cocaine samples (-29.87 Hounsfield unit (HU) [-125.85; 16.16 HU]) was higher than the CT number of heroin samples (-184.37 HU [-199.81; -159.25 HU]; p < 0.01). Slope of spectral curves for cocaine was -2.36 HU/keV [-7.15; -0.67 HU/keV], and for heroin, 1.75 HU/keV [1.28; 2.5 HU/keV] (p < 0.01). DEI was 0.0352 [0.0081; 0.0528] for cocaine and significantly higher than for heroin samples (-0.0127 [-0.0097; -0.0159]; p < 0.001). While CT number was inconclusive, all six original packs were correctly classified after evaluation of the spectral curve and DEI. In contrast to the CT number, slope of the spectral curve and DEI were independent of concentration and compression. CONCLUSION: The slope of the spectral curve and the DEI from dual-energy CT data can be used to distinguish heroin and cocaine in vitro; these results are independent of compression and concentration in the measured range.
An in situ energy budget of the hydropolyp Eudendrium racemosum (Cavolini, 1785) is presented. Ingestion and respiration rates and ammonium excretion were studied over two 24 h cycles, with two-hour sample intervals. The species ingested as much as 25.9% of its own biomass per day (minimum rate). Respiration was 1.62 ml O2 g-1 d w h-1 while excretion was 13.6 mM NH4 g-1dw h-1. We estimated that the species increased its biomass at a rate of 9.6% per day (Growth + Reproduction). This value is higher than those previously reported for other cnidarians. We can assume that the capacity of E. racemosum to survive - albeit for a limited period of the year - in the highly-competitive shallow-water communities is based on its high growth rate.
Most structure-building organisms in rocky benthic communities are surface-dependent because their energy inputs depend mainly on the surface they expose to water. Two photosynthetic strategies, divided into calcareous and non calcareous algae, strict suspension-feeders and photosynthetic suspension feeders (e.g. hermatypic corals) are the four main strategies evolutively acquired by benthic organisms. Competition between those strategies occur in relation to productivity of the different species, in such a way that, for given environmental conditions, species with a higher growth (P/B ratio) would dominate. At a worldwide scale, littoral marine benthos can he considered to fit into the four fields defined by two main axes: the first, relates to productivity and relies atrophic and oligotrophic waters and the second is defined by the degree of environmental variability or seasonality (from high to low). Coral reefs (marine ecosystems dominated by photosynthetic suspension feeders) develop in the space of oligotrophic areas with low variability, while kelp beds (marine ecosystem dominated by large, non calcareous algae) are to be found only in eutrophic places with a high variability. The space of eutrophic waters with a low variability do not has specially adapted, high structured, benthic marine ecosystems, and in these conditions opportunistic algae and animals predominate. Finally, photophilic mediterranean benthos -devoid of kelps and without hermatypic corals- typifies the field of oligotrophic areas with high variability; in its more genuine aspect, Mediterranean benthos is represented by small algae with a high percentage of calcareous thallii. In all cases strict suspension-feeders compete successfully with photosynthetic organisms only in situations of low irradiances or very high inputs of POM. In its turn, Mediterranean rocky benthos, in spite of its relative uniformity, is geographically organized along the same axes. The Gulf of Lions and the insular bottoms (Balearic Islands, for example) would correspond to the extremes of eutrophic-high variability areas and oligotrophic-low variability areas, respectively. Irradiance, nutrient and POM concentration, and hydrodynamism are the three variables which mainly affect the distribution of the different surface-dependent strategies, and thus, these parameters are of paramount interest for understanding the trophic structure of Mediterranean benthic communities. In environments non limited by light, nutrient availability, defined as the product between nutrient -POM concentration and hydrodynamism, states the dominance of calcareous versus non calcareous algae. Calcareous algae dominate in oligotrophic waters while non-calcareous algae dominate in moderately eutrophic waters. In light-limited environments, passive suspension feeders (octocorallaria, gorgonians) become dominant species if POM availability is enhanced by a high hydrodynamism (strong currents); in waters with a low charge of POM organisms of other groups, mainly active suspension feeders, predominate (sponges, bryozoans, scleractiniarians). In any case, there always exists a very variable bathymetric zone, depending on light attenuation and nutrient-POM availability, where encrusting calcareous algae strongly compete with suspension feeders (coralligenous).
OBJECTIVES: To compare daily energy expenditure between RA patients and matched controls, and to explore the relationship between daily energy expenditure or sedentariness and disease-related scores. METHODS: One hundred and ten patients with RA and 440 age- and sex-matched controls were included in this study. Energy expenditure was assessed using the validated physical activity (PA) frequency questionnaire. Disease-related scores included disease activity (DAS-28), functional status (HAQ), pain visual analogue scale (VAS) and fatigue VAS. Total energy expenditure (TEE) and the amount of energy spent in low- (TEE-low), moderate- (TEE-mod) and high-intensity (TEE-high) PAs were calculated. Sedentariness was defined as expending <10% of TEE in TEE-mod or TEE-high activities. Between-group comparisons were computed using conditional logistic regression. The effect of disease-related scores on TEE was investigated using linear regression. RESULTS: TEE was significantly lower for RA patients compared with controls [2392 kcal/day (95% CI 2295, 2490) and 2494 kcal/day (2446, 2543), respectively, P = 0.003]. A significant difference was found between groups in TEE-mod (P = 0.015), but not TEE-low (P = 0.242) and TEE-high (P = 0.146). All disease-related scores were significantly poorer in sedentary compared with active patients. TEE was inversely associated with age (P < 0.001), DAS-28 (P = 0.032) and fatigue VAS (P = 0.029), but not with HAQ and pain VAS. CONCLUSION: Daily energy expenditure is significantly lower in RA patients compared with matched controls, mainly due to less moderate-intensity PAs performed. Disease activity and fatigue are important contributing factors. These points need to be addressed if promoting PA in RA patients is a health goal. Trial registration. ClinicalTrials.gov, http://clinicaltrials.gov, NCT01228812.
The energy budgets of two freshwater gastropds, Lymnae peregra and Physa acuta, were compared in similar experimental conditions (20ºC, fed ad libitum with 24h-decayed lettuce), and found to differ in several ways. 1) L. Peregra has a higher assimilation efficiency than P. acuta (72% vs 60%). 2) These species assimilate different components of the ingested food: P. acuta uses a smaller, but more energetic part (probably mainly bacteria), whereas L. peregra assimilate a larger, but less energetic part (probably mainly cellulose). 3) L. peregra allocates more of its assimilated energy to oxygene consumption and mucus production (maintenance investments), wheras P. acuta invest more in growth and reproduction (production investments). Such differences are relevant to the natural habitat of these two species: P. acuta colonizes warm, eutrophic and temporary pools, where decaying material constitue the main part of available resources, and where adult mortality is high and impredictible. By contrast, L. peregra is frequently found in colder, oligotrophic and predictible environements, where living primary producers constitute the main part of available resources, and where biotic interactions are important factors of mortality.
In six young obese women (mean weight 85 +/- 3 kg) with a childhood history of obesity, and in six young nonobese women (mean weight 55 +/- 2 kg), the energy expenditure was measured during 24 h in a respiratory chamber with a maintenance energy intake. The next day, the thermogenic response to a mixed meal was investigated by using an open circuit indirect calorimetry hood system. In addition, five of the same obese women were similarly studied after a mean weight loss of 12.1 kg (14% of initial body weight) consecutive to an 11-wk hypocaloric diet (protein-supplemented modified fast). Expressed in absolute terms, the total 24 h and basal energy expenditures were found to be significantly greater in the obese (2208 +/- 105 and 1661 +/- 56 kcal/24 h, respectively) than in the controls (1746 +/- 61 and 1230 +/- 40 kcal/24 h, respectively). After weight loss, both the total 24-h and the basal energy expenditures were significantly reduced (2009 +/- 99 kcal/24 h and 1423 +/- 43 kcal/24 h respectively), but both values were still greater than that of the control subjects. The thermogenic response to the mixed meal (a liquid diet containing 17, 54, and 29% as protein, carbohydrate, and lipid calories, respectively, and an energy level determined to cover 60% of the basal energy expenditure computed for 24 h) was found to be significantly reduced in the obese as compared to controls (ie, 7.6 +/- 0.4% versus 9.5 +/- 0.4% of the energy content of the load, respectively, p less than 0.025). After weight loss, the postprandial thermogenesis of the obese was still markedly reduced (ie, 6.2 +/- 0.8%). Both before and after weight loss, the relative increase in diurnal urinary norepinephrine excretion was found to be lower in the obese than in controls, when compared to the nocturnal values. These results show that the greater 24 h energy expenditure of obese women is entirely due to their higher basal metabolic rate. The lower thermogenic response to the meal in the obese supports the concept of a thermogenic defect which can favor energy gain; furthermore, the unchanged response after weight loss in the obese suggests that the thermogenic defect may be a cause rather than a consequence of obesity.
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are taking an increasing place in the market of domestic lighting because they produce light with low energy consumption. In the EU, by 2016, no traditional incandescent light sources will be available and LEDs may become the major domestic light sources. Due to specific spectral and energetic characteristics of white LEDs as compared to other domestic light sources, some concerns have been raised regarding their safety for human health and particularly potential harmful risks for the eye. To conduct a health risk assessment on systems using LEDs, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), a public body reporting to the French Ministers for ecology, for health and for employment, has organized a task group. This group consisted physicists, lighting and metrology specialists, retinal biologist and ophthalmologist who have worked together for a year. Part of this work has comprised the evaluation of group risks of different white LEDs commercialized on the French market, according to the standards and found that some of these lights belonged to the group risk 1 or 2. This paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the potential risks of white LEDs, taking into account pre-clinical knowledge as well as epidemiologic studies and reports the French Agency's recommendations to avoid potential retinal hazards.
The Office of Auditor of State's letter reporting the results of its evaluation of whether the Office of Secretary of State may appropriately use funds received under the Help America Vote Act
Recent experiments with amyloid-beta (Aß) peptides indicate that the formation of toxic oligomers may be an important contribution to the onset of Alzheimer's disease. The toxicity of Aß oligomers depend on their structure, which is governed by assembly dynamics. However, a detailed knowledge of the structure of at the atomic level has not been achieved yet due to limitations of current experimental techniques. In this study, replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations are used to identify the expected diversity of dimer conformations of Aß10-35 monomers. The most representative dimer conformation has been used to track the dimer formation process between both monomers. The process has been characterized by means of the evolution of the decomposition of the binding free energy, which provides an energetic profile of the interaction. Dimers undergo a process of reorganization driven basically by inter-chain hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions and also solvation/desolvation processes.
We recently showed that a heavy quark moving su ciently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons [1]. Here we review our previous holographic calculation of the energy loss in N = 4 Super Yang-Mills and extend it to longitudinal vector mesons and scalar mesons. We also discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments. Although the Cherenkov energy loss is an O(1=Nc) effect, a ballpark estimate yields a value of dE/dx for Nc = 3 which is comparable to that of other mechanisms.
A newly completed study commissioned by the Iowa Office of Energy Independence shows increased jobs, tax revenue and economic activity as a result of Iowa Power Fund projects. The analysis is divided into two parts. Part I assesses the specific impacts of projects that have been funded directly. Part II offers an analysis of the long term impacts when projects are successfully replicated.