997 resultados para dry corn grain
Selostus: Kotoisen kauran ravitsemuksellista arvoa ja energiapitoisuutta voidaan parantaa kuorinnalla
Selostus: Sään vaikutus syysviljojen hehtolitran painoon ennusteen laadinnan näkökulmasta
The use of a tantalum wire in hot-wire chemical vapour deposition (HWCVD) has allowed the deposition of dense nanocrystalline silicon at low filament temperatures (1550 °C). A transition in the crystalline preferential orientation from (2 2 0) to (1 1 1) was observed around 1700 °C. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, together with secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements, suggested that no oxidation occurred in materials obtained at low filament temperature due to the high density of the tissue surrounding grain boundaries. A greater concentration of SiH 3 radicals formed at these temperatures seemed to be responsible for the higher density.
The present study arose from the need to determine inorganic arsenic (iAs) at low levels in cereal-based food. Validated methods with a low limit of detection (LOD) are required to analyse these kinds of food. An analytical method for the determination of iAs, methylarsonic acid (MA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) in cereal-based food and infant cereals is reported. The method was optimised and validated to achieve low LODs. Ion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LC-ICPMS) was used for arsenic speciation. The main quality parameters were established. To expand the applicability of the method, different cereal products were analysed: bread, biscuits, breakfast cereals, wheat flour, corn snacks, pasta and infant cereals. The total and inorganic arsenic content of 29 cereal-based food samples ranged between 3.7-35.6 and 3.1-26.0 microg As kg-1, respectively. The present method could be considered a valuable tool for assessing inorganic arsenic contents in cereal-based foods.
A seasonal period of water deficit characterizes tropical dry forests (TDFs). There, sympatric tree species exhibit a diversity of growth rates, functional traits, and responses to drought, suggesting that each species may possess different strategies to grow under different conditions of water availability. The evaluation of the long-term growth responses to changes in the soil water balance should provide an understanding of how and when coexisting tree species respond to water deficit in TDFs. Furthermore, such differential growth responses may be linked to functional traits related to water storage and conductance. We used dendrochronology and climate data to retrospectively assess how the radial growth of seven coexisting deciduous tree species responded to the seasonal soil water balance in a Bolivian TDF. Linear mixed-effects models were used to quantify the relationships between basal area increment and seasonal water balance. We related these relationships with wood density and sapwood production to assess if they affect the growth responses to climate. The growth of all species responded positively to water balance during the wet season, but such responses differed among species as a function of their wood density. For instance, species with a strong growth response to water availability averaged a low wood density which may facilitate the storage of water in the stem. By contrast, species with very dense wood were those whose growth was less sensitive to water availability. Coexisting tree species thus show differential growth responses to changes in soil water balance during the wet season. Our findings also provide a link between wood density, a trait related to the ability of trees to store water in the stem, and wood formation in response to water availability.
A total of over 200 different samples of bark and wood of Silver birch, Norway spruce and Scots pine were analysed. Samples were taken from several areas in western Finland, some with known sources of atmospheric heavy metal emission (Harjavalta, Ykspihlaja). Also analytical data for pine needles from some sites are reported. The chemical analyses were performed by thick-target particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) spectrometry after preconcentration by dry ashing of samples at 550oC. The following elements were quantified in most of the samples: P, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Cd, Ba and Pb. The ash percentage and the chemical composition of ashes of different wood materials were also obtained, as dry ashing was used in the analytical procedure. The variations in elemental concentrations in wood and bark of an individual tree, expressed as RSDs, were mostly in the range 10 – 20 %. For several trees of the same species sampled from small areas (< 1 ha), the variations in elemental concentrations were surprisingly high (RSDs 20 – 50 %). In the vicinity of metal plants, effects of strong atmospheric heavy metal pollution (pollution factor above 100) were observed in pine bark. The increase of heavy metal content in wood samples from the same sites was quite small. Elemental concentrations in ashes of bark and wood, from areas with no local source of atmospheric pollution, were relatively uniform. Based on this observation an alternative way of demonstrating atmospheric pollution of tree bark is discussed.
Chronic exposure to airborne fungi has been associated with different respiratory symptoms and pathologies in occupational populations, such as grain workers. However, the homogeneity in the fungal species composition of these bioaerosols on a large geographical scale and the different drivers that shape these fungal communities remain unclear. In this study, the diversity of fungi in grain dust and in the aerosols released during harvesting was determined across 96 sites at a geographical scale of 560 km(2) along an elevation gradient of 500 m by tag-encoded 454-pyrosequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Associations between the structure of fungal communities in the grain dust and different abiotic (farming system, soil characteristics, geographic and climatic parameters) and biotic (wheat cultivar, previous crop culture) factors were explored. These analyses revealed a strong relationship between the airborne and grain dust fungal communities and showed the presence of allergenic and mycotoxigenic species in most samples, which highlights the potential contribution of these fungal species to work-related respiratory symptoms of grain workers. The farming system was the major driver of the alpha and beta phylogenetic diversity of fungal communities. In addition, elevation and soil CaCO3 concentrations shaped the alpha diversity whereas wheat cultivar, cropping history and the number of freezing days per year shaped the taxonomic beta diversity of these communities.
Aim: Emerging polyploids may depend on environmental niche shifts for successful establishment. Using the alpine plant Ranunculus kuepferi as a model system, we explore the niche shift hypothesis at different spatial resolutions and in contrasting parts of the species range. Location: European Alps. Methods: We sampled 12 individuals from each of 102 populations of R. kuepferi across the Alps, determined their ploidy levels, derived coarse-grain (100x100m) environmental descriptors for all sampling sites by downscaling WorldClim maps, and calculated fine-scale environmental descriptors (2x2m) from indicator values of the vegetation accompanying the sampled individuals. Both coarse and fine-scale variables were further computed for 8239 vegetation plots from across the Alps. Subsequently, we compared niche optima and breadths of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes by combining principal components analysis and kernel smoothing procedures. Comparisons were done separately for coarse and fine-grain data sets and for sympatric, allopatric and the total set of populations. Results: All comparisons indicate that the niches of the two cytotypes differ in optima and/or breadths, but results vary in important details. The whole-range analysis suggests differentiation along the temperature gradient to be most important. However, sympatric comparisons indicate that this climatic shift was not a direct response to competition with diploid ancestors. Moreover, fine-grained analyses demonstrate niche contraction of tetraploids, especially in the sympatric range, that goes undetected with coarse-grained data. Main conclusions: Although the niche optima of the two cytotypes differ, separation along ecological gradients was probably less decisive for polyploid establishment than a shift towards facultative apomixis, a particularly effective strategy to avoid minority cytotype exclusion. In addition, our results suggest that coarse-grained analyses overestimate niche breadths of widely distributed taxa. Niche comparison analyses should hence be conducted at environmental data resolutions appropriate for the organism and question under study.
Maltodextrin was produced from cassava and corn starch by enzymatic hydrolysis with alpha-amylase. The cassava starch hydrolysis rate was higher than that of corn starches in maltodextrin production with shorter dextrose equivalent (DE). DE values do not show directly the nature of the obtained oligosaccharides. Maltodextrin produced from cassava and corn starch was analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the analysis showed that maltodextrin production differs according to the source of the starch. This is important in defining the application of the maltodextrin, according to its desired function.
Use of thin films obtained by plasma polymerization for grain protection and germination enhancement
In this work, preliminary results of the use of hydrophobic thin films obtained by plasma deposition to protect grains and seeds are presented: grains coated by the films did not present biological degradation when stored in a saturated water vapor environment, but had their germination accelerated in the presence of water. A model that explains the difference of behavior of the films when exposed to water in vapor form or in liquid form, based on the formation of microchannels within the film that lead to water uptake in seeds, is presented. The model was successfully tested using quartz crystal measurements, which showed that the microchannels within the films can favor the adsorption and permeation of water when the films are immersed in water.
Worldwide cultivation of corn is expanding, due in part to the increasing production of bioethanol. In consequence, huge amounts of corn stalks residues are been produced. Instead of incineration, we transformed the corn stalks into a semichemical pulp and successfully applied it as reinforcement in polypropylene composites. PP composites reinforced with 40% wt corn stalk single fibers were prepared, and their mechanical properties were evaluated. Through mechanical properties modeling of the composites, the intrinsic tensile strength of the cellulosic fibers that constitute the corn stalk have been determined