938 resultados para drama, creativity, creative practice, learning, digital technologies, ICTs, Vygotsky, activity theory, arts education, pedagogy, engagement, cybernetics


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 Digital literacy is an essential skill in the knowledge era. This research found that occupational therapists recognise the importance of digital literacy and are willing to use digital technologies yet barriers exist. Improving digital literacy is a shared concern, to be addressed at the individual, institutional, professional and societal levels.


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Since the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, there has been global consensus that children need to be involved in the planning and design of their environment. There exist various international initiatives that support collaborative design with children, with co-design projects conducted in different areas of the world. Evolving from the global context of co-design, this project explores creativity in relation to architectural design with children. Between October and December 2011, a team of architecture students from Deakin University worked with children from Roslyn Primary School (both institutions located in Victoria, Australia) to design a playground structure. Informed by Rhodes’s (1961) theory, creativity in this co-design project was addressed through the four dimensions of creative designers, creative context, creative process, and creative design outcomes. The findings of this study corroborate Rhodes’s theory of creativity, and suggest that it is useful to engender creative architectural design with children.


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New technologies are transforming the shape and function of contemporary performance practice. Dance in particular has been at the forefront of dissolving the boundaries between humans and technology. In Australia alone, works such as Gideon Obarzanek's GLOW (Chunky Move) and Garry Stewart's Proximity (Australian Dance Theatre) have offered technology a role traditionally preserved only for the live human performer. As these technologies infiltrate theatre practice and their capacity to be co-actors with humans on stage increases, we need to carefully interrogate the notion of the actor's presence. For an overwhelming number of scholars and critics, presence is the defining quality of theatrical performance. Theatre has been privileged as the site where people witness other people together in the same physical space. Digital technologies can be seen as a threat to this and to the actor's presence. Cormac Power's Presence in Play provides a comprehensive analysis of theatrical presence that encapsulates a poststructuralist critique of presence while maintaining the notion of 'presence' as a key aspect of theatre. In this article, I take up Power's category of the literal mode of presence and examine three case studies that use digital technology in ways that disturb traditional conceptions of presence. I investigate the impact that digital technologies in live performance have on theatre's claims to literal presence. I also investigate the indirect impact that these technologies have on forms of fictional and auratic presence (these are Power's terms, which I will define shortly). First, I will establish the centrality of presence to the vast body of commentary on theatre; then, I will draw on Derrida's analysis of the metaphysics of presence to unsettle dominant assumptions about the function of presence in theatre, arguing that such a privileging of presence demonises projected media as a form of contamination that impedes theatre's ability to represent 'truth'. I use Jennifer Parker-Starbuck's term 'Cyborg Theatre' to discuss three examples of digital performance that have used technology to question and challenge our relationship to technology in everyday life. These works challenge traditional notions of selfhood and force us to interrogate the borders between the live and the mediated.


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 This essay explores the ways in which new developments in digital research infrastructure change our expectations of archival research and offer opportunities for a newly energized feminist approach to the archive. A specific platform, the Humanities Networked Infrastructure, is explored as an example of how digital technologies enable the coproduction of the archive and at the same time extend the possibilities for serendipitous discovery.


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A educação a distância tem passado por grandes transformações, principalmente após o advento da internet e das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs). Inúmeras perguntas sobre qualidade e resultados de aprendizagem em ambientes virtuais foram geradas com o crescimento da modalidade. Pesquisadores têm investigado métodos de avaliação dos benefícios promovidos pelo e-learning sob um número diversificado de perspectivas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar o impacto dos construtos qualidade do sistema, qualidade da informação e qualidade do serviço na satisfação do aluno e no uso de Sistemas Virtuais de Aprendizagem em ambientes de e-learning, utilizando como base teórica o modelo de Sucesso de e-learning, adaptado do modelo de Delone e McLean por Holsapple e Lee-Post. A metodologia de pesquisa tipo survey foi administrada por meio de um curso on-line ofertado a 291 estudantes de instituições públicas e privadas de todas as regiões do Brasil. Para o tratamento e análise dos dados, utilizaram-se técnicas de modelagem de equações estruturais e análise fatorial confirmatória. Os resultados demonstram que o uso do sistema é impactado pela variação dos construtos qualidade do sistema, qualidade da informação e qualidade dos serviços, já a satisfação do aluno é antecedida pela qualidade percebida da informação e do serviço. Muitos dos benefícios gerados pela educação a distância são causados pela satisfação do aluno e pela intensidade com que este utiliza o sistema de aprendizagem. Ao identificar os indicadores que antecedem estas variáveis, os gestores educacionais podem planejar seus investimentos visando atender às demandas mais importantes, além de utilizar a informação para lidar com um dos maiores problemas em EaD: a evasão.


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Neste trabalho, descreve-se o processo de produção de tecnologias educacionais e de Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs), relacionando-as ao uso do ensino em Engenharia Geotécnica. Desenvolveu-se um sistema de informação baseado num modelo que integra recursos educacionais produzidos em diferentes formatos eletrônicos e um software baseado na Web para gestão destes recursos e das informações da disciplina Fundações. O software, denominado ENGEO, auxilia a estruturação do conhecimento envolvido no domínio de aplicação, fornecendo ao professor, ou equipe de gestão, ferramentas remotas de administração dos conteúdos e dos recursos educacionais. Aos alunos, a aplicação ENGEO fornece disponibilidade de informações e de conteúdo em um ambiente flexível. Este aplicativo foi desenvolvido para o curso de Engenharia Geotécnica, particularizado para Engenharia de Fundações, com o objetivo de introduzir e incentivar a utilização de sistemas baseados na Web para compartilhamento de conteúdo das disciplinas, implementar Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação em aplicações para fins educacionais e fomentar discussões a respeito da identidade e perfil do Engenheiro e o papel da TICs no processo de formação do profissional de Engenharia.


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E-learning, which refers to the use of Internet-related technologies to improve knowledge and learning, has emerged as a complementary form of education, bringing advantages such as increased accessibility to information, personalized learning, democratization of education and ease of update, distribution and standardization of the content. In this sense, this paper aims to develop a tool, named ISE-SPL, whose purpose is the automatic generation of E-learning systems for medical education, making use of concepts of Software Product Lines. It consists of an innovative methodology for medical education that aims to assist professors of healthcare in their teaching through the use of educational technologies, all based on computing applied to healthcare (Informatics in Health). The tests performed to validate the ISE-SPL were divided into two stages: the first was made by using a software analysis tool similar to ISE-SPL, called SPLOT and the second was performed through usability questionnaires to healthcare professors who used ISESPL. Both tests showed positive results, proving it to be an efficient tool for generation of E-learning software and useful for professors in healthcare


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Estudiosos dos campos da Educação, da Linguística Aplicada e da Formação de Professores de Línguas insistem hoje na grande importância da inclusão de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) na formação inicial, bem como na necessidade de promover o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico-reflexivo dos futuros professores. Tomando como pressupostos teóricos estudos acerca das características da sociedade de informação, dos ambientes virtuais e da formação de professores, este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir possibilidades oferecidas pela plataforma Moodle de aprendizagem na formação inicial de professores de alemão. Para tanto, apresentaremos diferentes formas de uso de ambientes virtuais e de ferramentas neles disponíveis, que demonstraram ser de grande valor no processo de formação de licenciandos, tanto em língua alemã, quanto durante suas práticas iniciais. As experiências apontam para um valor inestimável de ambientes virtuais no acompanhamento de licenciandos no processo de aprendizagem da língua e nas primeiras experiências com a docência.


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In this work we consider the use of new technologies fron the Space Science and Astronautical, in the learning process, incorporating technical and conceptions of physics Spatial what can take on the response of some problems what there are a lot insistent in populate the mind of professors and followers regarding agreement of these conceptions into the level Average. Intending to bring another contribution to Physics teaching practice, especially Classical Mechanics, but introducing many introductory concepts from Modern Physics, since this topic is considered of great interest for teachers and students, for it involves high technology. It s advanced manufacturing demand certain processes that make possible the application of those concepts


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Digital technology has promoted a great popularization of photographic registration in several medical areas. Because of its visual nature, dermatology has incorporated the benefits of this tool in clinical practice and research. This article aims to offer guidance to the dermatologist who is unfamiliar with this technology, providing basic understanding for the best use of digital photography equipment. ©2006 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.


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Includes bibliography