874 resultados para defensive homicide


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A Observação e Análise é uma área em crescimento nos últimos anos. Hoje em dia, a presença de um departamento de Observação e Análise nos clubes é visto como essencial uma vez que, no futebol de alto rendimento, os jogos estão cada vez mais equilibrados, sendo decididos muitas vezes por pormenores. Neste sentido existe uma maior necessidade de inclusão de equipas técnicas multidisciplinares com o objetivo de melhorar o rendimento da equipa e alcançar o sucesso. As equipas de topo devem controlar ao máximo todos os fatores que influenciam o rendimento dos jogadores e, a Observação e Análise de jogo é um deles. Este relatório surge no âmbito do estágio realizado no Sport Lisboa e Benfica, mais concretamente no departamento de Observação e Análise do Benfica LAB, na época desportiva 2014/2015. Encontra-se dividido em três partes fundamentais. A Área 1 (Prática Profissional) foca-se na exposição detalhada das formações específicas que nos foram proporcionadas bem como todas as tarefas operacionais e complementares realizadas ao longo do estágio, subjacentes a um departamento de Observação e Análise. A segunda parte é referente à Área 2 (Inovação e Investigação) – desenvolvimento de um estudo de investigação que carateriza as ações técnico-táticas individuais do Sport Lisboa e Benfica por posição (posto específico) com o objetivo de averiguar diferenças significativas entre épocas desportivas. Concluiu-se a existência de diferenças significativas. As posições que apresentaram o maior número de diferenças entre épocas desportivas foram as posições médio defensivo e primeiro avançado. Finalmente, a última parte deste relatório centra-se na Área 3 (Relação com a Comunidade). São explicados detalhadamente todos os procedimentos da organização e dinamização de um evento vocacionado para a formação de agentes que intervém direta ou indiretamente na Observação e Análise de Jogo.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Agrárias, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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O intento predominante desta investigação prende-se em tomar conhecimento de como as recentes Viaturas Blindadas de Rodas adquiridas pelo Exército Português se adequam em Território Nacional, naquilo que se poderá constituir como um Eixo de Aproximação, e inseridas numa operação defensiva. Para a realização deste trabalho foi adotada uma metodologia de investigação baseada em alguns autores. Para a recolha de informação foi usada a pesquisa documental e bibliográfica e a realização de entrevistas. Este trabalho encontra-se dividido em várias partes, sendo que se dividem em dois grandes grupos. Numa primeira fase são introduzidos conceitos teóricos que suportam a investigação, nomeadamente no âmbito da Zona de Operações Terrestre, e das características das diferentes versões da VBR PANDUR II 8x8. Numa segunda fase, conduz-se o Estudo do Espaço de Batalha pelas Informações numa determinada região do Território Nacional, terminando esta etapa com a junção dos conhecimentos anteriormente adquiridos com a análise do terreno feita. Concluiu-se com a realização desta investigação que as forças equipadas com estas viaturas estão preparadas para executar operações de índole defensiva no âmbito das operações retrógradas ou defesas móveis, devido às suas capacidades. Com a sua elevada capacidade de projeção, mobilidade do terreno, autonomia, observação do campo de batalha, estas viaturas conferem ao Exército Português uma nova tipologia de força – A Força Média.


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O seguinte Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada tem como objetivo analisar e explicar a forma como evoluíram e se organizaram as unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português, no período compreendido entre 1914 e 1918, assim como analisar, descrever e explicar a sua organização para o combate, emprego operacional e forma de atuar, no setor português em França, no período compreendido entre 1917 e março de 1918. O período analisado está inserido no conflito da Grande Guerra de 1914-1918, que se destacou pela desadequação do novo armamento com a forma antiquada de combater. O resultado foi um conflito de baixa mobilidade, com um elevado custo humano e pouco progresso, o que levou à criação de um sistema defensivo complexo que se estendeu, a Oeste, desde a fronteira Suíça até ao Mar do Norte, mais conhecido como trincheiras. A artilharia e morteiros surgem, em parte, como resposta às necessidades de um novo tipo de guerra, em que o sucesso depende não só nos números, mas também, de forma crescente, nos materiais. Para a realização deste trabalho de investigação aplicada, tendo como referência o método da investigação histórica, foi analisada, numa abordagem diacrónica, a evolução da organização e dos materiais utilizados pelas unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português e, numa abordagem sincrónica, identificando as diferentes variáveis, como as inovações doutrinárias e orgânicas, as adaptações ao modelo britânico e as formas de atuação e emprego operacional das unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português. Este trabalho baseia-se na análise de conteúdo de fontes primárias manuscritas e impressas, textuais e iconográficas, nacionais e internacionais, diretamente relacionadas com o tema abordado.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the technical performance profile of the four-time Costa Rican Senior Basketball League championship team. A total of 142 games was recorded throughout the 2007, 2008 and 2009 seasons. Performance indicators selected were: two and three-point shots (converted, missed, effectiveness rates), free throws (converted, missed, effectiveness rates), points, offensive and defensive rebounds, fouls, turnovers, assists and ball steals. The information was described based on absolute and relative frequency values. Data was compared by season and by playing period based on the following non-parametric techniques: U-test, Friedman test and Chi-square. In all cases, SPSS version 15.0 was used with a significance level of p ≤ 0.05. Results showed a better profile of technical performance in the 2008 season, characterized by better percentages of two-point shots, free throws, fewer turnovers and more ball steals and assists. In relation to the playing period, the team showed a better technical performance profile during the second half of the matches. In general, the effectiveness rate of two-point shots and free throws was above 60% in both playing periods, while the three-point shot percentage ranged between 26.4% and 29.2%. In conclusion, the team showed a similar technical performance profile to that reported in the literature, as well as a clear evidence of the importance of recording and following up on technical performance indicators in basketball.


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An impedance method was developed to determine how immune system cells (hemocyte) interact with intruder cells (parasites). When the hemocyte cells interact with the parasites, they cause a defensive reaction and the parasites start to aggregate in clusters. The level of aggregation is a measure of the host-parasite interaction, and provides information about the efficiency of the immune system response. The cell aggregation is monitored using a set of microelectrodes. The impedance spectrum is measured between each individual microelectrode and a large reference electrode. As the cells starts to aggregate and settle down towards the microelectrode array the impedance of the system is changed. It is shown that the system impedance is very sensitive to the level of cell aggregation and can be used to monitor in real time the interaction between hemocyte cells and parasites.


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Community development was born out of a commitment to practising ways of empowering people to take collective control of their own lives. It requires profound changes in the ways in which societies are organized, and has held out the promise of heroic change. Although community development practitioners have been able to secure spaces for community development processes and policies, overall the successes of community development have been uneven and often quite modest. Indeed, the story of community development so far is one of the considerable unfinished businesses. Drawing on two research projects, this paper considers whether third-sector organizations, which are the main sites within which community development practice takes place, generate and nurture the types of active citizenship that are appropriate to community development activities. The paper develops a typology of active citizenship and considers manifestations of the types in seven countries. The applicability of the types to community development is dependent upon what form of community development is being considered. The paper argues that we need more than a settled form of community development based around social maintenance and defensive active citizenship. An unsettled and edgy community development is also needed that requires critical, proactive, visionary, cosmopolitan and active citizens who are prepared to challenge the existing power relations.


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Avulsion, epidermal marsupialization, and infection cause failure at the skin-material interface. A robust interface would permit implantable robotics, prosthetics, and other medical devices; reconstruction of surgical defects, and long-term access to blood vessels and body cavities. Torus-shaped cap-scaffold structures were designed to work in conjunction with negative pressure to address the three causes of failure. Six wounds were made on the backs of each of four 3-month old pigs. Four unmodified (no caps) scaffolds were implanted along with 20 cap-scaffolds. Collagen type 4 was attached to 21 implants. Negative pressure then was applied. Structures were explanted and assessed histologically at day 7 and day 28. At day 28, there was close tissue apposition to scaffolds, without detectable reactions from defensive or interfering cells. Three cap-scaffolds explanted at day 28 showed likely attachment of epidermis to the cap or cap-scaffold junction, without deeper marsupialization. The combination of toric-shaped cap-scaffolds with negative pressure appears to be an intrinsically biocompatible system, enabling a robust skin-material interface. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2016.


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The aim of this study was to identify within-season differences in basketball players' game-related statistics according to team quality and playing time. The sample comprised 5309 records from 198 players in the Spanish professional basketball league (2007-2008). Factor analysis with principal components was applied to the game-related statistics gathered from the official box-scores, which limited the analysis to five factors (free-throws, 2-point field-goals, 3-point field-goals, passes, and errors) and two variables (defensive and offensive rebounds). A two-step cluster analysis classified the teams as stronger (69 ± 8 winning percentage), intermediate (43 ± 5 winning percentage), and weaker teams (32 ± 5 winning percentage); individual players were classified based on playing time as important players (28 ± 4 min) or less important players (16 ± 4 min). Seasonal variation was analysed monthly in eight periods. A mixed linear model was applied to identify the effects of team quality and playing time within the months of the season on the previously identified factors and game-related statistics. No significant effect of season period was observed. A team quality effect was identified, with stronger teams being superior in terms of 2-point field-goals and passes. The weaker teams were the worst at defensive rebounding (stronger teams: 0.17 ± 0.05; intermediate teams: 0.17 ± 0.06; weaker teams: 0.15 ± 0.03; P = 0.001). While playing time was significant in almost all variables, errors were the most important factor when contrasting important and less important players, with fewer errors being made by important players. The trends identified can help coaches and players to create performance profiles according to team quality and playing time. However, these performance profiles appear to be independent of season period.


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The partial defence of provocation is one of the most controversial doctrines within the criminal law. It has now been abolished in a number of international jurisdictions. Addressing the trajectory of debates about reform of the provocation defence across different jurisdictions, Sex, Culpability and the Defence of Provocation considers the construction and representation of subjectivity and sexual difference in legal narrations of intimate partner homicide. Undeniably, the most vexing exculpatory cultural narrative of our times is that of a woman 'asking for it'. This book explores how the process of judgment in a criminal trial involves not only the drawing of inferences from the facts of a particular case, but also operates to deliver a narrative. Law, it is argued, constructs a narrative of how the female body incites male violence. And, pursuing an approach that is informed by socio-legal studies, literary theory and feminist theories of the body, Sex, Culpability and the Defence of Provocation considers how this narrative is constructed via a range of discursive practices that position woman as a threat to masculine norms of propriety and autonomy. Once we have a clear understanding of the significance of narrative in legal decision-making, we can then formulate textual strategies of resistance to the violence of law's victim-blaming narratives by rewriting them.


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2015 marks a decade since the release of the Victorian Law Reform Commission's Defences to Homicide: Final Report. The Commission's Final Report recommended major changes to the law of homicide in Victoria and in 2005, the Victorian government responded to the 56 recommendations by implementing the largest package of homicide law reforms since the abolition of the death penalty. This book brings together leading scholars, legal practitioners and the former Victorian Attorney-General to provide a comprehensive examination of the Victorian experience of reform, including its perceived successes and failures. This is a controversial area of the law that continues to present challenges in practice. Since the 2005 reforms further reform of the law has occurred in Victoria and a range of divergent approaches to homicide law reform have been introduced and animated debate across Australia and internationally. With such a high level of law reform activity nationally this book provides a timely analysis of the extent to which the Victorian reforms have improved legal responses to lethal violence and with what effect in practice. To enhance this analysis the book also looks internationally to consider the operation of homicide law in England and Wales, Canada and New Zealand and what lessons could be gained from an Australian perspective from differing approaches to reform.

This book explores a number of issues concerning the operation of the law of homicide, sentencing practices, the role of the media, evidence reforms, legal culture, political influences and future reform challenges for Victoria and other Australian jurisdictions. In examining all aspects of the 2005 homicide law reforms, the book draws on the views of those who were involved in reviewing the law of homicide in Victoria, those who recommended and implemented reform, and those who have played a key role in the monitoring and evaluation of the law post-reform in Victoria but also more widely in Australia and internationally. The resulting analysis will be of great interest to law, criminology and socio-legal scholars as well as legal practitioners and law reformers in Australia and comparative international jurisdictions.


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Nitric oxide plays an indispensable role in modulating cellular signaling and redox pathways. This role is mainly effected by the readily reversible nitrosylation of selective protein cysteine thiols. The reversibility and sophistication of this signaling system is enabled and regulated by a number of enzymes which form part of the thioredoxin, glutathione, and pyridoxine antioxidant systems. Increases in nitric oxide levels initially lead to a defensive increase in the number of nitrosylated proteins in an effort to preserve their function. However, in an environment of chronic oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS), nitrosylation of crucial cysteine groups within key enzymes of the thioredoxin, glutathione, and pyridoxine systems leads to their inactivation thereby disabling denitrosylation and transnitrosylation and subsequently a state described as "hypernitrosylation." This state leads to the development of pathology in multiple domains such as the inhibition of enzymes of the electron transport chain, decreased mitochondrial function, and altered conformation of proteins and amino acids leading to loss of immune tolerance and development of autoimmunity. Hypernitrosylation also leads to altered function or inactivation of proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis, autophagy, proteomic degradation, transcription factor activity, immune-inflammatory pathways, energy production, and neural function and survival. Hypernitrosylation, as a consequence of chronically elevated O&NS and activated immune-inflammatory pathways, can explain many characteristic abnormalities observed in neuroprogressive disease including major depression and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. In those disorders, increased bacterial translocation may drive hypernitrosylation and autoimmune responses against nitrosylated proteins.


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In this evaluation of New Zealand audit going concern standards, we ask what underlying messagescan be found in these professionally-designed standards. To do so, we apply a linguistic taxonomy ofcommunicative acts to the three sets of going concern standards, and 469 speech acts, that have overtime been produced. This taxonomy developed by Bach and Harnish (1979) is based on Austin’s wellknownlinguistic principle of the illocutionary act, which is concerned with the force of a text. Ouranalysis is further informed by our evaluation of the New Zealand socio-political–economic contextand from the results of an interview with one of the standard setters. We conclude that among otherpossible rationales, a lack of courtroom guidance, a defensive posture and a marketing exercise instandard expansion may explain the force of the text that we found. Our results also reveal a professionwhich, in this text at least, situates itself ‘above public debate’, conveying a sense of ‘expertise’ indevised ‘truths’ about the obligations of the auditor and others.


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In the United States, the nexus between mental illness and shootings has been the subject of heated argument. An extreme expression of one point of view is that “guns don't kill people, the mentally ill do.” This article seeks to demonstrate the falsehood of this argument, by examining the real-world experience of two comparable societies. Australia and Great Britain are both Anglophone nations with numerous points of commonality with the United States, including high rates of mental illness and significant exposure to popular culture that perpetuates the stigma of the mentally ill as a violent threat. However, in Australia, it is difficult to obtain firearms, and a mentally ill person behaving aggressively is unlikely to be able to harm others. On the contrary, police are almost the only people routinely armed in Australian communities and are often too ready to use firearms against the mentally ill. In Britain, guns are even more difficult to obtain, and operational police are not usually armed. The authors examine statistical data on mental illness, homicide, and civilian deaths caused by police in all three nations. They also consider media and popular opinion environments. They conclude that mental illness is prevalent in all three societies, as is the damaging stigma of “the dangerous madman.” However, the fewer people (including police officers) who have access to firearms, the safer that community is.