995 resultados para costa rican literature
O gênero Opselater é formado por elaterídeos bioluminescentes, com vesículas luminescentes laterais, pequenas, localizadas na região posterior do pronoto, e corpo delgado com élitros gradualmente afilados do úmero ao ápice. Distribuem-se do Panamá à Argentina. São redescritas sete espécies, Opselater hebes (Germar, 1841), O. helvolus (Germar, 1841), O. lucens (Illiger, 1807), O. melanurus (Candèze, 1863), O. pyrophanus (Illiger, 1807), O. quadraticollis (Blanchard, 1843) e O. succinus Costa, 1980. O. costae sp. nov. de Linhares, Espírito Santo, é descrita. Também são apresentados uma chave para a identificação das espécies e ilustrações dos principais caracteres, incluindo protórax, pterotórax, asas e metendosternito.
Ptesimopsia gracilis sp. nov. coletada em armadilha malaise na Fazenda Jaburu, Canindé do São Francisco, Sergipe, Brasil, é descrita e ilustrada.
Novos registros: Sphallonycha irundisa Galileo & Martins, 2001 para o Ecuador; Hilaroleopsis icuapira Martins & Galileo, 1992, para a Costa Rica. Novos táxons descritos da Costa Rica: Apebusu gen. nov., espécie-tipo A. rubriventris sp. nov.; Esamirim gen. nov., espécie-tipo E. fasciatus sp. nov.; E. carinatus sp. nov.; Kuatinga gen. nov. espécie-tipo, K.. bicolor sp. nov.: Hilaroleopsis theurgus sp. nov.; Abanycha pectoralis sp. nov.; do Panamá: Esamirim divisus sp. nov. Nova combinação: Esamirim chionides (Bates,1885) comb. nov. (anteriormente em Adesmus). Chaves para gêneros de Hemilophini com garras tarsais internas reduzidas e para as espécies de Esamirim são fornecidas.
We reviewed the literature to clarify the effects of exercise in preventing and treating nonspecific low back pain. We evaluated several characteristics of exercise programs including specificity, individual tailoring, supervision, motivation enhancement, volume, and intensity. The results show that exercise is effective in the primary and secondary prevention of low back pain. When used for curative treatment, exercise diminishes disability and pain severity while improving fitness and occupational status in patients who have subacute, recurrent, or chronic low back pain. Patients with acute low back pain are usually advised to continue their everyday activities to the greatest extent possible rather than to start an exercise program. Supervision is crucial to the efficacy of exercise programs. Whether general or specific exercises are preferable is unclear, and neither is there clear evidence that one-on-one sessions are superior to group sessions. Further studies are needed to determine which patient subsets respond to specific characteristics of exercise programs and which exercise volumes and intensities are optimal.
Três novas espécies de Prodecatoma obtidas a partir de galhas em frutos de Psidium cattleianum Sabine e Psidium cinereum Mart. ex DC.(Myrtaceae) são descritas a partir de material obtido no Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Duas das novas espécies, Prodecatoma carpophaga sp. nov. e Prodecatoma petrodoma sp. nov. são descritas como indutoras das galhas. Prodecatoma ferruginea sp. nov. e Prodecatoma spermophaga Costa-Lima são apontadas como inquilinas das galhas ou parasitóides. São incluídos também comentários sobre a morfologia macroscópica da galha e a biologia das vespas.
Três espécies novas de abelhas do gênero Lestrimelitta são descritas: L. danuncia sp. nov. (da Costa Rica e Panamá), L. mourei sp. nov. (da Costa Rica) e L. glaberrima sp. nov. (da Guiana Francesa). Todas essas espécies foram identificadas anteriormente como Lestrimelitta limao Smith.
Education plays a very important role in society’s development in order to promote good citizenship and individual rights and freedom. To this end, it is fundamental that girls be included in the education process. Inmost developed and developing countries, theoretically, both males and females have access to education. Cape Verde is no exception; however, the reality is that even in Cape Verde, promoting girls’ education and creating conditions to motivate girls to stay in school remains a challenge. Whereas girls have access to education many girls drop out for gender-related reasons. This paper will investigate girls’ education initiatives in general, and Cape Verde specific to offer recommendations and strategies to keep girls in school.
Describe la importancia de la merluza peruana como alimento popular. Así mismo, presenta las condiciones ambientales de su hábitat, observaciones generales efectuadas durante la prospección efectuadas desde Paita hasta Ica.
This paper reviews the literature on reference pricing (RP) in pharmaceutical markets. The RP strategy for cost containment of expenditure on drugs is analyzed as part of the procurement mechanism. We review the existing literature and the state-of-the-art regarding RP by focusing on its economic effects. In particular, we consider: (1) the institutional context and problem-related factors which appear to underline the need to implement an RP strategy; i.e., its nature, characteristics and the sort of health care problems commonly addressed; (2) how RP operates in practice; that is, how third party-payers (the insurers/buyers) have established the RP systems existing on the international scene (i.e., information methods, monitoring procedures and legislative provisions); (3)the range of effects resulting from particular RP strategies (including effects on choice of appropriate pharmaceuticals, insurer savings, total drug expenditures, prices of referenced and non-referenced products and dynamic efficiency; (4) the market failures which an RP policy is supposed to address and the main advantages and drawbacks which emerge from an analysis of its effects. Results suggest that RP systems achieve better their postulated goals (1) if cost inflation in pharmaceuticals is due to high prices rather than to the excess of prescription rates, (2) when the larger is the existing difference in prices among equivalent drugs, and (3) more important is the actual market for generics.
Presenta aspectos del alimento y hábitos alimenticios de la anchoveta, basado en la determinación cuantitativa y cualitativa de los diferentes grupos de organismos que forman su dieta alimenticia. Para tal efecto realizan el análisis del contenido estomacal de anchovetas pescados a 20 millas aproximadamente, de la costa en las áreas de Chimbote, Supe, Callao y Tambo de Mora, durante la misma época del año.
Contribuye al conocimiento del ciclo vital en lo referente a primeras etapas de vida del jurel, que incluye el desarrollo embrional y larvas hasta la longitud de 12.81 mm. y su distribución en la costa peruana en los años 1966 a 1968; el material de estudio fue obtenido de las colecciones planctónicas efectuadas en once cruceros del Instituto del mar.