985 resultados para concentration methods
Effect of frother type and concentration on the water recovery and entrainment recovery relationship
A study was undertaken to determine the effects of five industrial frothers on the relationship between entrainment recovery and water recovery. The experiments were conducted using a Batequip rectangular 60-L steel flotation cell that was run in parallel with the first cell in a copper/silver prefloat rougher circuit. The concentration of the frothers ranged from 2.5 to 8.4 g/t. The experiments were repeated at three different froth depths. A power function was found to fit this relationship with no discontinuity in the relationship caused by the changes in frother type and concentration and froth depth.
Purpose: This study examined the relationship between muscle glutamine, muscle glycogen, and plasma glutamine concentrations over 3 d of high-intensity exercise during which dietary carbohydrate (CHO) intake varied. Methods: Five endurance-trained men completed two exercise trials in randomized order, over a 14-d period. Each trial required subjects to perform 50 min of high-intensity continuous and interval exercise on three consecutive days while consuming a diet that provided 45% of the energy as CHO or a diet in which CHO provided 70% of the total energy. Four days of inactivity and consumption of a 55% CHO diet separated the two randomized trials. Menus and food were provided for the subjects and all food and drink consumed were weighed and recorded for later analysis. Before exercise on the first day of each trial, at the start of exercise on day 3 and on completion of exercise on day 3, muscle was biopsied from the vastus lateralis for the analysis of glutamine and glycogen concentrations. Venous blood was sampled before and twice after exercise on each day for the analysis of plasma glutamine and cortisol concentrations. Results: Mean plasma glutamine concentration was significantly higher during the 70% CHO exercise trial when compared with the 45% CHO trial (P < 0.05). Glycogen decreased by the same magnitude during both trials and there was no relationship between changes in plasma glutamine and changes in muscle glycogen concentration. Muscle glutamine concentration did not change in either trial. Conclusions: These data suggest that the influence of carbohydrate intake upon the concentration of plasma glutamine is not mediated through the concentration of intramuscular glycogen.
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii produces the cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin, which is commonly found in SouthEast Queensland water reservoirs, and has been responsible for the closure of these reservoirs as a source of drinking water in recent times. Thus, alternative more effective treatment methods need to be investigated for the removal of toxins such as cylindrospermopsin. This study examined the effectiveness of two brands of titanium dioxide under UV photolysis for the degradation of cylindrospermopsin. Results indicate that titanium dioxide is an efficient photocatalyst for cylindrospermopsin degradation. The titanium dioxide (TiO2), brand Degussa P-25 was found to be more efficient than the alternate brand Hombikat UV-100. There was an influence from solution pH (4, 7, and 9) with both brands of titanium dioxide, with high pH resulting in the best degradation rate. Importantly, there was no adsorption of cylindrospermopsin to titanium dioxide particles as seen with other cyanotoxins, which would adversely influence the degradation rate. Degradation rates were not influenced by temperature (19-34 degreesC) when P-25 was the source of TiO2, some temperature influence was observed with UV-100. Dissolved organic carbon concentration will reduce the efficiency of titanium dioxide for cylindrospermopsin degradation, however the presence of other inorganic matter in natural waters greatly assists the photocatalytic process. With minimal potentially toxic by-product formation expected with this treatment, and the effective degradation of cylindrospermopsin, titanium dioxide UV photolysis is a promising speculative alternative water treatment method. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Renal drug elimination is determined by glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and tubular reabsorption. Changes in the integrity of these processes influence renal drug clearance, and these changes may not be detected by conventional measures of renal function such as creatinine clearance. The aim of the current study was to examine the analytic issues needed to develop a cocktail of marker drugs (fluconazole, rac-pindolol, para-aminohippuric acid, sinistrin) to measure simultaneously the mechanisms contributing to renal clearance. High-performance liquid chromatographic methods of analysis for fluconazole, pindolol, para-aminohippuric acid, and creatinine and an enzymatic assay for sinistrin were developed or modified and then validated to allow determination of each of the compounds in both plasma and urine in the presence of all other marker drugs. A pilot clinical study in one volunteer was conducted to ensure that the assays were suitable for quantitating all the marker drugs to the sensitivity and specificity needed to allow accurate determination of individual renal clearances. The performance of all assays (plasma and urine) complied with published validation criteria. All standard curves displayed linearity over the concentration ranges required, with coefficients of correlation greater than 0.99. The precision of the interday and intraday variabilities of quality controls for each marker in plasma and urine were all less than 11.9% for each marker. Recoveries of markers (and internal standards) in plasma and urine were all at least 90%. All markers investigated were shown to be stable when plasma or urine was frozen and thawed. For all the assays developed, there were no interferences from other markers or endogenous substances. In a pilot clinical study, concentrations of all markers could be accurately and reproducibly determined for a sufficient duration of time after administration to calculate accurate renal clearance for each marker. This article presents details of the analytic techniques developed for measuring concentrations of marker drugs for different renal elimination processes administered as a single dose to define the processes contributing to renal drug elimination.
Purpose: Most studies that use either a single exercise session, exercise training, or a cross-sectional design have failed to find a relationship between exercise and plasma lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] concentrations. However, a few studies investigating the effects of longer and/or more strenuous exercise have shown elevated Lp(a) concentrations, possibly as an acute-phase reactant to muscle damage. Based on the assumption that greater muscle damage would occur with exercise of longer duration, the purpose of the present study was to determine whether exercise of longer duration would increase Lp(a) concentration and creatine kinase. (CK) activity more than exercise of shorter duration. Methods: Ten endurance-trained men (mean +/- SD: age, 27 +/- 6 yr; maximal oxygen consumption [(V)over dotO(2max)], 57 +/- 7 mL(.)kg(-1) min(-1)) completed two separate exercise sessions at 70% (V)over dotO(2max). One session required 900 kcal of energy expenditure (60 +/- 6 min), and the other required 1500 kcal (112 +/- 12 min). Fasted blood samples were taken immediately before (0-pre), immediately after (0-post), 1 d after (1-post), and 2 d after (2-post) each exercise session. Results: CK activity increased after both exercise sessions (mean +/- SE; 800 kcal: 0-pre 55 +/- 11, 1-post 168 +/- 64 U(.)L(-1.)min(-1); 1500 kcal: 0-pre 51 +/- 5, 1-post 187 +/- 30, 2-post 123 +/- 19 U(.)L(-1.)min(-1); P < 0.05). However, median Lp(a) concentrations were not altered by either exercise session (800 kcal: 0-pre 5.0 mg(.)dL(-1), 0-post 3.2 mg(.)dL(-1), 1-post 4.0 mg(.)dL(-1), 2-post 3.4 mg(.)dL(-1); 1500 kcal: 0-pre 5.8 mg(.)dL(-1), 0-post 4.3 mg(.)dL(-1), 1-post 3.2 mg(.)dL(-1), 2-post 5.3 mg(.)dL(-1)). In addition, no relationship existed between exercise-induced changes in CK activity and Lp(a) concentration (800 kcal: r = -0.26; 1500 kcal: r = -0.02). Conclusion: These results suggest that plasma Lp(a) concentration will not increase in response to minor exercise-induced muscle damage in endurance-trained runners.
Petrov-Galerkin methods are known to be versatile techniques for the solution of a wide variety of convection-dispersion transport problems, including those involving steep gradients. but have hitherto received little attention by chemical engineers. We illustrate the technique by means of the well-known problem of simultaneous diffusion and adsorption in a spherical sorbent pellet comprised of spherical, non-overlapping microparticles of uniform size and investigate the uptake dynamics. Solutions to adsorption problems exhibit steep gradients when macropore diffusion controls or micropore diffusion controls, and the application of classical numerical methods to such problems can present difficulties. In this paper, a semi-discrete Petrov-Galerkin finite element method for numerically solving adsorption problems with steep gradients in bidisperse solids is presented. The numerical solution was found to match the analytical solution when the adsorption isotherm is linear and the diffusivities are constant. Computed results for the Langmuir isotherm and non-constant diffusivity in microparticle are numerically evaluated for comparison with results of a fitted-mesh collocation method, which was proposed by Liu and Bhatia (Comput. Chem. Engng. 23 (1999) 933-943). The new method is simple, highly efficient, and well-suited to a variety of adsorption and desorption problems involving steep gradients. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background. A retrospective analysis was performed on adult renal transplant recipients to evaluate the relationship between tacrolimus trough concentrations and the development of rejection in the first month after transplant. Methods. A total of 349 concentrations from 29 patients, measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), were recorded. Based on an increased serum creatinine, 12 patients were considered to have organ rejection. Rejection was confirmed by biopsy in five of these. The median trough concentration of tacrolimus over the first month of therapy, or until the time of first rejection was compared in rejecters vs non-rejecters. Results. Median trough concentrations of tacrolimus were found to be lower in biopsy-proven rejecters vs non-rejecters (P=0.03) and all rejecters vs nonrejecters (P = 0.04). The average median concentration (+/- SD) in the biopsy-proven rejecter group was 5.09 +/-1.16 ng/ml, compared to 9.20 +/-3.52 ng/ml in the non-rejecter group. After exclusion of an outlier, the average median concentration in all rejecters was 5.57 +/-1.47 ng/rnl, compared with 9.20 +/-3.52 ng/ml in non-rejecters. A rejection rate of 55% was found for patients with a median trough concentration between 0 and 10 ng/ml. This compared with no observed rejection in patients with a median concentration between 10 and 15 ng/ml. Conclusion. A significant relationship exists between organ rejection and median tacrolimus trough concentrations in the first month post-transplant, with patients displaying low concentrations more likely to reject. In order to minimize rejection in the first month after renal transplantation, trough concentrations greater than 10 ng/ml must be achieved.
Aims Previous studies suggest that estimated creatinine clearance, the conventional measure of renal function, does not adequately reflect charges in renal drug handling in some patients, including the immunosuppressed. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a cocktail of markers. to be given in a single administration, capable of detecting alterations in the renal elimination pathways of glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption. Methods Healthy male subjects (n = 12) received intravenously infused 2500 mg sinistrin (glomerular filtration) and 440 mg p-aminohippuric acid (PAH; anion secretion), and orally administered 100 mg fluconazole (reabsorption) and 15 mg rac-pindolol (cation secretion). The potential interaction between these markers was investigated in a pharmacokinetic study where markers (M) or fluconazole (F) were administered alone or together (M + F). Validated analytical methods were used to measure plasma and urine concentrations in order to quantify the renal handling of each marker. Plasma protein binding of fluconazole was measured by ultrafiltration. All subjects had an estimated creatinine clearance within the normal range. The renal clearance of each marker (Mean +/- s.d.) was calculated as the ratio of the amount excreted in urine and thearea-under-the-concentration-time curve. Statistical comparisons were made using a paired t-test and 95% confidence intervals were reported. Results The renal clearances of sinistrin (M: 119 +/- 31 ml min(-1); M + F: 130 +/- 40 ml min(-1); P = 0.32), PAH (M: 469 +/- 145 ml min(-1); M + F: 467 +/- 146 ml min(-1); P = 0.95), R-pindolol (M: 204 +/- 41 ml min(-1); M + F: 190 +/- 41 ml min(-1); P = 0.39; n = 11), S-pindolol (M: 225 +/- 55 ml min(-1); M + F: 209 +/- 60 ml min(-1); P = 0.27; n = 11) and fluconazole (F: 14.9 +/-3.8 ml min(-1); M + F: 13.6 +/- 3.4 ml min(-1); P = 0.16) were similar when the markers or fluconazole were administered alone (M or F) or as a cocktail (M + F). Conclusions This study found no interaction between markers and fluconazole in healthy male subjects, suggesting that a single administration of this cocktail of markers of different renal processes call be used to simultaneously investigate pathways of renal drug elimination.
Background: Alcohol increases body iron stores. Alcohol and iron may increase oxidative stress and the risk of alcohol-related liver disease. The relationship between low or safe levels of alcohol use and indices of body iron stores, and the factors that affect the alcohol-iron relationship, have not been fully characterized. Other aspects of the biological response to alcohol use have been reported to depend on iron status. Methods: We have measured serum iron, transferrin, and ferritin as indices of iron stores in 3375 adult twin subjects recruited through the Australian Twin Registry. Information on alcohol use and dependence and smoking was obtained from questionnaires and interviews. Results: Serum iron and ferritin increased progressively across classes of alcohol intake. The effects of beer consumption were greater than those of wine or spirits. Ferritin concentration was significantly higher in subjects who had ever been alcohol dependent. There was no evidence of interactions between HFE genotype or body mass index and alcohol. Alcohol intake-adjusted carbohydrate-deficient transferrin was increased in women in the lowest quartile of ferritin results, whereas adjusted gamma -glutamyltransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase values were increased in subjects with high ferritin. Conclusions: Alcohol intake at low level increases ferritin and, by inference, body iron stores. This may be either beneficial or harmful, depending on circumstances. The response of biological markers of alcohol intake can be affected by body iron stores; this has implications for test sensitivity and specificity and for variation in biological responses to alcohol use.
Surrogate methods for detecting lateral gene transfer are those that do not require inference of phylogenetic trees. Herein I apply four such methods to identify open reading frames (ORFs) in the genome of Escherichia coli K12 that may have arisen by lateral gene transfer. Only two of these methods detect the same ORFs more frequently than expected by chance, whereas several intersections contain many fewer ORFs than expected. Each of the four methods detects a different non-random set of ORFs. The methods may detect lateral ORFs of different relative ages; testing this hypothesis will require rigorous inference of trees. (C) 2001 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.
Problems associated with the stickiness of food in processing and storage practices along with its causative factors are outlined. Fundamental mechanisms that explain why and how food products become sticky are discussed. Methods currently in use for characterizing and overcoming stickiness problems in food processing and storage operations are described. The use of glass transition temperature-based model, which provides a rational basis for understanding and characterizing the stickiness of many food products, is highlighted.
While aggregate level pay equity comparisons between Australia and the UK confirm expectations based on their different wage distributions and regulatory systems, observation of trends and occupational level analysis reveal additional complexity. Our analysis suggests the need for a multi-faceted approach to closing the average gender pay gap.
Dispersal, or the amount of dispersion between an individual's birthplace and that of its offspring, is of great importance in population biology, behavioural ecology and conservation, however, obtaining direct estimates from field data on natural populations can be problematic. The prickly forest skink, Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae, is a rainforest endemic skink from the wet tropics of Australia. Because of its log-dwelling habits and lack of definite nesting sites, a demographic estimate of dispersal distance is difficult to obtain. Neighbourhood size, defined as 4 piD sigma (2) (where D is the population density and sigma (2) the mean axial squared parent-offspring dispersal rate), dispersal and density were estimated directly and indirectly for this species using mark-recapture and microsatellite data, respectively, on lizards captured at a local geographical scale of 3 ha. Mark-recapture data gave a dispersal rate of 843 m(2)/generation (assuming a generation time of 6.5 years), a time-scaled density of 13 635 individuals * generation/km(2) and, hence, a neighbourhood size of 144 individuals. A genetic method based on the multilocus (10 loci) microsatellite genotypes of individuals and their geographical location indicated that there is a significant isolation by distance pattern, and gave a neighbourhood size of 69 individuals, with a 95% confidence interval between 48 and 184. This translates into a dispersal rate of 404 m(2)/generation when using the mark-recapture density estimation, or an estimate of time-scaled population density of 6520 individuals * generation/km(2) when using the mark-recapture dispersal rate estimate. The relationship between the two categories of neighbourhood size, dispersal and density estimates and reasons for any disparities are discussed.