982 resultados para comportamento larval
Lobsters are renowned the world over as tasty delicacies and are in great demand for Epicurian gourests. As a result these animals found in different parts of the world from countries like India they are mostly frozen and exported thus earning considerable foreign exchange for the country. Importance of this crustacean is thus well known and whatever harvested from nature are utilized to the maximum extent. The demand being much more than what is being produced the need for artificial culture becomes evident. In this context a complete knowledge of the lifecycle ,larval biology and their culture is very essential. Thus with the object of studying the life history of the commercially important lobsters fished from Indian waters the larval biology of panulirus homarus has been taken up as the project for the present study
The present study has yielded a great deal of information on nutrition of pearl oyster larvae. T he formulae presented may be used effectively and with advantage in improving the larval rearing system with specific reference to nutritional aspects. It is also hoped that this is the first comprehensive study on pearl oyster larval nutrition would stimulate further detailed investigations on many of the other finer aspects of tropical bivalve larval nutrition.
Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) and M.ide77a (Hilgendorf) form two commercially important Palaemonid prawns of the Vembanad lake (9 28' and 10 10’ N and 76 13' and 76 31' E). Both of them were known to have contributed to a very lucrative fishery during the sixties, however, in recent years these natural resources have badly depleted owing to the impact of many man made alterations brought about in the ecosystem such as habitat reduction, physical obstruction imposed in the migratory pathway of these species, pollution hazards, etc,. Changed environmental conditions and increased fishing pressures caused persistent alterations in the stock size of these prawns during the past so many years, however, no serious attempt was made to monitor the stock size from time to time and also to bring out the resource characteristics. Though, the morphotypic differentiation in grow out male population of M.rosenbergii has been documented, no similar studies were conducted with regard to natural male and female population. Based on the data collected during fishery cruise surveys conducted in Vembanad lake from March '94 to February '96, population characteristics. postlarval distribution, fishery and population dynamics of M.rosenbergii and M.ide77a of the lake were studied in detail.
The present study focuses on vibrios especially Vibrio harveyi isolated from shrimp (P. monodon) larval production systems from both east and west coasts during times of mortality. A comprehensive approach has been made to work out their systematics through numerical taxonomy and group them based on RAPD profiling and to segregate the virulent from non- virulent isolates based on the presence of virulent genes as well as their phenotypic expression. The information gathered has helped to develop a simple scheme of identification based on phenotypic characters and segregate the virulent from non virulent strains of V. harveyi.
marine bacterium, Micrococcus MCCB 104, isolated from hatchery water, demonstrated extracellular antagonistic properties against Vibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. fluviallis, V. nereis, V. proteolyticus, V. mediterranei, V. cholerae and Aeromonas sp., bacteria associated with Macrobrachium rosenbergii larval rearing systems. The isolate inhibited the growth of V. alginolyticus during co-culture. The antagonistic component of the extracellular product was heat-stable and insensitive to proteases, lipase, catalase and α-amylase. Micrococcus MCCB 104 was demonstrated to be non-pathogenic to M. rosenbergii larvae
Two ammonia oxidizing (AMOPCU-1 and AMONPCU-1) and two nitrite oxidizing (NIOPCU-1 and NIONPCU-1) consortia for activating nitrifying bioreactors and thereby establishing nitrification in penaeid and non-penaeid hatchery systems were developed by enrichment. For further amplification of the consortia a simple medium having seawater (either salinity 30 ‰ or 15 ‰) as base, supplemented with NH4+-N/NO2--N and PO4- and pH adjusted to 8 was identified. During the amplification in a fermentor the consortia exhibited excessive wall growth and diminished their yield coefficient posing difficulty in harvesting the cells completely. The consortia consisted of both Gram negative and Gram-positive bacterial cells embedded in a mucilaginous matrix of glycocalyx - like material presumably composed of polysaccharides. The consortia besides being useful in activating nitrifying bioreactors developed for shrimp/prawn hatchery systems can also be used as bioaugmentors in the bioremediation of ammonia and nitrite toxicity in aquaculture systems.
Chitosan is a biocompatible and biodegradable natural polymer with established antimicrobial properties against specific microorganisms. The present study demonstrates its antibacterial activity against 48 isolates of Vibrio species from prawn larval rearing systems. The antibacterial activity had a positive correlation with the concentration of chitosan. This work opens up avenues for using chitosan as a prophylactic biopolymer for protecting prawn larvae from vibriosis.
Se efectuaron cuatro estudios con el fin de identificar las variables psico-socio-culturales que explican por qué las mujeres de Chihuahua (México) no acuden al examen preventivo del cáncer cervicouterino, específicamente la citología exfoliativa cervicovaginal denominada Papanicolaou. El primer estudio consistió en la elaboración de un instrumento para identificar las variables psicosocio-culturales que se muestran en un modelo hipotético preliminar. El segundo estudio tuvo como objetivo validar los constructos que componen el modelo hipotético y examinar la confiabilidad de sus factores en una muestra más amplia. El tercer estudio pretendió fundamentar la validez predictiva de las variables que constituyen el modelo por medio de la comparación de grupos equivalentes: un grupo de 50 de mujeres que se practicaron el Papanicolaou durante los tres años, cuando menos una vez al año, y otro grupo de 50 que no se lo practicó. El cuarto estudio, con un diseño cuasiexperimental 2X2X2, examinó dos medios de intervención (un folleto y un video) y un grupo control. El folleto y el video incluyeron las fuentes de motivación derivadas de los resultados de los tres estudios anteriores, comunicadas en forma gráfica y analógica. Se valoraron sus efectos en grupos de mujeres que no se habían practicado el Papanicolaou. Con el estudio, se evidenciaron variables culturales que impiden la salud y se diseñaron materiales con el fin de incidir en el comportamiento preventivo efectivo del cáncer cervicouterino.
Introduction. During the last two decades the larval therapy has reemerged as a safe and reliable alternative for the healing of cutaneous ulcers that do not respond to the conventional treatments. Objective. To evaluate the use of the larvae of Lucilia sericata as a treatment for infected wounds with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an animal model. Materials and methods. Twelve rabbits were randomly distributed in 3 groups: the first group was treated with larval therapy; the second was treated with antibiotics therapy and to the third no treatment was applied, therefore was established as a control group. To each animal a wound was artificially induced, and then a suspension of P. aeruginosa was inoculated into the lesion. Finally, every rabbit was evaluated until the infection development was recognized and treatment was set up for the first two groups according with the protocols mentioned above. Macroscopic evaluation of the wounds was based on the presence of edema, exudates, bad odor, inflammation around the wound and the presence of granulation tissue. The healing process was evaluated by monitoring histological changes in the dermal tissue. Results. Differences in the time required for wound healing were observed between the first group treated with larval therapy (10 days) and the second group treated with conventional antibiotics therapy (20 days). Conclusion. The L. sericata larva is and efficient tool as a therapy for infected wounds with P. aeruginosa.
La terapia larval es una técnica que permite aplicarlas larvas de algunas especies de dípteros sobre heridas crónicas o sobre focos de infección localizados, con la finalidad de restaurar el tejido afectado. La velocidad y la eficacia del tratamiento, sumadas a la casi nula pérdida de tejido sano durante el proceso de reparación tisular, han hecho de la terapia larval o biocirugía una alternativa viable para la curación de heridas asociadas con entidades como pie diabético, úlceras venosas, úlceras crónicas de la piel y quemaduras, así como de ciertos tipos de tumores benignos, abscesos y osteomielitis. Aunque la medicina moderna ha sido, en muchos casos, reticente a la aplicación de terapias de esta índole, eventos como la resistencia a los antibióticos y las alteraciones en el proceso de cicatrización en las heridas crónicas han permitido modificar la posición inicial de muchos médicos al respecto.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Estudiar el comportamiento humano en la dinámica familiar junto con las necesidades afectivas relacionadas con el ámbito familiar. Se estructura en siete capítulos. El primer capítulo explica la estructura de la personalidad, las teorías psicoanalíticas, las teorías tipológicas y las estructuras diferenciadas. En el capítulo segundo explica la estructura de la comunidad familiar tanto en la situación temporal y espacial. En el capítulo tercero desarrolla la afectividad y la motivación. En el capítulo cuarto trata la motivación en el proceso biológico de la personalidad, así como su concepto biológico de la motivación y la personalidad. En el capítulo quinto trata el funcionamiento de la afectividad y la motivación en la organización familiar, en la relaciones del matrimonio, en las relaciones con los hijos, y con la comunidad social. En el capítulo sexto desarrolla las crisis de la comunidad familiar y los hijos: las crisis más frecuentes, las causas de esas crisis, así como las influencias ideológicas y políticas junto con las ideológicas y religiosas. En el capítulo séptimo trata la educación y la promoción de la comunidad familiar. 1) La educación dura toda la vida del individuo. 2) La educación parte del principio de durabilidad del hombre y del principio de educabilidad. 3) La dignidad del hombre proviene en primer lugar de ser un ser un dotado de razón e inteligencia. 4) Siempre hay un periodo de formación, de educación y preparación.
O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar a relação entre o funcionamento familiar, as práticas parentais e o comportamento dos adolescentes. Para a concretização do objectivo deste trabalho, foi elaborado um protocolo de investigação (questionário de dados sociodemográficos, um inquérito de avaliação do comportamento: YSR; um que avalia o funcionamento familiar : FACES III e outro que avalia as práticas parentais : QLP-A) , aplicado em duas escolas públicas co Concelho de Lisboa, inseridas em áreas sócio-económico-culturais diferenciadas. Através dos resultados encontrados [a ansiedade_depressão (T=.502; P=.041), no isolamento (T=.915; P=.000), nos problemas sociais (T=2.822; P=.004) apresentam valores mais elevados na Escola de Intervenção Prioritária, escola com projecto TEIP. Na escola de níveis socioeconómicos mais elevados, as dimensões que apresentaram valores superiores foram em dimensões que remetem para as atitudes dos pais perante os filhos : na protecção pai (T=.440; P=.004) e na protecção mãe (T=.005; P=.000)]. É possível confirmar a existência dessa influênica. Para além dessa influência, constatámos ainda que o meio envolvente em que as famílias se inserem influencia também as atitudes parentais perante os seus filhos. Ou seja, quando os níveis socioeconómicos são mais favoráveis, as suas atitudes de educação e socialização perante os filhos também serão mais adequadas.