930 resultados para colocações especializadas
Trata-se de inventário da existência de meios de comunicação no território brasileiro no período anterior a descoberta pelos colonizadores europeus (pré-1500). O objetivo da pesquisa é mapear como se produziam as mensagens e como se estabeleciam os canais folkcomunicacionais entre os indígenas e as tribos existentes no Brasil pré-colonial. Pretendemos, ainda, estudar elementos de folkcomunicação adotados entre os índios e traçar um paralelo a partir dos conceitos do pesquisador pernambucano Luiz Beltrão e de seus discípulos, resultando na aplicação, revisão e atualização da Tipologia da Folkcomunicação em uso para aquele período histórico. O estudo tem como base empírica observáveis que demonstram a importância da comunicação indígena brasileira naquele contexto como pessoas que viviam agrupados em sociedade e tiveram valores subjugados e destruídos pelos colonizadores. A metodologia comportou uma confluência de técnicas quais sejam: pesquisa bibliográfica (livros, artigos e jornais) e pesquisa documental (em revistas especializadas, periódicos impressos e virtuais) localizadas em acervos públicos e privados.
Desempenhando papel de importância no jornalismo cultural, as revistas especializadas mostram que, embora alguns estudiosos acreditem numa crise neste setor, com a massificação do conteúdo de assuntos ligados à cultura existe um movimento na área cultural que revela o interesse de várias publicações relacionadas ao tema. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar, dentro da perspectiva da análise qualitativa de conteúdo, se a Revista Bravo!, ao longo dos 11 anos de existência, transitou da proposta inicial de jornalismo cultural diferenciado para um jornalismo de caráter comercial, acompanhando uma tendência de mercado. Todavia, a partir da revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, constatou-se que o termo jornalismo cultural corresponde a uma variável do jornalismo mais ampla e complexa do que atualmente se supõe e que certamente, alguns veículos merecem reconhecimento por continuarem trazendo análises e reflexões oportunas sobre as diversas produções culturais, como no caso da Bravo!, que não se confirmou que tenha existido um movimento do cultural para o comercial, mas uma mudança na pauta como estratégia editorial para sobrevivência.
Este estudo aborda as estratégias de comunicação e marketing que são realizadas pela CBFS para divulgar a Liga Futsal, ou seja, o Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de Salão. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é mostrar quais são as ações de comunicação e marketing da Liga Futsal e verificar se estão sendo bem administradas pela Confederação e/ou empresas especializadas. Pretende-se, também, analisar como a comunicação pode transformar-se em ferramenta útil na divulgação dos clubes de futebol de salão e da Liga Futsal. Clubes como Malwee Futsal, de Jaraguá do Sul, e PEC de Petrópolis, têm modernizado seus departamentos de comunicação e marketing a fim de atender melhor os seus diversos públicos. Tais avanços podem ser modestos até o momento, porém é inegável que aos poucos a Liga Futsal vem ganhando projeção no cenário nacional. Através de entrevistas com profissionais da Confederação, dos clubes, da mídia, de empresas, etc, foi possível avaliar as ações de comunicação da Liga. Realizou-se um estudo situacional de caso da Liga Futsal resultando no registro de apontamentos iniciais que apresentam algumas das estratégias de marketing do futsal brasileiro.(AU)
This wor k problematizou - if the relationship between trade and city, with a view to considering the role of this activity in urban dynamics of Pau dos Ferros, from the decade of 1980. From this perspective, characterized the city from a historical point of view, em phasizing the commercial dynamics in the urban context, regarding the number of establishments, typologies, specializations; identified the vectors of modernization of commercial activity in the city; it was recognized from the dissemination of trade in ur ban space, the processes and the space forms associated with this dynamic. The methodology involved bibliographic research, documentary research in organs, such as the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio a Mi cro e Pequenas Empresas (SEBRAE), Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL) of Pau dos Ferros and Municipal Government, as well as field research. The results of the survey indicate that the City of Pau dos Ferros, from a historical point of view, had its origin linked to trade and has the center as the site of the genesis of this activity, because the largest number of establishments, typologies and specializations are there; the commercial activity is marked by the coexistence between traditional ways and moder n, these being allocated in the central area of the city, for example, supermarkets and specialty stores; and the dissemination of trade in the urban area of Pau dos Ferros revealed the center of the city and the Avenue Independence as the places where the y are more expressive, the processes and forms associated with this activity.
This research investigated the female performance in Pernambuco theater during the Brazilian military dictator ship in the 1970s, analyzing the works of four actresses of theater groups Hermilo Borba Filho, Experiential and Expression, who acted in the period. Launches a look at the female body in the theater from a body scenic transgression: the conscience of a body insubordination in response to a given context. However, before delineated an overview of the artistic and socio - cultural position of women in the theater, in the periods prior to the dictatorship in Brazil and Pernambuco, covering theatrical and historical references, in order to reflect on how these settings interfered in the picture Social actr ess under the dictatorship. The groups are revisited by the looks of interpreters, which was perceived that female targeted search relationships, and in this context, relations with other theater groups of the time, with other artists of the groups that we re inserted with the dictatorial context with censorship, with the offender engaged and theater, with the body. In parallel, it develops a reflection on the scenic body that opposed the dictatorship, a body that violates the established norms, the Transgre ssor Body. The research also discusses an analogy between the work of the actresses who opposed the military regime and militant women. Starting from analyzes with interviews with the actresses from the methodologies of Oral History and Discourse Analysis, the study is developed by building up connections between the testimonies of the artists and the philosophical assumptions of Henri Bergson, on the body and memory. It is also designed to reflect on the changes of the female body in the theater in history , also in line with the philosophical concept of Becoming Woman Felix Guattari. It was found, therefore, that the actresses from the nineteenth century, were a group of female social actors who changed the position of women in history; the stigmatization o f the actress by profession, considered indecent in previous centuries, left traces in some areas today and the idea of the liberation of the female body propagated by feminism in the 1970s, was configured at the time as the best way to protest and will influence, in some contexts, the representation of women in their theatrical make.
INTRODUCTION: Humanized and quality prenatal and post-partum care is critical to maternal and newborn health, as well as oral health care. Currently, the National Oral Health Policy is aiming at expanding dental care for pregnant women. Thus, the promotion of oral health and attention to prenatal care policies should be integrated; however, there is still limited participation of pregnant women. Thus, it is necessary to verify the knowledge of pregnant women related to oral health, seeking to estimate the quality of dental care provided during prenatal care, being essential for the Family Health strategy to organize personnel, plan costs and to ensure the quality standard of care. OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a research instrument on the knowledge of pregnant women about their oral health and of their baby. METHOD: This is a construction and validation study with 93 pregnant women in Family Health Units and specialized private clinics in Obstetrics, in the city of Natal / RN. It was authorized by the Onofre Lopes University Hospital Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) under the registration number 421.163/13. The construction of the instrument followed steps so that it was valid, reliable and sensitive: creation and reduction of the items (drafting of the instrument), content validity and testing of the instrument, and hypotheses validation. Once constructed, the instrument was evaluated by experts who suggested modifications. There was consultation with the target population about the new version of the created instrument, which had the instrument validation verified by internal consistency through intra and inter-calibration and test-retest. Next, the hypotheses were validated. A database was built in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0. After creating the hypotheses, an association was found for validating the criteria between each of the specific issues for each established criteria, considering a 5% significance level. Data analysis was carried out by describing the absolute and relative frequencies of the variables pertaining to issues relating to their pregnancy knowledge about their oral health and their baby. The Kappa coefficient was used for the calibration process (Inter and Intra-examiner calibration) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to analyze instrument reproducibility (test-retest). In addition, the chi-square test was used to cross the dependent variable with the (dichotomized) independent variables. RESULTS: The intra and inter agreement analysis presented a Kappa coefficient between 0.400 and 1.000. Internal consistency through the analysis showed that 90% of the instrument's questions showed great reliability in the answers (Cronbach α ˃ 0.7). In the investigation of the relationship between the dependent variable (knowledge about oral health) and the independent variables (trimester of pregnancy, education, income and multiparous), it was found that none of these independent variables were significantly associated. All hypotheses had their Ho confirmed. CONCLUSION: The constructed instrument was validated, considering that it showed to be sensitive with good reliability and good accuracy, and therefore can be used to assess pregnant women’s knowledge about their oral health and the oral health of their baby.
INTRODUCTION: Humanized and quality prenatal and post-partum care is critical to maternal and newborn health, as well as oral health care. Currently, the National Oral Health Policy is aiming at expanding dental care for pregnant women. Thus, the promotion of oral health and attention to prenatal care policies should be integrated; however, there is still limited participation of pregnant women. Thus, it is necessary to verify the knowledge of pregnant women related to oral health, seeking to estimate the quality of dental care provided during prenatal care, being essential for the Family Health strategy to organize personnel, plan costs and to ensure the quality standard of care. OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a research instrument on the knowledge of pregnant women about their oral health and of their baby. METHOD: This is a construction and validation study with 93 pregnant women in Family Health Units and specialized private clinics in Obstetrics, in the city of Natal / RN. It was authorized by the Onofre Lopes University Hospital Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) under the registration number 421.163/13. The construction of the instrument followed steps so that it was valid, reliable and sensitive: creation and reduction of the items (drafting of the instrument), content validity and testing of the instrument, and hypotheses validation. Once constructed, the instrument was evaluated by experts who suggested modifications. There was consultation with the target population about the new version of the created instrument, which had the instrument validation verified by internal consistency through intra and inter-calibration and test-retest. Next, the hypotheses were validated. A database was built in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0. After creating the hypotheses, an association was found for validating the criteria between each of the specific issues for each established criteria, considering a 5% significance level. Data analysis was carried out by describing the absolute and relative frequencies of the variables pertaining to issues relating to their pregnancy knowledge about their oral health and their baby. The Kappa coefficient was used for the calibration process (Inter and Intra-examiner calibration) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to analyze instrument reproducibility (test-retest). In addition, the chi-square test was used to cross the dependent variable with the (dichotomized) independent variables. RESULTS: The intra and inter agreement analysis presented a Kappa coefficient between 0.400 and 1.000. Internal consistency through the analysis showed that 90% of the instrument's questions showed great reliability in the answers (Cronbach α ˃ 0.7). In the investigation of the relationship between the dependent variable (knowledge about oral health) and the independent variables (trimester of pregnancy, education, income and multiparous), it was found that none of these independent variables were significantly associated. All hypotheses had their Ho confirmed. CONCLUSION: The constructed instrument was validated, considering that it showed to be sensitive with good reliability and good accuracy, and therefore can be used to assess pregnant women’s knowledge about their oral health and the oral health of their baby.
rates in the Brazilian cities, which time there is an inexistent theoretical reflection about public policy statement adding the way of Urban Solid Waste (USW) and tailing integrated management plans in the majorly Brazilian cities. The unappropriated solid waste disposal and final pollution result in a strong socioenvironmental problems and material extravagancies that should be used to recycling and reusing waste material, besides bringing immense challenges for the thematic Strategy Urban and Environmental Management it considers the Sustainable City Model. Moreover, this labor projects a discussion about USW problematic through legally and environmentally point of view, including the public environmental policy and the social technologies as resolution tactics. At that time, it reports rights, scientific articles, documents and Environmental Law Doctrine on findings thematic studies, also the propose displays an interdisciplinary research methodology which combines bibliographic method - focusing theory aspects of the legally environmentally guiding principle, public policy and social technologies. Those are theorist features very important to create a Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PMGIRS) - modus operandi of the Federal Law n. 12.305/2010 (National Solid Waste Policy - PNRS). That policy is interesting to receive financial resources from federal government (Cities Ministry; idem, Federal Decree n. 7.404/2010 and Federal Law n. 10.257/2001) helping the preservation of the environment, regional development, generation of jobs and income (art. 6º), in addition broadening spreading’s private companies dedicated to waste management. Consequently, the PNRS contains a set of guidelines and general procedures; it should be an operation of this legal policy contextualized by Social Technologies theory (TS) into social issues, legal, economic and environmental aspects. Therefore, this research notes the possibility of public policy statement implementation over and done with the PNRS by the terms of development and sustainability in the urban space.
At a time when the issue of the inclusion of hearing-impaired students in regular schools has been discussed, it becomes necessary to reflect upon the relevance of a recurrent educational process in schools specialized in education for the hearing-impaired: the bilingual schools. Such institutions, still scarce in Brazil, offer an oriented and specialized education to hearing-impaired children and adolescents, since they have the Brazilian Sign Language as a language of instruction in all subjects, and the Portuguese written language as an additional language, which gives them the bilingual status. This research aims to investigate how the practices developed in my Portuguese classes in a bilingual school have contributed to the development of student‟s literacy, specifically the Critical Literacy (STREET, 1985, 1990, 1998), in two classes of hearing-impaired students enrolled in the final grades of elementary school. It is a qualitative, ethnographic research, which uses the triangulation system for analyzing data: (i) the pedagogical sequences; (ii) the students‟ activities and (iii) the teacher‟s and students‟ written accounts registered as field notes. Through the intersection of the data, this work evaluates whether students have achieved some level of Critical Literacy, and what kind of collaboration and/or activity is relevant during this process. This research is justified by the need to evaluate practices at bilingual schools that, although supported by current law in Brazil, are still a minority whose work is still not acknowledged or valued. The results show that activities using real texts of different genres can contribute to the development of Critical Literacy, and also to dynamic classes, with discussions about relevant topics to society in Sign Language. Also, activities that encourage students to do research and that provide to the hearing-impaired student, the understanding of the real usefulness of Portuguese as an instrument for the social inclusion of the hearing-impaired providing opportunities for them to change their social position can collaborate to this process.
Objetivos: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo elaborar un recuento y caracterizar a la población sin hogar de la ciudad de Coimbra. Se quería conocer quiénes son las personas sin hogar en Coimbra, sus características sociodemográficas, características psicosociales, síntomas depresivos, sentido de la vida y percepción de apoyo social, para disponer de un mayor conocimiento de su situación y necesidades y así mejorar la intervención social orientada al sinhogarismo. Método: El trabajo empírico realizado incluyó dos procedimientos simultáneos: (a) Un recuento de personas sin hogar, durante 3 días, en las instituciones especializadas de apoyo social y en las calles. (b) Una caracterización psicosocial a través de una entrevista estructurada a partir de los cuatro instrumentos siguientes: Cuestionario de Realojamiento y Evaluación (RTAS), Escala de Depresión del Centro para Estudios Epidemiológicos (CES-D), Cuestionario del sentido de la vida (PIL-R) y Cuestionario de Apoyo Social Percibido (CASP). Los datos fueron analizados mediante los programas SPSS, versión 18.0 y AMOS, versión 18.0. El recuento de personas sin hogar se realizó siguiendo la tipología Europea creada por FEANTSA, llamada ETHOS (European Typology on Homelessness and Housing Exclusion). Partiendo de esta tipología, en el recuento fueron identificadas 257 personas sin hogar, 175 de las cuales accedieron a ser entrevistadas, resultando válidas 174 entrevistas. Resultados: Verificamos que la mayoría de las personas sin hogar de nuestro estudio son hombres de menos de 50 años (edad media 46 años), portugueses, nacidos o con residencia en Coimbra hace más de un año, con escasos estudios, y que están solteros o divorciados. La mayoría duerme en instituciones (28,1%), vive en cuartos alquilados (23,6%) o en la calle (12,6%); han consumido drogas o alcohol (50%) y presentan problemas de salud mental (21,8%). En cuanto a ingresos, la mayoría percibe una renta mínima de inserción (37,9%) o se dedica a la mendicidad (17,2%). En cuanto a las causas percibidas de su situación de personas sin hogar, la mayoría apunta al desempleo (35%) y la pobreza (25,3%)...
El Servicio de Documentación Multimedia (MULTIDOC 3.0) dependiente de la Sección Departamental/Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (http://www.multidoc.es) fue creado en junio de 1993. Con patente número M 2202582 registrada con fecha 20.5.1999 en el Boletín Oficial de la Propiedad Industrial (BOPI, 1.7.1999), no ha dejado de desarrollar actividades académico-investigadoras de forma ininterrumpida hasta la actualidad: proyectos de investigación, publicaciones electrónicas, revistas, portales, canales, blogs, presencia en redes sociales generales y especializadas; con actuaciones en todos estos años en el ámbito de la formación, congresos, asociaciones, producción multimedia propia, difusión informativa, gozando de un buen posicionamiento.
La obra fotográfica ocupa el quinto puesto en el mercado global del arte, después de la pintura, el dibujo y la acuarela, la escultura y los grabados. Aunque el porcentaje de transacciones comerciales sigue siendo muy inferior en comparación con la pintura, es una de las disciplinas que más se ha revalorizado desde 1990. La infraestructura sobre la que se articula este sector del mercado se ha ido modificando poco a poco para responder al incremento de las ventas, sumándose las galerías de arte contemporáneo a las especializadas en obra fotográfica, y lo mismo ha ocurrido en cuanto a las subastas y las ferias. El incremento de los fondos fotográficos en las colecciones de los museos ha generado diversos campos de estudio y formación, influyendo positivamente en la comercialización de la fotografía artística. Se diferencia entre fotografía antigua, fotografía moderna y fotografía contemporánea, siendo esta última la que mayores cifras alcanza, pero no en el mercado especializado, sino en el del arte contemporáneo, llegando a cotizaciones superiores al millón de dólares. Si bien la faceta más especulativa de la fotografía es la relacionada con el mercado del arte contemporáneo, también es la más afectada por las crisis económicas, frente al mercado especializado (fotografía antigua, moderna y contemporánea), que es menos volátil, se mueve en precios más asequibles (inferiores a otras disciplinas como la pintura y el dibujo), es capaz de captar diversos perfiles de coleccionista y mantiene una evolución al alza menos expuesta a las fluctuaciones financieras...
El presente trabajo indaga las dinámicas de transformación de las políticas sanitarias en la provincia de Santa Fe en la primera mitad del siglo XX, focalizando tres coyunturas: en primer lugar, el contexto previo y la sanción de la ley de sanidad en 1932; en segundo término, los cambios sostenidos durante la segunda mitad de la década de 1930 que darían lugar a la creación del Ministerio de Salud y Trabajo en 1941; finalmente las innovaciones proyectadas desde la intervención de 1943 y los posteriores gobiernos peronistas. A partir de los debates parlamentarios, las memorias ministeriales, la prensa y las publicaciones especializadas, nos proponemos dar cuenta de algunos aspectos de este proceso de transformación en las políticas sanitarias locales en diálogo con el plano nacional.
El presente trabajo indaga las dinámicas de transformación de las políticas sanitarias en la provincia de Santa Fe en la primera mitad del siglo XX, focalizando tres coyunturas: en primer lugar, el contexto previo y la sanción de la ley de sanidad en 1932; en segundo término, los cambios sostenidos durante la segunda mitad de la década de 1930 que darían lugar a la creación del Ministerio de Salud y Trabajo en 1941; finalmente las innovaciones proyectadas desde la intervención de 1943 y los posteriores gobiernos peronistas. A partir de los debates parlamentarios, las memorias ministeriales, la prensa y las publicaciones especializadas, nos proponemos dar cuenta de algunos aspectos de este proceso de transformación en las políticas sanitarias locales en diálogo con el plano nacional.
El presente trabajo indaga las dinámicas de transformación de las políticas sanitarias en la provincia de Santa Fe en la primera mitad del siglo XX, focalizando tres coyunturas: en primer lugar, el contexto previo y la sanción de la ley de sanidad en 1932; en segundo término, los cambios sostenidos durante la segunda mitad de la década de 1930 que darían lugar a la creación del Ministerio de Salud y Trabajo en 1941; finalmente las innovaciones proyectadas desde la intervención de 1943 y los posteriores gobiernos peronistas. A partir de los debates parlamentarios, las memorias ministeriales, la prensa y las publicaciones especializadas, nos proponemos dar cuenta de algunos aspectos de este proceso de transformación en las políticas sanitarias locales en diálogo con el plano nacional.