935 resultados para co2 capture
In this thesis some of the most important issues presently debated on international sustainability are analysed. The thesis is composed of five independent studies that tackle organically the following issues: the maritime transport externalities, the environmental Kuznets curve, the responsibilities in the carbon dioxide emissions and the integrated approach that have to be used to translate the principles of sustainability into policy. The analysis will be instrumental to demonstrating that sustainability, being a matter of economy, society and environment, requires to be analysed in a transdisciplinary perspective. Using an integrated approach to analyse the relationships between economy and environment, this thesis highlight that sustainability management requires joint economic instruments, integrated analysis, societal behavioural changes as well as responsibilities shifting.
Il progetto propone uno studio per verificare la fattibilita' di un piano territoriale (ideato per il bacino del Po ma di fatto estendibile a tutti i bacini fluviali) per la creazione di una filiera di colture bioenergetiche (biomasse) che, trasportate per mezzo della navigazione fluviale (uno dei mezzi di trasporto a minore emissione di CO2), alimentino una o piu' centrali a nuova tecnologia che associno alla produzione di calore (teleriscaldamento e raffreddamento) e di energia la separazione dei fumi. La CO2 catturata dalla crescita delle biomasse e recuperata dalla combustione, puo' quindi essere segregata nel sottosuolo di aree costiere subsidenti contrastando il fenomeno dellâabbassamento del suolo. Ricavando benefici in tutti i passaggi di attuazione del piano territoriale (lancio dell'agricoltura bioenergetica, rilancio della navigazione a corrente libera, avvio di una economia legata alla logistica del trasporto e dello stoccaggio delle biomasse, generazione di energia pulita, lotta alla subsidenza) il progetto, di fatto, consente di catturare ingenti quantitativi di CO2 dall'atmosfera e di segregarli nel sottosuolo, riducendo l'effetto serra. Nel corso del Dottorato e' stata sviluppata una metodologia di valutazione della sostenibilita' economica ed ambientale del progetto ad un bacino fluviale, che consta di una modulistica di raccolta dei dati di base e di una procedura informatizzata di analisi.
Membrane-based separation processes are acquiring, in the last years, an increasing importance because of their intrinsic energetic and environmental sustainability: some types of polymeric materials, showing adequate perm-selectivity features, appear rather suitable for these applications, because of their relatively low cost and easy processability. In this work have been studied two different types of polymeric membranes, in view of possible applications to the gas separation processes, i.e. Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) and high free volume glassy polymers. Since the early 90’s, it has been understood that the performances of polymeric materials in the field of gas separations show an upper bound in terms of permeability and selectivity: in particular, an increase of permeability is often accompanied by a decrease of selectivity and vice-versa, while several inorganic materials, like zeolites or silica derivates, can overcome this limitation. As a consequence, it has been developed the idea of dispersing inorganic particles in polymeric matrices, in order to obtain membranes with improved perm-selectivity features. In particular, dispersing fumed silica nanoparticles in high free volume glassy polymers improves in all the cases gases and vapours permeability, while the selectivity may either increase or decrease, depending upon material and gas mixture: that effect is due to the capacity of nanoparticles to disrupt the local chain packing, increasing the dimensions of excess free volume elements trapped in the polymer matrix. In this work different kinds of MMMs were fabricated using amorphous Teflon® AF or PTMSP and fumed silica: in all the cases, a considerable increase of solubility, diffusivity and permeability of gases and vapours (n-alkanes, CO2, methanol) was observed, while the selectivity shows a non-monotonous trend with filler fraction. Moreover, the classical models for composites are not able to capture the increase of transport properties due to the silica addition, so it has been necessary to develop and validate an appropriate thermodynamic model that allows to predict correctly the mass transport features of MMMs. In this work, another material, called poly-trimethylsilyl-norbornene (PTMSN) was examined: it is a new generation high free volume glassy polymer that, like PTMSP, shows unusual high permeability and selectivity levels to the more condensable vapours. These two polymer differ each other because PTMSN shows a more pronounced chemical stability, due to its structure double-bond free. For this polymer, a set of Lattice Fluid parameters was estimated, making possible a comparison between experimental and theoretical solubility isotherms for hydrocarbons and alcoholic vapours: the successfully modelling task, based on application of NELF model, offers a reliable alternative to direct sorption measurement, which is extremely time-consuming due to the relevant relaxation phenomena showed by each sorption step. For this material also dilation experiments were performed, in order to quantify its dimensional stability in presence of large size, swelling vapours.
The main objective of my thesis was the technical-economic feasibility of a system of electricity generation integrated with CCS. The policy framework for development processing is part of the recent attention that at the political level has been directed towards the use of CCS technologies with the aim of addressing the problems of actual climate change. Several technological options have been proposed to stabilize and reduce the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) among which, the most promising for IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)are the CCS technologies (Carbon Capture and Storage & Carbon Capture and Sequestration). The remedy proposed for large stationary CO2 sources as thermoelectric power plants is to separate the flue gas capturing CO2 and to store it into deep subsurface geological formations (more than 800 meters of depth). In order to support the identification of potential CO2 storage reservoirs in Italy and in Europe by Geo Capacity(an European database) new studies are developing. From the various literature data analyzed shows that most of the CO2 emitted from large stationary sources comes from the processes of electricity generation (78% of total emissions) and from (about 60%) those using coal especially. The CCS have the objective of return "to the sender" , the ground, the carbon in oxidized form (CO2) after it has been burned by man starting from its reduced form (CH4, oil and coal), then the carbon dioxide is not a "pollutant" if injected into the subsurface, CO2 is an acid reagent that interacts with the rock, with underground fluid and the characteristics of the host rock. The results showed that the CCS technology are very urgent, because unfortunately there are too many industrial sources of CO2 in assets (power plants, refineries, cement plants, steel mills) in the world who are carrying too quickly the CO2 atmospheric concentration levels to values that aren't acceptable for our dear planet.
Progettazione pompa di calore a CO2.
Future climatic change scenarios predict rising of the atmospheric CO2 levels which could favor the proliferation of some harmful bloom-forming cyanobacteria as Microcystis aeruginosa. In the present study, the response of M. aeruginosa strain PCC 7806 to two different partial pressure of CO2 was tested. Sandrini et al. (2013) recently found that several, but not all, M. aeruginosa strains lack the SbtA or BicA HCO3- uptake system genes; the contribution of different Ci transporters to photosynthesis and the difference between low and high affinity activated Ci uptake state were investigated. M. aeruginosa PCC 7806 was cultured in four chemostats containing modified BG11 medium with 10 mM NaNO3 and no presence of NaCl, NaHCO3, Na2CO3 and additional buffers. A wide variety of analysis on samples collected from continuous cultures – such as A750, medium composition, cellular composition, cell counting, mini-PAM, measurements with the O2 optode, Aminco, 77K fluorescence emission spectra – was carried out. Data analysis results showed that the increased CO2 concentration has a big effect on M. aeruginosa PCC 7806. Experiments were performed using the Oxy-4 O2 optode apparatus in order to measure the photosynthetic O2 evolution of samples taken from both batch and chemostat cultures. At low bicarbonate concentration, an evident inhibition of Na+-dependent HCO3- transporter BicA by LiCl at 25 mM was observed. The consequent addition of 25 mM NaCl was able to counteract the Li+ effect at pH 8.0 but not at pH 10.0. In the latter case, only the addition of a higher amount of HCO3- led to photosynthetic O2 evolution suggesting the important role of the BicA transporter. However, further studies are needed to better explain the results obtained as high pH levels might have an influence on the transport systems, altering the mechanism of pH regulation and the functioning of Na+/H+ antiporter systems.
E’ previsto che l’emissione in atmosfera di anidride carbonica (CO2) da parte dell’uomo e la conseguente acidificazione delle acque dei mari provocherà effetti negativi di vasta portata sui processi biologici di diversi ecosistemi marini. L’acidificazione del mare può provocare effetti negativi su tutti gli stadi del ciclo vitale degli organismi marini, influenzandone la fisiologia, morfologia, comportamento ed alcune fasi della riproduzione e del reclutamento. Esistono poche informazioni riguardo gli effetti dell’acidificazione sulla riproduzione sessuale dei coralli. Questo studio ha lo scopo di quantificare la capacità riproduttiva di Astroides calycularis (scleractinia coloniale mediterranea azooxantellata) in colonie trapiantate lungo un gradiente naturale di pH, generato dalle emissioni di CO2 del cratere vulcanico sottomarino di Panarea (Isole Eolie). Le colonie sono state trapiantate in 4 siti, dal centro del cratere, dove si riscontra la condizione più acida (pH 7.40), alla periferia, caratterizzata da condizioni di pH normali (pH 8.07). La popolazione di A. calycularis di Panarea ha mostrato una sessualità mista a livello coloniale (polipi gonocorici in colonie ermafrodite), in contrapposizione alla condizione gonocorica riscontrata nella stessa specie studiata a Palinuro e a Punta de la Mona (Spagna). I risultati preliminari sembrerebbero mostrare un effetto negativo dell’acidificazione sullo sviluppo gonadico femminile della specie. L’ipotesi è che esso sia dovuto ad una riallocazione delle energie sui processi di calcificazione a danno dell’ovogenesi. La spermatogenesi risentirebbe meno degli effetti negativi dell’acidificazione nelle fasi di sviluppo interne all’ individuo, in quanto meno dispendiose da un punto di vista energetico rispetto alle fasi di ovogenesi. Gli spermatozoi potrebbero invece essere influenzati negativamente dall’ ambiente più acido una volta entrati in contatto con esso, con conseguenze sulla riuscita della fecondazione. Questo studio necessita di ulteriori dati e verrà completato con le analisi istologiche in corso.
Polymeric membranes represent a promising technology for gas separation processes, thanks to low costs, reduced energy consumption and limited waste production. The present thesis aims at studying the transport properties of two membrane materials, suitable for CO2 purification applications. In the first part, a polyimide, Matrimid 5218, has been throughout investigated, with particular reference to the effect of thermal treatment, aging and the presence of water vapor in the gas transport process. Permeability measurements showed that thermal history affects relevantly the diffusion of gas molecules across the membrane, influencing also the stability of the separation performances. Subsequently, the effect of water on Matrimid transport properties has been characterized for a wide set of incondensable penetrants. A monotonous reduction of permeability took place at increasing the water concentration within the polymer matrix, affecting the investigated gaseous species to the same extent, despite the different thermodynamic and kinetic features. In this view, a novel empirical model, based on the Free Volume Theory, has been proposed to qualitatively describe the phenomenon. Moreover, according to the accurate representation of the experimental data, the suggested approach has been combined with a more rigorous thermodynamic tool (NELF Model), allowing an exhaustive description of water influence on the single parameters contributing to the gas permeation across the membrane. In the second part, the study has focused on the synthesis and characterization of facilitated transport membranes, able to achieving outstanding separation performances thanks to the chemical enhancement of CO2 permeability. In particular, the transport properties have been investigated for high pressure CO2 separation applications and specific solutions have been proposed to solve stability issues, frequently arising under such severe conditions. Finally, the effect of different process parameters have been investigated, aiming at the identification of the optimal conditions capable to maximize the separation performance.
Die Bor-Neuroneneinfang-Therapie (engl.: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, BNCT) ist eine indirekte Strahlentherapie, welche durch die gezielte Freisetzung von dicht ionisierender Strahlung Tumorzellen zerstört. Die freigesetzten Ionen sind Spaltfragmente einer Kernreaktion, bei welcher das Isotop 10B ein niederenergetisches (thermisches) Neutron einfängt. Das 10B wird durch ein spezielles Borpräparat in den Tumorzellen angereichert, welches selbst nicht radioaktiv ist. rnAn der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz wurde die Forschung für die Anwendung eines klinischen Behandlungsprotokolls durch zwei Heilversuche bei Patienten mit kolorektalen Lebermetastasen an der Universität Pavia, Italien, angeregt, bei denen die Leber außerhalb des Körpers in einem Forschungsreaktor bestrahlt wurde. Als erster Schritt wurde in Kooperation verschiedener universitärer Institute eine klinische Studie zur Bestimmung klinisch relevanter Parameter wie der Borverteilung in verschiedenen Geweben und dem pharmakokinetischen Aufnahmeverhalten des Borpräparates initiiert.rnDie Borkonzentration in den Gewebeproben wurde hinsichtlich ihrer räumlichen Verteilung in verschiedenen Zellarealen bestimmt, um mehr über das Aufnahmeverhalten der Zellen für das BPA im Hinblick auf ihre biologischen Charakteristika zu erfahren. Die Borbestimung wurde per Quantitative Neutron Capture Radiography, Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis und Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy parallel zur histologischen Analyse des Gewebes durchgeführt. Es war möglich zu zeigen, dass in Proben aus Tumorgewebe und aus tumorfreiem Gewebe mit unterschiedlichen morphologischen Eigenschaften eine sehr heterogene Borverteilung vorliegt. Die Ergebnisse der Blutproben werden für die Erstellung eines pharmakokinetischen Modells verwendet und sind in Übereinstimmung mit existierenden pharmakokinetische Modellen. Zusätzlich wurden die Methoden zur Borbestimmung über speziell hergestellte Referenzstandards untereinander verglichen. Dabei wurde eine gute Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse festgestellt, ferner wurde für alle biologischen Proben Standardanalyseprotokolle erstellt.rnDie bisher erhaltenen Ergebnisse der klinischen Studie sind vielversprechend, lassen aber noch keine endgültigen Schlussfolgerungen hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit von BNCT für maligne Lebererkrankungen zu. rn
The aim of this work is to provide a precise and accurate measurement of the 238U(n,gamma) reaction cross-section. This reaction is of fundamental importance for the design calculations of nuclear reactors, governing the behaviour of the reactor core. In particular, fast neutron reactors, which are experiencing a growing interest for their ability to burn radioactive waste, operate in the high energy region of the neutron spectrum. In this energy region inconsistencies between the existing measurements are present up to 15%, and the most recent evaluations disagree each other. In addition, the assessment of nuclear data uncertainty performed for innovative reactor systems shows that the uncertainty in the radiative capture cross-section of 238U should be further reduced to 1-3% in the energy region from 20 eV to 25 keV. To this purpose, addressed by the Nuclear Energy Agency as a priority nuclear data need, complementary experiments, one at the GELINA and two at the n_TOF facility, were scheduled within the ANDES project within the 7th Framework Project of the European Commission. The results of one of the 238U(n,gamma) measurement performed at the n_TOF CERN facility are presented in this work, carried out with a detection system constituted of two liquid scintillators. The very accurate cross section from this work is compared with the results obtained from the other measurement performed at the n_TOF facility, which exploit a different and complementary detection technique. The excellent agreement between the two data-sets points out that they can contribute to the reduction of the cross section uncertainty down to the required 1-3%.