966 resultados para chromosome breakage


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The fidelity of mitosis is essential for life, and successful completion of this process relies on drastic changes in chromosome organization at the onset of nuclear division. The mechanisms that govern chromosome compaction at every cell division cycle are still far from full comprehension, yet recent studies provide novel insights into this problem, challenging classical views on mitotic chromosome assembly. Here, we briefly introduce various models for chromosome assembly and known factors involved in the condensation process (e.g. condensin complexes and topoisomerase II). We will then focus on a few selected studies that have recently brought novel insights into the mysterious way chromosomes are condensed during nuclear division.


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Une caractéristique intéressante de la protéine Bcl-xL est la présence d'un domaine en boucle non-structurée entre les hélices α1 and α2 de la protéine. Ce domaine protéique n'est pas essentiel pour sa fonction anti-apoptotique et absent chez CED-9, la protéine orthologue chez Caenorhabditis elegans. A l'intérieur de ce domaine, Bcl-xL subit une phosphorylation et déphosphorylation dynamique sur les résidus Ser49 et Ser62 en phase G2 du cycle cellulaire et lors de la mitose. Lorsque ces résidus sont mutés et les protéines exprimées dans des cellules cancéreuses, les cellules démontrent plusieurs défauts mitotiques liés à l'instabilité chromosomique. Pour analyser les effets de Bcl-xL Ser49 et Ser62 dans les cellules normales, les présentes études ont été réalisées dans des cellules diploïdes humaines normales, et in vivo chez Caenorhabditis elegans. Dans une première étude, nous avons utilisé la lignée cellulaire de cellules fibroblastiques diploïdes humaines normales BJ, exprimant Bcl-xL (type sauvage), (S49A), (S49D), (S62A), (S62D) et les double (S49/62A) et (S49/62D) mutants. Les cellules exprimant les mutants de phosphorylation ont montré des cinétiques de doublement de la population cellulaire réduites. Ces effets sur la cinétique de doublement de la population cellulaire corrèle avec l'apparition de la sénescence cellulaire, sans impact sur les taux de mort cellulaire. Ces cellules sénescentes affichent des phénotypes typiques de sénescence associés notamment à haut niveau de l'activité β-galactosidase associée à la sénescence, la sécrétion d' interleukine-6, l'activation de p53 et de p21WAF1/ Cip1, un inhibiteur des complexes kinase cycline-dépendant, ainsi que la formation de foyers de chromatine nucléaire associés à γH2A.X. Les analyses de fluorescence par hybridation in situ et des caryotypes par coloration au Giemsa ont révélé que l'expression des mutants de phosphorylation de Bcl-xL provoquent de l'instabilité chromosomique et l'aneuploïdie. Ces résultats suggèrent que les cycles de phosphorylation et déphosphorylation dynamiques de Bcl-xL Ser49 et Ser62 sont importants dans le maintien de l'intégrité des chromosomes lors de la mitose dans les cellules normales. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons entrepris des expériences chez Caenorhabditis elegans pour comprendre l'importance des résidus Ser49 et Ser62 de Bcl-xL in vivo. Les vers transgéniques portant les mutations de Bcl-xL (S49A, S62A, S49D, S62D et S49/62A) ont été générés et leurs effets ont été analysés sur les cellules germinales des jeunes vers adultes. Les vers portant les mutations de Bcl-xL ont montré une diminution de ponte et d'éclosion des oeufs, des variations de la longueur de leurs régions mitotiques et des zones de transition, des anomalies chromosomiques à leur stade de diplotène, et une augmentation de l'apoptose des cellules germinales. Certaines de ces souches transgéniques, en particulier les variants Ser/Ala, ont également montré des variations de durée de vie par rapport aux vers témoins. Ces observations in vivo ont confirmé l'importance de Ser49 et Ser62 à l'intérieur du domaine à boucle de Bcl-xL pour le maintien de la stabilité chromosomique. Ces études auront une incidence sur les futures stratégies visant à développer et à identifier des composés qui pourraient cibler non seulement le domaine anti-apoptotique de la protéine Bcl-xL, mais aussi son domaine mitotique pour la thérapie du cancer.


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Regulation of chromosome inheritance is essential to ensure proper transmission of genetic information. To accomplish accurate genome segregation, cells organize their chromosomes and actively separate them prior to cytokinesis. In Bacillus subtilis the Spo0J protein is required for accurate chromosome segregation and it regulates the developmental switch from vegetative growth to sporulation. Spo0J is a DNA-binding protein that recognizes at least eight identified parS sites located near the origin of replication. As judged by fluorescence microscopy, Spo0J forms discrete foci associated with the oriC region of the chromosome throughout the cell cycle. In an attempt to determine the mechanisms utilized by Spo0J to facilitate productive chromosome segregation, we have investigated the DNA binding activity of Spo0J. In vivo we find Spo0J associates with several kilobases of DNA flanking its specific binding sites (parS) through a parS-dependent nucleation event that promotes lateral spreading of Spo0J along the chromosome. Using purified components we find that Spo0J has the ability to coat non-specific DNA substrates. These 'Spo0J domains' provide large structures near oriC that could potentially demark, organize or localize the origin region of the chromosome.


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Qualitative discrimination criteria are employed commonly to distinguish cultural shell middens from natural shell deposits. Quantitative discrimination criteria remain less developed beyond an assumption that natural shell beds tend to contain a wider range of shell sizes compared to cultural shell middens. This study further tests this assumption and provides the first comparative quantitative analysis of shell sizes from cultural middens, bird middens, and beach shell beds. Size distributions of opercula of the marine gastropod Turbo undulatus within two modern Pacific Gull (Larus pacificus) middens are compared with two Aboriginal middens (early and late Holocene) and two modern beach deposits from southeast Australia. Results reveal statistically significant differences between bird middens and other types of shell deposits, and that opercula size distributions are useful to distinguish Aboriginal middens from bird middens but not from beach deposits. Supplementary qualitative analysis of taphonomic alteration of opercula reveal similar opercula breakage patterns in human and bird middens, and further support previously recognised criteria to distinguished beach deposits (water rolling and bioerosion) and human middens (burning). Although Pacific Gulls are geographically restricted to southern Australia, the known capacity of gulls (Larus spp.) in other coastal contexts around the world to accumulate shell deposits indicates the broader methodological relevance of our study.


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The tissue kallikreins are serine proteases encoded by highly conserved multigene families. The rodent kallikrein (KLK) families are particularly large, consisting of 13 26 genes clustered in one chromosomal locus. It has been recently recognised that the human KLK gene family is of a similar size (15 genes) with the identification of another 12 related genes (KLK4-KLK15) within and adjacent to the original human KLK locus (KLK1-3) on chromosome 19q13.4. The structural organisation and size of these new genes is similar to that of other KLK genes except for additional exons encoding 5 or 3 untranslated regions. Moreover, many of these genes have multiple mRNA transcripts, a trait not observed with rodent genes. Unlike all other kallikreins, the KLK4-KLK15 encoded proteases are less related (25–44%) and do not contain a conventional kallikrein loop. Clusters of genes exhibit high prostatic (KLK2-4, KLK15) or pancreatic (KLK6-13) expression, suggesting evolutionary conservation of elements conferring tissue specificity. These genes are also expressed, to varying degrees, in a wider range of tissues suggesting a functional involvement of these newer human kallikrein proteases in a diverse range of physiological processes.


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Growth rods are commonly used for the treatment of scoliosis in the immature spine. Many variations have been proposed but breakage of implants is a common problem. Growth rod insertion commonly involves large exposures at initial insertion followed by multiple smaller procedures for lengthening. We present our early experiences using a percutaneous technique of insertion of a new titanium mobile bearing implant (Medtronic Inc). The implant allows some rotatory motion in the middle of the construct thus reducing construct stresses and thus possibly reducing rod breakage risk. Based on this small initial series with 12 months follow-up, percutaneous insertion of growth rods using the new implant is a safe and reliable technique although the infection rate in our sample was of note. This may be related to the titanium wear and inflammation seen in the soft tissues at time of operation and visualised on histology. No implants have required removal due to infection, and all infections were treated with debridement at next lengthening and suppressive antibiotics. Propionibacterium is one of the commonest infections seen with spinal implants and sometimes does not respond to simple antibiotic suppression. The technique allows preservation of the soft tissues until definitive fusion is needed and may lead to a decrease in hospital stay. The implant is low profile and seems to offer advantages over other systems on the market. Further follow up is needed to look at longer term outcomes with this new implant type.


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Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is the most common form of spinal deformity in paediatrics, prevalent in approximately 2-4% of the general population. While it is a complex three-dimensional deformity, it is clinically characterised by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. The treatment for severe deformity is surgical correction with the use of structural implants. Anterior single rod correction employs a solid rod connected to the anterior spine via vertebral body screws. Correction is achieved by applying compression between adjacent vertebral body screws, before locking each screw onto the rod. Biomechanical complication rates have been reported as high as 20.8%, and include rod breakage, screw pull-out and loss of correction. Currently, the corrective forces applied to the spine are unknown. These forces are important variables to consider in understanding the biomechanics of scoliosis correction. The purpose of this study was to measure these forces intra-operatively during anterior single rod AIS correction.


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Extended spectrum β-lactamases or ESBLs, which are derived from non-ESBL precursors by point mutation of β-lactamase genes (bla), are spreading rapidly all over the world and have caused considerable problems in the treatment of infections caused by bacteria which harbour them. The mechanism of this resistance is not fully understood and a better understanding of these mechanisms might significantly impact on choosing proper diagnostic and treatment strategies. Previous work on SHV β-lactamase gene, blaSHV, has shown that only Klebsiella pneumoniae strains which contain plasmid-borne blaSHV are able to mutate to phenotypically ESBL-positive strains and there was also evidence of an increase in blaSHV copy number. Therefore, it was hypothesised that although specific point mutation is essential for acquisition of ESBL activity, it is not yet enough, and blaSHV copy number amplification is also essential for an ESBL-positive phenotype, with homologous recombination being the likely mechanism of blaSHV copy number expansion. In this study, we investigated the mutation rate of non-ESBL expressing K. pneumoniae isolates to an ESBL-positive status by using the MSS-maximum likelihood method. Our data showed that blaSHV mutation rate of a non-ESBL expressing isolate is lower than the mutation rate of the other single base changes on the chromosome, even with a plasmid-borne blaSHV gene. On the other hand, mutation rate from a low MIC ESBL-positive (≤ 8 µg/mL for cefotaxime) to high MIC ESBL-positive (≥16 µg/mL for cefotaxime) is very high. This is because only gene copy number increase is needed which is probably mediated by homologous recombination that typically takes place at a much higher frequencies than point mutations. Using a subinhibitory concentration of novobiocin, as a homologous recombination inhibitor, revealed that this is the case.


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This ‘Claymation’ and ‘Slowmation’ project incorporated content as well as skill development. The participants – 4 pre-service teachers and 4 secondary school students explored chromosome mapping and DNA replication. Through research, the writing, revising and editing of storyboards, two short videos were produced. Two of the pre-service teachers had prior experience with Claymation, however none of the participants had prior knowledge of chromosome mapping or DNA replication. This paper describes the learnings of the participants in terms of their self generated questions, the need for attention to detail, and argumentation / negotiation skills.


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Definition of disease phenotype is a necessary preliminary to research into genetic causes of a complex disease. Clinical diagnosis of migraine is currently based on diagnostic criteria developed by the International Headache Society. Previously, we examined the natural clustering of these diagnostic symptoms using latent class analysis (LCA) and found that a four-class model was preferred. However, the classes can be ordered such that all symptoms progressively intensify, suggesting that a single continuous variable representing disease severity may provide a better model. Here, we compare two models: item response theory and LCA, each constructed within a Bayesian context. A deviance information criterion is used to assess model fit. We phenotyped our population sample using these models, estimated heritability and conducted genome-wide linkage analysis using Merlin-qtl. LCA with four classes was again preferred. After transformation, phenotypic trait values derived from both models are highly correlated (correlation = 0.99) and consequently results from subsequent genetic analyses were similar. Heritability was estimated at 0.37, while multipoint linkage analysis produced genome-wide significant linkage to chromosome 7q31-q33 and suggestive linkage to chromosomes 1 and 2. We argue that such continuous measures are a powerful tool for identifying genes contributing to migraine susceptibility.


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Zoonotic infections are a growing threat to global health. Chlamydia pneumoniae is a major human pathogen that is widespread in human populations, causing acute respiratory disease, and has been associated with chronic disease. C. pneumoniae was first identified solely in human populations; however, its host range now includes other mammals, marsupials, amphibians, and reptiles. Australian koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) are widely infected with two species of Chlamydia, C. pecorum and C. pneumoniae. Transmission of C. pneumoniae between animals and humans has not been reported; however, two other chlamydial species, C. psittaci and C. abortus, are known zoonotic pathogens. We have sequenced the 1,241,024-bp chromosome and a 7.5-kb cryptic chlamydial plasmid of the koala strain of C. pneumoniae (LPCoLN) using the whole-genome shotgun method. Comparative genomic analysis, including pseudogene and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) distribution, and phylogenetic analysis of conserved genes and SNPs against the human isolates of C. pneumoniae show that the LPCoLN isolate is basal to human isolates. Thus, we propose based on compelling genomic and phylogenetic evidence that humans were originally infected zoonotically by an animal isolate(s) of C. pneumoniae which adapted to humans primarily through the processes of gene decay and plasmid loss, to the point where the animal reservoir is no longer required for transmission.


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Background The purpose of this study was to identify candidate metastasis suppressor genes from a mouse allograft model of prostate cancer (NE-10). This allograft model originally developed metastases by twelve weeks after implantation in male athymic nude mice, but lost the ability to metastasize after a number of in vivo passages. We performed high resolution array comparative genomic hybridization on the metastasizing and non-metastasizing allografts to identify chromosome imbalances that differed between the two groups of tumors. Results This analysis uncovered a deletion on chromosome 2 that differed between the metastasizing and non-metastasizing tumors. Bioinformatics filters were employed to mine this region of the genome for candidate metastasis suppressor genes. Of the 146 known genes that reside within the region of interest on mouse chromosome 2, four candidate metastasis suppressor genes (Slc27a2, Mall, Snrpb, and Rassf2) were identified. Quantitative expression analysis confirmed decreased expression of these genes in the metastasizing compared to non-metastasizing tumors. Conclusion This study presents combined genomics and bioinformatics approaches for identifying potential metastasis suppressor genes. The genes identified here are candidates for further studies to determine their functional role in inhibiting metastases in the NE-10 allograft model and human prostate cancer.


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hSSB1 is a recently discovered single-stranded DNA binding protein that is essential for efficient repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by the homologous recombination pathway. hSSB1 is required for the efficient recruitment of the MRN complex to sites of DSBs and for the efficient initiation of ATM dependent signalling. Here we explore the interplay between hSSB1 and MRN. We demonstrate that hSSB1 binds directly to NBS1, a component of the MRN complex, in a DNA damage independent manner. Consistent with the direct interaction, we observe that hSSB1 greatly stimulates the endo-nuclease activity of the MRN complex, a process that requires the C-terminal tail of hSSB1. Interestingly, analysis of two point mutations in NBS1, associated with Nijmegen breakage syndrome, revealed weaker binding to hSSB1, suggesting a possible disease mechanism.