999 resultados para capability mechanism


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In the present work, nanocrystalline Ni (nc-Ni) with a broad grain size distribution (BGSD) of 5-120 nm and an average grain size of 27.2 nm was prepared. The BGSD nc-Ni sample shows a similar strength and good ductility in comparison with electrodeposited nc-Ni with a narrow grain size distribution. The intracrystalline dislocation network was observed in the post-deformed microstructure confirming the conventional intracrystalline dislocation sliding mechanism in BGSD nc-Ni. The uniaxial tensile loading-unloading-loading deformation shows BGSD nc-Ni has the capability to store dislocations in the grain interior, which is very limited compared with that of coarse grained metals. For BGSD nc-Ni, the strain rate sensitivity of flow stress m enhances with decreasing strain rate. At the strain rate of 5 x 10(-6) s(-1), m was estimated to be 0.055. At the corresponding strain rate, the enhanced ductility along with the decreased strength was achievable, indicating activation of other deformation mechanisms, e. g. grain boundary sliding or diffusion.


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An arch-shaped beam with different configurations under electrostatic loading experiences either the direct pull-in instability or the snap-through first and then the pull-in instability. When the pull-in instability occurs, the system collides with the electrode and adheres to it, which usually causes the system failure. When the snap-through instability occurs, the system experiences a discontinuous displacement to flip over without colliding with the electrode. The snap-through instability is an ideal actuation mechanism because of the following reasons: (1) after snap-through the system regains the stability and capability of withstanding further loading; (2) the system flips back when the loading is reduced, i.e. the system can be used repetitively; and (3) when approaching snap-through instability the system effective stiffness reduces toward zero, which leads to a fast flipping-over response. To differentiate these two types of instability responses for an arch-shaped beam is vital for the actuator design. For an arch-shaped beam under electrostatic loading, the nonlinear terms of the mid-plane stretching and the electrostatic loading make the analytical solution extremely difficult if not impossible and the related numerical solution is rather complex. Using the one mode expansion approximation and the truncation of the higher-order terms of the Taylor series, we present an analytical solution here. However, the one mode approximation and the truncation error of the Taylor series can cause serious error in the solution. Therefore, an error-compensating mechanism is also proposed. The analytical results are compared with both the experimental data and the numerical multi-mode analysis. The analytical method presented here offers a simple yet efficient solution approach by retaining good accuracy to analyze the instability of an arch-shaped beam under electrostatic loading.


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The Karman vortex shedding is totally suppressed in flows past a wavy square-section cylinder at a Reynolds number of 100 and the wave steepness of 0.025. Such a phenomenon is illuminated by the numerical simulations. In the present study, the mechanism responsible for it is mainly attributed to the vertical vorticity. The geometric disturbance on the rear surface leads to the appearance of spanwise flow near the base. The specific vertical vorticity is generated on the rear surface and convecting into the near wake. The wake flow is recirculated with the appearance of the pair of recirculating cells. The interaction between the upper and lower shear layers is weakened by such cells, so that the vortex rolls could not be formed and the near wake flow becomes stable.


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In this paper, the mechanism of detonation to quasi-detonation transition was discussed, a new physical model to simulate quasi-detonation was proposed, and one-dimensional theoretical and numerical simulation was conducted. This study firstly demonstrates that the quasi-detonation is of thermal choking. If the conditions of thermal choking are created by some disturbances, the supersonic flow is then unable to accept additional thermal energy, and the CJ detonation becomes the unstable quasi-detonation precipitately. The kinetic energy loss caused by this transition process is firstly considered in this new physical model. The numerical results are in good agreement with previous experimental observations qualitatively, which demonstrates that the quasi-detonation model is physically correct and the study are fundamentally important for detonation and supersonic combustion research.


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To investigate the roles of intercellular gap junctions and extracellular ATP diffusion in bone cell calcium signaling propagation in bone tissue, in vitro bone cell networks were constructed by using microcontact printing and self-assembled monolayer technologies. In the network, neighboring cells were interconnected through functional gap junctions. A single cell at the center of the network was mechanically stimulated by using an AFM nanoindenter. Intracellular calcium ([Ca2+](i)) responses of the bone cell network were recorded and analyzed. In the untreated groups, calcium propagation from the stimulated cell to neighboring cells was observed in 40% of the tests. No significant difference was observed in this percentage when the intercellular gap junctions were blocked. This number, however, decreased to 10% in the extracellular ATP-pathway-blocked group. When both the gap junction and ATP pathways were blocked, intercellular calcium waves were abolished. When the intracellular calcium store in ER was depleted, the indented cell can generate calcium transients, but no [Ca2+](i) signal can be propagated to the neighboring cells. No [Ca2+](i) response was detected in the cell network when the extracellular calcium source was removed. These findings identified the biochemical pathways involved in the calcium signaling propagation in bone cell networks. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The mechanism of energy balance in an open-channel flow with submerged vegetation was investigated. The energy borrowed from the local flow, energy spending caused by vegetation drag and flow resistance, and energy transition along the water depth were calculated on the basis of the computational results of velocity and Reynolds stress. Further analysis showed that the energy spending in a cross-section was a maximum around the top of the vegetation, and its value decreased progressively until reaching zero at the flume bed or water surface. The energy borrowed from the local flow in the vegetated region could not provide for spending; therefore, surplus borrowed energy in the non-vegetated region was transmitted to the vegetated region. In addition, the total energy transition in the cross-section was zero; therefore, the total energy borrowed from the flow balanced the energy loss in the whole cross-section. At the same time, we found that there were three effects of vegetation on the flow: turbulence restriction due to vegetation, turbulence source due to vegetation and energy transference due to vegetation, where the second effect was the strongest one. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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本文从四川绵竹酒厂、成都市龙泉长安垃圾填埋场以及四川大学荷花池底的厌氧污泥中先后分离得到63株厌氧产氢菌,其中H-8、H-61、HC-10等16株产氢细菌产氢能力较高,HC-10的产氢能力最高,最大产氢量和最大产氢速率分别达到2840 ml H2/L培养基和25.39 mmol H2/g drycell·h,对HC-10进行生理生化鉴定和分子生物学鉴定,判定其为clostridium sp.,对HC-10的产氢条件进行了研究,结果表明,该菌的最适生长温度为35 ℃,最适生长初始pH为7,以葡萄糖为最佳碳源,以蛋白胨为最佳氮源,不利用无机氮源,其产氢发酵液相产物以乙醇和乙酸为主,其发酵类型属于乙醇型发酵。此外,以酒糟废液作为底物,进行了菌株HC-10的生物强化试验,研究表明,投加了HC-10的强化系统其产氢量比对照高出40.32%。 同时为了获得厌氧产氢菌的高效突变株,分别以产氢菌H-8和H-61为原始菌株进行微波诱变处理,对微波诱变参数进行了优化,考察了突变株的遗传稳定性、产氢特性及耐酸性。菌株H-8经过微波诱变得到5株高产氢突变株HW7、HW33、HW181、HW184、HW195,经多次传代表明HW195是稳定的高产突变株。突变株HW195具有较好的耐酸性,在pH值为2.8时仍能生长。通过间歇发酵实验,其最大产氢量和最大产氢速率分别达到2460 mL/L培养基和27.97 mmol H2/g drycell·h,比原始菌分别提高了50.75%和41.7%。菌株H-61经过微波诱变后选育得到的突变株HW-18,其最大产氢量和最大产氢速率分别达到2190 mL/L培养基和25.86 mmol H2/g drycell·h,比原始菌分别提高了23.03%和31.00%。 为了对比各种诱变方式对产氢菌产氢能力的影响,以厌氧产氢菌H-61为原始菌株,先后经亚硝基胍(NTG)、紫外(UV)诱变,选育得到1株高产突变株HCM-23。在葡萄糖浓度为10 g/L的条件下,其产氢量为3024 mL/L培养基,比原始菌株提高了69.89%;其最大产氢速率为33.19 mmol H2/g drycell·h,比原始菌株提高了68.14%。经过多次传代实验,稳定性良好。其发酵末端产物以乙醇和乙酸为主,属于典型乙醇型发酵。其最适产氢初始pH为6.5,最适生长温度为36 ℃,以蔗糖为最佳碳源。与原始菌株相比,突变株HCM-23的产氢特性发生了改变,如生长延滞期延长,可利用无机氮源等。 From anaerobic activated sludge, 16 strains of hydrogen producing bacteria were newly isolated. One of them named as HC-10 had the highest hydrogen producing capability, under the batch fermentative hydrogen production condition, the maximal hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 2840 mL/L culture and 25.39 mmol H2/g drycell·h. It was identified as clostridium sp.HC-10 by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Various parameters for hydrogen production, including substrates, initial pH and temperature, have been studied. The optimum condition for hydrogen producing of strain HC-10 were achieved as: initial pH 7.0, temperature 35 ℃, glucose as the favorite substrate, Moreover, using distiller's solubles wastewater as substrate, HC-10 strain was added in the biohydrogen producing system to research the bioaugmentation effection. The results showed that the hydrogen production of bioaugmentation system was 40.32% higher than the noaugmentation system. An anaerobic, hydrogen producing strain H-8 was irradiated by microwave to optimize the microwave mutagenesis condition, and to test the heredity, hydrogen-producing potential and aciduric of the mutants. An aciduric mutant named as HW195 with steady hydrogen-producing capability was obtained, which can grow at pH 2.8. Its capability of hydrogen production was tested in the batch culture experiments. The maximum hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 2460 mL/L culture and 29.97 mmol H2/g drycell·h, which was 50.7% and 41.7% higher than those of the initial strain, respectively. When used the strain H-61 as original strain, a mutant named as HW18 was obtained. The maximum hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 2190 mL/L culture and 25.86 mmol H2/g drycell·h, which was 23.03% and 31.00% higher than those of the initial strain, respectively. The results demonstrated that microwave mutagenesis could be used in the field of hydrogen producing microorganism. The hydrogen producing strain H-61 was used as an original strain which was induced by NTG and UV for increasing and the hydrogen production capability. One of the highest efficient H2-producing mutants was named as HCM-23 with its stable hydrogen production capability. which was tested in the batch culture experiments. With the condition of 10 g/L glucose, its cumulative hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 3024 mL/L culture and 33.19 mmol H2/g drycell·h, 69.89%and 68.14% higher than that of the original strain, respectively. The terminal liquid product compositions showed that the mutant HCM-23 fermentation was ethanol type, while the original strain H-61 fermentation was butyric acid type. Varieties of parameters of hydrogen production fermentation were studied, including time, carbon source, nitrogen source, glucose concentration, glucose utilization, initial pH and incubation temperature had been studied, indicated the optimum condition of hydrogen production for the mutant HCM-23 as initial pH6.5, temperature 36 ℃, and the favorite substrate was sucrose. The hydrogen production characters of the mutant and the original strain were different, such as, the growth lag phase and the utilization of inorganic nitrogen source, etc. This work shows a good application potential of NTG-UV combined mutation in the biohydrogen production. And the hydrogen production mechanism and metabolic pathway should be explored furthermore.