965 resultados para built-up edge


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No âmbito do Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada foi elaborada uma caracterização fisiológica do soldado nas operações em áreas edificadas, tendo como objetivo geral contribuir para o quadro teórico e prático na área da motricidade humana, relativamente às aptidões fisiológicas, designadamente: a Frequência Cardíaca, o Consumo de Oxigénio máximo (VO2max) e o Lactato Sanguíneo. Neste estudo foi executada uma pista de combate em áreas edificadas, com o nível de dificuldade crescente, inicialmente sem e com carga (colete balístico) de seguida com o inimigo armado com airsoft e para finalizar, a esquadra de assalto com armas de airsoft. A pista desenrolou-se na Aldeia de Camões em Mafra. Para medição dos parâmetros em estudo, utilizou os monitores cardíacos Garmin Forerunner 310XT, que fornecem os valores das Frequências Cardíacas e o Lactete Plus, que nos dão os valores dos níveis de Lactato Sanguíneo. Verificou-se que não existe uma doutrina de referência que evidencie o treino físico orientado para o combate em áreas edificadas nos dias de hoje. Da análise dos resultados obtidos verificámos que a intensidade do esforço, durante a execução das pistas de combate, foi predominantemente realizada no regime anaeróbio. Com os resultados alcançados durante a realização da pista de combate, identificámos algumas das tarefas mais críticas na sua execução. Apurámos através dos níveis de lactato que a função do comandante de esquadra é de uma intensidade de esforço físico superior a exigida na restante esquadra de assalto.


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Este trabalho de investigação aplicada estuda o Combate em Áreas Edificadas aos baixos escalões do Exército Português e do Exército Francês, Tem como principal objetivo identificar as principais diferenças entre os dois Exércitos, através da análise do Combate em Áreas Edificadas, da doutrina, da formação e treino, das capacidades, das vulnerabilidades e potencialidades de ambos neste tipo de combate. Quanto à natureza da investigação, a metodologia usada, foi a investigação aplicada, comparando os dois Exércitos, e utilizando como objetivo de investigação, o objetivo descritivo e explicativo. No que concerne à forma de abordagem, usamos o método dedutivo, descrevendo e explicando o Combate em Áreas Edificadas, as capacidades, a doutrina, a formação e treino, as vulnerabilidades e potencialidades de ambos. Quanto aos procedimentos técnicos usamos o método comparativo segundo a análise SWOT para verificarmos os pontos fortes, pontos fracos, oportunidades e ameaças das capacidades usadas pelos Exércitos. As técnicas de recolha de dados utilizadas, foram, numa primeira fase, a entrevista exploratória a um Oficial Francês com o intuito de receber informações sobre o seu Exército, para iniciarmos a análise documental e analisar os conceitos e numa segunda fase, fizemos entrevistas de confirmação, para analisarmos os meios, o armamento e as vulnerabilidades e potencialidades de ambos os Exército no Combate em Áreas Edificadas. Como principais resultados destacamos as caraterísticas do Combate em Áreas Edificas, na dimensionalidade do campo de batalha, no emprego de forças, na formação e treino, nos meios e armamento. A doutrina portuguesa apresenta como características deste combate a população, o local/terreno e as infraestruturas. A doutrina francesa apresenta estas características como conceito, onde inclui também o impacto meteorológico como característica. No que diz respeito à dimensionalidade do campo de batalha, a doutrina portuguesa define o campo de batalha como multidimensional enquanto a doutrina francesa define-o como tridimensional. Relativamente ao emprego das forças, a principal diferença é que o Exército Francês aborda o conceito armas combinadas, enquanto nós, ainda não o abordamos desta forma. Ao nível da formação e treino, verificamos que as forças operacionais do Exército Francês são sujeitas a uma formação e avaliação periódica no CENZUB, para rever e adotar novas técnicas, enquanto o Exército Português não possui este sistema. No que concerne às capacidades, verificamos que existem diferenças no pessoal e no material, principalmente nos meios, e ao nível do armamento.


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Multivariate orthogonal polynomials in D real dimensions are considered from the perspective of the Cholesky factorization of a moment matrix. The approach allows for the construction of corresponding multivariate orthogonal polynomials, associated second kind functions, Jacobi type matrices and associated three term relations and also Christoffel-Darboux formulae. The multivariate orthogonal polynomials, their second kind functions and the corresponding Christoffel-Darboux kernels are shown to be quasi-determinants as well as Schur complements of bordered truncations of the moment matrix; quasi-tau functions are introduced. It is proven that the second kind functions are multivariate Cauchy transforms of the multivariate orthogonal polynomials. Discrete and continuous deformations of the measure lead to Toda type integrable hierarchy, being the corresponding flows described through Lax and Zakharov-Shabat equations; bilinear equations are found. Varying size matrix nonlinear partial difference and differential equations of the 2D Toda lattice type are shown to be solved by matrix coefficients of the multivariate orthogonal polynomials. The discrete flows, which are shown to be connected with a Gauss-Borel factorization of the Jacobi type matrices and its quasi-determinants, lead to expressions for the multivariate orthogonal polynomials and their second kind functions in terms of shifted quasi-tau matrices, which generalize to the multidimensional realm, those that relate the Baker and adjoint Baker functions to ratios of Miwa shifted tau-functions in the 1D scenario. In this context, the multivariate extension of the elementary Darboux transformation is given in terms of quasi-determinants of matrices built up by the evaluation, at a poised set of nodes lying in an appropriate hyperplane in R^D, of the multivariate orthogonal polynomials. The multivariate Christoffel formula for the iteration of m elementary Darboux transformations is given as a quasi-determinant. It is shown, using congruences in the space of semi-infinite matrices, that the discrete and continuous flows are intimately connected and determine nonlinear partial difference-differential equations that involve only one site in the integrable lattice behaving as a Kadomstev-Petviashvili type system. Finally, a brief discussion of measures with a particular linear isometry invariance and some of its consequences for the corresponding multivariate polynomials is given. In particular, it is shown that the Toda times that preserve the invariance condition lay in a secant variety of the Veronese variety of the fixed point set of the linear isometry.


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This paper presents a finite element cutting modelbased on physical microstructure to investigate the thermomechanicalbehaviour of AL-6XN Super AusteniticStainless Steel in the primary shear zone. Frozen chip rootsamples were created under dry turning operation to observethe plasticity behaviour occurring in the shear zones to comparewith the model for analysis. Chip samples were generatedunder cutting velocities at 65 and 94 m/min, feed rate at0.2 mm/rev and depth of cut at 1 mm. Temperature on thecutting zone was recorded by infrared thermal camera.Secondary and backscatter electron detectors were used toinvestigate the deformed microstructure and to calculate theplastic strain. Experimental results showed the formation ofmicrocracks (build-up edge triggers) at the chip root stagnationzone of both samples. The austenite phase patterns wereevident against the cutting tool tip in the stagnation zone of thechip root fabricated at 65 m/min. The movement of thesepatterns caused the formation of the slip lines within thegrains. The backscatter diffraction maps showed the formationof special grain boundaries within the slip lines, workhardeninglayer and in the chip region. Strain measurementsin the microstructures of the chip roots fabricated at 94 and65 m/min showed high values of 6.5 and 5.7 (mm/mm) respectively.The finite element model was used to measure thestress, strain, temperature and chip morphology. Numericalresults were compared to the outcomes of the experimentalwork to validate the finite element model. The model validatingprocess showed good agreement between theexperimental and numerical results, and the error values werecalculated. For a 94- and 65-m/min cutting speeds, 7.5 and5.2% were the errors in the strain, 3 and 2.5% were the error inthe temperature and 4.7 and 6.8% were the error in the shearplane angles.


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Dans certains milieux syndicaux québécois, des initiatives porteuses destinées à prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale au travail ont vu le jour. Des représentants syndicaux pionniers ont mis en place des structures d’entraide opérantes, obtenu des jurisprudences importantes et développé des approches innovantes pour corriger ou bonifier l’organisation du travail, et ce depuis plus de trois décennies. Alors que la montée de l’idéologie néolibérale et les principes d’organisation du travail qu’elle sous-tend engendrent une intensification du travail qui fragilise la psyché des travailleurs et que le rapport de force des syndicats s’effrite, il apparaît porteur d’interroger l’expérience de ces représentants syndicaux pour mieux comprendre comment se structure l’action syndicale en santé mentale au travail. Cette thèse fait l’étude de réalisations syndicales québécoises en matière de santé mentale au travail visant à prévenir et à corriger les problèmes de détresse psychologique, d’épuisement professionnel, de harcèlement, de dépression, de violence, de suicides reliés au travail, etc. Pour ce faire, un cadre théorique mixte a été utilisé. D’une part, une perspective large a été adoptée pour comprendre les enjeux entourant les rapports humains au travail et l’action. Pour ce faire, quatre auteurs influents de la philosophie des Lumières et de la philosophie contemporaine ont été sélectionnés, soit Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith, Karl Marx et Hannah Arendt. Dégager ces différentes perspectives du monde, de l’action et du lien social avait pour objectif de mettre en place une grille d’analyse susceptible de relier l’expérience de représentants syndicaux à ces visions du monde. Il est apparu essentiel de mieux saisir les bases idéologiques sur lesquelles ces derniers ont construit leur action pour comprendre comment elles ont influencé leur démarche singulière et collective. D’autre part, la théorie de l’expérience sociale a été retenue (Dubet, 2009; 1994) pour analyser plus finement le travail des représentant syndicaux. Celle-ci distingue trois logiques d’action complémentaires et en tension avec lesquelles doivent composer les acteurs sociaux : une logique d’intégration, une logique stratégique et logique appuyée sur la subjectivation. La coexistence de ces trois logiques signifie que l’expérience que les individus font du monde n’est pas une simple reproduction de déterminismes qui les précèdent. Les acteurs sont aussi sujets de leur expérience et capables de prendre une distance du social pour comprendre les significations de leur agir; ils s’inscrivent dans le monde dans une dialectique critique. Cette théorie apporte un éclairage permettant de dégager à la fois ce qui freine et ce qui facilite l’action individuelle et collective en matière de santé mentale au travail et de décrire comment des représentants syndicaux se mobilisent pour répondre aux nombreuses attentes des membres. Cette recherche qualitative s’est appuyée sur une méthodologie de récit de vie (Rhéaume 2008; Bertaux 2006). Vingt représentants syndicaux ont témoigné de la souffrance au travail (Dejours, 2008) vécue par leurs membres et ont présenté des actions déployées pour leur venir en aide. Les réalités décrites par les participants montrent comment certains éléments de l’organisation du travail sont associés à des expériences de domination (Martuccelli, 2004): les méfaits du productivisme et de l’hyperflexibilité, les accidents de travail, les maladies professionnelles et les situations d’horreur au travail, les rapports sociaux au travail devenus délétères et les utilisations abusives de l’appareil judiciaire. L’étude démontre aussi à quel point des initiatives portées par des représentants syndicaux contribuent à une résolution de problèmes dans une perspective d’interdépendance, de développement du pouvoir d’agir, de justice sociale et de lutte pour la dignité. Quatre catégories d’initiatives ont été retenues : l’entretien du lien social dans l’entraide au quotidien, la défense juridique et légale des membres, les clauses de convention collective et les actions sur l’organisation du travail. Enfin, la recherche dégage trois profils de représentants syndicaux : la militance qui tente de former un nous, la professionnalisation qui tente de faire reconnaitre son utilité et sa compétence, et l’entraide qui cherche à développer une action engageant le Je. Leur rencontre laisse entrevoir le développement d’une praxis syndicale qui vise à promouvoir et protéger la dignité du travail et des travailleurs.


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The Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) was built up by three major phases of eruptions; the most voluminous of which, the Deccan Phase 2, encompassed the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (KT) boundary. Deccan eruptions have been implicated as a contributor to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, however, mechanism by which volcanic activity affected biota remains poorly understood. We applied a combination of rock magnetic techniques scanning electron microscopy to characterize mineral assemblages of three sections of intertrappean lacustrine sediments from the north-western Maharashtra Deccan Volcanic Provinces. Our results indicate that in sediments deposited during the early stages of the Deccan Phase 2, the Daïwal River and Dhapewada sequences, iron-bearing mineral association is dominated by detrital iron oxides (magnetite and hematite) sourced from the weathering of the surrounding basaltic bedrocks, with minor contribution form authigenic iron sulphides (framboidal pyrite, pyrrhotite and/or greigite). The sediments deposited during the final stages of Phase 2 (the Podgawan sequence) differ significantly in their characteristics. In particular, the Podgawan sediments have 1) very low magnetic susceptibility values, but higher terrigenous fraction (clays and shales) content; 2) more complex assemblage of magnetic minerals, 3) ubiquitous presence of Fe–Ca–Ce vanadates; and 4) unusual lithological variations in the middle part of the section (represented by a charcoal-rich level that is capped by a red clay layer containing fossilized bacterial colonies). We suggest that these unusual characteristics reflect increased acidity in the region during the deposition of the Podgawan sequence, likely due to cumulative effects of volcanic aerosols released during the Deccan Phase 2 eruptions. The combination of these features may be used to recognize episodes of increased acidity in the geological record. Our results also contribute to understanding of local vs. global effects of the Deccan volcanism.


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Portugal in the end of the 19 th century was characterized by a huge economic and political instability. This situation led to the publication of the Hunger Law (1899), which is identified as the critical breaking point since it imposed a political ideology over a vernacular landscape. The Alentejo (south of Portugal), between (1889-1929) emerges as a paradigmatic landscapes where an abrupt transformation take place: an ancient landscape with the loss of their ecological memory was lost and a false identities was created. The diversity and ecological richness of the vernacular landscape gave way to the monotony of the cereal and the ecological and social system that for centuries had built up and evolved was abruptly compromised. To analyze and understand the important transformation that happened in the ancestral countryside of Alentejo, the research was based on the concept of landscape as a system, and that the landscape represents the relationship between the natural system and the cultural.


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Background: The quality of stormwater runoff from ports is significant as it can be an important source of pollution to the marine environment. This is also a significant issue for the Port of Brisbane as it is located in an area of high environmental values. Therefore, it is imperative to develop an in-depth understanding of stormwater runoff quality to ensure that appropriate strategies are in place for quality improvement. ---------------- The Port currently has a network of stormwater sample collection points where event based samples together with grab samples are tested for a range of water quality parameters. Whilst this information provides a ‘snapshot’ of the pollutants being washed from the catchment/s, it does not allow for a quantifiable assessment of total contaminant loads being discharged to the waters of Moreton Bay. It also does not represent pollutant build-up and wash-off from the different land uses across a broader range of rainfall events which might be expected. As such, it is difficult to relate stormwater quality to different pollutant sources within the Port environment. ----------------- Consequently, this would make the source tracking of pollutants to receiving waters extremely difficult and in turn the ability to implement appropriate mitigation measures. Also, without this detailed understanding, the efficacy of the various stormwater quality mitigation measures implemented cannot be determined with certainty. --------------- Current knowledge on port stormwater runoff quality Currently, little knowledge exists with regards to the pollutant generation capacity specific to port land uses as these do not necessarily compare well with conventional urban industrial or commercial land use due to the specific nature of port activities such as inter-modal operations and cargo management. Furthermore, traffic characteristics in a port area are different to a conventional urban area. Consequently, as data inputs based on an industrial and commercial land uses for modelling purposes is questionable. ------------------ A comprehensive review of published research failed to locate any investigations undertaken with regards to pollutant build-up and wash-off for port specific land uses. Furthermore, there is very limited information made available by various ports worldwide about the pollution generation potential of their facilities. Published work in this area has essentially focussed on the water quality or environmental values in the receiving waters such as the downstream bay or estuary. ----------------- The Project: The research project is an outcome of the collaborative Partnership between the Port of Brisbane Corporation (POBC) and Queensland University of Technology (QUT). A key feature of this Partnership is the undertaking of ‘cutting edge’ research to strengthen the environmental custodianship of the Port area. This project aims to develop a port specific stormwater quality model to allow informed decision making in relation to stormwater quality improvement in the context of the increased growth of the Port. --------------- Stage 1 of the research project focussed on the assessment of pollutant build-up and wash-off using rainfall simulation from the current Port of Brisbane facilities with the longer-term objective of contributing to the development of ecological risk mitigation strategies for future expansion scenarios. Investigation of complex processes such as pollutant wash-off using naturally occurring rainfall events has inherent difficulties. These can be overcome using simulated rainfall for the investigations. ----------------- The deliverables for Stage 1 included the following: * Pollutant build-up and wash-off profiles for six primary land uses within the Port of Brisbane to be used for water quality model development. * Recommendations with regards to future stormwater quality monitoring and pollution mitigation measures. The outcomes are expected to deliver the following benefits to the Port of Brisbane: * The availability of Port specific pollutant build-up and wash-off data will enable the implementation of customised stormwater pollution mitigation strategies. * The water quality data collected would form the baseline data for a Port specific water quality model for mitigation and predictive purposes. * To be at the cutting-edge in terms of water quality management and environmental best practice in the context of port infrastructure. ---------------- Conclusions: The important conclusions from the study are: * It confirmed that the Port environment is unique in terms of pollutant characteristics and is not comparable to typical urban land uses. * For most pollutant types, the Port land uses exhibited lower pollutant concentrations when compared to typical urban land uses. * The pollutant characteristics varied across the different land uses and were not consistent in terms of the land use. Hence, the implementation of stereotypical structural water quality improvement devices could be of limited value. * The <150m particle size range was predominant in suspended solids for pollutant build-up as well as wash-off. Therefore, if suspended solids are targeted as the surrogate parameter for water quality improvement, this specific particle size range needs to be removed. ------------------- Recommendations: Based on the study results the following preliminary recommendations are made: * Due to the appreciable variation in pollutant characteristics for different port land uses, any water quality monitoring stations should preferably be located such that source areas can be easily identified. * The study results having identified significant pollutants for the different land uses should enable the development of a more customised water quality monitoring and testing regime targeting the critical pollutants. * A ‘one size fits all’ approach may not be appropriate for the different port land uses due to the varying pollutant characteristics. As such, pollution mitigation will need to be specifically tailored to suit the specific land use. * Any structural measures implemented for pollution mitigation to be effective should have the capability to remove suspended solids of size <150m. * Based on the results presented and the particularly the fact that the Port land uses cannot be compared to conventional urban land uses in relation to pollutant generation, consideration should be given to the development of a port specific water quality model.


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The existing machine vision-based 3D reconstruction software programs provide a promising low-cost and in some cases automatic solution for infrastructure as-built documentation. However in several steps of the reconstruction process, they only rely on detecting and matching corner-like features in multiple views of a scene. Therefore, in infrastructure scenes which include uniform materials and poorly textured surfaces, these programs fail with high probabilities due to lack of feature points. Moreover, except few programs that generate dense 3D models through significantly time-consuming algorithms, most of them only provide a sparse reconstruction which does not necessarily include required points such as corners or edges; hence these points have to be manually matched across different views that could make the process considerably laborious. To address these limitations, this paper presents a video-based as-built documentation method that automatically builds detailed 3D maps of a scene by aligning edge points between video frames. Compared to corner-like features, edge points are far more plentiful even in untextured scenes and often carry important semantic associations. The method has been tested for poorly textured infrastructure scenes and the results indicate that a combination of edge and corner-like features would allow dealing with a broader range of scenes.


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The final step of the transduction pathway is the activation of gene transcription, which is driven by kinase cascades leading to changes in the activity of many transcription factors. Among these latter, PEA3/E1AF, ER81/ETV1, and ERM, members of the well conserved PEA3 group from the Ets family are involved in these processes. We show here that protein kinase A (PKA) increases the transcriptional activity of human ERM and human ETV1, through a Ser residue situated at the edge of the ETS DNA-binding domain. PKA phosphorylation does not directly affect the ERM transactivation domains but does affect DNA binding activity. Unphosphorylated wild-type ERM bound DNA avidly, whereas after PKA phosphorylation it did so very weakly. Interestingly, S367A mutation significantly reduced the ERM-mediated transcription in the presence of the kinase, and the DNA binding of this mutant, although similar to that of unphosphorylated wild-type protein, was insensitive to PKA treatment. Mutations, which may mimic a phosphorylated serine, converted ERM from an efficient DNA-binding protein to a poor DNA binding one, with inefficiency of PKA phosphorylation. The present data clearly demonstrate a close correlation between the capacity of PKA to increase the transactivation of ERM and the drastic down-regulation of the binding of the ETS domain to the targeted DNA. What we thus demonstrate here is a relatively rare transcription activation mechanism through a decrease in DNA binding, probably by the shift of a non-active form of an Ets protein to a PKA-phosphorylated active one, which should be in a conformation permitting a transactivation domain to be active.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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AIMS To assess serially the edge vascular response (EVR) of a bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) compared to a metallic everolimus-eluting stent (EES). METHODS AND RESULTS Non-serial evaluations of the Absorb BVS at one year have previously demonstrated proximal edge constrictive remodelling and distal edge changes in plaque composition with increase of the percent fibro-fatty (FF) tissue component. The 5 mm proximal and distal segments adjacent to the implanted devices were investigated serially with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), post procedure, at six months and at two years, from the ABSORB Cohort B1 (n=45) and the SPIRIT II (n=113) trials. Twenty-two proximal and twenty-four distal edge segments were available for analysis in the ABSORB Cohort B1 trial. In the SPIRIT II trial, thirty-three proximal and forty-six distal edge segments were analysed. At the 5-mm proximal edge, the vessels treated with an Absorb BVS from post procedure to two years demonstrated a lumen loss (LL) of 6.68% (-17.33; 2.08) (p=0.027) with a trend toward plaque area increase of 7.55% (-4.68; 27.11) (p=0.06). At the 5-mm distal edge no major changes were evident at either time point. At the 5-mm proximal edge the vessels treated with a XIENCE V EES from post procedure to two years did not show any signs of LL, only plaque area decrease of 6.90% (-17.86; 4.23) (p=0.035). At the distal edge no major changes were evident with regard to either lumen area or vessel remodelling at the same time point. CONCLUSIONS The IVUS-based serial evaluation of the EVR up to two years following implantation of a bioresorbable everolimus-eluting scaffold shows a statistically significant proximal edge LL; however, this finding did not seem to have any clinical implications in the serial assessment. The upcoming imaging follow-up of the Absorb BVS at three years is anticipated to provide further information regarding the vessel wall behaviour at the edges.


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BACKGROUND The use of transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR) has gained widespread acceptance in Europe, but data on immediate success, safety, and long-term echocardiographic follow-up in real-world patients are still limited. OBJECTIVES The aim of this multinational registry is to present a real-world overview of TMVR use in Europe. METHODS The Transcatheter Valve Treatment Sentinel Pilot Registry is a prospective, independent, consecutive collection of individual patient data. RESULTS A total of 628 patients (mean age 74.2 ± 9.7 years, 63.1% men) underwent TMVR between January 2011 and December 2012 in 25 centers in 8 European countries. The prevalent pathogenesis was functional mitral regurgitation (FMR) (n = 452 [72.0%]). The majority of patients (85.5%) were highly symptomatic (New York Heart Association functional class III or higher), with a high logistic EuroSCORE (European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation) (20.4 ± 16.7%). Acute procedural success was high (95.4%) and similar in FMR and degenerative mitral regurgitation (p = 0.662). One clip was implanted in 61.4% of patients. In-hospital mortality was low (2.9%), without significant differences between groups. The estimated 1-year mortality was 15.3%, which was similar for FMR and degenerative mitral regurgitation. The estimated 1-year rate of rehospitalization because of heart failure was 22.8%, significantly higher in the FMR group (25.8% vs. 12.0%, p[log-rank] = 0.009). Paired echocardiographic data from the 1-year follow-up, available for 368 consecutive patients in 15 centers, showed a persistent reduction in the degree of mitral regurgitation at 1 year (6.0% of patients with severe mitral regurgitation). CONCLUSIONS This independent, contemporary registry shows that TMVR is associated with high immediate success, low complication rates, and sustained 1-year reduction of the severity of mitral regurgitation and improvement of clinical symptoms.


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La norma UNE-EN 13374 “Sistemas provisionales de protección de borde. Especificaciones del producto, métodos de ensayo” (1) clasifica los sistemas provisionales de protección de borde (SPPB) en tres clases (A, B y C), en función del ángulo de la superficie de trabajo y de la altura de caída de la persona a proteger. Los sistemas clase A son los indicados cuando la inclinación de la superficie de trabajo es menor de 10º. La norma establece los requisitos de flecha y de resistencia de los SPPB. Los requisitos se pueden comprobar tanto analítica como experimentalmente. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido la evaluación del comportamiento de los SPPB utilizados habitualmente en las obras y establecer los cambios necesarios para que cumplan con la norma UNE-EN 13374. Para ello se han evaluado analítica y experimentalmente tres SPPB clase A, fabricados con acero S235. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, el sistema empleado de forma habitual en obras no supera los requisitos de la norma ni analítica ni experimentalmente. El tercer sistema supera los requisitos con las dos metodologías de análisis. El segundo sistema supera los requisitos cuando la evaluación se realiza analíticamente pero no cuando la vía utilizada es la experimental.