979 resultados para bubble nucleation


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Enhanced piezoresponse force microscopy was used to study flux closure vortexlike structures of 90° ferroelastic domains at the nanoscale in thin ferroelectric lead zirconium titanate (PZT) films. Using an external electric field, a vortexlike structure was induced far away from a grain boundary, indicating that physical edges are not necessary for nucleation contrary to previous suggestions. We demonstrate two different configurations of vortexlike structures, one of which has not been observed before. The stability of these structures is found to be size dependent, supporting previous predictions. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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The process of damage evolution concerns various scales, from micro- to macroscopic. How to characterize the trans-scale nature of the process is on the challenging frontiers of solid mechanics. In this paper, a closed trans-scale formulation of damage evolution based on statistical microdamage mechanics is presented. As a case study, the damage evolution in spallation is analyzed with the formulation. Scaling of the formulation reveals that the following dimensionless numbers: reduced Mach number M, damage number S, stress wave Fourier number P, intrinsic Deborah number D*, and the imposed Deborah number De*, govern the whole process of deformation and damage evolution. The evaluation of P and the estimation of temperature increase show that the energy equation can be ignored as the first approximation in the case of spallation. Hence, apart from the two conventional macroscopic parameters: the reduced Mach number M and damage number S, the damage evolution in spallation is mainly governed by two microdamage-relevant parameters: the Deborah numbers D* and De*. Higher nucleation and growth rates of microdamage accelerate damage evolution, and result in higher damage in the target plate. In addition, the mere variation in nucleation rate does not change the spatial distribution of damage or form localized rupture, while the increase of microdamage growth rate localizes the damage distribution in the target plate, which can be characterized by the imposed Deborah number De*.


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Thermal failure of SiC particulate-reinforced 6061 aluminum alloy composites induced by both laser thermal shock and mechanical load has been investigated. The specimens with a single-edge notch were mechanically polished to 0.25 mm in thickness. The notched-tip region of the specimen is subjected to laser beam rapid heating. In the test, a pulsed Nd:glass laser beam is used with duration 1.0 ms or 250 mu s, intensity 15 or 70 kW/cm(2), and spot size 5.0 mm in diameter. Threshold intensity was tested and fracture behavior was studied. The crack-tip process zone development and the microcrack formation were macroscopically and microscopically observed. It was found that in these materials, the initial crack occurred in the notched-tip region, wherein the initial crack was induced by either void nucleation, growth, and subsequent coalescence of the matrix materials or separation of the SiC particulate-matrix interface. It was further found that the process of the crack propagation occurred by the fracture of the SiC particulates.


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A first experimental study on two-phase how patterns at a long-term, steady microgravity condition was conducted on board the Russian Space Station "MIR" in August 1999. Carbogal and air are used as the liquid and the gas phase, respectively. Bubble, slug, slug-annular transitional, and annular hows are observed. A new region of annular how with lower liquid superficial velocity is discovered, and the region of the slug-annular transitional flow is wider than that observed by experiments on board the parabolic aircraft. The main patterns are bubble, slug-annular transitional and annular flows based on the experiments on board MIR space station. Some influences on the two-phase how patterns in the present experiments are discussed.


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A new method to study collapsing process of fluidized bed was proposed. The method is based on the analysis of the pressure variation during collapse. A model is proposed to describe the pressure variation on any location of the bed during collapse. Three kind of particles were fluidized by air and the pressure variation after shutting down the gas supply was measured by pressure transducers and simulated by the proposed model. The simulated results were in good agreement with the experimental data. The parameters of the fluidized bed, such as bubble fraction alpha(b), particle fraction in dense phase alpha(p), bubble velocity u(b) and slip velocity of particle u(i), can be estimated from the measured pressure data by using the proposed model. The model was also used to calculate the pressure variation in pulsed fluidized beds with low frequency.


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This paper presents models to describe the dislocation dynamics of strain relaxation in an epitaxial uniform layer, epitaxial multilayers and graded composition buffers. A set of new evolution equations for nucleation rate and annihilation rate of threading dislocations is developed. The dislocation interactions are incorporated into the kinetics process by introducing a resistance term, which depends only on plastic strain. Both threading dislocation nucleation and threading dislocation annihilation are characterized. The new evolution equations combined with other evolution equations for the plastic strain rate, the mean velocity and the dislocation density rate of the threading dislocations are tested on GexSi1-x/Si(100) heterostructures, including epitaxial multilayers and graded composition buffers. It is shown that the evolution equations successfully predict a wide range of experimental results of strain relaxation and threading dislocation evolution in the materials system. Meanwhile, the simulation results clearly signify that the threading dislocation annihilation plays a vital role in the reduction of threading dislocation density.


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Self-assembly processes resulting in linear structures are often observed in molecular biology, and include the formation of functional filaments such as actin and tubulin, as well as generally dysfunctional ones such as amyloid aggregates. Although the basic kinetic equations describing these phenomena are well-established, it has proved to be challenging, due to their non-linear nature, to derive solutions to these equations except for special cases. The availability of general analytical solutions provides a route for determining the rates of molecular level processes from the analysis of macroscopic experimental measurements of the growth kinetics, in addition to the phenomenological parameters, such as lag times and maximal growth rates that are already obtainable from standard fitting procedures. We describe here an analytical approach based on fixed-point analysis, which provides self-consistent solutions for the growth of filamentous structures that can, in addition to elongation, undergo internal fracturing and monomer-dependent nucleation as mechanisms for generating new free ends acting as growth sites. Our results generalise the analytical expression for sigmoidal growth kinetics from the Oosawa theory for nucleated polymerisation to the case of fragmenting filaments. We determine the corresponding growth laws in closed form and derive from first principles a number of relationships which have been empirically established for the kinetics of the self-assembly of amyloid fibrils.


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A brief review is presented of statistical approaches on microdamage evolution. An experimental study of statistical microdamage evolution in two ductile materials under dynamic loading is carried out. The observation indicates that there are large differences in size and distribution of microvoids between these two materials. With this phenomenon in mind, kinetic equations governing the nucleation and growth of microvoids in nonlinear rate-dependent materials are combined with the balance law of void number to establish statistical differential equations that describe the evolution of microvoids' number density. The theoretical solution provides a reasonable explanation of the experimentally observed phenomenon. The effects of stochastic fluctuation which is influenced by the inhomogeneous microscopic structure of materials are subsequently examined (i.e. stochastic growth model). Based on the stochastic differential equation, a Fokker-Planck equation which governs the evolution of the transition probability is derived. The analytical solution for the transition probability is then obtained and the effects of stochastic fluctuation is discussed. The statistical and stochastic analyses may provide effective approaches to reveal the physics of damage evolution and dynamic failure process in ductile materials.


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We studied the dependence of thermodynamic variables in a sonoluminescing ~SL! bubble on various physical factors, which include viscosity, thermal conductivity, surface tension, the equation of state of the gas inside the bubble, as well as the compressibility of the surrounding liquid. The numerical solutions show that the existence of shock waves in the SL parameter regime is very sensitive to these factors. Furthermore, we show that even without shock waves, the reflection of continuous compressional waves at the bubble center can produce the high temperature and picosecond time scale light pulse of the SL bubble, which implies that SL may not necessarily be due to shock waves.


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The numerical solutions of or(R) given by two different methods (Samsonov et al., 2003; and Lu et al., 2005) are compared with the result that they are coincident closely (the difference is within 4%). We conclude that it is necessary to consider the Tolman correction in the calculation of fluid dynamics in carbon nanotubes. Although our conclusion is the same as that of Prylutskyy et al. (2005), the sign of our Tolman correction is opposite to theirs, and the difference can be attributed to the errors appeared in the paper of Prylutskyy et al.


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Two research projects on pool boiling in microgravity have been conducted aboard the Chinese recoverable satellites. Ground-based experiments have also been performed both in normal gravity and in short-term microgravity in the Drop Tower Beijing. Steady boiling of R113 on thin platinum wires was studied with a temperature-controlled heating method, while quasi-steady boiling of FC-72 on a plane plate was investigated with an exponentially increasing heating voltage. In the first case, slight enhancement of heat transfer is observed in microgravity, while diminution is evident for high heat flux in the second one. Lateral motions of bubbles on the heaters are observed before their departure in microgravity. The surface oscillation of the merged bubbles due to lateral coalescence between adjacent bubbles drives it to detach from the heaters. The Marangoni effect on the bubble behavior is also discussed. The perspectives for a new project DEPA-SJ10, which has been planned to be flown aboard the Chinese recoverable satellite SJ-10 in the future, are also presented.


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Ultrasonic technique is used to detect the velocity change of stress wave propagated in the cement mortar immersed in the solution of sodium sulfate for 425 days. Also the density change of specimens at different erosion time is measured. By curve fitting, the effect of solutions' concentration and water/cement ratio on the damage evolution is analyzed. The SEM observation on the growth of delayed ettringite is also performed. It shows that the damage evolution of specimens attacked by sulphate solution is dominantly induced by the nucleation and growth of delayed ettringite, and the average size of microvoids in cement mortar affects the damage evolution significantly. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present a numerical study on the thermocapillary migration of drops. The Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the energy conservation equation are solved by the finite-difference front-tracking scheme. The axisymmetric model is adopted in Our simulations, and the drops are assumed to be perfectly spherical and nondeformable. The benchmark simulation starts from the classical initial condition with a uniform temperature gradient. The detailed discussions and physical explanations of migration phenomena are presented for the different values of (1) the Marangoni numbers and Reynolds numbers of continuous phases and drops and (2) the ratios of drop densities and specific heats to those of continuous phases. It is found that fairly large Marangoni numbers may lead to fluctuations in drop velocities at the beginning part of simulations. Finally, we also discuss the influence of initial conditions on the thermocapillary migrations. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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A novel stress-strain relation with two stages of linear elastic deformation is observed in [0 0 0 1]-oriented ZnO nanorods under uniaxial tensile loading. This phenomenon results from a phase transformation from wurtzite (WZ, P6(3)mc space group) to a body-centered tetragonal structure with four-atom rings (denoted as BCT-4) belonging to the P4(2)/mnm space group. The analysis here focuses on the effects of nanorod size and temperature on the phase transformation and the associated mechanical behavior. It is found that as size is increased from 19.5 to 45.5 angstrom, the critical stress for nucleation of the transformation decreases by 25% from 21.90 to 16.50 GPa and the elastic moduli of the WZ- and BCT-4-structured nanorods decrease by 24% (from 299.49 to 227.51 GPa) and 38% (from 269.29 to 166.86 GPa), respectively. A significant temperature effect is also observed, with the critical stress for transformation initiation decreasing 87.8% from 17.89 to 2.19 GPa as temperature increases from 300 to 1500 K. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the observation of a deformation twin formed by a recently proposed self-thickening, cross-slip twinning mechanism. This observation verifies one more twinning mechanism, in addition to those reported before, in nanocrystalline face-centered-cubic metals. In this mechanism, once the first Shockley partial is emitted from a grain boundary, and cross slips onto another slip plane, a deformation twin could nucleate and grow in both the primary and cross-slip planes without requiring the nucleation of additional Shockley partials from the grain boundary.