966 resultados para biomineralization, expression, gene, mantle, microarray, molecular, mollusk, Pinctada maxima, pearl oyster, shell, shell matrix


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The two major subtypes of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (germinal centre B-cell - like (GCB-DLBCL) and activated B-cell - like (ABC-DLBCL)) are defined by means of gene expression profiling (GEP). Patients with GCB-DLBCL survive longer with the current standard regimen R-CHOP than patients with ABC-DLBCL. As GEP is not part of the current routine diagnostic work-up, efforts have been made to find a substitute than involves immunohistochemistry (IHC). Various algorithms achieved this with 80-90% accuracy. However, conflicting results on the appropriateness of IHC have been reported. Because it is likely that the molecular subtypes will play a role in future clinical practice, we assessed the determination of the molecular DLBCL subtypes by means of IHC at our University Hospital, and some aspects of this determination elsewhere in Switzerland. The most frequently used Hans algorithm includes three antibodies (against CD10, bcl-6 and MUM1). From records of the routine diagnostic work-up, we identified 51 of 172 (29.7%) newly diagnosed and treated DLBCL cases from 2005 until 2010 with an assigned DLBCL subtype. DLBCL subtype information was expanded by means of tissue microarray analysis. The outcome for patients with the GCB subtype was significantly better compared with those with the non-GC subtype, independent of the age-adjusted International Prognostic Index. We found a lack of standardisation in the subtype determination by means of IHC in Switzerland and significant problems of reproducibility. We conclude that the Hans algorithm performs well in our hands and that awareness of this important matter is increasing. However, outside clinical trials, vigorous efforts to standardise IHC determination are needed as DLBCL subtype-specific therapies emerge.


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Different life-cycle stages of Trypanosoma brucei are characterized by stage-specific glycoprotein coats. GPEET procyclin, the major surface protein of early procyclic (insect midgut) forms, is transcribed in the nucleolus by RNA polymerase I as part of a polycistronic precursor that is processed to monocistronic mRNAs. In culture, when differentiation to late procyclic forms is triggered by removal of glycerol, the precursor is still transcribed, but accumulation of GPEET mRNA is prevented by a glycerol-responsive element in the 3' UTR. A genome-wide RNAi screen for persistent expression of GPEET in glycerol-free medium identified a novel protein, NRG1 (Nucleolar Regulator of GPEET 1), as a negative regulator. NRG1 associates with GPEET mRNA and with several nucleolar proteins. These include two PUF proteins, TbPUF7 and TbPUF10, and BOP1, a protein required for rRNA processing in other organisms. RNAi against each of these components prolonged or even increased GPEET expression in the absence of glycerol as well as causing a significant reduction in 5.8S rRNA and its immediate precursor. These results indicate that components of a complex used for rRNA maturation can have an additional role in regulating mRNAs that originate in the nucleolus.


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Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive B-cell lymphoid malignancy representing 5-10% of all non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. It is distinguished by the t(11;14)(q13;q32) chromosomal translocation that juxtaposes the proto-oncogene CCND1, which encodes cyclin D1 at 11q13 to the IgH gene at 14q32. MCL patients represent about 6% of all new cases of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas per year or about 3,500 new cases per year. MCL occurs more frequently in older adults – the average age at diagnosis is the mid-60s with a male-to-female ratio of 2-3:1. It is typically characterized by the proliferation of neoplastic B-lymphocytes in the mantle zone of the lymph node follicle that have a prominent inclination to disseminate to other lymphoid tissues, bone marrow, peripheral blood and other organs. MCL patients have a poor prognosis because they develop resistance/relapse to current non-specific therapeutic regimens. It is of note that the exact molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of MCL are not completely known. It is reasonable to anticipate that better characterization of these mechanisms could lead to the development of specific and likely more effective therapeutics to treat this aggressive disease. The type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-IR) is thought to be a key player in several different solid malignancies such as those of the prostate, breast, lung, ovary, skin and soft tissue. In addition, recent studies in our lab showed evidence to support a pathogenic role of IGF-IR in some types of T-cell lymphomas and chronic myeloid leukemia. Constitutively active IGF-IR induces its oncogenic effects through the inhibition of apoptosis and induction of transformation, metastasis, and angiogenesis. Previous studies have shown that signaling through IGF-IR leads to the vi activation of multiple signaling transduction pathways mediated by the receptor-associated tyrosine kinase domain. These pathways include PI3K/Akt, MAP kinase, and Jak/Stat. In the present study, we tested the possible role of IGF-IR in MCL. Our results demonstrate that IGF-IR is over-expressed in mantle cell lymphoma cell lines compared with normal peripheral blood B- lymphocytes. Furthermore, inhibition of IGF-IR by the cyclolignan picropodophyllin (PPP) decreased cell viability and cell proliferation in addition to induction of apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest. Screening of downstream oncogenes and apoptotic proteins that are involved in both IGF-IR and MCL signaling after treatment with PPP or IGF-IR siRNA showed significant alterations that are consistent with the cellular changes observed after PPP treatment. Therefore, our findings suggest that IGF-IR signaling contributes to the survival of MCL and thus may prove to be a legitimate therapeutic target in the future.


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In the United States, endometrial cancer is the leading cancer of the female reproductive tract. There are 40,100 new cases and 7,470 deaths from endometrial cancer estimated for 2008 (47). The average five year survival rate for endometrial cancer is 84% however, this figure is substantially lower in patients diagnosed with late stage, advanced disease and much higher for patients diagnosed in early stage disease (47). Endometrial cancer (EC) has been associated with several risk factors including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, previously documented occurrence of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), and heightened exposure to estrogen (25). As of yet, there has not been a dependable molecular predictor of endometrial cancer occurrence in women with these predisposing factors. The goal of our lab is to identify genes that are aberrantly expressed in EC and may serve as molecular biomarkers of EC progression. One candidate protein that we are exploring as a biomarker of EC progression is the cell survival protein survivin.


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Environmental exposures during sensitive windows of development can reprogram normal physiological responses and alter disease susceptibility later in life in a process known as developmental reprogramming. We have shown that neonatal exposure to the xenoestrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) can developmentally reprogram the reproductive tract in genetically susceptible Eker rats giving rise to complete penetrance of uterine leiomyoma. Based on this, we hypothesized that xenoestrogens, including genistein (GEN) and bisphenol A (BPA), reprogram estrogen-responsive gene expression in the myometrium and promote the development of uterine leiomyoma. We proposed the mechanism that is responsible for the developmental reprogramming of gene expression was through estrogen (E2)/ xenoestrogen inducedrapid ER signaling, which modifies the histone methyltransferase Enhancer of Zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) via activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway. We further hypothesized that there is a xenostrogen-specific effect on this pathway altering patterns of histone modification, DNA methylation and gene expression. In addition to our novel finding that E2/DES-induced phosphorylation of EZH2 by AKT reduces the levels of H3K27me3 in vitro and in vivo, this work demonstrates in vivo that a brief neonatal exposure to GEN, in contrast to BPA, activates the PI3K/AKT pathway to regulate EZH2 and decreases H3K27me3 levels in the neonatal uterus. Given that H3K27me3 is a repressive mark that has been shown to result in DNA methylation and gene silencing we investigated the methylation of developmentally reprogrammed genes. In support of this evidence, we show that neonatal DES exposure in comparison to VEH, leads to hypomethylation of the promoter of a developmentally reprogrammed gene, Gria2, that become hyper-responsive to estrogen in the adult myometrium indicating vi that DES exposure alter gene expression via chromatin remodeling and loss of DNA methylation. In the adult uterus, GEN and BPA exposure developmentally reprogrammed expression of estrogen-responsive genes in a manner opposite of one another, correlating with our previous data. Furthermore, the ability of GEN and BPA to developmental reprogram gene expression correlated with tumor incidence and multiplicity. These data show that xenoestrogens have unique effects on the activation of non-genomic signaling in the developing uterus that promotes epigenetic and genetic alterations, which are predictive of developmental reprogramming and correlate with their ability to modulate hormone-dependent tumor development.


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Withdrawal reflexes of the mollusk Aplysia exhibit sensitization, a simple form of long-term memory (LTM). Sensitization is due, in part, to long-term facilitation (LTF) of sensorimotor neuron synapses. LTF is induced by the modulatory actions of serotonin (5-HT). Pettigrew et al. developed a computational model of the nonlinear intracellular signaling and gene network that underlies the induction of 5-HT-induced LTF. The model simulated empirical observations that repeated applications of 5-HT induce persistent activation of protein kinase A (PKA) and that this persistent activation requires a suprathreshold exposure of 5-HT. This study extends the analysis of the Pettigrew model by applying bifurcation analysis, singularity theory, and numerical simulation. Using singularity theory, classification diagrams of parameter space were constructed, identifying regions with qualitatively different steady-state behaviors. The graphical representation of these regions illustrates the robustness of these regions to changes in model parameters. Because persistent protein kinase A (PKA) activity correlates with Aplysia LTM, the analysis focuses on a positive feedback loop in the model that tends to maintain PKA activity. In this loop, PKA phosphorylates a transcription factor (TF-1), thereby increasing the expression of an ubiquitin hydrolase (Ap-Uch). Ap-Uch then acts to increase PKA activity, closing the loop. This positive feedback loop manifests multiple, coexisting steady states, or multiplicity, which provides a mechanism for a bistable switch in PKA activity. After the removal of 5-HT, the PKA activity either returns to its basal level (reversible switch) or remains at a high level (irreversible switch). Such an irreversible switch might be a mechanism that contributes to the persistence of LTM. The classification diagrams also identify parameters and processes that might be manipulated, perhaps pharmacologically, to enhance the induction of memory. Rational drug design, to affect complex processes such as memory formation, can benefit from this type of analysis.


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BACKGROUND: We previously identified ebpR, encoding a potential member of the AtxA/Mga transcriptional regulator family, and showed that it is important for transcriptional activation of the Enterococcus faecalis endocarditis and biofilm associated pilus operon, ebpABC. Although ebpR is not absolutely essential for ebpABC expression (100-fold reduction), its deletion led to phenotypes similar to those of an ebpABC mutant such as absence of pili at the cell surface and, consequently, reduced biofilm formation. A non-piliated ebpABC mutant has been shown to be attenuated in a rat model of endocarditis and in a murine urinary tract infection model, indicating an important participation of the ebpR-ebpABC locus in virulence. However, there is no report relating to the environmental conditions that affect expression of the ebpR-ebpABC locus. RESULTS: In this study, we examined the effect of CO2/HCO3(-), pH, and the Fsr system on the ebpR-ebpABC locus expression. The presence of 5% CO2/0.1 M HCO3(-) increased ebpR-ebpABC expression, while the Fsr system was confirmed to be a weak repressor of this locus. The mechanism by which the Fsr system repressed the ebpR-ebpABC locus expression appears independent of the effects of CO2(-) bicarbonate. Furthermore, by using an ebpA::lacZ fusion as a reporter, we showed that addition of 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate to TSBG (buffered at pH 7.5), but not the presence of 5% CO2, induced ebpA expression in TSBG broth. In addition, using microarray analysis, we found 73 genes affected by the presence of sodium bicarbonate (abs(fold) > 2, P < 0.05), the majority of which belong to the PTS system and ABC transporter families. Finally, pilus production correlated with ebpA mRNA levels under the conditions tested. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports that the ebp locus expression is enhanced by the presence of bicarbonate with a consequential increase in the number of cells producing pili. Although the molecular basis of the bicarbonate effect remains unclear, the pathway is independent of the Fsr system. In conclusion, E. faecalis joins the growing family of pathogens that regulates virulence gene expression in response to bicarbonate and/or CO2.


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Previous results indicated that translation of four mitochondrion-encoded genes and one nucleus-encoded gene (COX4) is repressed in mutants (pgs1Delta) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin. COX4 translation was studied here using a mitochondrially targeted green fluorescence protein (mtGFP) fused to the COX4 promoter and its 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs). Lack of mtGFP expression independent of carbon source and strain background was established to be at the translational level. The translational defect was not due to deficiency of mitochondrial respiratory function but was rather caused directly by the lack of phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin in mitochondrial membranes. Reintroduction of a functional PGS1 gene under control of the ADH1 promoter restored phosphatidylglycerol synthesis and expression of mtGFP. Deletion analysis of the 5' UTR(COX4) revealed the presence of a 50-nucleotide fragment with two stem-loops as a cis-element inhibiting COX4 translation. Binding of a protein factor(s) specifically to this sequence was observed with cytoplasm from pgs1Delta but not PGS1 cells. Using HIS3 and lacZ as reporters, extragenic spontaneous recessive mutations that allowed expression of His3p and beta-galactosidase were isolated, which appeared to be loss-of-function mutations, suggesting that the genes mutated may encode the trans factors that bind to the cis element in pgs1Delta cells.


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Retinoic acid has profound effects on the cellular growth and differentiation of a variety of cells. However, the molecular basis of retinoic acid action has, until recently, not been well understood. The identification of retinoic acid receptors which bear a high degree of homology to members of the steroid receptor super-family has dramatically altered our understanding of the biology of retinoids. The focus of this dissertation has been toward identification of retinoic acid binding proteins responsible for the effects of this molecule on gene expression.^ We have characterized in detail the retinoic acid-dependent induction of tissue transglutaminase gene expression in a myeloid cell line, human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60 cells). Using cDNA probes specific for tissue transglutaminase, we have determined that the retinoic acid induced increase in enzyme level is due to an increase in the level of tissue transglutaminase mRNA. We have used this model as a probe to investigate the molecular basis of retinoid regulated gene expression.^ This thesis demonstrates that retinoic acid receptors are expressed in cells which induce tissue transglutaminase expression in response to retinoic acid. In Hl-60 cells retinoic acid-induced transglutaminase expression is associated with saturable nuclear retonic acid binding. Transcripts for both the alpha and beta forms of the retinoic acid receptors can be detected in these cells. Pretreatment of HL-60 cells with agents that potentiate retinoic acid-induced transglutaminase expression also modestly induced the alpha form of the retinoic acid receptor. Studies in macrophages and umbilical vein endothelial cells have also associated expression of the beta form of the retinoic acid with retinoic acid induced tissue transglutaminase expression.^ To investigate directly if retinoic acid receptors regulate retinoic acid-induced tissue transglutaminase expression we developed a series of stably transfected Balb-c 3T3 cells expressing different levels of the beta or gamma form of the retinoic acid receptor. These studies indicated that either the beta or gamma receptor can stimulate endogenous tissue transglutaminase expression in response to retinoic acid. These are among the first studies in the steroid field to describe regulation of an endogenous gene by a transfected receptor. ^


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Using a human terato-carcinoma cell line, PA-1, the functional role of the oncogenes and tumor suppressor gene involved in the multistep process of carcinogenesis have been analyzed. The expression of AP-2 was strongly correlated with the susceptibility to ras transformation. The differential responsiveness to growth factors between stage 1 ras resistant cells and stage 2 ras susceptible cells was observed, indicating that the ability of stage 2 cells to respond to the mutated ras oncogenes in transformation correlated with the ability to be stimulated by certain growth factors. Using differential screening of cDNA libraries, a number of differentially expressed cDNA clones was isolated. One of those, clone 12, is overexpressed in ras transformed stage 3 cells. The amino acid sequence of clone 12 is almost identical to a mouse LLrep3 gene that was growth-regulated, and 78% similar to a yeast ribosomal protein S4. These results suggest that the S4 gene may be involved in regulation of growth. Clone 9 is expressed in stage 1 ras resistant cells (3.5-kb and 3.0-kb transcripts) but the expression of this clone in stage 2 ras susceptible cells and stage 3 ras-transformed cells is greatly diminished. The expression of this cDNA clone was increased to at least five fold in ras resistant cells and nontumorigenic hybrids treated with retinoic acid but not increased in retinoic acid treated ras susceptible cells, ras transformed cells and the tumorigenic segregants. Partial sequence of this clone showed no homology to the sequences in Genbank. These findings suggest that clone 9 could be a suppressor gene or the genes that are involved in the biochemical pathway of tumor suppression or neurogenic differentiation. The apparent pleiotropic effect of the loss of this suppressor gene function support Harris' proposal that tumor suppressor genes regulate differentiation. The tumor suppressor gene may act as negative regulator of tumor growth by controlling gene expression in differentiation. ^


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Factors involved in regulating tissue specific gene expression play a major role in cell differentiation. In order to further understand the differentiation events occurring during hematopoiesis, a myeloid specific gene was characterized, the expression pattern during hematopoiesis was analyzed, and the mechanisms governing its regulation were assessed. Previously, our laboratory isolated an anonymous cDNA clone, pD-D1, which displayed preferential expression in myeloid cells. From nucleotide sequencing of overlapping cDNA clones I determined that the D-D1 message encodes a hematopoietic proteoglycan core protein (HpPG). The expression pattern of the gene was assessed by in situ hybridization of bone marrow and peripheral blood samples. The gene was shown to be expressed, at variable levels, in all leukocytes analyzed, including cells from every stage of neutrophil development. In an attempt to ascertain the differentiation time point in which the HpPG gene is initially expressed, more immature populations of leukemic myeloblasts were assessed by northern blot analysis. Though the initial point of expression was not obtained, an up-regulatory event was discovered corresponding to a time point in which granule genesis occurs. This finding is consistent with prior observations of extensive packaging of proteoglycans into the secretory granules of granule producing hematopoietic cells. The HpPG gene was also found to be expressed at low levels in all stages of lymphocyte development analyzed, suggesting that the HpPG gene is initially expressed before the decision for myeloid-lymphoid differentiation. To assess the mechanism for the up-regulatory event, a K562 in vitro megakaryocytic differentiation system was used. Nuclear run-off analyses in this system demonstrated the up-regulation to be under transcriptional control. In addition, the HpPG gene was found to be down regulated during macrophage differentiation of HL60 cells and was also shown to be transcriptionally controlled. These results indicate that there are multiple points of transcriptional regulation of the HpPG gene during differentiation. Furthermore, the factors regulating the gene at these time points are likely to play an important role in the differentiation of granule producing cells and macrophages. ^


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Histone gene expression is replication-independent during oogenesis and early embryogenesis in amphibians; however, it becomes replication-dependent during later embryogenesis and remains replication-dependent through adulthood. In order to understand the mechanism for this switch in transcriptional regulation of histone gene expression during amphibian development, linker-scanning mutations were made in a Xenopus laevis H2B histone gene promoter by oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis and assayed by microinjection into oocytes and embryos. The Xenopus H2B gene has a relatively simple promoter containing several transcriptional regulatory elements, including TFIID, CCAAT, and ATF motifs, required for maximal transcription in both oocytes and embryos. Factors binding to the CCAAT and ATF motifs are present in oocytes and embryos and increase slightly in abundance during early development. A sequence (CTTTACAT) in the frog H2B promoter resembling the conserved octamer motif (ATTTGCAT), the target for cell-cycle regulation of a human H2B gene, is additionally required for maximal H2B transcription in frog embryos. Oocytes and embryos contain multiple octamer-binding proteins that are expressed in a sequential manner during early development. Sequences encoding three novel octamer-binding proteins were isolated from Xenopus cDNA libraries by virtue of their similarity with the DNA binding (POU) domain of the ubiquitously expressed transcription factor Oct-1. The protein encoded by one of these genes, termed Oct-60, was localized mainly in the cytoplasm of oocytes and was also present in early embryos until the gastrula stage of development. Proteins encoded by the other two genes, Oct-25 and Oct-91, were present in embryos after the mid-blastula stage of development and decreased by early neurula stage. The activity of the Xenopus H2B octamer motif in embryos is not specifically associated with increased binding by Oct-1 or the appearance of novel octamer-binding proteins but requires the presence of an intact CCAAT motif. We found that synergistic interactions among promoter elements are important for full H2B promoter activity. The results suggest that transcription of the Xenopus H2B gene is replication-dependent when it is activated at the mid-blastula stage of development and that replication-dependent H2B transcription is mediated by Oct-1. ^


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Genetic evidence has indicated that the segmentation gene runt plays a key role in regulating gene expression of the pair-rule genes hairy, even-skipped, and fushi tarazu. In contrast to other pair-rule genes, sequence data of the runt open reading frame did not reveal homologies to DNA-binding motifs of known transcriptional regulatory proteins. This thesis project examined several properties of the runt gene based on the sequence of the transcription unit, including the subcellular localization of the protein in vivo, its ability to bind DNA, and the functionality of a putative nucleotide binding domain.^ A runt-specific antibody was generated and used to demonstrate that runt is localized in the nucleus. Since the precise overlap of the pair-rule stripes is thought to be critical for the determination of cellular identity along the anterior-posterior axis, phasing of early runt expression in the blastoderm was examined with regard to the segmentation genes hairy, even-skipped, and fushi tarazu. runt was also expressed at later stages of embryogenesis, including expression in neuroblasts, and ganglion mother cells of the developing nervous system. Expression at this stage was required for the subsequent formation of specific neurons and runt was extensively expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems.^ Several experiments were done to address the biochemical function of the runt protein. A direct interaction of runt with DNA was first examined. Although bacterial expressed runt was found to bind dsDNA-cellulose, subsequent experiments failed to detect sequence-specific interactions with DNA. Inter-species conservation of the putative nucleotide binding domain suggested that this region was functionally important, and runt protein bound a labeled ATP analog with high affinity in vitro. Finally, the effect of substitution of a critical residue of the nucleotide binding domain on runt activity was examined in vivo. Ectopic expression of the mutant protein indicated that this conserved substitution altered, but did not eliminate, runt activity as evaluated by segmentation phenotype and viability. ^


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Expression of the differentiated skeletal muscle phenotype is a process that appears to occur in at least two stages. First, pluripotent stem cells become committed to the myogenic lineage. Although undifferentiated and capable of continued proliferation, determined myoblasts are restricted to a single developmental fate. Upon receiving the appropriate environmental signals, these determined myoblasts withdraw from the cell cycle, fuse to form multi-nucleated myotubes, and begin to express a battery of muscle-specific gene products that make up the functional and contractile apparatus of the muscle. This project is aimed at the identification and characterization of factors that control the determination and differentiation of myogenic cells. We have cloned a cDNA, called myogenin, that plays an important role in these processes. Myogenin is expressed exclusively in skeletal muscle in vivo and myogenic cell lines in vitro. Its expression is sharply upregulated during differentiation. When constitutively expressed in fibroblasts, myogenin converts these cells to the myogenic lineage. Transfected cells behave as myogenic tissue culture cells with respect to the genes they express, the way they respond to environmental cues, and are capable of fusing to form multinucleated myotubes. Sequence analysis showed that this cDNA has homology to a family of transcription factors in a region of 72 amino acids known as the basic helix-loop-helix motif. This domain appears to mediate binding to a DNA sequence element known as an E-box (CANNTG) essential for the activity of the enhancers of many muscle-specific genes.^ Analysis of myogenin in tissue culture cells showed that its expression is responsive to many of the environmental cues, such as the presence of growth factors and oncogenes, that modulate myogenesis. In an attempt to identify the cis- and trans-elements that control myogenin expression and thereby understand what factors are responsible for the establishment of the myogenic lineage, we have cloned the myogenin gene. After analysis of the gene structure, we constructed a series of reporter constructs from the 5$\prime$ upstream sequence of the myogenin gene to determine which cis-acting sequences might be important in myogenin regulation. We found that 184 nucleotides of the 5$\prime$ sequence was sufficient to direct high-level muscle-specific expression of the reporter gene. Two sequence elements present in the 184 fragment, an E-box and a MEF-2 site, have been shown previously to be important in muscle-specific transcription. Mutagenesis of these sites revealed that both sites are necessary for full activity of the myogenin promoter, and suggests that a complex hierarchy of transcription factors control myogenic differentiation. ^


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Cell differentiation are associated with activation of cell lineage-specific genes. The $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene of Lytechinus pictus is activated at the late cleavage stage. $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ transcripts accumulate exclusively in aboral ectoderm lineages. Previous studies demonstrated two G-string DNA-elements, proximal and distal G-strings, which bind to an ectoderm-enriched nuclear factor. In order to define the cis-elements which control positive expression of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene, the regulatory region from $-$108 to +17 bp of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene promoter was characterized. The ectoderm G-string factor binds to a G/C-rich region larger than the G-string itself and the binding of the G-string factor requires sequences immediately downstream from the G-string. These downstream sequences are essential for full promoter activity. In addition, only 108 bp of $LpS{\it 1}\beta\ 5\sp\prime$ flanking DNA drives $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression in aboral ectoderm/mesenchyme cells. Therefore, for positive control of $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression, two regions of 5$\sp\prime$ flanking DNA are required: region I from base pairs $-$762 to $-$511, and region II, which includes the G/C-rich element, from base pairs $-$108 to $-$61. A mesenchyme cell repressor element is located within region I.^ DNA-binding proteins play key roles in determination of cell differentiation. The zinc finger domain is a DNA-binding domain present in many transcription factors. Based on homologies in zinc fingers, a zinc finger-encoding gene, SpKrox-1, was cloned from S. purpuratus. The putative SpKrox-1 protein has all structural characteristics of a transcription factor: four zinc fingers for DNA binding; acidic domain for transactivation; basic domain for nuclear targeting; and leucine zipper for dimerization. SpKrox-1 RNA transcripts showed a transient expression pattern which correlates largely with early embryonic development. The spatial expression of SpKrox-1 mRNA was distributed throughout the gastrula and larva ectodermal wall. However, SpKrox-1 was not expressed in pigment cells. The SpKrox-1 gene is thus a marker of a subset of SMCs or ectoderm cells. The structural features, and the transient temporal and restricted spatial expression patterns suggest that SpKrox-1 plays a role in a specific developmental event. ^