983 resultados para atom tracking
Genetic Programming (GP) is a widely used methodology for solving various computational problems. GP's problem solving ability is usually hindered by its long execution times. In this thesis, GP is applied toward real-time computer vision. In particular, object classification and tracking using a parallel GP system is discussed. First, a study of suitable GP languages for object classification is presented. Two main GP approaches for visual pattern classification, namely the block-classifiers and the pixel-classifiers, were studied. Results showed that the pixel-classifiers generally performed better. Using these results, a suitable language was selected for the real-time implementation. Synthetic video data was used in the experiments. The goal of the experiments was to evolve a unique classifier for each texture pattern that existed in the video. The experiments revealed that the system was capable of correctly tracking the textures in the video. The performance of the system was on-par with real-time requirements.
Characterizing Dynamic Optimization Benchmarks for the Comparison of Multi-Modal Tracking Algorithms
Population-based metaheuristics, such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), have been employed to solve many real-world optimization problems. Although it is of- ten sufficient to find a single solution to these problems, there does exist those cases where identifying multiple, diverse solutions can be beneficial or even required. Some of these problems are further complicated by a change in their objective function over time. This type of optimization is referred to as dynamic, multi-modal optimization. Algorithms which exploit multiple optima in a search space are identified as niching algorithms. Although numerous dynamic, niching algorithms have been developed, their performance is often measured solely on their ability to find a single, global optimum. Furthermore, the comparisons often use synthetic benchmarks whose landscape characteristics are generally limited and unknown. This thesis provides a landscape analysis of the dynamic benchmark functions commonly developed for multi-modal optimization. The benchmark analysis results reveal that the mechanisms responsible for dynamism in the current dynamic bench- marks do not significantly affect landscape features, thus suggesting a lack of representation for problems whose landscape features vary over time. This analysis is used in a comparison of current niching algorithms to identify the effects that specific landscape features have on niching performance. Two performance metrics are proposed to measure both the scalability and accuracy of the niching algorithms. The algorithm comparison results demonstrate the algorithms best suited for a variety of dynamic environments. This comparison also examines each of the algorithms in terms of their niching behaviours and analyzing the range and trade-off between scalability and accuracy when tuning the algorithms respective parameters. These results contribute to the understanding of current niching techniques as well as the problem features that ultimately dictate their success.
Les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) sont actuellement caractérisés par une triade d'altérations, incluant un dysfonctionnement social, des déficits de communication et des comportements répétitifs. L'intégration simultanée de multiples sens est cruciale dans la vie quotidienne puisqu'elle permet la création d'un percept unifié. De façon similaire, l'allocation d'attention à de multiples stimuli simultanés est critique pour le traitement de l'information environnementale dynamique. Dans l'interaction quotidienne avec l'environnement, le traitement sensoriel et les fonctions attentionnelles sont des composantes de base dans le développement typique (DT). Bien qu'ils ne fassent pas partie des critères diagnostiques actuels, les difficultés dans les fonctions attentionnelles et le traitement sensoriel sont très courants parmi les personnes autistes. Pour cela, la présente thèse évalue ces fonctions dans deux études séparées. La première étude est fondée sur la prémisse que des altérations dans le traitement sensoriel de base pourraient être à l'origine des comportements sensoriels atypiques chez les TSA, tel que proposé par des théories actuelles des TSA. Nous avons conçu une tâche de discrimination de taille intermodale, afin d'investiguer l'intégrité et la trajectoire développementale de l'information visuo-tactile chez les enfants avec un TSA (N = 21, âgés de 6 à18 ans), en comparaison à des enfants à DT, appariés sur l’âge et le QI de performance. Dans une tâche à choix forcé à deux alternatives simultanées, les participants devaient émettre un jugement sur la taille de deux stimuli, basé sur des inputs unisensoriels (visuels ou tactiles) ou multisensoriels (visuo-tactiles). Des seuils différentiels ont évalué la plus petite différence à laquelle les participants ont été capables de faire la discrimination de taille. Les enfants avec un TSA ont montré une performance diminuée et pas d'effet de maturation aussi bien dans les conditions unisensorielles que multisensorielles, comparativement aux participants à DT. Notre première étude étend donc des résultats précédents d'altérations dans le traitement multisensoriel chez les TSA au domaine visuo-tactile. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avions évalué les capacités de poursuite multiple d’objets dans l’espace (3D-Multiple Object Tracking (3D-MOT)) chez des adultes autistes (N = 15, âgés de 18 à 33 ans), comparés à des participants contrôles appariés sur l'âge et le QI, qui devaient suivre une ou trois cibles en mouvement parmi des distracteurs dans un environnement de réalité virtuelle. Les performances ont été mesurées par des seuils de vitesse, qui évaluent la plus grande vitesse à laquelle des observateurs sont capables de suivre des objets en mouvement. Les individus autistes ont montré des seuils de vitesse réduits dans l'ensemble, peu importe le nombre d'objets à suivre. Ces résultats étendent des résultats antérieurs d'altérations au niveau des mécanismes d'attention en autisme quant à l'allocation simultanée de l'attention envers des endroits multiples. Pris ensemble, les résultats de nos deux études révèlent donc des altérations chez les TSA quant au traitement simultané d'événements multiples, que ce soit dans une modalité ou à travers des modalités, ce qui peut avoir des implications importantes au niveau de la présentation clinique de cette condition.
Rare earth metal ion exchanged (La3+, Ce3+, RE3+) KFAU-Y zeolites were prepared by simple ion-exchange methods and have been characterized using different physico-chemical techniques. In this paper a novel application of solid acid catalysts in the dehydration/ Beckmann rearrangement of aldoximes; benzaldoxime and 4-methoxybenzaldoxime is reported. Dehydration/Beckmann rearrangement reactions of benzaldoxime and 4-methoxybenzaldoxime is carried out in a continuous down flow reactor at 473K. 4-Methoxybenzaldoxime gave both Beckmann rearrangement product (4-methoxyphenylformamide) and dehydration product (4-methoxybenzonitrile) in high overall yields. The difference in behavior of the aldoximes is explained in terms of electronic effects. The production of benzonitrile was near quantitative under heterogeneous reaction conditions. The optimal protocol allows nitriles to be synthesized in good yields through the dehydration of aldoximes. Time on stream studies show a fast decline in the activity of the catalyst due to neutralization of acid sites by the basic reactant and product molecules.
Underwater target localization and tracking attracts tremendous research interest due to various impediments to the estimation task caused by the noisy ocean environment. This thesis envisages the implementation of a prototype automated system for underwater target localization, tracking and classification using passive listening buoy systems and target identification techniques. An autonomous three buoy system has been developed and field trials have been conducted successfully. Inaccuracies in the localization results, due to changes in the environmental parameters, measurement errors and theoretical approximations are refined using the Kalman filter approach. Simulation studies have been conducted for the tracking of targets with different scenarios even under maneuvering situations. This system can as well be used for classifying the unknown targets by extracting the features of the noise emanations from the targets.
Pedicle screw insertion technique has made revolution in the surgical treatment of spinal fractures and spinal disorders. Although X- ray fluoroscopy based navigation is popular, there is risk of prolonged exposure to X- ray radiation. Systems that have lower radiation risk are generally quite expensive. The position and orientation of the drill is clinically very important in pedicle screw fixation. In this paper, the position and orientation of the marker on the drill is determined using pattern recognition based methods, using geometric features, obtained from the input video sequence taken from CCD camera. A search is then performed on the video frames after preprocessing, to obtain the exact position and orientation of the drill. An animated graphics, showing the instantaneous position and orientation of the drill is then overlaid on the processed video for real time drill control and navigation
Within the independent particle model we solve the time-dependent single-particle equation using ab initio SCF-DIRAC-FOCK-SLATER wavefunctions as a basis. To reinstate the many-particle aspect of the collision system we use the inclusive probability formalism to answer experimental questions. As an example we show an application to the case of S{^15+} on Ar where experimental data on the K-K charge transfer are available for a wide range of impact energies from 4.7 to 90 MeV. Our molecular adiabatic calculations and the evaluation using the inclusive probability formalism show good results in the low energy range from 4.7 to 16 MeV impact energy.
Ab initio self-consistent DFS calculations are performed for five different symmetric atomic systems from Ar-Ar to Pb-Pb. The level structure for the {2p_\pi}-{2p_\sigma} crossing as function of the united atomic charge Z_u is studied and interpreted. Manybody effects, spin-orbit splitting, direct relativistic effects as well as indirect relativistic effects are differently important for different Z_u. For the I-I system a comparison with other calculations is given.
Using the independent particle model as our basis we present a scheme to reduce the complexity and computational effort to calculate inclusive probabilities in many-electron collision system. As an example we present an application to K - K charge transfer in collisions of 2.6 MeV Ne{^9+} on Ne. We are able to give impact parameter-dependent probabilities for many-particle states which could lead to KLL-Auger electrons after collision and we compare with experimental values.
Due to the tremendous spin-orbit splitting of quasi-molecular levels in superheavy collision systems (Z = Z_1 + Z_2 {\ge\approx} 137) bombarding energy 0.5-6 MeV N{^-1}, unusual couplings may occur around Z \simeq 165. Experimental evidence for such a theoretically predicted coupling is discussed.
The potential energy curve of the system Ne-Ne is calculated for small internuclear distances from 0.005 to 3.0 au using a newly developed relativistic molecular Dirac-Fock-Slater code. A significant structure in the potential energy curve is found which leads to a nearly complete agreement with experimental differential elastic scattering cross sections. This demonstrates the presence of quasi-molecular effects in elastic ion-atom collisions at keV energies.
Ab initio fully relativistic SCF molecular calculations of energy eigenvalues as well as coupling-matrix elements are used to calculate the 1s_\sigma excitation differential cross section for Ne-Ne and Ne-O in ion-atom collisions. A relativistic perturbation treatment which allows a direct comparison with analogous non-relativistic calculations is also performed.
Mit der Methode der photoneninduzierten Fluoreszenzspektroskopie (PIFS) wurden spektro- und polarimetrische Fluoreszenzspektren des Xenon-Atoms und der NO- und CO-Moleküle untersucht. Im Bereich der Atomphysik konnten für das Xenon-Atom eindeutige Fluoreszenzkaskadeneffekte vom sichtbaren (VIS) in den vakuumultravioleten (VUV) Spektralbereich beobachtet werden. Das untersuchte Energieintervall zeichnete sich durch 15 gefundene Resonanzen entlang der Anregungsenergieachse der Synchrotronphotonen aus, die auf doppeltangeregte nln′l′-Resonanzen zurückgeführt werden konnten. Im Bereich der Molekülphysik wurden Messdaten der NO A 1Π → X 1Σ+- und CO A 2Π → X 2Σ+-Fluoreszenz nach der Anregung der 1s−1 → 2π-Resonanz untersucht. Durch polarimetrische Untersuchungen konnten in beiden Fällen die Winkelanisotropieparameter β(ω) der Fluoreszenz ermittelt werden und mit ab initio Berechnungen mit unterschiedlichen theoretischen Näherungen vergleichen werden. Der Einfluss quantenmechanischer Interferenzeffekte (LVI und ESI) auf die Winkelanisotropieparameter wurde aufgezeigt. Im Falle des NO- und des CO-Moleküls konnte eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung zwischen der Theorie und dem Experiment nachgewiesen werden. Durch Pioniermessungen an Diamantoiden konnte erstmalig dispergierte Lumineszenz der kleinsten Vertreter der Nanodiamanten nachgewiesen werden. Diese Messungen legen eine Grundlage für eine systematische Erforschung der Nanokristalle zugrunde.
In this text, we present two stereo-based head tracking techniques along with a fast 3D model acquisition system. The first tracking technique is a robust implementation of stereo-based head tracking designed for interactive environments with uncontrolled lighting. We integrate fast face detection and drift reduction algorithms with a gradient-based stereo rigid motion tracking technique. Our system can automatically segment and track a user's head under large rotation and illumination variations. Precision and usability of this approach are compared with previous tracking methods for cursor control and target selection in both desktop and interactive room environments. The second tracking technique is designed to improve the robustness of head pose tracking for fast movements. Our iterative hybrid tracker combines constraints from the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm and normal flow constraint. This new technique is more precise for small movements and noisy depth than ICP alone, and more robust for large movements than the normal flow constraint alone. We present experiments which test the accuracy of our approach on sequences of real and synthetic stereo images. The 3D model acquisition system we present quickly aligns intensity and depth images, and reconstructs a textured 3D mesh. 3D views are registered with shape alignment based on our iterative hybrid tracker. We reconstruct the 3D model using a new Cubic Ray Projection merging algorithm which takes advantage of a novel data structure: the linked voxel space. We present experiments to test the accuracy of our approach on 3D face modelling using real-time stereo images.
This paper describes a trainable system capable of tracking faces and facialsfeatures like eyes and nostrils and estimating basic mouth features such as sdegrees of openness and smile in real time. In developing this system, we have addressed the twin issues of image representation and algorithms for learning. We have used the invariance properties of image representations based on Haar wavelets to robustly capture various facial features. Similarly, unlike previous approaches this system is entirely trained using examples and does not rely on a priori (hand-crafted) models of facial features based on optical flow or facial musculature. The system works in several stages that begin with face detection, followed by localization of facial features and estimation of mouth parameters. Each of these stages is formulated as a problem in supervised learning from examples. We apply the new and robust technique of support vector machines (SVM) for classification in the stage of skin segmentation, face detection and eye detection. Estimation of mouth parameters is modeled as a regression from a sparse subset of coefficients (basis functions) of an overcomplete dictionary of Haar wavelets.