948 resultados para Zonação ecológica


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The adhesive mortars are a mixture of cement, sand, and additives to polymers that retain the mixing water and promotes adherence, being used in setting on various ceramic substrates. The sand used in the production of these mortars is from the riverbeds, and with the increasing restriction of these sands extraction by environmental agencies, and often having to be transported over long distances to the consumer center. This work aims to design and physical and mechanical characterization of ecological adhesive mortar with total replacement of natural sand by sand from the crushing of limestone, and the addition of mineral ash biomass of cane sugar in partial replacement cement used in the production of adhesive mortar , aiming compositions that meet the regulatory specifications for use adhesive mortar. Standardized tests to determine the tensile bond strength (NBR 14081-4), determination of open time (NBR 14081-3) and determination of slip (NBR 14081-5) were performed. Were also conducted trials squeeze flow in different formulation, the mortar with addition of 15 % gray biomass of cane sugar for cement mortars as well as the total replacement of natural sand by sand limestone crushing, got the best performance among the mortars studied, it was found that the addition of biomass to replace cement is perfectly feasible due to its pozzolanic activity, which contributed to this reduction in the cement matrix formation of adhesive mortar


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The present work presents a contribution in the study of modelings of transference of heat for foods submitted to the experimental tests in the considered solar oven, where the best modeling for the beefburger of chicken in study was evaluated, comparing the results, considering this food as a half-infinite(1er object considered model) and,after that, considered the chicken beefburger as a plain plate in transient regimen in two distinct conditions: not considering and another model considering the contribution of the generation term, through the Criterion of Pomerantsev. The Sun, beyond life source, is the origin of all the energy forms that the man comes using during its history and can be the reply for the question of the energy supplying in the future, a time that learns to use to advantage in rational way the light that this star constantly special tax on our planet. Shining more than the 5 billion years, it is calculated that the Sun still in them will privilege for others 6 billion years, or either, it is only in the half of its existence and will launch on the Earth, only in this year, 4000 times more energy that we will consume. Front to this reality, would be irrational not to search, by all means technical possible, to use to advantage this clean, ecological and gratuitous power plant. In this dissertation evaluate the performance of solar cooker of the type box. Laboratory of Solar Energy of the Federal University of the Great River of North - UFRN was constructed by the group (LES) a model of solar stove of the type box and was tested its viability technique, considering modeling foods submitted when baking in the solar oven, the cooker has main characteristic the easiness of manufacture and assembly, the low cost (was used material accessible composition to the low income communities) and simplicity in the mechanism of movement of the archetype for incidence of the direct solar light. They had been proposals modeling for calculations of food the minimum baking time, considering the following models of transference of heat in the transient state: object the halfinfinite, plain plate and the model of the sphere to study the necessary temperature for the it bakes of bread (considering spherical geometry). After evaluate the models of transmission of heat will be foods submitted you the processes of to it bakes of, the times gotten for the modeling with the experimental times of it bakes in the solar oven had been compared, demonstrating the modeling that more good that it portraies the accuracies of the results of the model


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The semiarid rainfall regime is northeastern Brazil is highly variable. Climate processes associated with rainfall are complex and their effects may represent extreme situations of drought or floods, which can have adverse effects on society and the environment. The regional economy has a significant agricultural component, which is strongly influenced by weather conditions. Maximum precipitation analysis is traditionally performed using the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) probabilistic approach. Results from such analysis are typically used in engineering projects involving hydraulic structures such as drainage network systems and road structures. On the other hand, precipitation data analysis may require the adoption of some kind of event identification criteria. The minimum inter-event duration (IMEE) is one of the most used criteria. This study aims to analyze the effect of the IMEE on the obtained rain event properties. For this purpose, a nine-year precipitation time series (2002- 2011) was used. This data was obtained from an automatic raingauge station, installed in an environmentally protected area, Ecological Seridó Station. The results showed that adopted IMEE values has an important effect on the number of events, duration, event height, mean rainfall rate and mean inter-event duration. Furthermore, a higher occurrence of extreme events was observed for small IMEE values. Most events showed average rainfall intensity higher than 2 mm.h-1 regardless of IMEE. The storm coefficient of advance was, in most cases, within the first quartile of the event, regardless of the IMEE value. Time series analysis using partial time series made it possible to adjust the IDF equations to local characteristics


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O gênero Gochnatia é comumente encontrado em diferentes fitofisionomias do Cerrado do Estado de São Paulo, crescendo desde ambientes mais abertos até áreas florestais mais fechadas. Aqui foram comparadas a anatomia foliar e alguns parâmetros ecofisiológicos de duas espécies do gênero Gochnatia, uma arbustiva (Gochnatia barrosii Cabrera) e a outra arbórea (Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera), ambas ocorrendo em área de cerradão na Estação Ecológica de Assis, SP. Encontraram-se diferenças estruturais qualitativas entre as espécies, com G. barrosii apresentando folhas anfiestomáticas, com epiderme unisseriada e G. polymorpha apresentando folhas hipoestomáticas, com epiderme múltipla ou hipoderme, na face adaxial. Além disso, as folhas de G. barrosii apresentaram menores valores para a espessura dos tecidos (com exceção da epiderme na face abaxial) e da folha em relação a G. polymorpha. Foram observadas diferenças na assimilação de CO2 tanto em base de área quanto de massa seca foliar, além de diferenças na área foliar específica, sendo esta maior em G. barrosii. Apesar das folhas de G. barrosii possuírem estrutura bem menos escleromorfa do que as folhas de G. polymorpha, não foram encontradas diferenças na eficiência do uso de água. Os resultados sugerem que espécies de formas distintas de crescimento de um mesmo gênero possuem características foliares diferenciadas para lidar com as variações ambientais a que são submetidas.


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The phytoplankton growth is dependent of several abiotic (nutrients, temperature) and biotic (predation by zooplankton) variables. In this work, a mathematical model was developed in Stella software to understand the planktonic dynamics of Extremoz Lagoon (RN) and to simulate scenarios of different environmental conditions. Data were collected monthly at two points of the lagoon. The state variables are phytoplankton and zooplankton and forcing variables are nitrogen, phosphorus and temperature. The results show that: a) the model are well coupled, especially when some constants assume different values; b) simulated nutrient concentrations reduction decreases phytoplankton biomass, but the increase of nutrients does not stimulate the growth; c) changes in the temperature does not change the phytoplankton biomass; d) changes in zooplankton biomass affect directly and reduces the phytoplankton, indicating a topdown control mechanism; e) changes in the nutrient concentration modified the biomass of zooplankton suggesting a rapid flow of energy between nutrients, phytoplankton and zooplankton and a ecosystem likely arranged in an inverted pyramid (higher concentration of zooplankton than phytoplankton)


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In this thesis we deal with a class of composed networks that are formed by two tree networks, TP and TA, whose end points touches each other through a bipartite network BPA. We explore this network using a functional approach. We are interested in what extend the topology, or the structure, of TX (X = A or P) determines the links of BPA. This composed structure is an useful model in evolutionary biology, where TP and TA are the phylogenetic trees of plants and animals that interact in an ecological community. We use in this thesis two cases of mutualist interactions: frugivory and pollinator networks. We analyse how the phylogeny of TX determines or is correlated with BPA using a Monte Carlo approach. We use the phylogenetic distance among elements that interact with a given species to construct an index κ that quantifies the influence of TX over BPA. The algorithm is based in the assumption that interaction matrices that follows a phylogeny of TX have a total phylogenetic distance smaller than the average distance of an ensemble of Monte Carlo realizations generated by an adequate shuffling data. We find that the phylogeny of animals species has an effect on the ecological matrix that is more marked than plant phylogeny


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Poucos estudos avaliaram em longo prazo a variação no tamanho populacional das espécies de aves em fragmentos florestais. Para avaliar a riqueza e a abundância específica da comunidade de aves de um remanescente de mata semidecidual do interior do Estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil, foi conduzido o censo da avifauna florestal utilizando-se a metodologia de contagem em transecção. Estes resultados foram comparados com levantamento realizado na mesma localidade 30 anos antes, e as aves foram classificadas de acordo com suas categorias alimentares com a finalidade de associá-las à tendência ao aumento/diminuição de suas abundâncias após este intervalo de tempo. Embora tenha havido predominância de espécies com diminuição populacional, todas as categorias tróficas analisadas apresentaram também espécies com aumento em suas abundâncias. A maioria das espécies com propensão a deslocarem-se entre fragmentos apresentou diminuição em suas abundâncias. Sugerimos que, em relação a suas abundâncias específicas, as categorias tróficas são igualmente afetadas pelos processos da fragmentação, e que a regeneração florestal sofrida pelo remanescente pode ter resultado na perda de espécies de bordas. Espécies cujas abundâncias tenham reduzido neste intervalo de tempo podem sofrer extinção local futuramente.


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Geological and Geomorphological Sites of the Towns of Acari, Carnaúba dos Dantas and Currais Novos, Seridó Region of the Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil, consist s of a study about geological, geomorphological, mineralogical, palaeontological and archaeological features of the study area, aiming the identification of sites that presents scientific, historical, cultural, economic and ecological excellent importance, and that they deserve to receive special protection for its maintenance for the gifts and future generations. It was developed according with methods adopted for the Brazilian Commitee of Geological and Paleontological Sites SIGEP/UNESCO and by Initiati ve of Sofia for the Preservation of the Mineral Diversity of the Planet, objectifying the description of the main sites, the its environmental problematic and proposal of protectionistic measures. Seven sites with features and typical structures had been identified that they deserve to be aim of protection. In the Acari town, three sites had been identified: geological -geomorphologicalarchaeological site Barra of the Carnaúba; geological-geomorphological site of the Gargalheiras; and geological-geomorphological site Bico of Arara. In Carnaúba of the Dantas, the geomorphological complex river of the Bojo that possesss canyons and deep throats, with rocky-arts registers of the three great rocky-arts traditions of northeast: Northeast Seridó Sub-tradition, Wasteland and Itaquatiara. In the Currais Novos town, 3 sites had been also identified: geomorphological site Canyon of the Apertados; geomorphological-archaeological-palaeontological complex of the Totoró; e, geologicalmineralogical site Brejuí. Because to the environmental problematic that it involves each one of the identified sites, it is proposed, as a guarantee of protection to these sites, its economic exploitation with the ecogeotouristic activity, that it aims at to the integration of the community in programs of environmental education and others, besides providing to the generation of job and income for the towns. Finally, a series of measures is suggested that they aim at to the efectivation of the activity and to the protection of the sites that they can be classified as natural heritage, in accordance with the denomination of UNESCO, in its program World Natural Heritage


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This study evaluated the spatial, time and alimentary niches of Tropidurus hispidus and Tropidurus semitaeniatus in sympatry in a caatinga of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, as well as their foraging and termoregulatory behaviors, the activity body temperature and their reproductive and fat body cycles. Monthly excursions, from October 2006 to May 2008, were conducted at the Ecological Station of the Seridó (ESEC Seridó), Serra Negra do Norte municipality, using specific methodology for investigation of the aforementioned objectives. The two species presented similarities in space niche use, mainly in rocky habitat, however they differed in vertical microhabitat use with T. hispidus using a larger vertical microhabitat range. In the dry season the time of activity of both species was bimodal. In the wet season T. semitaeniatus showed a unimodal activity period, while T. hispidus maintained an bimodal activity period. In terms of importance in the diet, to both species, Hymenoptera/Formicidae and Isoptera predominated during the dry season. In the wet season, although Hymenoptera/Formicidae had larger importance among the prey items, lizards opportunistically predated on Lepidoptera larvae, Coleoptera larvae/adults and Orthoptera nymphs/adults. The foraging intensity revealed differences between the species, mainly in the wet season, when T. semitaeniatus was more active than T. hispidus. The mean activity body temperature of T. semitaeniatus was significantly higher than that of T. hispidus. The thermoregulatory behavior showed that during the dry season T. hispidus and T. semitaeniatus spent more time in shade or under filtered sun. In the wet season, T. hispidus did not show differences in the amount of time spent among the light exposure locations, however T. semitaeniatus spent most of their time exposed to direct sun or filtered sun. The reproductive cicle of T. hispidus and T. semitaeniatus occurred from the middle of the dry season to the beginning of the wet season. In both species, female reproductive activity was influenced by precipitation, whereas males exhibited spermatozoa in their testes throughout the year, and their reproductive activity was not related with any of the climatic variables analysed. In the two species, the fat storage varied inversely with reproductive activity, and there was no difference in fat body mass between females and males. We concluded that the segregation between T. hispidus and T. semitaeniatus in this caatinga area occurs in vertical space use, in the largest vagility of T. hispidus in microhabitat use and larger range size of their alimentary xviii items. Additionally, significant seasonal differences in relation to the activity period, body temperature, and foraging and termoregulatory behaviors between these two Tropidurus species facilitate their coexistence.


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The physical and environmental factors presented by each habitat and the rhythm of behavior patterns strongly influence the ecology and behavior of the all living beings. At same time this factors may provide clues about the structure of a population and its ecological balance. The organizational structure, ecology and behavior of a species appraised in a region if we know be in balance when compared to the same type of appraisal made in a degraded area can provide a clear view of how the anthropogenic influences acted on these species and what steps can be taken in order to mitigate the effects and keep the population. The region where this study was conducted is, like most areas of port, subject to intense physical and environmental degradation. With the emerging interest of change in the quality of these environments also by the companies themselves that use the port services, the proposed study aimed to characterize the use of habitat, the distribution of behavioral activities carried out throughout the day and influence of geomorphology of the bed, depth and variation of tide on the expression of the behavior of Sotalia guianensis in the port of Maceio - Alagoas. From this information will be possible establish parameters for comparison with other populations of S. guianensis and establish conservation measures for the population occurring in the port of Maceio - AL, serving also as a basis for conservation actions future performed in other port regions


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This study investigated the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the feeding ecology and foraging behavior of the whiptail lizard Ameivula aff. ocellifera, a new species widely distributed in the Brazilian Caatinga, and that is in process of description. In attendance to the objectives, the Dissertation was structured in two chapters, which correspond to scientific articles, one already published and the other to be submitted for publication. In Chapter 1 were analyzed the general diet composition, the relationship between lizard size and prey size, and the occurrence of sexual and ontogenetic differences in the diet. Chapter 2 contemplates a seasonal analysis of diet composition during two rainy seasons interspersed with a dry season, and the quantitative analysis of foraging behavior during two distinct periods. The diet composition was determined through stomach analysis of lizards (N = 111) collected monthly by active search, between September 2008 and August 2010, in the Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC Seridó), state of Rio Grande do Norte. Foraging behavior was investigated during a rainy and a dry month of 2012 also in ESEC Seridó, by determining percent of time moving (PTM), number of movements per minute (MPM) and prey capture rate by the lizards (N = 28) during foraging. The main prey category in the diet of Ameivula aff. ocellifera was Insect larvae, followed by Orthoptera, Coleoptera and Araneae. Termites (Isoptera) were important only in numeric terms, having negligible volumetric contribution (<2%) and low frequency of occurrence, an uncommon feature among whiptail lizards. Males and females did not differ neither in diet composition nor in foraging behavior. Adults and juveniles ingested similar prey types, but differed in prey size. Maximum and minimum prey sizes were positively correlated with lizard body size, suggesting that in this population individuals experience an ontogenetic change in diet, eating larger prey items while growing, and at the same time excluding smaller ones. The diet showed significant seasonal differences; during the two rainy seasons (2009 and 2010), the predominant prey in diet were Insect larvae, Coleoptera and Orthoptera, while in the dry season the predominant prey were Insect larvae, Hemiptera, Araneae and Orthoptera. The degree of mobility of consumed prey during the rainy seasons was lower, mainly due to a greater consumption of larvae (highly sedentary prey) during these periods. Population niche breadth was higher in the dry season, confirming the theoretical prediction that when food is scarce, the diets tend to be more generalized. Considering the entire sample, Ameivula aff. ocellifera showed 61,0 ± 15,0% PTM, 2,03 ± 0,30 MPM, and captured 0,13 ± 0,14 per minute. Foraging mode was similar to that found for other whiptail lizards regarding PTM, but MPM was relatively superior. Seasonal differences were verified for PTM, which was significantly higher in the rainy season (66,4 ± 12,1) than in the dry season (51,5 ± 15,6). It is possible that this difference represents a behavioral adjustment in response to seasonal variation in the abundance and types of prey available in the environment in each season


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Synchronism is the efetivation of the same behavior at the same time by two or more individuals. In cetology only from 2000 we verify an increasing of efforts for studies of synchronic behaviors. The synchronism in cetaceans was reported for a variety of contexts, including feeding, socializing, parental care, while resting, traveling and play, during afilliation, in sexual behaviour and possible while teaching. The synchronism in behavior is influenced by environmental factors and can be modified during stress situations such as the presence of boats. The aim of this study is to explore behavior synchronism presented by the estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte state, Northeastern Brazil. A total of 414 hours of observation during the year 2006, using scan sampling method, from a land based sighting was conducted. Analyses were conducted in four steps. Firstly, we determined the pattern of activity of the groups within the bay, testing for the influence of bay configuration before and after rains periods on the activity of animals. Analyses show that forage occurs more frequently after the rainy period, but there was no change in the number of individuals or spatial cohesions between them. Secondly, we analysed the influence of turism boat traffic on the behavior of animals. We verified no changes on the bahavior of animals during the presence of boats. Finally, we tested seven hypotheses regarding the ecological and social dynamics of synchronic behavior. Environmental aspects were considered the main influence for the synchronism, no influences of age, and more selective exihibition of synchronic breathing in feeding and social displays were observed during the study period


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This study aimed at exploring and describing children s perceptions in threatened natural settings, specifically, the Rain Forest in Brazil. Several studies point to the significance of perceptions for people s pro-environmental attitudes and actions. We try to understand the person-environment interaction from an ecological perspective, and we present theoretical references for the understanding of how crucial nature is for psychological development and well-being. The children s drawings, individual interviews, discussion groups, photographies and informal and indirect sources, as teachers, brought material for the analysis. Participated in our study, carried on through a multi-method strategy, 209 children from six to eleven years old, living in the neighborhood of the Biological Reserve of Una, State of Bahia, created to protect Rain Forest fragments. The Rain Forest landscape is well portrayed in children s drawings, the vegetal elements prevailing over artificial and human elements. The figured plants and trees, however, are pointed with no precision as to their species. Most of the defined species are eatable. The children seem to be aware of the environment degradation, and of the importance of its conservation, but they describe episodes of hunting and feeding wild threatened animals. Our results indicate a utilitarian trend in the perception of living beings, in terms of their immediate usefulness for people. The multimethod approach seems to be appropriate to the complexity of the theme; the methodological strategies were well accepted by the children, offering them opportunities to express themselves. We observed how children, in different life phases, organize natural elements and processes in their drawings, and how these images relate to the local landscape. We discuss the results in the light of theoretical references of personenvironment studies and from previous investigations about children s perceptions of natural environment


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People-environment interaction, focus of Environmental Psychology studies, presupposes that space influences behavior and vice-versa. Despite of the importance of dynamic reciprocity, there are a few works that treat the mobility condition of the people experimenting space. The present study investigates environmental perception of users of the Engenheiro Roberto Freire Avenue sidewalk, one of the few places in Natal for physical activities practicing, where most people are in intense and continuous movement. A few questions for this study where made: In what way does the individual realize the environment while he is moving? How do reciprocal man-environment relations occur there, according to a mobility context? What are the main difficulties and easiness in man-environment interaction under this condition? The search for these answers is based on concepts of social-spatial human behavior - especially personal space, territoriality, density and crowding and contributions of Barker´s Ecologycal Psychology. Considering that the physical space in this case is multifaceted and the perception of theses scenarios is governed by multiples senses and stimuli, it was defined a multi-methodological route: (i) observation participative in loco; (ii) identification of the main behavior settings at the area; (iii) categorization of the activities occurring at the place; (iv) application of a semi-structured interview; (v) images registered and (vi) construction of the researcher s log. The perception of oneself and others in movement in the environment, immersed in a intricate web of inter-actions, makes people develop mobility strategies, many times unconsciously, with the aim of ensuring satisfaction in its activities. Since the Eng. Roberto Freire Avenue sidewalk is an equipment public-urban largely used by the population of Natal, the reflection of the mobility effectiveness in the users environmental perception is expected, providing suggestions for future studies in this field of knowledge