851 resultados para Xenobiotics extrusion
El lenguado peruano Paralichthys adspersus es una especie que presenta gran calidad nutricional y alto valor económico, Se distribuye desde Paita (norte de Perú) hasta el golfo de Arauco (Chile). En el Perú el cultivo de lenguado se desarrolla a nivel experimental y comercial (pequeña escala), sin embargo la investigación realizada es escasa. Durante el proceso de producción de semilla, el periodo de destete, etapa durante la cual el alimento vivo es sustituido por microdietas balanceadas, resulta ser un punto crítico debido a la alta mortalidad que genera en comparación a otras etapas del cultivo. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar el efecto del uso de 3 microdietas (dos experimentales y una comercial) en el destete de Paralichthys adspersus, evaluando el crecimiento (longitud y peso) y la supervivencia. En el ensayo se utilizó la dieta comercial Otohime, y las experimentales, elaboradas con procesos diferentes, MEM (Micro-Extrusion Marumerization) y PARA (Particle Assisted Rotational Agglomeration) desarrolladas en el Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) del departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) -Fish Technology Center. El ensayo inició con peces de 35 días de edad con un peso seco promedio de 0,96±0,52 mg y una talla promedio de 9,55±0,84 mm, los cuales se distribuyeron en nueve tanques de 150L a razón de 400 individuos T-1. Se seleccionaron al alzar tres tanques por cada tratamiento. Estos se denominaron T1, T2 y T3, en cada uno se utilizó una microdieta (Otohime, MEM y PARA respectivamente) para realizar el destete. Los resultados muestran que para los tratamientos T1, T2 y T3 la longitud promedio final alcanzada fue de 15,9 ± 3,2, 14,3 ± 1,72 y 14,4 ± 2,28 mm y el peso seco promedio alcanzado fue de 8,83 ± 5,37, 5,53 ± 2,85 y 7,10 ± 3,56 mg existiendo diferencias significativas solo entre los tratamientos T1 y T2 (p<0,05). La supervivencia media fue de 18,1, 16,3 y 15,2 % (Tratamientos T1, T2 y T3 respectivamente). Además se evaluó el efecto de las dietas sobre los procesos de pigmentación y metamorfosis, cuantificando para cada caso la cantidad de peces que presentan pigmentación normal y la cantidad de los que alcanzaron a completar la metamorfosis, resultando que no existen diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos (p>0,05).
Les travaux de ce mémoire traitent du problème d’ordonnancement et d’optimisation de la production dans un environnement de plusieurs machines en présence de contraintes sur les ressources matérielles dans une usine d’extrusion plastique. La minimisation de la somme pondérée des retards est le critère économique autour duquel s’articule cette étude car il représente un critère très important pour le respect des délais. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une approche exacte via une formulation mathématique capable des donner des solutions optimales et une approche heuristique qui repose sur deux méthodes de construction de solution sérielle et parallèle et un ensemble de méthodes de recherche dans le voisinage (recuit-simulé, recherche avec tabous, GRASP et algorithme génétique) avec cinq variantes de voisinages. Pour être en totale conformité avec la réalité de l’industrie du plastique, nous avons pris en considération certaines caractéristiques très fréquentes telles que les temps de changement d’outils sur les machines lorsqu’un ordre de fabrication succède à un autre sur une machine donnée. La disponibilité des extrudeuses et des matrices d’extrusion représente le goulot d’étranglement dans ce problème d’ordonnancement. Des séries d’expérimentations basées sur des problèmes tests ont été effectuées pour évaluer la qualité de la solution obtenue avec les différents algorithmes proposés. L’analyse des résultats a démontré que les méthodes de construction de solution ne sont pas suffisantes pour assurer de bons résultats et que les méthodes de recherche dans le voisinage donnent des solutions de très bonne qualité. Le choix du voisinage est important pour raffiner la qualité de la solution obtenue. Mots-clés : ordonnancement, optimisation, extrusion, formulation mathématique, heuristique, recuit-simulé, recherche avec tabous, GRASP, algorithme génétique
L’objectif du vaste projet de recherche dans lequel s’inscrit ce mémoire est de guérir le diabète de type 1 en fabriquant un pancréas bioartificiel vascularisé contenant des cellules bêta (i.e. les cellules sécrétant l’insuline). Ce dispositif permettrait de rendre aux personnes atteintes par le diabète de type 1 la capacité de sécréter par elles-mêmes de l’insuline et de réguler leur glycémie. La vascularisation est actuellement un enjeu de taille dans le domaine du génie tissulaire. La plupart des tissus incorporant des cellules générées par le génie tissulaire sont actuellement fortement limités en épaisseur faute d’être vascularisés adéquatement. Pour les tissus dont l’épaisseur dépasse 400 μm, la vascularisation est nécessaire à la survie de la plupart des cellules qui autrement souffriraient d’hypoxie, les empêchant ainsi d’accomplir leurs fonctions [1]. Ce mémoire présente le développement et la mise en service d’un dispositif d’extrusion tridimensionnelle de sucre vitrifié pour la vascularisation d’un pancréas bioartificiel. Ce dispositif a été développé au laboratoire de recherche sur les procédés d’impression 3D ainsi qu’au bureau de design du département de génie mécanique de l’Université Laval. Grâce à cette technique d’impression 3D novatrice et à la caractérisation du procédé, il est maintenant possible de produire rapidement et avec précision des structures temporaires en sucre vitrifié pour la fabrication de réseaux vasculaires tridimensionnels complexes. Les structures temporaires peuvent, après leur production, être utilisées pour réaliser le moulage rapide de constructions vascularisées avec des matériaux tels que du polydiméthylsiloxane (PDMS) ou des hydrogels chargés de cellules biologiques. De par la nature du matériel utilisé, les moules temporaires peuvent être facilement et rapidement dissous dans une solution aqueuse et laisser place à un réseau de canaux creux sans créer de rejets toxiques, ce qui représente un avantage majeur dans un contexte de bio-ingénierie.
An approach to reduce the contamination of water sourceswith pesticides is the use of biopurificaction systems. The active core of these systems is the biomixture. The composition of biomixtures depends on the availability of local agro-industrial wastes and design should be adapted to every region. In Portugal, cork processing is generally regarded as environmentally friendly and would be interesting to find applications for its industry residues. In this work the potential use of different substrates in biomixtures, as cork (CBX); cork and straw, coat pine and LECA (Light Expanded Clay Aggregates), was tested on the degradation of terbuthylazine, difenoconazole, diflufenican and pendimethalin pesticides. Bioaugmentation strategies using the white-rot fungus Lentinula edodes inoculated into the CBX, was also assessed. The results obtained from this study clearly demonstrated the relevance of using natural biosorbents as cork residues to increase the capacity of pesticide dissipation in biomixtures for establishing biobeds. Furthermore, higher degradation of all the pesticides was achieved by use of bioaugmented biomixtures. Indeed, the biomixtures inoculated with L. edodes EL1were able to mineralize the selected xenobiotics, revelling that these white-rot fungi might be a suitable fungus for being used as inoculum sources in on-farm sustainable biopurification system, in order to increase its degradation efficiency. After 120 days, maximum degradation of terbuthylazine, difenoconazole, diflufenican and pendimethalin, of bioaugmented CBX, was 89.9%, 75.0%, 65.0% and 99.4%, respectively. The dominant metabolic route of terbuthylazine in biomixtures inoculated with L. edodes EL1 proceeded mainly via hydroxylation, towards production of terbuthylazine-hydroxy-2 metabolite. Finally, sorption process to cork by pesticides proved to be a reversible process,working cork as a mitigating factor reducing the toxicity to microorganisms in the biomixture, especially in the early stages.
A Histologia, o estudo de tecidos, é uma das áreas fundamentais da Biologia que permitiu enormes avanços científicos. Sendo uma tarefa exigente, meticulosa e demorada, será importante aproveitar a existência de ferramentas e algoritmos computacionais no seu auxílio, tornando o processo mais rápido e possibilitando a descoberta de informação que poderá não estar visível à partida. Esta dissertação tem como principal objectivo averiguar se um animal foi ou não sujeito à ingestão de um xenobiótico. Com esse objectivo em vista, utilizaram-se técnicas de processamento e segmentação de imagem aplicadas a imagens de tecido renal de ratos saudáveis e ratos que ingeriram o xenobiótico. Destas imagens extraíram-se inúmeras características do corpúsculo renal que após serem analisadas através de vários algoritmos de classificação mostraram ser possível saber se o animal ingeriu ou não o xenobiótico, com um reduzido grau de incerteza. ABSTRACT: Histology, the study of tissues, is one of the key areas of Biology that has allowed huge advances in Science. Being a demanding, meticulous and time consuming task, it is important to use the existence of computational tools and algorithms in its aid, making the process faster and enabling the discovery of information that may not be initially visible. The main goal of this thesis is to ascertain if an animal was subjected or not to the ingestion of a xenobiotic. With this in mind, were used image processing and segmentation techniques applied on images of kidney tissue from healthy rats and rats that ingested the xenobiotic. From these images were extracted several features of renal glomeruli that after being analyzed by various classification algorithms had shown to be possible to know, with an acceptable degree of certainty, if the animal ingested or not the xenobiotic.
Resumo: Predição da concentração de baixo risco de diflubenzuron para organismos aquáticos e avaliação da argila e brita na redução da toxicidade. O diflubenzuron é um inseticida que além de ser usado agricultura, tem sido amplamente empregado na piscicultura, apesar do seu uso ser proibido nesta atividade. Este composto não consta na lista da legislação brasileira que estabelece limites máximos permissíveis em corpos de água para a proteção das comunidades aquáticas. No presente trabalho, a partir da toxicidade do diflubenzuron em organismos não-alvo, foi calculada a concentração de risco para somente 5% das espécies (HC5). O valor deste parâmetro foi estimado em aproximadamente 7 x 10-6 mg L-1 . Este baixo valor é devido à extremamente alta toxicidade do diflubenzuron para dafnídeos e à grande variação de sensibilidade entre as espécies testadas. Dois matérias de relativamente baixo custo se mostraram eficientes na remoção da toxicidade do diflubenzuron de soluções contendo este composto. Dentre esses materiais, a argila expandida promoveu a redução em aproximadamente 50% da toxicidade de uma solução contendo diflubenzuron. Os resultados podem contribuir para políticas públicas no Brasil relacionadas ao estabelecimento de limites máximos permissíveis de xenobióticos no compartimento aquático. Também, para a pesquisa de matérias inertes e de baixo custo com potencial de remoção de xenobióticos presentes em efluentes da aquicultura ou da agricultura. Abstract: Diflubenzuron is an insecticide that, besides being used in the agriculture, has been widely used in fish farming. However, its use is prohibited in this activity. Diflubenzuron is not in the list of Brazilian legislation establishing maximum permissible limits in water bodies for the protection of aquatic communities. In this paper, according toxicity data of diflubenzuron in non-target organisms, it was calculated an hazardous concentration for only 5% of the species (HC5) of the aquatic community. This parameter value was estimated to be about 7 x 10 -6 mg L -1 . The low value is due to the extreme high toxicity of diflubenzuron to daphnids and to the large variation in sensitivity among the species tested. Two relatively low cost and inert materials were efficient in removing the diflubenzuron from solutions containing this compound. Among these materials, expanded clay shown to promote reduction of approximately 50% of the toxicity of a solution containing diflubenzuron. The results may contribute to the establishment of public policies in Brazil associated to the definition of maximum permissible limits of xenobiotics in the aquatic compartment. This study is also relevant to the search of low cost and inert materials for xenobiotics removal from aquaculture or agricultural effluents.
Nell’ambito di questa ricerca sono stati sviluppati modelli in grado di prevedere le dimensioni dei grani dopo il processo di estrusione di alcune leghe serie 6XXX, in particolare AA6060, AA6063 e AA6082. Alcuni modelli matematici proposti in letteratura sono stati presi in considerazione e implementati su Qform, codice FEM in grado di simulare processi di deformazione plastica. Sono state condotte diverse campagne sperimentali, tra cui una di visioplasticità necessaria per ottenere dati sperimentali che permettessero la validazione del Codice (modellazione dell’attrito, dello scambio termico, del flow stress del materiale). Altre prove di microestrusione ed estrusione inversa hanno fornito dati sperimentali che sono stati messi in correlazione con i risultati numerici di una serie di simulazioni. Infine è stata effettuata una campagna sperimentale di estrusione industriale a tutti gli effetti, ottenendo un profilo dalla geometria piuttosto complessa in lega AA6063, i dati ricavati hanno permesso : • la validazione di un modello unico di ricristallizzazione dinamica, • la valutazione di modelli per la predizione del comportamento durante recristallizzazione statica
The objective of this dissertation is the evaluation of the exploitability of corn cobs as natural additives for bio-based polymer matrices, in order to hone their properties while keeping the fundamental quality of being fully bio-derived. The first part of the project has the purpose of finding the best solvent and conditions to extract antioxidants and anti-degrading molecules from corn cobs, exploiting room and high-temperature processes, traditional and advanced extraction methods, as well as polar and nonpolar solvents. The extracts in their entirety are then analysed to evaluate their antioxidant content, in order to select the conditions able to maximise their anti-degrading properties. The second part of the project, instead, focuses on assessing chemical and physical properties of the best-behaving extract when inserted in a polymeric matrix. To achieve this, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and poly (butylene succinate – co – adipate) (PBSA) are employed. These samples are obtained through extrusion and are subsequently characterised exploiting the DSC equipment and a sinusoidally oscillating rheometer. In addition, extruded polymeric matrices are subjected to thermal and photo ageing, in order to identify their behaviour after different forms of degradation and to assess their performances with respect to synthetically produced anti-degrading additives.
This thesis collects several ecotoxicological studies focused on the quali- quantitative analysis of several classes of chemical compounds. Our studies have been conducted on different aquatic species occupying different food chain trophic levels and characterized by differences in biology, ethology, and nutrition, but all considered excellent bioindicators. This choice allowed us to have a broad overview of the contamination of aquatic environments. Detrimental effects of several chemical compounds on the species investigated have been discussed, considering the economic and public health implications linked to the pollution of the environment and the exposure to old and emerging xenobiotics. Our studies underline the importance of a multidisciplinary and integrated approach that includes the application of the one health concept to ensure the protection of public health and respect for natural environments. Studies collected in this thesis also aim to overcome some critical limitations of the branch of ecotoxicology, such as the lack of standardization in laboratory methods. Our data also underline the importance of expanding research to a greater number of various biological matrices than those indicated by the literature as target tissues for specific pollutants. This condition enables more detailed information on the kinetics of xenobiotics in animal organisms. Our studies also allow us to expand the knowledge related to the mechanisms of synergy and antagonism of mixtures of pollutants that can simultaneously accumulate in wildlife.
Bone disorders have severe impact on body functions and quality life, and no satisfying therapies exist yet. The current models for bone disease study are scarcely predictive and the options existing for therapy fail for complex systems. To mimic and/or restore bone, 3D printing/bioprinting allows the creation of 3D structures with different materials compositions, properties, and designs. In this study, 3D printing/bioprinting has been explored for (i) 3D in vitro tumor models and (ii) regenerative medicine. Tumor models have been developed by investigating different bioinks (i.e., alginate, modified gelatin) enriched by hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to increase printing fidelity and increase biomimicry level, thus mimicking the organic and inorganic phase of bone. High Saos-2 cell viability was obtained, and the promotion of spheroids clusters as occurring in vivo was observed. To develop new syntethic bone grafts, two approaches have been explored. In the first, novel magnesium-phosphate scaffolds have been investigated by extrusion-based 3D printing for spinal fusion. 3D printing process and parameters have been optimized to obtain custom-shaped structures, with competent mechanical properties. The 3D printed structures have been combined to alginate porous structures created by a novel ice-templating technique, to be loaded by antibiotic drug to address infection prevention. Promising results in terms of planktonic growth inhibition was obtained. In the second strategy, marine waste precursors have been considered for the conversion in biogenic HA by using a mild-wet conversion method with different parameters. The HA/carbonate ratio conversion efficacy was analysed for each precursor (by FTIR and SEM), and the best conditions were combined to alginate to develop a composite structure. The composite paste was successfully employed in custom-modified 3D printer for the obtainment of 3D printed stable scaffolds. In conclusion, the osteomimetic materials developed in this study for bone models and synthetic grafts are promising in bone field.
Northwestern Adriatic Sea Mediterranean mussels are exposed to fluctuating environmental parameters and to natural and anthropogenic stressors. Today is well known that mussels can be defined as holobiont, even if remains a lot to elucidate about how an organism and its microbial component response to environmental stress. This PhD dissertation aims to investigate microbiome possible adaptive patters exploiting the organism physiology response to stress, using the NGS sequencing method. The experimental approach consisted of two phases to first determine (i) the microbiome at a tissue scale level, (ii) the microbiome and physiological response to natural and anthropogenic stress environment and the chemical assessment of the microecosystem the Northwestern Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Mussel lives in. Results revealed firstly a robust microbiome well differentiated from seawater microecosystem, with compositional variations at the organ level. Thanks to those findings, digestive gland, the organ in which digestive and detoxification processes allow animal to tolerate and accumulate xenobiotics of natural and anthropogenic origin, was the selected tissue for the second phase of the project. The second phase of the project evaluated the putative physiological variations and the compositional changes in microbiome of digestive gland. I then manage to assess microbiome region trends across the north Adriatic, with each sampling site well differentiated from the others. Finally, a chemical method able to a powerful tool for the analytical detection of the major pollutants in mussels were validated. These first results may provide baseline information for future studies approaches of seasonal and region trends of microbiota profiles and physiological responses in terms of metabolism.