1000 resultados para Westerhausen, Katalin: Magyar - német szólások. Redensarten Ungarisch - Deutsch
Physiological and kinematic data were collected from elite under-19 rugby union players to provide a greater understanding of the physical demands of rugby union. Heart rate, blood lactate and time-motion analysis data were collected from 24 players (mean +/- s((x) over bar): body mass 88.7 +/- 9.9 kg, height 185 +/- 7 cm, age 18.4 +/- 0.5 years) during six competitive premiership fixtures. Six players were chosen at random from each of four groups: props and locks, back row forwards, inside backs, outside backs. Heart rate records were classified based on percent time spent in four zones (>95%, 85-95%, 75-84%, <75% HRmax). Blood lactate concentration was measured periodically throughout each match, with movements being classified as standing, walking, jogging, cruising, sprinting, utility, rucking/mauling and scrummaging. The heart rate data indicated that props and locks (58.4%) and back row forwards (56.2%) spent significantly more time in high exertion (85-95% HRmax) than inside backs (40.5%) and outside backs (33.9%) (P < 0.001). Inside backs (36.5%) and outside backs (38.5%) spent significantly more time in moderate exertion (75-84% HRmax) than props and locks (22.6%) and back row forwards (19.8%) (P < 0.05). Outside backs (20.1%) spent significantly more time in low exertion (< 75% HRmax) than props and locks (5.8%) and back row forwards (5.6%) (P < 0.05). Mean blood lactate concentration did not differ significantly between groups (range: 4.67 mmol.l(-1) for outside backs to 7.22 mmol.l(-1) for back row forwards; P < 0.05). The motion analysis data indicated that outside backs (5750 m) covered a significantly greater total distance than either props and locks or back row forwards (4400 and 4080 m, respectively; P < 0.05). Inside backs and outside backs covered significantly greater distances walking (1740 and 1780 m, respectively; P < 0.001), in utility movements (417 and 475 m, respectively; P < 0.001) and sprinting (208 and 340 m, respectively; P < 0.001) than either props and locks or back row forwards (walking: 1000 and 991 m; utility movements: 106 and 154 m; sprinting: 72 and 94 m, respectively). Outside backs covered a significantly greater distance sprinting than inside backs (208 and 340 m, respectively; P < 0.001). Forwards maintained a higher level of exertion than backs, due to more constant motion and a large involvement in static high-intensity activities. A mean blood lactate concentration of 4.8-7.2 mmol.l(-1) indicated a need for 'lactate tolerance' training to improve hydrogen ion buffering and facilitate removal following high-intensity efforts. Furthermore, the large distances (4.2-5.6 km) covered during, and intermittent nature of, match-play indicated a need for sound aerobic conditioning in all groups (particularly backs) to minimize fatigue and facilitate recovery between high-intensity efforts.
There are some interesting connections between the theory of quantum computation and quantum measurement. As an illustration, we present a scheme in which an ion trap quantum computer can be used to make arbitrarily accurate measurements of the quadrature phase variables for the collective vibrational motion of the ion. We also discuss some more general aspects of quantum computation and measurement in terms of the Feynman-Deutsch principle.
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema is a common complication of mechanical ventilation in preterm babies. We report a case of severe unilateral pulmonary interstitial emphysema in a premature newborn, treated with high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, lateral decubitus positioning and selective intubation. After complete radiological resolution of the pulmonary emphysema in the left lung, the patient was studied by electrical impedance tomography and a marked reduction of ventilation was identified in the left lung despite radiological resolution of the cysts. This finding indicates that functional abnormalities may persist for longer periods after radiologic resolution of such lesions.
Read-only-memory-based (ROM-based) quantum computation (QC) is an alternative to oracle-based QC. It has the advantages of being less magical, and being more suited to implementing space-efficient computation (i.e., computation using the minimum number of writable qubits). Here we consider a number of small (one- and two-qubit) quantum algorithms illustrating different aspects of ROM-based QC. They are: (a) a one-qubit algorithm to solve the Deutsch problem; (b) a one-qubit binary multiplication algorithm; (c) a two-qubit controlled binary multiplication algorithm; and (d) a two-qubit ROM-based version of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. For each algorithm we present experimental verification using nuclear magnetic resonance ensemble QC. The average fidelities for the implementation were in the ranges 0.9-0.97 for the one-qubit algorithms, and 0.84-0.94 for the two-qubit algorithms. We conclude with a discussion of future prospects for ROM-based quantum computation. We propose a four-qubit algorithm, using Grover's iterate, for solving a miniature real-world problem relating to the lengths of paths in a network.
O objetivo da pesquisa é descrever o cenário da imigração germânica no século XIX, tratando também, de trilhar o caminho da educação por meio de educadores e das comunidades na Colônia de Santa Leopoldina, criada em 1857, na Província do Espírito Santo, considerando 50 anos a partir do início da imigração (1857-1907). A pesquisa histórica ancorou-se em consultas a documentos oficiais do Império, documentos e relatórios oficiais dos Presidentes da Província do Espírito Santo, jornais de circulação da época, fotografias, mapas geográficos, mapas estatísticos, livros didáticos antigos e livros de autores que abordaram o processo imigratório do Espírito Santo. O diálogo com Marc Bloch ajudou a entender essa multiplicidade de documentos, na complexa relação entre o passado e o presente da educação do Espírito Santo. O trabalho apresenta uma trajetória do imigrante germânico vindo da Europa até a ex-colônia e como a administração da província tratou a imigração e a educação. O ensino primário iniciou-se a partir de iniciativas públicas e particulares. Foram identificados as primeiras escolas e os nomes de muitos professores que atuaram no período estudado. Os livros utilizados nas escolas das comunidades teuto-brasileiras eram oriundos da Alemanha e posteriormente foram produzidos no sul do Brasil. Entre os livros escritos em alemão encontrados destacam-se o livro texto de alfabetização „Lese – Schule I für Deutsche Kinder in Brasilien‟, editado na Alemanha no final do século XIX, de autoria do diretor de uma escola particular em Santa Leopoldina, Albert Richard Dietze, e o primeiro volume do livro de matemática „Rechenbuch für Deutsch-Brasilianische Volksschulen‟, de Ferdinand Hackbart, Konrad Glaus e Hermann Lange. Foi feita uma análise sob os aspectos físicos e formais, o processo de ensino e os conteúdos do livro de matemática. A análise evidenciou que a proposta de ensino apoia-se no “cálculo mental” e o escrito, com a repetição dos conteúdos, envolvendo o treino intensivo. Os conceitos de matemática são apresentados partindo de problemas com situações concretas do aluno para a aquisição de competências necessárias para inserir o aluno em sua comunidade. Levando-se em conta que o livro foi editado em 1906, conclui-se que se trata de uma obra relevante com uma proposta de ensino que se manteve presente nos livros didáticos de matemática até os dias atuais.
O processo de concessão de licença ambiental para determinado tipo de atividade é o exemplo escolhido neste artigo para qualificar pontos de contato, mostrando que - no âmbito da gestão do meio ambiente, que se define tendencialmente conflituosa - essa interface é, em geral, problemática. Sugere-se que algumas premissas básicas devam nortear a relação público-privado, como a da coresponsabilidade, em prol de resultados menos agressivos ao ambiente. Através da apresentação de uma experiência bemsucedida de integração das atuações dos setores em questão, mostra-se como se pode conduzir esforços para o alcance de uma interação mais eficaz entre o público e o privado.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica, Especialidade de Sistemas Digitais, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
LÚCIO, J. e MARQUES, B.P. (2013) “Aspectos Locativos do Investimento Alemão em Portugal”, in Ribeiro, F. (org.) Alemanha: Portugal – Aspectos em Revista, Cadernos de Cultura n.º 5 (2.ª série), Centro de História da Cultura da FCSH da UNL & Edições Húmus, Lisboa, pp. 69-84, ISBN-978-989-755-025-6.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
OBJECTIVE: To analyze surgical and pathological parameters and outcome and prognostic factors of patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who were admitted to a single institution, as well as to correlate these findings to the current staging system. METHOD: Seven hundred and thirty seven patients were diagnosed with NSCLC and admitted to Hospital do Cancer A. C. Camargo from 1990 to 2000. All patients were included in a continuous prospective database, and their data was analyzed. Following staging, a multidisciplinary team decision on adequate management was established. Variables included in this analysis were age, gender, histology, Karnofsky index, weight loss, clinical stage, surgical stage, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and survival rates. RESULTS: 75.5% of patients were males. The distribution of histologic type was squamous cell carcinoma 51.8%, adenocarcinoma 43.1%, and undifferentiated large cell carcinoma 5.1%. Most patients (73%) presented significant weight loss and a Karnofsky index of 80%. Clinical staging was IA 3.8%, IB 9.2%, IIA 1.4%, IIB 8.1%, IIIA 20.9%, IIIB 22.4%, IV 30.9%. Complete tumor resection was performed in 24.6% of all patients. Surgical stage distribution was IA 25.3%, IB 1.4%, IIB 17.1%, IIIA 16.1%, IIIB 20.3%, IV 11.5%. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were considered therapeutic options in 43% and 72%, respectively. The overall 5-year survival rate of nonsmall cell lung cancer patients in our study was 28%. Median survival was 18.9 months. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with NSCLC who were admitted to our institution presented with histopathologic and clinical characteristics that were similar to previously published series in cancer hospitals. The best prognosis was associated with complete tumor resection with lymph node dissection, which is only achievable in earlier clinical stages.
Umbilical nodes are rare. The metastatic involvement of the region was first described in 1846. Sister Mary Joseph was the first observer to establish the correlation between carcinomas and umbilical nodes. The umbilical node may be the sole presenting sign of cancer and is usually associated with advanced disease and poor prognosis. A 64-year-old woman, previously healthy, presented vague abdominal discomfort and a hard umbilical nodule for 1 week, which was first diagnosed as an incarcerated umbilical hernia. She underwent a new clinical assessment and biopsy. After immunohistochemical analysis and computerized tomography, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The clinical staging showed advanced disease with distant metastasis. She received palliative chemotherapy. After 8 months, she was alive in poor clinical condition. Clinical suspicion should lead to a careful additional evaluation whenever an umbilical nodule presents with malignant signs.
Management Summary (Deutsch)Werbung ist ein Kulturfaktor, der einerseits als Spiegel der Gesellschaft gesehen werden kann und andererseits an deren Konstruktion beteiligt ist. Durch die Darstellung von Kindern trägt die Werbung dazu bei ein bestimmtes, an den wirtschaftlichen Gesetzmäßigkeiten orientiertes Bild von Kindern massenmedial zu verbreiten. Dabei fungiert insbesondere das Fernsehen als wichtiger Vermittler, da es sich in Deutschland hoher Beliebtheit erfreut und somit viele Menschen erreicht werden können. Ebenfalls hoher Beliebtheit innerhalb der deutschen Gesellschaft erfreut sich das Automobil. Schon von klein auf werden die Kinder auf die automobile Nutzung und Infrastruktur hin sozialisiert. Auch wenn es sich bei einem Auto primär um ein Erwachsenenprodukt handelt, so stellen Kinder für die Automobilhersteller dennoch eine ernst zu nehmende Randzielgruppe dar und finden in den Marketingstrategien Beachtung. Das Kindbild in der Automobilwerbung ist überwiegend positiv und von faszinierten und spielenden Jungen geprägt. Fest steht, dass es sich dabei zunächst nur vordergründig um ein dargestelltes Kindbild handelt und bei genauerer Betrachtung ein facettenreicheres Bild entsteht.Management Summary