994 resultados para Wells, Carlton


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Elastic constants, the bulk modulus, Young's modulus, band-gap bowing coefficients, spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations, and piezoelectric coefficients of hexagonal AlxGa1-xN ternary alloys are calculated using first-principles methods. The fully relaxed structures and the structures subjected to homogeneous biaxial and uniaxial tension are investigated. We show that the biaxial tension in the plane perpendicular to the c axis and the uniaxial tension along the c axis all reduce the bulk modulus, whereas they reduce and enhance Young's modulus, respectively. We find that the biaxial and uniaxial tension can enhance the bowing coefficients. We also find that the biaxial tension can enhance the total polarization, while the uniaxial tension will suppress the total polarization. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The center-of-mass motion of quasi-two-dimensional excitons with spin-orbit coupling is calculated within the framework of effective mass theory. The results indicate that the spin-orbit coupling will induce a controllable bright-to-dark transition in a quasi-two-dimensional exciton system. This procedure can work as a way to increase the lifetime of excitons. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We demonstrate the 1.58 mu m emission at room temperature from a metamorphic In0.6Ga0.4As quantum well laser grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy. The large lattice mismatch was accommodated through growth of a linearly graded buffer layer to create a high quality virtual In0.32Ga0.68As substrate. Careful growth optimization ensured good optical and structural qualities. For a 1250x50 mu m(2) broad area laser, a minimum threshold current density of 490 A/cm(2) was achieved under pulsed operation. This result indicates that metamorphic InGaAs quantum wells can be an alternative approach for 1.55 mu m GaAs-based lasers. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Electron-spin dynamics in InAs/GaAs heterostructures consisting of a single layer of InAs (1/3-1 monolayer) embedded in (001) and (311)A GaAs matrix was studied by means of time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy. The spin-relaxation time of the submonolayer InAs samples is significantly enhanced, compared with that of the monolayer InAs sample. The electron-spin-relaxation time and the effective g factor in submonolayer samples were found to be strongly dependent on the photogenerated carrier density. The contribution from both the D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism and Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism are discussed to interpret the temperature dependence of spin decoherence at various carrier densities.


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Polarization-resolved edge-emitting electroluminescence (EL) studies of InGaN/GaN MQWs of wavelengths from near-UV (390 nm) to blue (468 nm) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are performed. Although the TE mode is dominant in all the samples of InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs, an obvious difference of light polarization properties is found in the InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs with different wavelengths. The polarization degree decreases from 52.4% to 26.9% when light wavelength increases. Analyses of band structures of InGaN/GaN quantum wells and luminescence properties of quantum dots imply that quantum-dot-like behavior is the dominant reason for the low luminescence polarization degree of blue LEDs, and the high luminescence polarization degree of UV LEDs mainly comes from QW confinement and the strain effect. Therefore, indium induced carrier confinement (quantum-dot-like behavior) might play a major role in the polarization degree change of InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs from near violet to blue.


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Spin-orbit interactions in a two-dimensional electron gas were studied in an InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well. Since weak anti localization effects take place far beyond the diffusive regime, (i.e., the ratio of the characteristic magnetic field, at which the magnetoresistance correction maximum occurs, to the transport magnetic field is more than ten) the experimental data are examined by the Golub theory, which is applicable to both diffusive regime and ballistic regime. Satisfactory fitting lines to the experimental data have been achieved using the Golub theory. In the strong spin-orbit interaction two-dimensional electron gas system, the large spin splitting energy of 6.08 meV is observed mainly due to the high electron concentration in the quantum well. The temperature dependence of the phase-breaking rate is qualitatively in agreement with the theoretical predictions. (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics


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Circular dichromatic absorption difference spectroscopy is developed to measure the spin diffusion dynamics of electrons in bulk n-GaAs. This spectroscopy has higher detection sensitivity over homodyne detection of spin-grating-diffracted signal. A model to describe circular dichromatic absorption difference signal is derived and used to fit experimental signal to retrieve decaying rate of spin gratings. A spin diffusion constant of D-s=201 +/- 25 cm(2)/s for bulk n-GaAs has been measured at room temperature using this technique and is close to electron diffusion constant (D-c), which is much different from the case in GaAs quantum wells where D-s is markedly less than D-c.


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We investigate the spin relaxation time of holes in an ultrathin neutral InAs monolayer (1.5 ML) and compare with that of electrons, using polarization-dependent time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) experiments. With excitation energies above the GaAs gap, we observe a rather slow relaxation of holes (tau(1h) = 196 +/- 17 ps) that is in the magnitude similar to electrons (tau(1e) = 354 +/- 32 ps) in this ultrathin sample. The results are in good agreement with earlier theoretical prediction, and the phonon scattering due to spin-orbit coupling is realized to play a dominant role in the carrier spin kinetics.


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We propose an innovative technique, making use of the In segregation effect, referred as the N irradiation method, to enhance In-N bonding and extend the emission wavelength of GaInNAs quantum wells (QWs). After the formation of a complete In floating layer, the growth is interrupted and N irradiation is initiated. The majority of N atoms are forced to bond with In atoms and their incorporation is regulated independently by the N exposure time and the As pressure. The effect of the N exposure time and As pressure on the N incorporation and the optical quality of GaInNAs QWs were investigated. Anomalous photoluminescence (PL) wavelength red shifts after rapid thermal annealing (RTA) were observed in the N-irradiated samples, whereas a normal GaInNAs sample revealed a blue shift. This method provides an alternative way to extend the emission wavelength of GaInNAs QWs with decent optical quality. We demonstrate light emission at 1546 nm from an 11-nm-thick QW, using this method and the PL intensity is similar to that of a 7-nm-thick GaInNAs QW grown at a reduced rate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using the effective-mass Hamiltonian for an arbitrary direction wurtzite semiconductor on the basis of k.p theory, we investigate the strain effects on the transition energies and optical properties in the R-plane ([1012]-oriented plane) GaN. The results show that (1) the transition energies decrease with the biaxial strains changing from -0.5 to 0.5%; and (2) giant optical anisotropy appears in the R-plane which is significantly affected by the biaxial strains. We clarify the relation between the strains and the polarization properties. Finally, we discuss the application of these properties to the R-plane GaN based devices. (c) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics


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We theoretically study the spatial behaviors of the spin precession in a two-dimensional electron system with spin-orbit interaction. Through analysis of interaction between the spin and the effective magnetic field in the system, we obtain the general conditions to generate a persistent spin helix and predict a persistent spin helix pattern in [001]-grown quantum wells. Particularly, we demonstrate that the phase of spin can be locked to propagate in a quantum well with SU(2) symmetry.


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We demonstrate theoretically that electric field can drive a quantum phase transition between band insulator to topological insulator in CdTe/HgCdTe/CdTe quantum wells. The numerical results suggest that the electric field could be used as a switch to turn on or off the topological insulator phase, and temperature can affect significantly the phase diagram for different gate voltage and compositions. Our theoretical results provide us an efficient way to manipulate the quantum phase of HgTe quantum wells.


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Two emission peaks were observed in the low temperature photoluminescence (LTPL) spectra of an InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) structure before and after nanopillar fabrication. After nanopillar fabrication it is found that among the two peaks the longer wavelength peak exhibits a clear blue shift and has a much stronger enhancement in LTPL intensity than the shorter one. Combined with x-ray diffraction and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence analyses, the difference induced by nanopillar fabrication is ascribed to different strain relaxation states in the lower and upper quantum well layers. It is found that the lower QW layers of the as-grown MQW which causes the longer wavelength PL peak are more strained, while the upper ones are almost fully strain-relaxed. Therefore, the nanopillar fabrication induces much less strain relaxation in the upper part of the MQW than in the lower one.


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The electroluminescence efficiency at room temperature and low temperature (15 K) in a wide-narrow-well InGaN/GaN light-emitting diode with a narrow last well (1.5 nm) and a narrow next-to-last barrier (5 nm) is investigated to study the efficiency droop phenomenon. A reduced droop in the wide wells and a reduced droop at low temperatures reveals that inferior hole transportation ability induced Auger recombination is the root for the droop at high excitation levels.


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The magnetisation of heavy holes in III-V semiconductor quantum wells with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in an external perpendicular magnetic field is studied theoretically. We concentrate on the effects on the magnetisation induced by the system boundary, the Rashba SOC and the temperature. It is found that the sawtooth-like de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations of the magnetisation will change dramatically in the presence of such three factors. Especially, the effects of the edge states and Rashba SOC on the magnetisation are more evident when the magnetic field is smaller. The oscillation center will shift when the boundary effect is considered and the Rashba SOC will bring beating patterns to the dHvA oscillations. These effects on the dHvA oscillations are preferably observed at low temperatures. With increasing temperature, the dHvA oscillations turn to be blurred and eventually disappear.