988 resultados para Watersheds--New Jersey--Maps.
The solid-state-physics technique of electron spin resonance (ESR) has been employed in an exploratory study of marine limestones and impact-related deposits from Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) boundary sites including Spain (Sopelana and Caravaca), New Jersey (Bass River), the U.S. Atlantic continental margin (Blake Nose, ODP Leg 171B/1049/A), and several locations in Belize and southern Mexico within -600 km of the Chicxulub crater. The ESR spectra of SO3(1-) (a radiation-induced point defect involving a sulfite ion substitutional for CO3(2-) which has trapped a positive charge) and Mn(2+) in calcite were singled out for analysis because they are unambiguously interpretable and relatively easy to record. ESR signal strengths of calcite-related SO3(1-) and Mn(2+) have been studied as functions of stratigraphic position in whole-rock samples across the KT boundary at Sopelana, Caravaca, and Blake Nose. At all three of these sites, anomalies in SO3(1-) and/or Mn(2+) intensities are noted at the KT boundary relative to the corresponding background levels in the rocks above and below. At Caravaca, the SO3(1-) background itself is found to be lower by a factor of 2.7 in the first 30,000 years of the Tertiary relative to its steady-state value in the last 15,000 years of the Cretaceous, indicating either an abrupt and quasi-permanent change in ocean chemistry (or temperature) or extinction of the marine biota primarily responsible for fixing sulfite in the late Cretaceous limestones. An exponential decrease in the Mn(2+) concentration per unit mass calcite, [Mn(2+)], as the KT boundary at Caravaca is approached from below (1/e characteristic length =1.4 cm) is interpreted as a result of post-impact leaching of the seafloor. Absolute ESR quantitative analyses of proximal impact deposits from Belize and southern Mexico group naturally into three distinct fields in a twodimensional [SO3(1-)]-versus-[Mn(2+)] scatter plot. These fields contain (I) limestone ejecta clasts, (II) accretionary lapilli, and (III) a variety of SO3(1-) -depleted/Mn(2+) enriched impact deposits. Data for the investigated non-impact-related Cretaceous and Tertiary marine limestones (Spain and Blake Nose) fall outside of these three fields. With reference to thes enon-impact deposits, fields I, II, and III can be respectively characterized as Mn(2+) -depleted, SO3(1-) -enhanced, and SO3(1-) -depleted. It is proposed that (1) field I represents calcites from the Yucatin Platform, and that the Mn(2+) -depleted signature can be used as an indicator of primary Chicxulub ejecta in deep marine environments and (2) field II represents calcites that include a component formed in the vapor plume, either from condensation in the presence of CO2/SO3(1-) -rich vapors, or reactions between CaO and CO2/SO3 rich vapors, and that this SO3(1-) -enhanced signature can be used as an indicator of impact vapor plume deposits. Given these two propositions, the ESR data for the Blake Nose deposits are ascribed to the presence of basal coarse calcitic Chicxulub ejecta clasts, while the finer components that are increasingly represented toward the top are interpreted to contain high- SO3(1-) calcite from the vapor plume. The apparently-undisturbed Bass River deposit may contain even higher concentrations of vapor-plume calcite. None of the three components included in field III appear to be represented at distal, deep marine KT-boundary sites; this field may include several types of impact-related deposits of diverse origins and diagenetic histories.
Tanto en los estudios sincrónicos como en los diacrónicos queda en evidencia que el español posee diferentes formas de expresar el tiempo futuro. Por ejemplo, la desinencia del futuro morfológico (-ré) alterna en el español actual con la perífrasis verbal ir+a+infinitivo tal y como se ve en los siguientes ejemplos de la variedad rioplatense: (1) CFK advirtió que "Vamos a sostener este modelo de crecimiento con todas las decisiones que haya que tomar" (Diario Digital 25-04-2012); (2) Rossi aseguró que votarán a favor de YPF unos doscientos diputados (La Nación 28-04-2012). Este hecho ha sido analizado por innumerables estudios y autores, muchos de los cuales se han aproximado a este tema desde la perspectiva variacionista que relaciona significados y contextos (Martínez 1987, Sedano 1994, Company 1999, Alaniz 2010); esta perspectiva explica dicha alternancia por medio de un continuum de factualidad el cual va desde la mayor factualidad de la perífrasis a la menor factualidad de la forma sintética. El análisis de los datos de acuerdo con dichos significados básicos postulados parecía confirmar la hipótesis, al menos en los contextos relacionados con la comunicación oral cotidiana (Martínez 1987). Sin embargo, un estudio más profundo sobre los usos de dichas formas en otros géneros discursivos (Mailhes 2010) nos lleva a replantearnos los significados básicos. En este sentido, la hipótesis que nos interesa confirmar es que las formas se encuentran vinculadas a la evaluación de los hechos por medio de la posibilidad de ejercer control sobre los mismos . Si existe control, se puede seleccionar la perífrasis; si no existe, la forma sintética será más apropiada. La ausencia de control puede dar lugar a una posibilidad más o menos remota así como a la profecía, dos esferas donde la variación es explotada