900 resultados para War and society.


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Metrópolis e Gotham são as cidades imaginárias das histórias em quadrinhos que, respectivamente, ambientam as aventuras do Super-Homem e Batman. Estes dois super-heróis foram criados nos Estados Unidos em finais da década de 1930 e continuam a povoar a vida de crianças e adultos oito décadas depois de sua concepção. O objetivo desta dissertação é fazer uma análise das cidades do Super-Homem e Batman em seu contexto de criação por meio de uma análise etnográfica da literatura em quadrinhos. Objetiva-se analisar as representações dessas cidades ficcionais em relação com as questões vividas pelas grandes cidades norte-americanas de sua época, como crime, migração e delinquência. Para tanto, analisa-se as primeiras histórias dos referidos super-heróis publicadas desde a sua criação em 1938 e 1939 até a entrada dos Estados Unidos na Segunda Guerra Mundial, em dezembro de 1941. Discute-se a questão da dupla identidade, da liberdade e do anonimato nas grandes cidades a partir do gênero de super-heróis, bem como contextualiza-se a criação dos quadrinhos como um meio de comunicação de massa nascido no ambiente moderno e urbano. A tese central desta dissertação gira em torno da discussão sobre cidades e Modernidade. Considera-se Gotham e Metrópolis como representações que refletem pontos de vista distintos sobre as grandes cidades modernas. A primeira é uma cidade noturna e violenta de crimes relacionados com a loucura, o crime organizado e a migração. Subjaz aqui a noção de que a modernidade, tendo como locus as grandes cidades, seria um fator que desagrega a vida social levando os habitantes de Gotham City a enfrentar um cotidiano de conflitos, seja com criminosos, loucos ou imigrantes. Metrópolis, por sua vez, enfrenta em seu cotidiano problemas técnicos e crimes de cunho moral, sendo uma cidade diurna de linhas retas e prédios de estilos arquitetônicos modernistas retratados a partir de imagens panorâmicas que destacam seus prédios e arranha-céus iluminados, enquanto Gotham é representada como uma cidade escura de prédios monolíticos que se repetem indistintamente em seu horizonte. Por mais ficcionais, utópicas ou distópicas que possam ser as cidades das histórias em quadrinhos elas são representações que se relacionam com o imaginário da época e sociedade em que foram criadas. Esta dissertação compreende Gotham City e Metrópolis como sínteses de concepções urbanas modernas, relacionando-as com correntes urbanísticas presentes nas primeiras décadas do século XX e com questões colocadas pelo pensamento social da Escola de Chicago de Sociologia.


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This paper relies on the concept of next generation matrix defined ad hoc for a new proposed extended SEIR model referred to as SI(n)R-model to study its stability. The model includes n successive stages of infectious subpopulations, each one acting at the exposed subpopulation of the next infectious stage in a cascade global disposal where each infectious population acts as the exposed subpopulation of the next infectious stage. The model also has internal delays which characterize the time intervals of the coupling of the susceptible dynamics with the infectious populations of the various cascade infectious stages. Since the susceptible subpopulation is common, and then unique, to all the infectious stages, its coupled dynamic action on each of those stages is modeled with an increasing delay as the infectious stage index increases from 1 to n. The physical interpretation of the model is that the dynamics of the disease exhibits different stages in which the infectivity and the mortality rates vary as the individual numbers go through the process of recovery, each stage with a characteristic average time.


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O trabalho se refere ao processo e tomada do Complexo do Alemão pelas forças militares na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para implantação das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP), que aconteceu em novembro de 2010. Tem como objetivo levantar hipóteses sobre a relação do que se entende por Justiça a partir da ocupação da favela pelos militares, e como a convivência com a UPP tem influenciado a ideia de Justiça nos moradores do Alemão. A pesquisa ocupa-se em elucidar ao leitor sobre as abordagens de justiça mais comuns, conceituando e explicando quais os princípios de justiça em que cada uma delas se sustenta. A pesquisa descreve duas teorias que explicam o surgimento das favelas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O Complexo do Alemão é considerado uma das maiores favelas do Rio de Janeiro, e a mais violenta, por isso a tomada da área se deu através do ataque dos militares que utilizaram táticas de guerra e cerco, tiveram o Caveirão como suporte, e assim deram início a invasão. A Rede Globo de Televisão também aparece na pesquisa, pois a emissora ganhou o prêmio Emmy de jornalismo, com a cobertura da invasão no Alemão. Considerando que uma das condições básicas de uma sociedade democrática é o direito a participação nas decisões políticas, sociais e econômicas, as questões investigadas foram: A megaoperação de pacificação no Alemão foi justa? Do ponto de vista de quem? Qual o parâmetro para uma sociedade justa? Qual representação de justiça tem feito parte da rotina dos moradores do Alemão? Por que ainda se tem a ideia de que Bandido bom é bandido morto? As contribuições da pesquisa se deram no campo social, filosófico e político e nos convida a refletir sobre o que é considerado justo em uma sociedade como a nossa, onde as desigualdades sociais são tão fortes.


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Eco-innovations, eco-efficiency and corporate social responsibility practices define much of the current industrial sustainability agenda. While important, they are insufficient in themselves to deliver the holistic changes necessary to achieve long-term social and environmental sustainability. How can we encourage corporate innovation that significantly changes the way companies operate to ensure greater sustainability? Sustainable business models (SBM) incorporate a triple bottom line approach and consider a wide range of stakeholder interests, including environment and society. They are important in driving and implementing corporate innovation for sustainability, can help embed sustainability into business purpose and processes, and serve as a key driver of competitive advantage. Many innovative approaches may contribute to delivering sustainability through business models, but have not been collated under a unifying theme of business model innovation. The literature and business practice review has identified a wide range of examples of mechanisms and solutions that can contribute to business model innovation for sustainability. The examples were collated and analysed to identify defining patterns and attributes that might facilitate categorisation. Sustainable business model archetypes are introduced to describe groupings of mechanisms and solutions that may contribute to building up the business model for sustainability. The aim of these archetypes is to develop a common language that can be used to accelerate the development of sustainable business models in research and practice. The archetypes are: Maximise material and energy efficiency; Create value from 'waste'; Substitute with renewables and natural processes; Deliver functionality rather than ownership; Adopt a stewardship role; Encourage sufficiency; Re-purpose the business for society/environment; and Develop scale-up solutions. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The article considers the arguments that have been made in defence of social media screening as well as issues that arise and may effectively erode the reliability and utility of such data for employers. First, the authors consider existing legal frameworks and guidelines that exist in the UK and the USA, as well as the subsequent ethical concerns that arise when employers access and use social networking content for employment purposes. Second, several arguments in favour of the use of social networking content are made, each of which is considered from several angles, including concerns about impression management, bias and discrimination, data protection and security. Ultimately, the current state of knowledge does not provide a definite answer as to whether information from social networks is helpful in recruitment and selection.


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Abrahamsen, Rita, 'African Studies and the Postcolonial Challenge', African Affairs (2003) 102(407) pp.189-210 RAE2008


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Wheeler, Nicholas, 'Dying for `Enduring Freedom': Accepting Responsibility for Civilian Casualties in the War against Terrorism', International Relations (2002) 16(2) pp.205-225 RAE2008


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This paper explores the origins of meaning in adventurous activities. Specifically, the paper reports on a study of 10 adventure climbers in the Scottish mountaineering community. The study explores how formative experiences have influenced engagement in adventure climbing. Work has been done on the phenomenology of adventure and how individuals interpret and find meaning in the activity—this paper goes a step further and asks where do these dispositions come from? Using Bourdieu’s ideas of field, habitus and forms of capital to frame these experiences in the wider social environment, early experiences are identified that, for the subjects of this study, provide a framework for their later adoption of the ‘adventure habitus’. Among these influences are mainstream education, adventure education in particular, as well as broader formative experiences relating to factors such as gender and class. In addition, the study suggests that accounts differ between males and females in terms of their attitudes and dispositions towards adventure. This may relate to their respective experiences as well as expanding opportunities for both males and females. However, while the ‘adventure field’ provides a context where women can develop transformative identities, these are nearly always subject to male validation.


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Price, Roger, A Concise History of France (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp.xiii+491 RAE2008


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University of Pretoria / Dissertation / Department of Church History and Church Policy / Advised by Prof J W Hofmeyr


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Peace in the ancient world has been studied primarily from the perspective of pacifism and questions related to war and peace. This study employs a socio-historical method to determine how peace was understood in itself, not just with respect to war. It demonstrates that the Greco-Roman world viewed peace as brief periods of tranquility in an existence where conflict was the norm, while Paul regarded peace as the norm and conflict as an intrusive aberration. Through a historical and literary survey of Greco-Roman thought and culture, this study shows that myth, legend, religion, education, philosophy, and science created and perpetuated the idea that conflict was necessary for existence. Wars were fought to attain peace, which meant periods of calm, quiet, and security with respect to the gods, one's inner self, nature, others who are insiders, and others who are outsiders. Despite the desirability of peace, genuine peace was seldom experienced, and even then, only briefly, as underlying enmity persisted without resolution. While Paul supports the prevailing conception of peace as tranquility and felicity in relation to God, self, nature, and others, he differs as to the origin, attainment, and maintenance of peace. In Paul, peace originates in God and is graciously given to those who are justified and reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. God removes the enmity caused by sin and provides the indwelling Spirit to empower believers to think and behave in ways that promote and maintain peace. This study also examines how three social dynamics (honor-shame, patron-client, friendship-enmity) affect Paul's approach to conflict resolution with Philemon and Onesimus, Euodia and Syntyche, believers who are prosecuting one another in civil courts, and Peter. Rather than giving specific procedures for resolving conflict, Paul reinforces the believer's new identity in Christ and the implications of God's grace, love, and peace upon their thoughts, words, and behavior toward one another. Paul uses these three social dynamics to encourage believers in the right direction, but their ultimate accountability is to God. The study concludes with four strategic principles for educating the church and developing an atmosphere and attitude within the church for peacemaking.


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This thesis argues that through the prism of America’s Cold War, scientism has emerged as the metanarrative of the postnuclear age. The advent of the bomb brought about a new primacy for mechanical and hyperrational thinking in the corridors of power not just in terms of managing the bomb itself but diffusing this ideology throughout the culture in social sciences, economics and other such institutional systems. The human need to mitigate or ameliorate against the chaos of the universe lies at the heart of not just religious faith but in the desire for perfect control. Thus there has been a transference of power from religious faith to the apparent material power of science and technology and the terra firma these supposedly objective means supply. The Cold War, however was a highly ideologically charged opposition between the two superpowers, and the scientific methodology that sprang forth to manage the Cold War and the bomb, in the United States, was not an objective scientific system divorced from the paranoia and dogma but a system that assumed a radically fundamentalist idea of capitalism. This is apparent in the widespread diffusion of game theory throughout Western postindustrial institutions. The inquiry of the thesis thus examines the texts that engage and criticise American Cold War methodology, beginning with the nuclear moment, so to speak, and Dr Strangelove’s incisive satire of moral abdication to machine processes. Moving on chronologically, the thesis examines the diffusion of particular kinds of masculinity and sexuality in postnuclear culture in Crash and End Zone and finishing up its analysis with the ethnographic portrayal of a modern American city in The Wire. More than anything else, the thesis wishes to reveal to what extent this technocratic consciousness puts pressure on language and on binding narratives.