972 resultados para Walter, of Aquitaine.


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Entre os heterópteros, o declínio da concentração de esperma pode ser um fator limitante para o sucesso reprodutivo desses insetos. Acasalamentos múltiplos conferem um reabastecimento de esperma e podem permitir um aumento do valor adaptativo das fêmeas. Neste estudo foi testada a hipótese de que a poliandria aumenta a viabilidade dos ovos. A longevidade de fêmeas de Podisus nigrispinus, bem como seus parâmetros reprodutivos em resposta a diferentes números de acasalamentos (0, 1, 2, 3 ou em coabitação com o mesmo macho) foi avaliada. Esse percevejo vem sendo usado em programas de controle biológico de pragas em reflorestamentos de Eucalipto no Brasil. Apesar da diminuição no tempo de sobrevivência das fêmeas, acasalamentos múltiplos mantiveram a viabilidade dos ovos e o período reprodutivo das fêmeas, permitindo um maior número de descendentes produzidos. Tais resultados indicam que um número mínimo de três acasalamentos antes da primeira postura permite uma maximização do sucesso reprodutivo dessa espécie.


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Este artigo é uma iniciativa de destacar alguns elementos a respeito das reflexões de Walter Benjamin sobre o cinema, uma arte que, segundo o próprio autor, responde aos anseios perceptivos do homem moderno, àquele para o qual foi negada qualquer experiência. O cinema, “a obra de arte na era de sua reprodutibilidade técnica”, por excelência, é, para o autor, o marco de uma nova percepção, de uma nova relação entre público e obra de arte: a percepção coletiva. O que a multidão busca não é a contemplação ou o recolhimento diante da obra de arte, mas a sua distração. Fato que o cinema, ao reproduzir em sua forma o conceito benjaminiano de “experiência do choque”, por meio das sucessivas exposições de seus fragmentos, interrompendo constantemente a associação de idéias dos espectadores, insiste em colocar em pauta, (re)afirmando o caráter de diversão da arte moderna. Entretanto, para o autor, o cinema dialeticamente responde à diversão como o instrumento adequado para uma pedagogia das multidões — por meio de uma arte emancipada, as massas também se emancipariam.


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O trabalho teve por objetivo determinar, em casa-de-vegetação, a densidade adequada de adultos, a idade ideal das plantas e a distribuição vertical de ovos nas diferentes partes da planta, visando à realização de estudos de resistência e à melhoria das práticas de manejo de Spodoptera frugiperda em algodoeiro. Os experimentos de oviposição de S. frugiperda em relação à densidade de adultos, relação entre plantas de algodoeiro e oviposição de S. frugiperda e não preferência para oviposição de S. frugiperda em variedades de algodoeiro foram realizados com plantas da variedade de algodoeiro BRS Ita 90. A não preferência (antixenose) para oviposição foi acompanhada nas variedades FiberMax 966, FiberMax 977, DeltaOpal, DeltaPenta, Acala 90, Coodetec 408, Coodetec 409, Coodetec 410, BRS Cedro, BRS Ipê, BRS Aroeira, IPR 96, IPR 20, BRS Araçá, IAC 24 e BRS Ita 90. Concluiu-se que S. frugiperda prefere ovipositar em plantas com cerca de 60 dias de idade, na superfície inferior das folhas situadas no terço superior dos testes de plantas sob condições de estufa. Uma densidade de, pelo menos, três pares de adultos S. frugiperda por planta foi suficiente para realizar testes de não preferência para oviposição em casa de vegetação. As variedades Coodetec 408, BRS Aroeira, BRS Araçá, BRS Ita 90 e DeltaPenta apresentaram resistência do tipo não preferência para oviposição de S. frugiperda. Em regiões com altas infestações de S. frugiperda, seria prudente para o cultivo utilizar a variedade de algodão BRS Ita 90.


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Monitoring non-ionizing radiant energy is increasingly demanded for many applications such as automobile, biomedical and security system. Thermal type infrared (IR) sensors can operate at room temperature and pyroelectric materials have high sensitivity and accuracy for that application. Working as thermal transducer pyroelectric sensor converts the non-quantified thermal flux into the output measurable quantity of electrical charge, voltage or current. In the present study the composite made of poly(vinylidene fluoride) -PVDF and lead zirconate titanate (PZT) partially recovered with polyaniline (PAni) conductor polymer has been used as sensor element. The pyroelectric coefficient p(T) was obtained by measuring the pyroelectric reversible current, i.e., measuring the thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) after removing all irreversible contribution to the current such as injected charge during polarization of the sample. To analyze the sensing property of the pyroelectric material, the sensor is irradiated by a high power light source (halogen lamp of 250 W) that is chopped providing a modulated radiation. A device assembled in the laboratory is used to change the light intensity sensor, an aluminum strip having openings with diameters ranging from 1 to 10 mm incremented by one millimeter. The sensor element is assembled between two electrodes while its frontal surface is painted black ink to maximize the light absorption. The signal from the sensor is measured by a Lock-In amplifier model SR530 -Stanford Research Systems. The behavior of the output voltage for an input power at several frequencies for PZT-PAni/PVDF (30/ 70 vol%) composite follows the inverse power law (1/ f) and the linearity can be observed in the frequency range used.


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Several reconstructive methods of the alveolar ridge have been reported to make possible future rehabilitations with implants. Many of these methods come from studies done in animals, mainly rats. With this clinical practice based on scientific evidence, any experimental procedure that can be undertaken in real life is fundamental. Thus, any research that emulates as closely as possible those techniques used in humans are important. This study describes the modification of the technique for block bone graft fixation (onlay) in rats using the lag screw-type technique, normally used in clinical procedures for grafts in humans. The conclusion was that the execution of the described procedures minimizes interference of blood flow in the area because of the maintenance of the muscle insertion in the buckle aspect of the most anterior region of the mandible, providing better stability to the graft and better contact interface of the graft and receptor bed.


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Moderate and controlled loading environments support or enhance osteogenesis, and, consequently, a high degree of bone-to-implant contact can be acquired. This is because when osteoprogenitor cells are exposed to limited physical deformation, their differentiation into osteoblasts is enhanced. Then, some range of microstrain is considered advantageous for bone ingrowth and osseointegration. The primary stability has been considered one of the main clinical means of controlling micromotion between the implant and the forming interfacial tissue, which helps to establish the proper mechanical environment for osteogenesis. Based on the biological aspects of immediate loading (IL), the objective of this study is to present a clinical case of maxillary arch rehabilitation using immediate loading with implant-supported fixed restoration after bone graft. Ten dental implants were placed in the maxilla 6 months after the autogenous bone graft, removed from the mandible (bilateral oblique line and chin), followed by the installation of an immediate-load fixed cross-arch implant-supported restoration because primary stability was reached for 8 implants. In addition, instructions about masticatory function and how it is related to interfacial micromotion were addressed and emphasized to the patient. The reasons for the IL were further avoidance of an interim healing phase, a potential reduction in the number of clinical interventions for the patient, and aesthetic reasons. After monitoring the rehabilitation for 8 years, the authors can conclude that maxillary IL can be performed followed by a well-established treatment planning based on computed tomography, providing immediate esthetics and function to the patient even when autogenous bone graft was previously performed in the maxilla.


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Purpose: This study evaluated and compared bone heating, drill deformation, and drill roughness after several implant osteotomies in the guided surgery technique and the classic drilling procedure. Materials and Methods: The tibias of 20 rabbits were used. The animals were divided into a guided surgery group (GG) and a control group (CG); subgroups were then designated (G0, G1, G2, G3, and G4, corresponding to drills used 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 times, respectively). Each animal received 10 sequential osteotomies (5 in each tibia) with each technique. Thermal changes were quantified, drill roughness was measured, and the drills were subjected to scanning electron microscopy. Results: Bone temperature generated by drilling was significantly higher in the GG than in the CG. Drill deformation in the GG and CG increased with drill use, and in the CG a significant difference between GO and groups G3 and G4 was observed. In the GG, a significant difference between GO and all other groups was found. For GG versus CG, a significant difference was found in the 40th osteotomy. Drill roughness in both groups was progressive in accordance with increased use, but there was no statistically significant difference between subgroups or between GG and CG overall. Conclusion: During preparation of implant osteotomies, the guided surgery technique generated a higher bone temperature and deformed drills more than the classic drilling procedure. The increase in tissue temperature was directly proportional to the number of times drills were used, but neither technique generated critical necrosis-inducing temperatures. Drill deformation was directly proportional to the number of times the drills were used. The roughness of the drills was directly proportional to the number of reuses in both groups but tended to be higher in the GG group.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Geophysical methods are widely used in mineral exploration. This paper discusses the results of geological and geophysical studies in supergene manganese deposits of southern Brazil. Mineralized zones as described in geological surveys were characterized as of low resistivity (20 Omega.m) and high chargeability (30ms), pattern found also in oxides and sulfite mineral deposits. Pseudo-3D modeling of geophysical data allowed mapping at several depths. A relationship between high chargeability and low resistivity may define a pattern for high grade gonditic manganese ore. Large areas of high chargeability and high resistivity may result in accumulation of manganese and iron hydroxides, due to weathering of the gonditic ore, dissolution, percolation and precipitation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)