996 resultados para Wallabies - Food - Victoria


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Correlation between total length (TL), fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) of Raslrineobola argentea (pellegrin 1904) in the Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria indicate that FL = 0.92 TL - 0.74 and SL = 0.90 TL - 1.74. Length-weight relationship of log-transformed data shows that the slopes of the regression lines were 3.06 to 3.22 for juveniles, 2.70 to 3.05 for males and 3.24 to 3.71 for females. The slopes were significantly different between groups at at a =0.05. The Fulton's condition factor (K) was highest in December (1.019-1.073) and March/April (1.015-1.030) but lowest in June (1:00-1.025) for all stations. Significant differences between groups demands for the use of different growth models for juveniles, males and females especially for the von Bertalanffy growth equation which uses length-weight relationship. Observed cyclic viations in condition factor suggests two peak breeding seasons for this species in the Winam Gulf. The practical lmplications of these results in stock assessment using length-based fish stock assessment methods is briefly discussed.


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Oreochromis esculenta, the original "ngege" is virtually extinct in Lake Victoria, and is limited to satellite lakes and reservoirs in the greater Lake Victoria region. Oreochromis variabilis can still be found in Lake Victoria and some satellite lakes in the Kyoga System, but in small numbers and only at a few localities (WANDERA and KAUFMAN, unpub. data). Little is known about the influence that species translocations have had on the genetic structure of these crucial fishery species, and even the source of the parent stocks for the introductions remain obscure. Genetic variability was examined within and among allopatric populations of three species in the tilapiine genus Oreochromis: O. esculentus (endemic to Lakes Victoria and Kyoga), and two exotic species introduced to Lake Victoria in the late 1950's to supplement the failing fisheries for native tilapiines, O. niloticus and O. leucostictus.


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Shore environments of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga with potential for the establishment and proliferation of water hyacinth were identified. They are characterised by: (i) shelter from violent off-shore and along-the-shore wind and wave action (ii) flat or gentle slope under relatively shallow water, and (iii) a muddy bottom rich in organic matter. Such environments are strongly associated with emergent macrophytes of papyrus, Vossia sp and, at times Typha sp where Pistia stratiotes, species of ceratophyllum, myriophylum and nymphaea also occur. In Lake Kyoga association with Vossia sp facilitated establishment of water hyacinth even along wind-swept shores and promoted extension of mats of the two machrophytes into the open lake. Urgent research on water hyacinth is proposed in the areas of nutrient relations, weed biology and on its impact on the biodiversity resource, with particular emphasis on the fishery component. Findings from the research could facilitate formulation of weed control options and alternative resource management strategies. A regional approach to address the water hyacinth menace is highly recommended.


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The fisheries sector in Cambodia contributes 8%–12% to national GDP and 25% - 30% to agricultural GDP, with an estimated 4.5 million people involved in fishing and associated trades. Fish and other aquatic animals are important food sources, contributing an estimated national average of 60% - 70% of total animal protein intake. Of the 2013 total fish production, 550,000 metric tons were harvested from freshwater habitats, of which rice field fisheries and small-scale family fisheries contributed approximately 20%. The productivity and value of rice field fisheries to households in rural Cambodia has been highlighted in a number of previous studies. The Fisheries Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries plans to increase productivity from rice field fisheries and aquaculture at an annual rate of 15% to maintain supply for a growing population. This report draws mainly on the baseline and monitoring data from the Rice Field Fisheries Enhancement Project (RFFEP) during its implementation between 2012 and 2014. Reference is also made to the Fish on Farms project to highlight the relative contribution of fish from small-scale aquaculture compared to wild-caught fish.


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The water and bottom sediments of Lake Victoria (Kenya) were analysed for A1, Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Cd. The total metal concentrations were determined and their mean variations and distributions discussed. The bottom lake waters showed higher concentration levels than the surface waters. The range of values (in mg/l) in the bottom and surface lake waters were as follows: Surface Waters: A1(0.08 - 3.98), Fe(0.09 - 4.01), Mn(0.02 - 0.10). Zn(0.01 -0.07), Pb(0.001- 0.007), Cu(not detected - 0.006), Cr(not detected - 0.004). Bottom Waters: A1(0.1 0 - 6.59), Fe(0.23 - 9.64), Mn(0.04 - 0.39), Zn(0.01- 0.08), Pb(0.002 - 0.009), Cu(not detected - 0.03). Cr(not detected -0.002). River mouths and shallow areas in the lake showed higher total metal concentrations than offshore deeper areas. Apart from natural metal levels, varied urban activities and wastes greatly contribute to the lake metal pollution as shown by high Pb and Zn levels in sediments, around Kisumu and Homa Bay areas. Other comparatively high values and variations could be attributed to the varied geological characteristics of the lake and its sediments. Compared to the established W.H.O (1984) drinking water standards manganese, aluminium and iron levels were above these limits whereas zinc, lead, chromium, copper and cadmium were below.


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Nakivubo swamp (papyrus wetland) is located in the south east of the city of Kampala, Uganda. This swamp has been receiving waste water from Nakivubo channel for more than two decades. This investigation was aimed at monitoring the level of pollutants (nutrients and faecal coliforms) as the waste water filtrates through the swamp and the flow patterns of waste water through the swamp. From this preliminary investigation it was found out that the waste water is not evenly distributed over the swamp. Also high levels of pollutants seem to filtrate through the swamp and enter Inner Murchison Bay - Lake Victoria. Further research is under way to investigate in more detail the capacity of Nakivubo swamp to remove nutrients/pollutants from waste water flowing through it and the dominant mechanisms/processes involved.


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An experimental bottom trawl survey was carried out in the Uganda sector of Lake Victoria during the period May 1993 through May 1995 with the aim of establishing the current composition, distribution and abundance of the fish stocks. A total of 205 successful one-hour hauls were taken using the 25.4mm mesh size codend trawl net during the 19 cruises. Fourteen fish taxa (excluding the haplochromines) were recorded with Lates niloticus constituting the bulk (97 %) of the fish retained. Haplochromines and L. nilolicus were encountered in all areas sampled while Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and other tilapiines were restricted to waters less than 20 metres deep. An average catch of 154 kg/hr was obtained in waters less than 30 metres deep. Species diversity and relative abundance varied with depth. Only two of the fifteen fish taxa (haplochromines and L.niloticus) were recorded in waters deeper than 30 metres and the bulk of the fish by weight (92 %) was obtained in waters less than 30 metres.


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This paper highlights the results of a 12 month's ecological study of macrophytes and their role in the economy of the lower Sondu-Miriu river of Lake Victoria. A total of 34 species of aquatic macrophytes were identified. These were grouped as emergent, floating leaved, free floating and submersed. The major community type identified were dominated by Cladium jamaicanse (Crantz) Kurk., Cyperus paprus (L.) and Cyperus latifolius (Poir). The study observed an over dependence on macrophytes by the local community for the supply of bedding, grazing fields, fuel, roofing and other building materials. The white (heart) of Typha shoot, Nile cabbage (Pistia stratiotes and a legume solanum nigrum traditionally known as "osuga" are used as vegetables by local community. The only source of protein in this arid region is the fish caught in the swamps and birds which inhabit the swamp. The swamp provides the only source of green pasture in the dry season for the animals. An export oriented economy has developed involving mat making and basket weaving with exports reaching as far as Japan. The study proposes a rational and sustainable exploitation of the littoral zone to support the adjacent rural community.


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The traditional lucrative fisheries of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga were based on similar multispecies itchthyofaunas. Man's activities on and around these lakes have both directly and indirectly assisted to modify the natural trends and components of the commercial fisheries. The exotic L.niloticus and O.niloticus together with the native R. argentea form the major component of current commercial landings. The total catches are higher but it is not yet clear whether the increase would endure given the fragility of predator/prey systems. The trophodynamics are still modifying and it is not certain how ecosystem function would be influenced. It is, therefore, prudent and desirable to undertake appropriate research investigations in order to guide the multiobjective activities of man on these lakes.


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The purpose of this report is to describe very briefly the new program of catch assessment surveys in Lake Victoria. The CAS program, less than a year old is a joint venture of EAFFRO and the Fisheries Departments of the partner states, with assistance from FAO Statistician. The program arose out of the need to establish uniform statistically sound system of data collection in Victoria fisheries, has a topic of discussion at past meetings of the Fisheries Technical Committee.


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Lakes Victoria and Kyoga had, a diverse fish fauna, which was important as food for local population and valuable in scientific studies. Over the past twenty years, the diversity of fish in these lakes had declined due to over-exploitation, introduction of new fish species including the piscivorous Nile perch and degradation of fish habitat. Studies of satellite lakes in the Victoria and Kyoga lake basins suggested that some of these lakes harboured species which had been lost from the main lakes. In order to better understand the extent, to which these satellite lakes may serve as refugia, a faunal survey was undertaken to determine the distribution and nature of the taxa found. Seven satellite lakes and the eastern end of the main Lake Kyoga adjacent to these minor lakes were surveyed over a two-year period for fish species diversity. A total of 68 fish species were recorded of which 41 were haplochromines. Almost all the native non cichlids which occurred in the main lakes (Victoria and Kyoga) before the Nile perch upsurge recorded. Lakes Nawampasa, Gigati, Kawi, Agu and Nyaguo had the highest fish species and trophic diversity. The trophic diversity of haplochromines (based on Shannon Weaver Index) was highest in Lake Nawampasa (1.28), followed by Gigati (1.25), Kawi (1.18), Agu (0.8), Lemwa (0.81), Nyaguo (0.35) and was lowest in the main Lake Kyoga. Potential threats to these lakes were from collectors of ornamental fish species, especially the haplochromines, the spread of the predatory Nile perch and the water hyacinth, which are already in Lake Kyoga, and the destruction of macrophytes through harvesting of papyrus and reclamation for agriculture. The human population around these lakes harvested the fishes for food but the levels of exploitation were still low because the lakes were adjacent to main Lake Kyoga, the major supply of fish. Ornamental fish dealers were encouraged to start captive breeding of the fish for export to reduce pressure on the lakes and demonstrations for breeding were set up at FIRI in Jinja. Meetings and seminars were held with some of the communities living around the lakes sampled and the importance of fish species found in these lakes and the dangers of destructive practices discussed. Representatives of all taxa of fish caught from the lakes were preserved, catalogued and stored in the FIRI Museum. Results from this survey support the motion that these satellite lakes are important refugia for endemic diversity. Based on survey, we recommend that SaIne of these lakes like Nawampasa, Gigati, Kawi, Agu and Nyaguo could be designated as conservation areas of species threatened in the main lakes. One of the factors that seem to have prevented the spread of Nile perch into Kyoga Minor lakes seems to have been the presence of extensive swamps around these lakes and the low oxygen levels that exist in these habitats. Clearing of swamps and vegetation that separate Kyoga minor lakes from the main lake should be avoided to prevent Nile perch from spreading into these lakes.


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In new product development, the ability to integrate different dimensions of sustainability at a value chain level is still a complex, problematic goal. As product-service approaches are increasingly enabling the introduction of more sustainable paths, this paper describes the authors' experience thus far when building insights into conditions for the implementation of integrated solutions in a process of co-development and testing in real life conditions, which are driven by a social need focusing on food for people with reduced access. Throughout this process, which brought together producers, consumers and other stakeholders to design and test industrialised, sustainable solutions, empirical evidence demonstrates feasibility and usefulness of the approach and insight into the conditions for implementing interactive, comprehensive multi-stakeholder processes in real life situations. In addition, results show that the delivery of innovative solutions enabled to offer social added value, economic profits and environmental improvements under specific experimental conditions. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Provisioning along pedestrian trails by tourists much increased the nutrient quality and patchiness of food (NqPF)for Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt Emei in spring and summer. In the habitat at a temperate-subtropical transition zone, the mncaque's NqPF could be ordered in a decreasing rank from spring summer to autumn to winter With the aid of a radio-tracking system, I collected ranging data on a multigroup community in three 70-day periods representing the different seasons in 1991-92, Rank-order correlation on the data show that with the decline of NqPF; the groups tended to increase days away from the trail, their effective range size (ERS) their exclusive area (EA) and the number of days spent in the EA, and reduced their group/community density and the ratio of the overlapped range to the seasonal range (ROR). In icy/snowy winter; the macaques searched for mature leaves slowly and carefully in the largest seasonal range with a considerable portion that was nor used in other seasons. Of the responses, the ROR decreased with the reduction in group/community density; and the ERS was the function of both group size (+) and intergroup rank (-) when favorite food was highly clumped. All above responses were clearly bound to maximize foraging effectiveness and minimize energy expenditure, and their integration in term of changes in time and space leads to better understanding macaque ecological adaptability. Based on this study and previous work on behavioral and physiological factors, I suggest a unifying theory of intergroup interactions. Ir! addition, as the rate of behavioral interactions,was also related to the group density, I Waser's (1976) gas model probably applies to behavioral, as well as spatial, data on intergroup interactions.


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Plastics packaging is ubiquitous in the food industry, fulfilling a range of functions including a significant role in reducing food waste. The public perception of packaging, however, is dominated by end-of-life aspects, when the packaging becomes waste often found littering urban, rural and marine environments. A balanced analysis of the role of packaging demands that the whole lifecycle is examined, looking not only at the packaging itself but also at the product being packaged. This paper focuses on packaging in the meat and cheese industry, analysing the impact of films and bags. The functions of packaging are defined and the environmental impact of delivering these functions is assessed. The influence of packaging on levels of waste and energy consumption elsewhere in the system is examined, including the contentious issue of end-of-life for packaging. Strategies for minimizing the environmental impact of the packaging itself involve reduction in the amount of material used (thinner packaging), rather than emphasizing end-of-life issues. Currently, with polymer recycling not at a high level, evidence suggests that this strategy is justifiable. Biodegradable polymers may have some potential for improving environmental performance, but are still problematic. The conclusion is that although current packaging is in some ways wasteful and inefficient, the alternatives are even less desirable. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.