1000 resultados para Vol IX
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management
Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.
Newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Natural Resources about energy and waste in Iowa
Newsletter for the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
The Iowa Department for the Blind is the state agency that serves Iowans with vision loss. Services are free, confidential and available statewide. "There are no limitations to what you can do with training and a positive attitude." (All quotes in this newsletter are from former training participants). At the Iowa Department for the Blind, we believe in a positive approach to blindness. Vision loss alone should not prevent anyone from being independent. For this reason, we offer a wide variety of opportunities to obtain the skills necessary for independence.
Newsletter for the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
Comprend : Histoire contenant un abrégé de la vie, moeurs et vertus du roy... Charles IX... ; La Prinse du Comte de Montgommery, dedans le chasteau de Donfron, par monsieur de Matignon, lieutenant en la basse Normandie, en l'absence du Duc de Bouillon, le Ieudy XXVII de May, mil cinq cens soixante et quatorze. A Paris, pour Nicolas du Mont demeurant auprès le Collège de Reims 1574 ; Arrest contre Geoffroy Vallée. 8 février 1574. (Extrait des Registres du Parlement) ; Discours de la mort et exécution de Gabriel Comte de Montgommery, par arrest de la Court, pour les conspirations et menées par luy commises, contre le Roy et son estat, qui fut à Paris, le vingsixième de Iuing, 1574. A Paris, par Michel Buffet... 1574 ; Choses notables et qui semblent digne de l'histoire, advenues aux premiers troubles et qui peuvent estre adjoustées aux discours qui en on esté escrits ; Histoire de Charles IX ; Le Tumulte de Bassigni... ; Discours de la famine de Sancerre. Mars 1573 ; Lettre... au roy, 27 septembre 1572 ; Des mines d'argent trouvées en France, ouvrage et police d'icelles... ; Ordonnances... sur la discipline militaire
Monthly newsletter of the State Library
Monthly newsletter of the State Library
Collection : Le livre national ; n° 321-324
Collection : Le livre national ; n° 321-324
The Orientation Center newsletter is produced three times a year, and includes articles written by students, staff, and former students. It also contains news about what is happening to other students who have been in the Center.