968 resultados para Vocational pedagogics


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The education of children with speical educational needs is often accompanied by a requirement for medical or healthcare provision. If this cannot be done safely then the child's access to education may be limited. No standardised template for the delivery of a healthacre input to children in special schools is apparent. This study sought to explore through the use of an indepth needs assessment exercise and focus group interviews, what the most appropriate healthcare roelewas for delivering heathcare in a special school catering for children with a broad range of severe learning disabilities. While an overwhelming viewpoint of participants in focus gorups perceived that a nurse was the only suitable person to undertake the role, the evidence gathered promoted the research steering group to suggest to the contrary, i.e. that the role of a healthcare with a national vocational qualification (NVQ) level 3 in care was more the appropriate person to maximise both the role of the nurse and the quality of care provided to these children.


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Disability-related public policy currently emphasises reducing the number of people experiencing exclusion from the spaces of the social and economic majority as being the pre-eminent indicator of inclusion. Twenty-eight adult, New Zealand vocational service users collaborated in a participatory action research project to develop shared understandings of community participation. Analysis of their narratives suggests that spatial indices of inclusion are quiet in potentially oppressive ways about the ways mainstream settings can be experienced by people with disabilities and quiet too about the alternative, less well sanctioned communities to which people with disabilities have always belonged. Participants identified five key attributes of place as important qualitative antecedents to a sense of community belonging. The potential of these attributes and other self-authored approaches to inclusion are explored as ways that people with disabilities can support the policy objective of effecting a transformation from disabling to inclusive communities.


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Set against the dearth of published research into the effectiveness of youth leadership training programmes, the present study describes how a comprehensive evaluation model was utilised to evaluate one such programme in Northern Ireland over a 3-year period. The training welds together a traditional curriculum approach and a competence-based methodology to provide an integrated experience for the part-time youth worker participants (n = 128). Self-completion questionnaires and follow-up interviews with a random sample of these youth workers and their supervisors were used to collect data. Outcomes suggest that the synthesis of these two training strategies is not only effective in meeting the learning needs of youth workers, but also leads to identifiable improvements in the range and quality of youth work programmes available to young people


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To understand the work experiences of men who sexually offend against children, the authors conducted a qualitative study on a sample of 8 outpatients in mandated treatment. The results, based on both interview and quantitative data, highlighted the reciprocal influence of work and sexual offending and ways in which the offense affected participants' psychosocial and career stability. Participants who were rated as making the most favorable progress by their therapists ranked work as less salient than home and family, leisure, and community service, although they were relatively satisfied with their current jobs. Work was more salient than other life roles, but less satisfying for participants who were making less progress in treatment. Participants reported a loss of job security and career status, as well as restricted opportunities for vocational change and advancement.


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The outcomes of educational assessments undoubtedly have real implications for students, teachers, schools and education in the widest sense. Assessment results are, for example, used to award qualifications that determine future educational or vocational pathways of students. The results obtained by students in assessments are also used to gauge individual teacher quality, to hold schools to account for the standards achieved by their students, and to compare international education systems. Given the current high-stakes nature of educational assessment, it is imperative that the measurement practices involved have stable philosophical foundations. However, this paper casts doubt on the theoretical underpinnings of contemporary educational measurement models. Aspects of Wittgenstein’s later philosophy and Bohr’s philosophy of quantum theory are used to argue that a quantum theoretical rather than a Newtonian model is appropriate for educational measurement, and the associated implications for the concept of validity are elucidated. Whilst it is acknowledged that the transition to a quantum theoretical framework would not lead to the demise of educational assessment, it is argued that, where practical, current high-stakes assessments should be reformed to become as ‘low-stakes’ as possible. The paper also undermines some of the pro high-stakes testing rhetoric that has a tendency to afflict education.


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INTRODUCTION: Irish dental graduates are eligible to enter general dental practice immediately after qualification. Unlike their United Kingdom counterparts, there is no requirement to undertake vocational training (VT) or any pre-registration training. VT is a mandatory 12-month period for all UK dental graduates who wish to work within the National Health Service. It provides structured, supervised experience in training practices and through organised study days.

AIMS: This study aimed to profile the career choices made by recent dental graduates from UCC. It aimed to record the uptake of VT and associate posts, and where the graduates gained employment.

METHODOLOGY: A self-completion questionnaire was developed and circulated electronically to recent graduates from UCC. An existing database of email addresses was used and responses were returned by post or by email. A copy of the questionnaire used is included as Appendix 1.

RESULTS: Questionnaires were distributed over an eight-week period and 142 were returned, giving a response rate of 68.90%. Responses were gathered from those who graduated between 2001 and 2007; however, the majority came from more recent classes. Overall, the majority of graduates took up associate positions after qualification (71.8%) with smaller numbers undertaking VT (28.2%). Increasing numbers have entered VT in recent years, including 54.3% from the class of 2007. Overall, the majority of graduates initially took up positions in England (43%); however, in recent times more have been employed in Scotland. Subsequent work profiles of the graduates illustrate that the majority are now working as associates in general practice (51.4%) and in Ireland (54.2%).

CONCLUSIONS: There has been an increase in the proportion of UCC graduates undertaking VT. Graduates tended to move away from Ireland initially to gain employment. There has been a shift away from employment in England towards Scotland where the majority of new UCC graduates are now initially employed. The majority of graduates returned to Ireland for employment after the initial move away.


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This paper contributes to a debate on what constitutes rehabilitation. Current criminal justice practice tends to focus on lowering recidivism by utilising strategies geared towards cognitive behavioural modification and educational/vocational skill development. The paper focuses on the perspectives of custodial educators in a Juvenile Justice Centre in Northern Ireland. Their definition of rehabilitation is less concerned about lowering recidivism and instead focuses more on meeting the needs of the young people entering custody, more so than preparing them for their return to the community. Education staff present a model of rehabilitation that is fundamentally about improving the lives of young people. Despite expecting young people to return to custody Education staff contend that young people’s lives improved because they were exposed to a welcoming, caring and pro‐social environment which has helped the young people transform inttody.


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Do patterns in the YouTube viewing analytics of Lecture Capture videos point to areas of potential teaching and learning performance enhancement? The goal of this action based research project was to capture and quantitatively analyse the viewing behaviours and patterns of a series of video lecture captures across several computing modules in Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. The research sought to establish if a quantitative analysis of viewing behaviours coupled with a qualitative evaluation of the material provided from the students could be correlated to provide generalised patterns that could then be used to understand the learning experience of students during face to face lectures and, thereby, present opportunities to reflectively enhance lecturer performance and the students’ overall learning experience and, ultimately, their level of academic attainment.


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Objective:Postsecondary educational attainment is the key for successful transition to adulthood, economic self-sufficiency, and good mental and physical health.Method:Secondary analyses of school leavers’ data were carried out to establish postsecondary educational trajectories of students on the autism spectrum in the United Kingdom.Results:Findings show that students with autism who had attended mainstream secondary schools enter Further Education (post-16 vocational training) and Higher Education (University) institutions at a similar rate to other students to study the full range ofsubjects on offer. However, they are more likely to be younger, study at a lower academic level, and remain living at home.Conclusion:While course completion data were not yet available, attainment data showed that prospects were improving, although more needs to be done to enable these young adults to a achieving their post secondary educational potential.


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Esta investigação insere-se no âmbito geral do Projecto de investigação científica denominado “Novas Núpcias da Qualificação no Alentejo”, promovido pelo Centro de Investigação em Educação e Psicologia da Universidade de Évora. A sua finalidade é avaliar os impactos das TIC na vida dos adultos certificados pelo processo de RVCC. A metodologia utilizada, de carácter quantitativo, baseou-se num estudo descritivo utilizando, como instrumento de investigação, o inquérito por questionário, comum a todas as investigações das “Novas Núpcias da Qualificação no Alentejo”. Este instrumento foi aplicado aos indivíduos certificados entre 2001 e 2005, pelo processo de RVCC, nos seis Centros de RVCC do Alentejo. Dos resultados obtidos, ao nível da dimensão pessoal e profissional, dos indivíduos certificados no Centro de RVCC promovido pelo Centro de Formação Profissional de Portalegre do IEFP, destacamos, na utilização do Computador e da Internet, uma evolução mais significativa nas mulheres e um maior impacto na dimensão pessoal; ABSTRACT: This research falls within the general scope of the research project entitled "Novas Núpcias da Qualificação no Alentejo”, sponsored by the Investigation Centre in Education and Psychology at the University of Évora. Its purpose is to assess the impacts of ICTs in the lives of adults certified by the RVCC program. The methodology in use, the quantitative method, was based on a descriptive study using a research instrument, the questionnaire survey, common to all investigations of "Novas Núpcias da Qualificação no Alentejo". This instrument was administered to individuals certified between the years 2001 and 2005, within the RVCC process in the six RVCC Centres of Alentejo. From the results obtained, at a personal and professional dimension, within the individuals certified in the RVCC Centre sponsored by Vocational Training Centre of Portalegre of “IEFP”, we highlight the use of computer and internet, a most significant development in women and greater impact in the personal dimension.


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As ciências são um elemento central da cultura contemporânea pelo que a educação científica tem de ser vista como um direito essencial dos cidadãos. A qualidade do ensino das ciências na escola torna-se, portanto, um especial foco de interesse, científico, político e social, ao nível local, nacional, e global. A investigação em educação em ciências tem produzido conhecimentos que permitem compreender os problemas e fundamentar decisões conducentes a um ensino de ciências ajustado aos desafios atuais. Por outro lado, várias organizações internacionais (UE, OCDE e UNESCO) também têm produzido documentos que visam regular as políticas globais de ensino de ciências, assumindo que a educação científica dos cidadãos é uma condição para a prosperidade económica e social de qualquer estado. Assim, atualmente, existe um acervo documental extenso e diverso relativo ao ensino de ciências, pelo que se impõe um exercício de análise e síntese que identifique quais as orientações-chave que devem ser consideradas. O ensino de nível secundário (ISCE2 e ISCE3), sendo uma etapa em que os jovens fazem escolhas pessoais e vocacionais importantes, merece particular atenção, pois diversos estudos revelam que regista níveis preocupantes de abandono e de desinteresse pelas áreas científicas e tecnológicas. Sendo as práticas dos professores um dos principais fatores de inovação e mudança importa sistematizar os conhecimentos científicos que explicam a sua complexidade e podem orientar a promoção da sua qualidade. O estudo que se apresenta situa-se na confluência de todos estes interesses e visou duas finalidades: delimitar um conceito unificador que permita estudar e desenvolver a qualidade das práticas dos professores de ciências de nível secundário; desenvolver um instrumento de inquérito que operacionalize esse conceito, numa perspetiva de investigação, formação e supervisão de práticas de ensino de ciências. O plano da investigação decorreu em duas fases. Na fase I foi delimitado o conceito perfil de ensino do professor de ciências (PEPC); este estrutura-se em três dimensões – didática, epistemológica e psicológica – cujos referenciais teórico-empíricos decorreram de revisão sistemática de literatura e de abordagem empírica de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, baseada em entrevistas a professores de ciências. Na fase II foi construído e validado o questionário do perfil de ensino do professor de ciências (QPEPC); este contém itens empiricamente situados, construídos a partir do discurso dos professores entrevistados na fase I e seguidamente validados. A validação de QPEPC envolveu dois processos de inquérito por questionário e uma metodologia mista de investigação (análise de conteúdo e análise estatística de dados): a primeira validação contou com um painel internacional de 12 especialistas em didática de ciências; a segunda validação envolveu 184 professores de ciências portugueses. Concluindo-se que QPEPC avalia duas dimensões de PEPC, construíram-se índices e modelos gráficos para facilitar a interpretação dos dados recolhidos. Analisaram-se limitações e potencialidades heurísticas de PEPC e QPEPC, enquanto produtos da investigação, perspetivando o seu uso em contextos diversos, nomeadamente futuras investigações e cenários de formação, reflexão e supervisão de professores de ciências.