1000 resultados para V (Programa de televisió)
The Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos was created by the Lula administration (2003) as part of Fome Zero (Zero Hungry). This program aims to ensure access to food for people living in food and/or nutritional insecure situation and strengthen family agriculture, by food that is pushased by the government. Considering the importance of this program as a differentiated policy that we abode in the analysis far of its implementation on national scale, as its operationalization in a specific context, with the spatial cutout of the municipality Dracena, located on São Paulo state western portion. It was found that, either in national and municipal levels, the program presented a growth on the number of approved projects, participating producers, benefited institutions and resource values. However, even with such expansion, the scope of this program is still quite limited and at the same time, too concentrated in spatial terms.
Este trabalho discute o uso da análise de frequência de moscas das famílias Calliphoridae e Muscidae na avaliação do impacto da implantação de programas de coleta seletiva de lixo urbano. Para isto, utilizou-se do estudo de caso de Tupã, município paulista, em duas fases distintas: fase 1 - compreendida entre os meses de junho e outubro de 2001, período caracterizado pela presença do lixão e; fase 2 - entre os meses de novembro de 2001 a maio de 2002, caracterizada pelo início da implantação do processo de coleta seletiva e reciclagem e aterramento gradativo do lixão. Procedeu-se a captura dos insetos com dez armadilhas confeccionadas com garrafas plásticas, de dois litros, do tipo PET, alocadas em residências e árvores ao redor do lixão. Como atrativo utilizou-se aproximadamente 400 ml de vinhaça de cana de açúcar, substituída semanalmente no ato da colheita. Nas duas fases da pesquisa, observou-se que a família mais frequente e constante foi a Calliphoridae. Houve correlação positiva, antes da coleta seletiva, entre o número de califorídeos e a precipitação pluviométrica (0,638) e, entre o número de muscídeos e a temperatura média (0,605). Após a coleta, o mesmo não foi observado. O programa de coleta seletiva implantado nesse município paulista resultou em diminuição significativa na frequência de dípteros e a análise da flutuação de califorídeos e muscídeos demonstrou-se como um eficiente indicador de monitoramento da qualidade ambiental.
The bond between steel and concrete is essential for the existence of reinforced concrete structures, as both materials act together to absorb structural strain. The bond phenomenon is considered to be complex regarding many factors that affect it. Several types of bond tests have been proposed over years. One is the modified proposed of pull-out test, which was elaborated by Lorrain and Barbosa [1] called APULOT test (Appropriete pull-out-test). Based on experimental results obtained by Vale Silva[2] either by conventional pull-out tests, or by modified pull-out test, APULOT, seeks to know the numeric behavior of bond steel-concrete through a numerical simulation using a calculation code ATENA which is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). The numerical simulation provided better evaluate the stress distribution and cracking that occurs during the test, thereby becoming a valuable tool to support the experimental project that aims to validation, validation partially or not recommend the modified bond test steel-concrete - APULOT test - as quality control test of structural concrete. The numerical results showed good representation compared to experimental results.
Objetivo: comparar a fluência de crianças com gagueira quanto à porcentagem de sílabas gaguejadas, porcentagem de descontinuidade da fala, fluxo de sílabas e palavras por minuto e gravidade da gagueira, em situação de pré e pós-aplicação do programa de intervenção fonoaudiológica. Método: participaram 10 crianças, na faixa etária de 6.0 a 11.11 anos, sendo 9 do gênero masculino e 1 do gênero feminino, provenientes do Laboratório de Estudos da Fluência. Todos os participantes deste estudo foram submetidos aos seguintes procedimentos agrupados em três etapas: (a) avaliação da fluência inicial; (b) desenvolvimento do processo terapêutico, e; (c) reavaliação da fluência. Resultado: em relação à avaliação após o programa terapêutico, observou-se uma melhora relevante no perfil da fluência, pois a maioria das medidas analisadas (descontinuidade de fala, disfluências gagas, fluxo de sílabas por minuto e gravidade da gagueira) apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Os achados indicaram que houve uma redução quantitativa nas rupturas o que ocasionou um aumento no fluxo de sílabas por minuto, e também uma diminuição na gravidade da gagueira. Estes resultados confirmam a eficácia terapêutica do programa de terapia aplicado. Conclusão: os resultados encontrados podem auxiliar o fonoaudiólogo em sua prática clínica, tanto na terapia como na realização do diagnóstico e do controle da eficácia terapêutica.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work presents a framework for full-time education in Brazil, analyzing the levels of proximity and distance of the Brazilian regions in relation to achieving target paragraph 06 of the bill of the new National Education Plan, which establishes the offer of full-time education in at least fifty percent of public schools, and at least twenty-five percent of students in basic education. It aims to determine the contribution of the “Mais Educação” (More Education) Program of the federal government in fulfilling this goal.
The interview has been a widely used procedure of research in humanities. Despite the frequent use, researches are not always supported in the literature on research methodology. The aim of this study was to analyze how the interview was used in dissertations and theses in a graduate Program in Education at a university in Sao Paulo state. This study examined 167 final papers developed in to period of five years. Variables focused were: justification for the use of interview, type of interview used, guide elaboration and adaptation, kind of analysis, among others. The results showed that it is still necessary to incorporate the contents of the research methodology underlying the use of the interview to achieve the scientific rigor for this procedure.
This study aimed to enter a training program for family members of children, youth and adults who use augmentative and alternative communication systems in the context of alternative languages . The study included families in the age group of 25-65 years in the period 2010- 2012. The activities were held weekly with duration of one hour in a alternative communication laboratory. All activities were videotaped and after that, the verbal participants’ reports were transcribed. The obtained categories were analyzed according to the steps of the program. The results indicated that families realized: the necessity of graphics systems for communication; the importance of adapted materials; and the need to understand their children’s different skills. The study reinforced the need for systematic and continuous guidance for families, as well as highlighted the use of graphics systems in the context of language.
Conteúdos estruturantes de um programa de estimulação essencial: investigação em uma APAE paranaense
This study aimed to investigate the structural content of an essential stimulation program at one APAE from Parana State. his institution has been working for 43 years and it has 420 students enrolled. It was a documentary analysis of the pedagogical project of this institution, whose collection started after the approval of a local ethics committee, held with a previously developed protocol for this purpose. After the content analysis, it was possible to establish three categories related to this program operation, the conception of development present in it and place illed by language and by inclusion. he results indicated that, in order to be enrolled, children must present prenatal, neonatal and postnatal antecedents that entail problems of intellectual, motor, sensorial and language nature. he program is considered as a stage in early childhood education, but the language is not a structural content of this phase. It is a subarea of the development to be crafted with interventions directed to motor aspects of speech, breathing and communication. Finally, the concept of child development is complemented with other areas, also disjointed: sensory-perceptive; self-care; motor and social-emotional. We conclude that, although it is presented as an educational stage, in the essential stimulation of the analyzed institution, a clinical-specialized character predominates, consistent with the conceptions of development present in the document, but not with advances in relation to the concept of human development in the context of Inclusive Education and diversity.
This paper describes a Precocious Student Attention Program With High Abilities/Giftedness Behaviors developed since 2011 at Júlio Mesquita Filho Philosophy and Sciences São Paulo State University, located in the city of Marília/SP/Brazil. Based on Joseph Renzulli's three rings theory, the authors describe how they organized the process of identification and evaluation of the precocious children with giftedness behaviors that attend the program. Based on Joseph Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model, the authors categorize the students and give an account of the enrichment activities that are developed alongside with the students and their respective guardians. It is concluded that programs of this nature serve this still little recognized category of students, as well as help the development of studies and is a significant locus to educational formation.
Presence of the orthographic mistakes on the writting of the students with or without learning difficulties still is a concern. The focus of these study is the classification of orthographic mistakes on the writting of the students who had participated of the Educational Program of Resistance to the Drugs and the Violence (Proerd). Sixty four grade children from a public school were individually analyzed in this study. The aim of this study was to verify the frequency and characterization of the orthographic mistakes on the texts production these students. We had as base for this analysis the studies of Zorzi (1998). The most frequent mistakes made by students were: irregular phonographemic relation (24%), letters omission (18%), similar letters (13%) and hypo-segmentation and hyper-segmentation (11,0%), amongst others. The characterization of the mistakes writing makes possible the planning of the interventions, as well as, the use of the prevention strategies.
Introduction: Low back pain is characterized as a musculoskeletal disorder responsible for loss of productivity and high absenteeism of the affected individuals. Objectives: To analyze the effects of short-and long-term program of health education and therapeutic exercise in relation to quality of life, flexibility and pain intensity of community agents in Marilia city, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A total of 17 women community workers (40.29+9.97 years) were analysed. Evaluations were made in relation to quality of life, flexibility and intensity of pain before, immediately and 30 weeks after the intervention. Results: We observe the positive results of programs in six domains of quality of life questionnaire and flexibility in the short-and long-term (p<0.005). The intensity of pain showed significant reduction only in the short-term. Conclusion: The methodology used was able to improve the quality of life, flexibility and reduce pain intensity of community agents.
Exergames are a new educational tool, and have been used by teachers in physical education classes because it is an activity that provides entertainment and caloric expenditure. The goal of this study was to verify the opinion of students in an elementary school class on a program of adapted physical activity using the videogame, developed during physical education classes. Study participants were students in a fourth-grade elementary school class that had a student with disability. The researcher and the Physical Education teacher elaborated the planning program of an adapted physical activity with the use of videogames. The classes were recorded in a log book and group interviews were conducted at the end of each class. The results showed that the classes were nice, fun and interesting experiences. The study concluded that the program was successful.
The role of the librarian and archivist in school settings is shown, currently in the initial stages. Starting up this hypothesis, the PET of Librarianship of the FFC/UNESP prepared the design in PET at School with a view to submitting importance of these professionals this environment. Thus, it is expected that the performance of the stock of PET Librarianship in schools is another catalytic to the formation of responsible professionals and concerned with the society around them as idealized the political projects of pedagogical courses of Library and Archival of FFC/UNESP. Experiments of this nature bring the discussion of knowledge acquired in the classroom and the possibility of social transformation by information professional.