1000 resultados para University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus). Alumni Association
Table of Contents: Rebuilding after Hurricane Ike, page 3 Texas and Louisiana refuges were severely damaged in mid-September. A Crane Species Rebounding, page 5 At a Mississippi refuge, the world’s longest-running crane reintroduction program is succeeding. Focus on. . . Refuge System Wetlands, pages 8-13 The Refuge System manages wetlands to enhance their value for migratory waterfowl and shorebirds, threatened and endangered species and a myriad of native fish, wildlife, and plants. Fluttering Close to Extinction, page 17. Antioch Dunes Refuge is out to save the Lange’s metalmark butterfly.
Table of Contents: Searching for Japanese MIAs in Alaska – page 3 Japanese and Americans look for burial sites on Attu Island in Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. The Job of a Lifetime – pages 6-7 Meet a 90-year old volunteer and a 31-year old tractor driver. Crocs Come Back – page 27 American crocodiles are threatened but no longer endangered.
Ravaged by Nature, page 3 Hurricanes Katrina and Rita left millions of dollars of damage in their wake. Focus on…Comprehensive Conservation Planning, pages 10-14 What does it take to draft a first-rate CCP? How does a refuge reach out and communicate with partners and community? Baby Switch in High Places, page 21 Refuge biologists in California successfully swap a fertile for an infertile egg and the condor parents are none the wiser. Invasive Plant Mapping, page 9 Volunteers using state-of-the-arttechnology are helping to map and control invasive plants.
Table of Contents: Tufted Puffin Released A rehabilitated puffin gingerly tests freedom at Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge. FOCUS: Stories of Hope From cemeteries to woodpeckers, to newspaper columns and support at the ballot box, refuges represent stories of hope as they pursue their mission. Bats in the Barn Scientists and volunteers wrap a barn in plastic and count the bats inside. Sense of Wonder Award Jim Burkhart shares the joy and mysteries of the natural world with visitors to Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, GA.
Table of Contents: Prairie Science Class Celebrates Anniversary, page 16 Program integrates environmental education into routine public school curriculum. Focus on Hunting, page 8-15 While the National Wildlife Refuge System has been shaped by a variety of public concerns, hunters were among the early, substantive voices. Texas Brochures Turned Some Heads, page 17 South Texas Refuge series of brochures are notable for their beauty and more. Forty Years for the Wilderness Act, Page 18 National Wilderness Preservation System protects more than 105.7 million acres, including more than 20 million acres on 65 refuges.
Table of Contents: Do-It-Yourself Project Makes Sparks, page 3 The Departments of the Interior and Energy spotlight San Andres Refuge’s innovative (and largely homemade) renewable energy program. In Oregon, a Refuge Teaches Teachers, page 5 Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge’s ambitious environmental education program acquires a solid reputation. Focus on . . . International Conservation, pages 6-11 National resource managers around the world look to the Refuge System for on-the-scene advice and training. Taking Pride, page 16 A former refuge complex project leader in Texas and a super-volunteer in Georgia win 2008 Take Pride in America Awards.
Table of Contents: Celebrating 20 Years of Science on the M/ V Tiglax, page 5 Kevin Bell is honored as Captain of the largest ship operated by the National Wildlife Refuge System. Focus on…A River Runs Through It, pages 8-15 Rivers on refuges are managed for recreation, habitat restoration, water rights and sheer beauty. The Fight Against Giant Salvinia, page 18 Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Texas is fighting a weed that can travel three-quarters of a mile in 24 hours. Awards, page 21 From protecting the land to going “green,” awards recognize excellence.
Table of Contents: Least Bell’s Vireos Are Back, page 3 San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge hosted totally unexpected residents last year. Managing Ocean Wildlife, page 5 A new agreement should help in managing marine resources. Focus on . . . Endangered Species, pages 10-21 Whether it’s the fastest land mammal or the tiniest mussel, refuges work on behalf of endangered species. Peeping at Peeps, page 24 Shorebirds can be tough to identify. Classroom and fields trips helped.
Table of Contents: Make Way for Ducklings, page 4 With help from refuge experts, roads and bridges can be built to accommodate wildlife. Katrina Heroes, pages 8-9 Extraordinary diaries from refuge staffers who were there when Katrina came calling. Focus on…Reaching Youth , page 10-15 Refuges give young people a chance to learn art, poetry, native culture, service – and stewardship. Nisqually: Growing and Restoring, page 17 The Outstanding Refuge Plan of 2005 opens the door to the largest estuary restoration project in the Pacific Northwest.
Table of Contents: After Rehab, Vessel Starts Over in Alaska The latest addition to the Refuge System’s fleet of vessels in Alaska spent much of its life on the wrong side of the law. In Arizona, Refuges Are Oases for Fish Fish in the desert? Yes. At San Bernardino and Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuges, protecting fish is in the establishing mission. FOCUS: Marine National Monuments The four marine national monuments are among the Refuge System’s most distinctive components. As such, they present special challenges, rare opportunities and unparalleled beauty. Can You Hear Me Now? Looking for a low-cost way to connect with visitors? Try a cellphone tour. It’s easy to set up.
A new species of digenean, Microphallus fonti, is described from the red swamp crawfish in Louisiana, USA. It has a small pharynx and a rudimentary gut like M. opacus and possibly related species from crayfishes, but it differs from them by its relatively large male copulatory papilla and a conspicuous metraterm.
Heterochrony, the change in timing of developmental processes, is thought to be a key process shaping the numerous limb morphologies of tetrapods. Through a delayed offset in digit development, all cetaceans (i.e., whales, dolphins, and porpoises) have evolved supernumary phalanges (hyperphalangy). Moreover, some toothed cetaceans further alter digital morphologies by delayed endochondral and perichondral ossification of individual elements. In the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), these paedomorphic patterns have created poorly ossified phalangeal elements. However, no studies have addressed this morphology in other porpoise taxa. This study documents the timing of carpal and digital epiphyseal ossification in the poorly studied vaquita (Phocoena sinus) based on radiographs (n = 18) of known-age specimens. Patterns of vaquita manus ossification were compared between other porpoise and delphinid taxa. Adult vaquitas are paedomorphic in carpal, metacarpal, and digital development as they maintain a juvenile ossification pattern relative to that of other porpoise species of equivalent ages. Vaquitas also ossify fewer carpal elements as compared to other porpoise and some delphinid cetaceans, and ossification arrests relative to that of the harbor porpoise. Vaquitas also display sexual dimorphism as females reach a greater body size and display more ossified elements in the manus relative to their paedomorphic male cohorts.
A virus, tentatively identified as reo-like, occurred concurrently with experimentally-induced Baculovirus penaei (BP) infection in cultured white shrimp larvae Penaeus vannamei. Each shrimp with a reo-like viral infection also had a BP infection, but not all BP-infected shrimp had a reo-like infection. Both viruses occurred in the same tissues and occasionally withln the same cell. The reolike virus developed in epithelial cells of the anterior midgut and in reserve- and fibrillar-cells of the hepatopancreas. The paraspherical and non-enveloped reo-like virions (ca. 50 nm diam.) occurred as unordered aggregates in the cell cytoplasm. Their etiology has not been determined. Reo-like virions may have been introduced along with the BP virus, or, were latent and only manifested due to stress induced by the more pathogenic BP virus.
The aseptate gregarine Paraophloidina scolecoides n. sp. (Eugregarinorida: Lecudinidae) heavily infected the midgut of cultured larval and postlarval specimens of Penaeus vannamei from a commercial 'seed-production' facility in Texas, USA. It is morphologically similar to P. korotneffi and P. vibiliae, but it can be distinguished from them and from other members of the genus by having gamonts associated exclusively by lateral syzygy. Shrimp acquired the infection at the facility; nauplii did not show any evidence of infection, but protozoea, mysis, and postlarval shrimp had a prevalence and intensity of infection ranging from 56 to 80 % and 10 to >50 parasites, respectively. Infected shrimp removed from the facility to aquaria at another location lost their gamont infection within 7 days When voided from the gut, the gregarine disintegrated in seawater. Results suggest that P. vannamei is an accidental host, although a survey of representative members of the invertebrate fauna from the environment associated with the facility failed to discover other hosts. No link was established between infection and either the broodstock or the water or detritus from the nursery or broodstock tanks.
The vaquita (Spanish for "little cow"), or Gulf of California harbor porpoise (Phocoena sinus), has the most limited range of any marine cetacean and is probably the rarest. It has been caught incidentally in gill nets set commercially for totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi), large fish that were over-exploited in the upper Gulf of California until they, too, were endangered. In 1975. the Mexican Government announced a total indefinite closure on fishing for totoaba, Between the time this porpoise was described as new to science (1958) and its listing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as Endangered (early 1985), the vaquita was known from only 26 confirmed records (partial remains found on beaches) and a few sightings of live animals. (Note: the vernacular name "cochito" was cited when this animal was listed, but biologists have since learned that "vaquita" is the term used by most local fishermen.) The Endangered Species Technical Bulletin story about its listing (see BULLETIN Vol. X No. 2) said the species was on the brink of extinction "if it still exists."