958 resultados para U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences.


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Esta tese objetiva estudar o encontro dos jovens com o mundo do trabalho a partir de sua passagem por um programa de aprendizes em uma grande empresa privada brasileira com sede no Rio de Janeiro. Fazem parte do programa de aprendizes dessa empresa jovens entre 15 e 21 anos de ambos os sexos que moram em regiões diferentes do Estado, em geral na Baixada Fluminense ou em favelas cariocas pertencentes a famílias de baixa renda. Busca-se refletir sobre as questões que emergem no encontro dos jovens com o universo organizacional assim como compreender os significados concedidos por eles ao trabalho no que se refere às suas expectativas de futuro e aos seus projetos de vida. Parte-se da compreensão de que vivenciamos um momento de crise no qual toda a sociedade vem sofrendo profundas transformações com impactos diversos para os sujeitos contemporâneos e para a produção de subjetividades. A juventude, em especial, vem sendo atingida diretamente por esse cenário fazendo com que a passagem para a vida adulta seja um desafio. Nesse sentido, o governo brasileiro vem desenvolvendo políticas públicas voltadas para a juventude, dentre as quais a Lei de Aprendizagem faz parte. Esta foi criada pelo Ministério do Trabalho e do Emprego visando apoiar o jovem em sua inserção no mercado de trabalho e estabelece que organizações tanto públicas quanto privadas devem contratar obrigatoriamente um percentual de moças e rapazes entre 14 e 24 anos em regime especial de aprendizagem para conceder-lhes formação técnico-profissional. Para alcance dos objetivos da tese, foi realizada ampla pesquisa qualitativa de campo ao longo dos anos de 2010 e 2011 na qual foram utilizados instrumentos diversos para a coleta de dados: entrevistas individuais, focus group, observações e intervenções de campo que se concentraram na seleção dos aprendizes, em algumas ações de treinamento pelo qual passaram e no seu dia a dia de aprendizado na empresa. Os dados mais significativos coletados em campo foram analisados a partir de referências teórico-bibliográficas da Psicologia e de outras áreas de saber das Ciências Humanas e Sociais que dessem suporte à sua compreensão. Como alguns dos principais resultados obtidos na pesquisa, pode-se destacar que a ocupação profissional para a qual os jovens são preparados durante sua formação no programa de aprendizado não está necessariamente vinculada aos desejos de carreira que possuem para seu futuro. Os projetos de vida que denotam a busca por estabilidade são pautados em carreiras que requerem a realização do ensino superior. O encontro dos jovens com o universo da empresa não é simples, requer a aprendizagem de formas de falar e de se portar que são bem-vindas ou não. São essas formas de saber assim como o sentido de responsabilidade que ganham ao terem tarefas a realizar os principais aprendizados que os jovens carregam da experiência vivida. Por outro lado, a empresa ainda possui dificuldades para lidar com esses jovens percebendo-os a partir de estereótipos ligados às suas origens socioeconômicas que acabam por gerar mecanismos de desenvolvimento com teor civilizatório.


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It has been predicted that the global demand for fish for human consumption will increase by more than 50% over the next 15 years. The FAO has projected that the increase in supply will originate primarily from marine fisheries, aquaculture and to a lesser extent from inland fisheries, but with a commensurate price increase. However, there are constraints to increased production in both marine and inland fisheries, such as overfishing, overexploitation limited potential increase and environmental degradation due to industrialization. The author sees aquaculture as having the greatest potential for future expansion. Aquaculture practices vary depending on culture, environment, society amd sources of fish. Inputs are generally low-cost, ecologically efficient and the majority of aquaculture ventures are small-scale and family operated. In the future, advances in technology, genetic improvement of cultured species, improvement in nutrition, disease management, reproduction control and environmental management are expected along with opportunities for complimentary activities with agriculture, industrial and wastewater linkages. The main constraints to aquaculture are from reduced access to suitable land and good quality water due to pollution and habitat degradation. Aquaculture itself carries minimal potential for aquatic pollution. State participation in fisheries production has not proven to be the best way to promote the fisheries sector. The role of governments is increasingly seen as creating an environment for economic sectors to make an optimum contribution, through support in areas such as infrastructure, research, training and extension and a legal framework. The author feels that a holistic approach integrating the natural and social sciences is called for when fisheries policy is being examined.


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Psicologia


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Queen's University Library was one of 202 libraries, including 57 members of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), to survey its users in spring 2004 using the LibQUAL+ survey instrument. LibQUAL+ was designed by ARL to assist libraries in assessing the quality of their services and identifying areas for improvement. # Overall: Queen's scored higher than the average for all ARL participants and 1st among the 2004 Canadian participants. This relatively high rating is due to very high scores in the dimensions of Library as Place and Affect of Service. However, there is considerable need for improvement in the area of Information Control where Queen's rated well below the ARL average. # Affect of Service: Queen's strong overall ratings are supported by the many respondent comments praising customer service throughout the system. The ratings and survey comments indicate greatest appreciation by faculty and more experienced students (e.g. graduate students) for the instruction and on-site services provided by the libraries. The ratings also indicate that undergraduates, growing up with the web, want and expected to be able to access library resources independently and do not value these services as highly. The comments also indicated some specific areas for improvement throughout the library system. # Library as Place : All Queen's libraries except for Law ranked well above the ARL and Canadian averages. Overall, Library as Place ranked lowest in importance among the service dimensions for all ARL participants including Queen's. Comparative analysis of LibQUAL results since the survey began shows a decline in “desired” ratings for Library as Place. However, undergraduates continue to give strong "desired" ratings to certain aspects of Library as Place and a relatively high rating for "minimum expected" service. The comments from Queen's survey respondents and ARL's analyses of focus groups indicate that undergraduates value the library much more as a place to study and work with peers rather than for its on-site resources and services. # Information Control: This is the area in greatest need of attention. While it ranked highest in importance for all user groups by a wide margin, Queen's performed poorly in this category. Overall, Queen's ranked far below both the ARL average and the top three Canadian scores. However, the major dissatisfaction was concentrated in the humanities/social sciences (Stauffer primary users) and the health sciences (Bracken primary users) where the overall rating of perceived service quality ranked below the minimum expected service rating. Primary users of the Education, Engineering/Science and Law libraries rated this service dimension higher than the ARL average. The great success of the Canadian National Site License Program (CNSLP) is reflected in the high overall rating generated by Engineering/Science Library users. The low ratings from the humanities and social sciences are supported by respondents' comments and are generally consistent with other ARL participants.


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This article describes the development of SPE and HPLC methods for the simultaneous determination of metformin and glipizide, gliclazide, glibenclamide or glimperide in plasma. Several extraction and HPLC methods have been described previously for the determination of each of these analytes in plasma separately. The simultaneous determination of these analytes is important for the routine monitoring of diabetic patients who take combination medications and for studying the pharmacokinetics of the combined dosage forms. In addition this developed method can serve as a standard method for the plasma determination of these analytes therefore saving time, effort and money. The recoveries of the developed methods were found to be between 76.3% and 101.9%. The limits of quantification were between 5 and 22.5 ng/ml. The intraday and interday precision (measured by coefficient of variation, CV%) was always less than 9%. The accuracy (measured by relative error %) was always less than 12%. Stability analysis showed that all analytes are stable for at least 3 months when stored at -70degreesC. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Houston S, Skehill C, Pinkerton J & Campbell J (2005) Social Work and Social Sciences Review 12 (1) 35-52.


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Over the past decade or so a number of historians of science and historical geographers, alert to the situated nature of scientific knowledge production and reception and to the migratory patterns of science on the move, have called for more explicit treatment of the geographies of past scientific knowledge. Closely linked to work in the sociology of scientific knowledge and science studies and connected with a heightened interest in spatiality evident across the humanities and social sciences this ‹spatial turn’ has informed a wide-ranging body of work on the history of science. This discussion essay revisits some of the theoretical props supporting this turn to space and provides a number of worked examples from the history of the life sciences that demonstrate the different ways in which the spaces of science have been comprehended.


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Immunoaffinity chromatography (IAC) and affinity chromatography (AC:) are widely used for extraction of drugs from biological samples. Fifteen column types were purchased from five different manufacturers and;their ability to bind specific drugs including beta-agonists and anabolic steroids over a range of analyte concentrations in fortified bovine urine samples was assessed. The performance data obtained from these columns were compared with columns produced in this laboratory (in house columns). The in house columns gave the highest recoveries, ranging from 92 to 100% at the 1 ng spiking concentration, for five of the seven analytes assessed. Forty percent (11 of 27) of all the commercial column assessments recorded recoveries of less than 50% even when the lowest spiking concentration was applied (1 ng). For one manufacturer, only one of seven different columns purchased delivered extraction efficiencies greater than 50%. The extraction efficiencies of the clenbuterol columns were the highest with all commercially prepared columns showing at least 50% binding of radiolabelled tracer. Recoveries of alpha-nortestosterone were the lowest. The variability of these products with respect to quality control requires constant monitoring.


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Within the health and social care sector in the United Kingdom, the
management of death and bereavement has become increasingly
challenging. This service evaluation sought to explore the bereavement
care offered to individuals living in one Health and Social Care
Trust catchment area of Northern Ireland. Qualitative interviews
were conducted with key government and voluntary agency staff.
The findings indicated that much of the bereavement provision is
based on the interest and initiative of individual staff members, with
few processes to assess the level of bereavement care needed and those
best skilled to provide it. Recommendations are made for a bereavement
care strategy that outlines a bereavement needs assessment process,
identifying the scope of interventions and protocols for practice.


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This paper sets out a framework to structure reflexivity in social work practice. Based on the thinking of the sociologist, Derek Layder, it comprises five domains that impact on the individual and social life, namely: (i) psycho-biography – referring to a person’s unique experience throughout the life-course; (ii) situated activity – highlighting the impact of every day social interaction; (iii) social settings – addressing the role of organizations in social life; (iv) culture – covering the influence of attitudes, beliefs, tastes and ideas on symbolic meaning; and (v) politico-economy – alluding to the ramifications of political and economic forces on people’s lives. It is contended that power circulates throughout each domain as an enabling and constraining force. The paper then outlines a process for using the reflexive framework in ‘enabling’ activities such as practice learning, supervision, mentoring and coaching. By applying the framework in these contexts, it is argued that social workers can reflect critically on their role and develop emancipatory forms of practice.


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L’effervescence religieuse et politique au Cameroun engendre progressivement la fragmentation ethnique du peuple chrétien camerounais. Face à la manipulation politique, l’autre nom de l’injustice ethnique, la plupart des Camerounais et Camerounaises y compris les chrétiens réagissent désormais par le tribalisme, l’autre nom de la résignation ou mieux du déchirement social. Les Camerounais et Camerounaises donnent l’impression d’avoir perdu l’esprit de résistance/dissidence qui leur a valu la liberté ou mieux l’indépendance. Comment ignorer que de s’accoutumer au drame de la dérive ethnique, en s’installant, pour des raisons de survie, dans l’éclatement le plus abject, c’est opter pour l’asservissement volontaire d’un peuple qui mène inexorablement au génocide collectif ? Notre recherche repose sur l’hypothèse que les conflits ethniques ont pénétré la sphère du christianisme et font désormais partie des dysfonctionnements de l’Église du Cameroun. Ces dysfonctionnements internes nuisent à la crédibilité de l’Église. Il y a un lien entre les défaillances observées dans l’Église et les défaillances de la société Camerounaise. De plus, le rapport de convergence entre les rivalités ethniques et la religion, provoque un questionnement théologique inévitable : comment amener les différentes ethnies qui forment la plupart des États africains à un harmonieux vivre - ensemble inspiré par le mode de vie et de fonctionnement des Églises chrétiennes, au Cameroun en l'occurrence ? Faut-il se limiter à l’adoption d’une nouvelle image de l’Église par exemple l’Église-famille-de-Dieu, ou bien faut-il prendre le taureau par les cornes et éduquer les peuples africains à une culture de la paix ? La démarche de cette thèse s’inspire de la méthode adoptée par la théologie pratique, c’est-à-dire la praxéologie1, en relation avec la théologie contextuelle2, au niveau du lien avec les méthodes d’analyses des sciences sociales et sciences humaines, et au niveau de sa dimension prophétique créatrice. Elle est construite autour de quatre coordonnées: observation (médiation sociale), interprétation (médiation herméneutique), intervention pastorale (médiation pratique) et prospective. 1 Cf. G. ROUTHIER, et M.VIAU, (dir.), Précis de théologie pratique, Montréal/Bruxelles, Novalis/Lumen Vitae, 2004, 819 p. 2 Cf. C. BOFF, Théorie et pratique . La méthode des théologies de la libération, Paris, Cerf, 1990, 400 p. ii La thèse comporte quatre parties. La première partie (chapitres 1, 2 et 3) consacrée à l’observation cerne la problématique du vivre ensemble multiethnique, pour permettre de mieux percevoir la manifestation du phénomène du tribalisme dans l’Église (les Églises) et la société camerounaise. Elle montre que des situations dramatiques, de malheurs, de pauvreté, de famine, de conflits et de guerres sont causées en partie par le tribalisme exclusif. La deuxième partie (chapitres 4 et 5) porte sur la question du sens. Elle analyse et met à l’épreuve la compréhension du phénomène du tribalisme et des conflits ethniques dans la société et dans les Églises du Cameroun. Sont ainsi abordés, successivement, les principales articulations du tribalisme, la stratégie mise sur pied (diviser pour mieux régner) pour la transformation des structures sociales au Cameroun pendant la colonisation, puis récupérée par les politiciens comme idéologie politique depuis les indépendances. Nous en sommes arrivés à constater que cette idéologie a conduit à une profonde déstructuration de la société camerounaise jusque dans l’Église (les Églises). La troisième partie (chapitres 6 et 7) est consacrée à la pratique ecclésiale du dialogue de la diversité ethnique africaine pour la paix ; nous y montrons comment les solidarités ethniques purifiées au feu de l’Évangile peuvent avoir une influence sur la pratique chrétienne. Nous cherchons ensuite à démontrer que le dialogue interethnique bien articulé est le chemin de la réconciliation. La quatrième partie (chapitre 8) est un effort pour passer de l’utopie mise en pratique à une pratique en forme d’utopie. Nous cherchons à montrer que le dialogue pastoral enrichi par la diversité ethnique et religieuse entraînera la transformation de l’Église locale dans son interaction avec les différentes ethnies du Cameroun et d’Afrique.