924 resultados para Truman, Harry S.


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En este trabajo se plantean algunas aproximaciones a la cuestión del uso del lenguaje y sus representaciones dentro del fantasy, profundizando una investigación anterior sobre el tema (Gagliardi, 2011). En la literatura fantástica se le asigna frecuentemente a la palabra un valor mágico y performativo, en especial dentro de los relatos de la denominada "fanta­a heroica". Nuestra hipótesis es que existen al menos dos representaciones diferentes sobre el rol de la palabra en estas ficciones: unas que siguen la tradición de Cratilo ("El que conoce los nombres conoce también las cosas") y otra más reciente que se cuestiona la relación unívoca entre palabra y referente, al mismo tiempo que problematiza cuestiones como la identidad. De este modo, la palabra, su valor y posibilidades dentro de las obras literarias que proponemos explorar participa de la construcción del universo ficcional, su cosmovisión y vero­mil. La selección de obras literarias para esta presentación tiene como fin mostrar algunos casos representativos que puedan extenderse luego a un corpus más amplio dado que esta comunicación plantea un estado de la cuestión. Tomaremos las novelas Un mago de Terramar (Le Guin); Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Rowling); El nombre del viento (Rothfuss) y El dador de recuerdos (Lowry). De todas ellas analizaremos fragmentos en los cuales aparezcan las representaciones sobre el lenguaje y propondremos una clasificación tentativa al respecto


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At marine seeps, methane is microbially oxidized resulting in the precipitation of carbonates close to the seafloor. Methane oxidation leads to sulfate depletion in sediment pore water, which induces a change in redox conditions. Rare earth element (REE) patterns of authigenic carbonate phases collected from modern seeps of the Gulf of Mexico, the Black Sea, and the Congo Fan were analyzed. Different carbonate minerals including aragonite and calcite with different crystal habits have been selected for analysis. Total REE content (SumREE) of seep carbonates varies widely, from 0.1 ppm to 42.5 ppm, but a common trend is that the SumREE in microcrystalline phases is higher than that of the associated later phases including micospar, sparite and blocky cement, suggesting that SumREE may be a function of diagenesis. The shale-normalized REE patterns of the seep carbonates often show different Ce anomalies even in samples from a specific site, suggesting that the formation conditions of seep carbonates are variable and complex. Overall, our results show that apart from anoxic, oxic conditions are at least temporarily common in seep environments.


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The assumption of synchrony of first and last occurrences of fossil taxa can be tested using graphic correlation procedures which, by allowing measured stratigraphic sections to be compared on a common depth scale, make it possible to develop a correlation model which integrates information from a number of cores. The strategy of the test presented here is to use a graphic correlation model that is based on data from the Atlantic (Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites 502, 516A) and north Pacific (DSDP site 577A) as a basis for determining to what extent fossil datums in the southwest Pacific are synchronous. First and last occurrences of Pliocene calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifers have been compared in five DSDP cores from the southwest Pacific ocean (sites 586, 587, 588, 590A, and 592). All cores were recovered using hydraulic piston coring technology, which assures the best recovery and minimal disturbance. Most of these cores contain abundant, well-preserved foraminifers and nannofossils, as well as a partial record of many of the expected magnetic polarity reversals in this part of the section. To assure taxonomic consistency, all taxonomic identifications were made by the author. Graphic correlation of this data set suggests that several important biostratigraphic markers are highly diachronous. For example, this study confirms that Globorotalia truncatulinoides first occurs at approximately 2.4 Ma between 20° and 35° south latitude in the southwest Pacific, approximately 0.5 m.y. earlier than it is found elsewhere in the Atlantic and Pacific. Other datums, such as the last occurrence of Discoaster brouweri, are essentially synchronous. These findings suggest that biostratigraphic models based on the assumption of synchrony of first and last occurrences of fossil taxa may be incorrect. Biostratigraphic models created with the Graphic Correlation method offer an opportunity to examine the biogeographic dimensions of origination, migration, and extinction of planktonic taxa.


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This report is an initial investigation of the planktonic foraminifers from the late Pliocene of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1021C. Planktonic foraminifer assemblages show fair preservation in many samples. Assemblages are quantitatively dominated by Globigerina bulloides, dextral coiling Neogloboquadrina atlantica, and Globorotalia inflata and alternate between cool temperate and subarctic conditions.