869 resultados para Transmission line impedance


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The unsteady laminar incompressible boundary-layer attachment-line flow on a flat plate with attached cylinder with heat and mass transfer has been studied when the free stream velocity, mass transfer and surface wall temperature vary arbitrarily with time. The governing partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The heat transfer was found to be strongly dependent on the Prandtl number, variation of wall temperature with time and dissipation parameter (for large times). However, the free stream velocity distribution and mass transfer affect both the heat transfer and skin friction.


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Measurement of loading patterns of the patellar tendon during activity is important in understanding tendon injury. We used transmission-mode ultrasonography to investigate patellar tendon loading during squatting in adults with and without tendinopathy. It was hypothesized that axial ultrasonic velocity, a surrogate measure of the elastic modulus of tendon, would be lower in tendinopathy. Ultrasound velocity was measured in both patellar tendons of adults with unilateral patellar tendinopathy (n=9) and in healthy controls (n=16) during a bilateral squat manoeuvre. Sagittal knee movement was measured simultaneously with an electrogoniometer. Statistical comparisons between healthy and injured tendons were made using 2–way mixed–design ANOVAs. Axial ultrasound velocity in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patellar tendons in tendinopathy was approximately 15% higher than in healthy tendons at the commencement (F1,23=5.2, P<.05) and completion (F1,23=4.5, P<.05) of the squat. While peak velocity was ≈5% higher during both flexion (F1,23=5.4, P<.05) and extension (F1,23=5.3, P<.05) phases, there was no significant between–group difference at the mid–point of the movement. There were no significant differences in the rate and magnitude of knee movement between groups. Although further research is required, these findings suggest enhanced baseline muscle activity in patellar tendinopathy and highlight fresh avenues for its clinical management.


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Photometric and spectral evolution of the Type Ic supernova SN 2007ru until around 210 days after maximum are presented. The spectra show broad spectral features due to very high expansion velocity, normally seen in hypernovae. The photospheric velocity is higher than other normal Type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic). It is lower than SN 1998bw at similar to 8 days after the explosion, but is comparable at later epochs. The light curve (LC) evolution of SN 2007ru indicates a fast rise time of 8 +/- 3 days to B-band maximum and postmaximum decline more rapid than other broad-line SNe Ic. With an absolute V magnitude of -19.06, SN 2007ru is comparable in brightness with SN 1998bw and lies at the brighter end of the observed SNe Ic. The ejected mass of Ni-56 is estimated to be similar to 0.4 M-circle dot. The fast rise and decline of the LC and the high expansion velocity suggest that SN 2007ru is an explosion with a high kinetic energy/ejecta mass ratio (E-K/M-ej). This adds to the diversity of SNe Ic. Although the early phase spectra are most similar to those of broad-line SN 2003jd, the [O I] line profile in the nebular spectrum of SN 2007ru shows the singly peaked profile, in contrast to the doubly peaked profile in SN 2003jd. The singly peaked profile, together with the high luminosity and the high expansion velocity, may suggest that SN 2007ru could be an aspherical explosion viewed from the polar direction. Estimated oxygen abundance 12 + log(O/H) of similar to 8.8 indicates that SN 2007ru occurred in a region with nearly solar metallicity.


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Spectral data were collected of intact and ground kernels using 3 instruments (using Si-PbS, Si, and InGaAs detectors), operating over different areas of the spectrum (between 400 and 2500 nm) and employing transmittance, interactance, and reflectance sample presentation strategies. Kernels were assessed on the basis of oil and water content, and with respect to the defect categories of insect damage, rancidity, discoloration, mould growth, germination, and decomposition. Predictive model performance statistics for oil content models were acceptable on all instruments (R2 > 0.98; RMSECV < 2.5%, which is similar to reference analysis error), although that for the instrument employing reflectance optics was inferior to models developed for the instruments employing transmission optics. The spectral positions for calibration coefficients were consistent with absorbance due to the third overtones of CH2 stretching. Calibration models for moisture content in ground samples were acceptable on all instruments (R2 > 0.97; RMSECV < 0.2%), whereas calibration models for intact kernels were relatively poor. Calibration coefficients were more highly weighted around 1360, 740 and 840 nm, consistent with absorbance due to overtones of O-H stretching and combination. Intact kernels with brown centres or rancidity could be discriminated from each other and from sound kernels using principal component analysis. Part kernels affected by insect damage, discoloration, mould growth, germination, and decomposition could be discriminated from sound kernels. However, discrimination among these defect categories was not distinct and could not be validated on an independent set. It is concluded that there is good potential for a low cost Si photodiode array instrument to be employed to identify some quality defects of intact macadamia kernels and to quantify oil and moisture content of kernels in the process laboratory and for oil content in-line. Further work is required to examine the robustness of predictive models across different populations, including growing districts, cultivars and times of harvest.


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Acoustic impedance of a termination, or of a passive subsystem, needs to be measured not only for acoustic lining materials but also in the exhaust systems of flow machinery, where mean flow introduces peculiar problems. Out of the various methods of measurement of acoustic impedance, the discrete frequency, steady state, impedance tube method [1] is most reliable, though time consuming, and requires no special instrumentation.


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An on-line algorithm is developed for the location of single cross point faults in a PLA (FPLA). The main feature of the algorithm is the determination of a fault set corresponding to the response obtained for a failed test. For the apparently small number of faults in this set, all other tests are generated and a fault table is formed. Subsequently, an adaptive procedure is used to diagnose the fault. Functional equivalence test is carried out to determine the actual fault class if the adaptive testing results in a set of faults with identical tests. The large amount of computation time and storage required in the determination, a priori, of all the fault equivalence classes or in the construction of a fault dictionary are not needed here. A brief study of functional equivalence among the cross point faults is also made.


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Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) was readily transmitted through tissue culture in banana (Mum sp.) cv. Lady finger (AAB) and Cavendish cv. Williams (AAA). Lines derived from infected and healthy field plants had similar in vitro multiplication rates. BBTV infected in vitro cultures displayed symptoms of stunting, leaf curling, chlorotic and green flecks, and poor root growth. Symptoms became milder with time, and were often difficult to discern in older, rapidly multiplying cultures. A triple antibody sandwich ELISA using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies was very efficient for detecting BBTV in vitro. Symptomless, ELISA-negative plants arose in 10 out of 11 lines derived from BBTV-infected field plants and first appeared after 9 months continuous in vitro culture at a constant 28OC. Meristem tip culture or heat therapy was not used. These plants remained symptomless and ELISA-negative after planting out in the glasshouse (individual plants checked for up to 16 months). The implications of this inconsistent transmission of BBTV for germplasm indexing and exchange are discussed.


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he Dirac generator formalism for relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics is reviewed along with its extension to constraint formalism. In these theories evolution is with respect to a dynamically defined parameter, and thus time evolution involves an eleventh generator. These formulations evade the No-Interaction Theorem. But the incorporation of separability reopens the question, and together with the World Line Condition leads to a second no-interaction theorem for systems of three or more particles. Proofs are omitted, but the results of recent research in this area is highlighted.


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Transmission loss of a rectangular expansion chamber, the inlet and outlet of which are situated at arbitrary locations of the chamber, i.e., the side wall or the face of the chamber, are analyzed here based on the Green's function of a rectangular cavity with homogeneous boundary conditions. The rectangular chamber Green's function is expressed in terms of a finite number of rigid rectangular cavity mode shapes. The inlet and outlet ports are modeled as uniform velocity pistons. If the size of the piston is small compared to wavelength, then the plane wave excitation is a valid assumption. The velocity potential inside the chamber is expressed by superimposing the velocity potentials of two different configurations. The first configuration is a piston source at the inlet port and a rigid termination at the outlet, and the second one is a piston at the outlet with a rigid termination at the inlet. Pressure inside the chamber is derived from velocity potentials using linear momentum equation. The average pressure acting on the pistons at the inlet and outlet locations is estimated by integrating the acoustic pressure over the piston area in the two constituent configurations. The transfer matrix is derived from the average pressure values and thence the transmission loss is calculated. The results are verified against those in the literature where use has been made of modal expansions and also numerical models (FEM fluid). The transfer matrix formulation for yielding wall rectangular chambers has been derived incorporating the structural–acoustic coupling. Parametric studies are conducted for different inlet and outlet configurations, and the various phenomena occurring in the TL curves that cannot be explained by the classical plane wave theory, are discussed.


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Six species of line-caught coral reef fish (Plectropomus spp., Lethrinus miniatus, Lethrinus laticaudis, Lutjanus sebae, Lutjanus malabaricus and Lutjanus erythropterus) were tagged by members of the Australian National Sportsfishing Association (ANSA) in Queensland between 1986 and 2003. Of the 14,757 fish tagged, 1607 were recaptured and we analysed these data to describe movement and determine factors likely to impact release survival. All species were classified as residents since over 80% of recaptures for each species occurred within 1 km of the release site. Few individuals (range 0.8-5%) were recaptured more than 20 km from their release point. L. sebae had a higher recapture rate (19.9%) than the other species studied (range 2.1-11.7%). Venting swimbladder gases, regardless of whether or not fish appeared to be suffering from barotrauma, significantly enhanced (P < 0.05) the survival of L. sebae and L. malabaricus but had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on L. erythropterus. The condition of fish on release, subjectively assessed by anglers, was only a significant effect on recapture rate for L. sebae where fish in "fair" condition had less than half the recapture rate of those assessed as in "excellent" or "good" condition. The recapture rate of L. sebae and L. laticaudis was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by depth with recapture rate declining in depths exceeding 30 m. Overall, the results showed that depth of capture, release condition and treatment for barotrauma influenced recapture rate for some species but these effects were not consistent across all species studied. Recommendations were made to the ANSA tagging clubs to record additional information such as injury, hooking location and hook type to enable a more comprehensive future assessment of the factors influencing release survival.


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Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) experiments in Lambda-type systems benefit from the use of hot vapor where the thermal averaging results in reducing the width of the EIT resonance well below the natural linewidth. Here, we demonstrate a technique for further reducing the EIT width in room-temperature vapor by the application of a small longitudinal magnetic field. The Zeeman shift of the energy levels results in the formation of several shifted subsystems; the net effect is to create multiple EIT dips each of which is significantly narrower than the original resonance. We observe a reduction by a factor of 3 in the D2 line of 87Rb with a field of 3.2 G.


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Discarding in commercially exploited fisheries has received considerable attention in the last decade, though only more recently in Australia. The Reef Line fishery (RLF) of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in Australia is a large-scale multi-sector, multi-species, highly regulated hook and line fishery with the potential for high levels of discarding. We used a range of data sources to estimate discard rates and discard quantities for the two main target groups of the RLF, the coral trout, Plectropomus spp, and the red throat emperor, Lethrinus miniatus, and investigated possible effects on discarding of recent changes in management of the fishery. Fleet-wide estimates of total annual quantities discarded from 1989 to 2003 were 292-622 t and 33-95 t for coral trout and red throat emperor, respectively. Hypothetical scenarios of high-grading after the introduction of a total allowable commercial catch for coral trout resulted in increases in discard quantities up to 3895 t, while no high-grading still meant 421 t were discarded. Increasing the minimum size limit of red throat emperor from 35 to 38 cm also increased discards to an estimated 103 t. We provide spatially and temporally explicit estimates of discarding for the two most important species in the GBR RLF of Australia to demonstrate the importance of accounting for regional variation in quantification of discarding. Effects of management changes on discarding are also highlighted. This study provides a template for exploring discarding levels for other species in the RLF and elsewhere.


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Line-transect distance sampling is a widely used method for estimating animal density from aerial surveys. Analysis of line-transect distance data usually relies on a requirement that the statistical distribution of distances of animal groups from the transect line is uniform. We show that this requirement is satisfied by the survey design if all other assumptions of distance sampling hold, but it can be violated by consistent survey problems such as responsive movement of the animals towards or away from the observer. We hypothesise that problems with the uniform requirement are unlikely to be encountered for immobile taxa, but might become substantial for species of high mobility. We test evidence for non-uniformity using double-observer distance data from two aerial surveys of five species with a spectrum of mobility capabilities and tendencies. No clear evidence against uniformity was found for crabeater seals or emperor penguins on the pack-ice in East Antarctica, while minor non-uniformity consistent with responsive movement up to 30 m was found for Adelie penguins. Strong evidence of either non-uniformity or a failure of the capture-recapture validating method was found for eastern grey kangaroos and red kangaroos in Queensland.


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We have tested the efficacy of putative microsatellite single sequence repeat (SSR) markers, previously identified in a 2-49 (Gluyas Early/Gala) × Janz doubled haploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) population, as being linked to partial seedling resistance to crown rot disease caused by Fusarium pseudograminearum. The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) delineated by these markers have been tested for linkage to resistance in an independent Gluyas Early × Janz doubled haploid population. The presence of a major QTL on chromosome 1DL (QCr.usq-1D1) and a minor QTL on chromosome 2BS (QCr.usq-2B1) was confirmed. However, a putative minor QTL on chromosome 2A was not confirmed. The QTL on 1D was inherited from Gluyas Early, a direct parent of 2-49, whereas the 2B QTL was inherited from Janz. Three other putative QTLs identified in 2-49 × Janz (on 1AL, 4BL, and 7BS) were inherited by 2-49 from Gala and were not able to be confirmed in this study. The screening of SSR markers on a small sample of elite wheat genotypes indicated that not all of the most tightly linked SSR markers flanking the major QTLs on 1D and 1A were polymorphic in all backgrounds, indicating the need for additional flanking markers when backcrossing into some elite pedigrees. Comparison of SSR haplotypes with those of other genotypes exhibiting partial crown rot resistance suggests that additional, novel sources of crown rot resistance are available.


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The paper presents a method for transmission loss charge allocation in deregulated power systems based on Relative Electrical Distance (RED) concept. Based on RED between the generator and load nodes and the predefined bilateral power contracts, charge evaluation is carried out. Generally through some power exchange mechanism a set of bilateral contracts are determined that facilitate bilateral agreements between the generation and distribution entities. In this paper the possible charges incurred in meeting loads like generation charge, transmission charge and charge due to losses are evaluated. Case studies have been carried out on a few practical equivalent systems. Due to space limitation results for a sample 5 bus system are presented considering ideal load/generation power contracts and deviated load/generation power contracts. Extensive numerical testing indicates that the proposed allocation scheme produces loss allocations that are appropriate and that behave in a physically reasonable manner.