989 resultados para Trachurus spp


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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As espécies Commelina benghalensis, C. villosa, C. diffusa e C. erecta são conhecidas como trapoeraba e, freqüentemente, são confundidas entre si, dificultando o controle químico, o que pode provocar prejuízos econômicos e danos ambientais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar características morfológicas que possibilitem facilitar a identificação dessas espécies, utilizando a técnica de análise multivariada. Foram avaliadas 12 características morfológicas descritivas e 13 quantitativas, utilizando-se os métodos de análise de agrupamento e análise de componentes principais. As espécies apresentaram alto grau de dissimilaridade, sobretudo em relação às características descritivas, destacando-se: hábito da planta, pilosidade do caule e da folha, entre outros. As características quantitativas também mostraram poder discriminatório. Características que apresentaram alto valor taxonômico foram selecionadas para compor a chave de identificação para as quatro espécies de Commelina.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper, the occurrence and new morphological data of Unilatus unilatus Mizelle et Kritsky, 1967 from the gills of Hypostomus strigaticeps (Regan, 1907), Hypostomus regani (Ihering, 1905), and Hypostomus iheringii (Regan, 1908) from the Chavantes reservoir, So Paulo State, Brazil are reported. Unilatus unilatus from this reservoir presents differences in relation to the holotype previously described such as, eggs with no bifid or trifid filament and a rounded termination, anterior bar slightly curved with a posterior projection, and posterior bar which may present three shapes. This is the first record of U. unilatus in southeastern Brazil outside the Amazon River Basin, with H. strigaticeps, H. regani and H. iheringii as new hosts.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the parasitemia variation of three Hepatozoon species in Brazilian snakes. This study was conducted between 2001 and 2003 and included Hepatozoon terzii from Boa constrictor amarali, and Hepatozoon migonei and Hepatozoon cyclagrasi from Hydrodynastes gigas. It was observed that the parasitemia tended to decrease in all three Hepatozoon species but the parasites were not eliminated. This data suggest that Hepatozoon infection may be similar to Toxoplasma gondii infection, in that it persists throughout host life.


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Hepatozoon canis was molecularly identified in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Twelve dogs from urban areas were studied by blood smear examination and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. From these dogs, only 1 was positive in both blood smears and PCR.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Realizou-se um estudo histopatológico da mucosa do abomaso de 40 cordeiros da raça Corriedale, expostos à infecção natural por Haemonchus spp. Os cordeiros foram colocados em pastagens contaminadas por 14 dias e após 28 dias de estabulação foram necropsiados. Por ocasião da necropsia, foram colhidas amostras de fezes para a realização da contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) e amostras do abomaso para exame histopatológico e contagem do número de eosinófilos, mastócitos e leucócitos globulares. O número de Haemonchus spp. presente no abomaso foi estimado a partir de uma alíquota de 10% do conteúdo. O número de ovos por fêmea foi estimado em 10 fêmeas de Haemonchus spp. colhidas de cada animal. Coeficientes de correlação significativos entre as características analisadas foram: número de Haemonchus e contagem de OPG (r = 0,86); comprimento de fêmeas e número de ovos por fêmea (r = 0,60); comprimento de fêmeas e contagem de OPG (r = 0,53); número de eosinófilos e número de Haemonchus (r = 0,48); número de eosinófilos e número de leucócitos globulares (r = 0,54); número de mastócitos e comprimento de fêmeas (r = -0,39) e número de mastócitos e número de leucócitos globulares (r = 0,34). Das características analisadas a que apresentou maior correlação com a carga parasitária dos animais foi a contagem de OPG.


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The status of Babesia spp. infection in dogs from rural areas of São Paulo State, Brazil was Studied. For this, l 50 animals were examined by blood smears and by PCR; the presence of tick infestation was also investigated. By the blood smear examination, 3 animals (2%) were detected positive and by PCR for Babesia spp. 12 (8%) were positive, with bands Visualized in 450 bp. Rhipicephalus sanguineus or Amblyomma spp. were found on 36 (24%) of the 150 dogs. Amblyomma species found were A. cajennense (9/36-25%) and A. ovale (9/36-25%). It was not possible to correlate the presence of R. sanguineus and the infection with Babesia spp. The sequencing of four positive samples demonstrated close identity with B. canis vogeli already characterized in Brazil.


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This study aimed to contextualize the world's lobster fishing and identify the characteristics of their trades in Santos region (SP). For this purpose, were realized surveys about the captures of 56 years referring the families traded in the world through the informations supplied by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). To State of São Paulo, consults were made in the data base Propesq (Fishing Institute) about the fishing and prices. Besides interviews in fishmonger, businessmen of fishing and restaurant, we observed the trade and the economical potential compared the lobsters Scyllarides spp. and Panulirus spp. The worldwide the family Nephropidae is the one that has been presenting bigger growth in the captures from 1950 and the one that has the biggest observed captures, the Palinuridae showed a little growth of the captures up to the 80' years, and leaving from there it is oscillating without many expressive changes; Scyllarides began to stand out as fisheries only 70' in Asia, precisely where the other two Families had low catches proportional. In the State of São Paulo, two types of lobsters are sold in Baixada Santista, with conspicuous differences in prices between them. There is also a difference in the flow of trade in relation to active fishing gear. Traders notice a decrease in both abundance and size of individuals of both genders and a clear preference to sell the slippers lobsters (Scyllarides spp.) both for the quality of meat as the lowest price.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)