915 resultados para Total tardiness
The increased rate of sugarcane harvest without previous burn has provided a very favorable environment to the froghopper Mahanarva fimbriolota (Stal, 1854), with high Moisture and low temperature variation. Few works have Studied the response of sugarcane to this pest, so little is known about resistant cultivars. Plant phenolics are widely studied compounds because of their known antifierbivore effect. This research aims to determine if the attack of M.fimbriolata nymphs stimulates the acccumulation of total phenolics in sugarcane. The experiment was carried Out in greenhouse and arranged in completely randomized design, in a 3 x 2 x 4 factorial with three replications. Second instar nymphs of M. fimbriolota were infested at the following rates: control, 2-4 and 4-8 nymphs per pot (first-second infestations, respectively). Pots were covered with nylon net and monitored daily to isolate the effect of leaf Sucking adults. Leaf and root samples were collected and kept frozen in liquid nitrogen until analyses. Infested plants showed higher levels of phenolics in both root and leaf tissues. In roots, the cultivar SP80-1816 accumulated more phenolic compounds in response to the infestation of M. fimbriolata. on the other hand, higher levels were found in leaves and roots of control plants of SP86-42, which might be an indication of a non-preference mechanism. The increase of total phenolics in sugarcane infested with root-sucking froghopper nymphs does not seem to be useful to detect the resistance to this pest.
Twenty-one lambs averaging 21 kg of live weight fed isoproteic diets based on Rhodes grass hay, ground corn and one of the following protein sources cottonseed meal, urea or sugar cane yeast was used to evaluate the total protein and energy digestibilities and the N balance. The protein digestibilities were 63.4; 68.8 and 62.2% and the energy digestibilities were 58.8; 63.7 and 63.3% for diets with cottonseed meal, urea, and sugarcane yeast, respectively. The daily crude protein intake were 76.2: 72.7 and 69.7 g/day and of gross energy 231.9; 237.6 and 232.1 cal/kg(0.75)/day, for diets with cottonseed meal, urea, and sugarcane yeast, respectively. The results of nitrogen balance and absorbed nitrogen did not show effects of the nitrogen sources being obtained 0.046; 0.112 and -0.081 g/kg(0.75)/day and 7.73; 7.99 and 6.94 g/day for diets with cottonseed meal, urea. and sugarcane yeast, respectively. The utilization of cottonseed meal decreased the energy digestibility in relation to diets with urea or sugarcane yeast, but the nitrogen balance did not show substantial effect of the nitrogen sources.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this work was to compare the efficiency of total (TC) or partial (PC) collection excreta methods to determine metabolizable energy in poultry feeds. A number of 180 12- to 21-day-old broilers were distributed into two treatments of six replicates of 10 birds each. A reference-diet was formulated to supply broiler requirements, and the test-diets consisted of 60% of reference diets and 40% of corn or soybean meal. Celite was added at 1% to the diets as a marker. Excreta and diet samples were analyzed for dry matter, energy, nitrogen, and acid-insoluble ash (AIA). AME of corn determined by partial collection (PC) was higher (3544 kcal/kg) as compared to total collection (TC) (3133 kcal/kg). However, no difference were observed for soybean meal (1797 vs. 1821 kcal/kg) between both methods. Marker recovery rates in the excreta were 101, 111, and 96% for the basal-diet, and the test-diets with corn or soybean meal, respectively. This result indicates the importance of marker recovery rate in the excreta to evaluate feed AME and digestibility.
An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of replacing corn with pearl millet in commercial layer diets, formulated according to the minimal requirements for total and digestible amino acids. Two hundred and forty Lohmann LSL laying hens with 25 weeks of age were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design according to a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement with 3 replicates of 8 birds. Feed was formulated on two amino acid basis (total or digestible) according to Rostagno et al. (2000) and there were five pearl millet inclusion levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). Performance and egg quality were evaluated during five periods of 21 days.At the end of each period, feed intake, egg production, egg weight and feed conversion were evaluated. In the last three days of each period, the following egg quality parameters were evaluated: Haugh Unit, yolk pigmentation index, egg specific weight, shell percentage and shell thickness. Digestible amino acid requirements resulted in decreased feed intake (p<0.01) and increased production costs per mass of eggs (kg) or per dozen eggs (p<0.01) compared to total amino acid requirements. There was a linear reduction in feed intake, egg production, egg weight and yolk pigmentation index with increasing inclusion levels of pearl millet. Therefore, increasing levels of replacement of corn by pearl millet affected bird performance negatively. Besides, production costs were higher with increasing pearl millet levels.
An experiment was conduced to evaluate the inclusion of sunflower meal (SBM) in commercial layer diets formulated on total or digestible amino acids basis. One hundred forty-four 41-week-old Lohmann LSL layers were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement with three replications of six birds each. Treatments consisted of a combination of four SBM inclusion levels SBM(0%, 4%, 8%, and 12%) and feed formulation according two amino acid recommendations (total or digestible). The experimental period was divided into five periods of fourteen days. Performance parameters (egg production, feed intake, feed conversion, egg mass) were evaluated for each period. In the last two days of each period, three eggs per replication were collected to evaluate egg quality (Haugh units, specific gravity, egg weight, eggshell thickness, and eggshell percentage). Hens fed on total amino acid recommendation presented the highest values for egg weight. Diets formulated on digestible amino acids basis showed an improvement in eggshell percentage and egg specific gravity. SBM addition in commercial layer diets did not influence performance; however, increasing SBM dietary levels SBM improved eggshell quality.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente total (DAT) e parcial dos nutrientes das silagens de cana-de-açúcar (SCnPc), de raspa (SRpPc) e de casca de mandioca (SCcPc) ensiladas com polpa cítrica peletizada (PCP). A dieta basal foi constituída de silagem de milho com farelo de soja, participando com 60% da matéria seca (MS) dos tratamentos com SRpPc e SCcPc. Foram utilizados novilhos mestiços, fistulados no rúmen e duodeno, num delineamento experimental em quadrado latino (4x4). A determinação do coeficiente de digestibilidade total e parcial dos nutrientes, a produção fecal e o fluxo duodenal de MS foram estimados a partir da fibra detergente ácido indigestível. Os consumos de MS e proteína bruta (PB) (% PV) foram superiores para a SMi (2,47 e 0,33), SCcPc (2,12 e 0,30) e SRpPc (1,88 e 0,27) em relação à SCnPc (1,38 e 0,19), respectivamente. As DAT da matéria seca (65,0%), matéria orgânica (66,9%) e energia bruta (64,3%) para a SRpPc foram superiores em relação às demais dietas, menos para a FDN (39,4%). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade ruminal (CDR) e intestinal (CDI) da MS, MO e PB não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as dietas, somente o CDR da FDN (% ingerido) apresentou valores superiores para SMi (43,5), SRpPc (39,3) e SCnPc (37,0), sobre a SCcPc (20,0). A utilização da silagem de raspa de mandioca adicionada da PCP mostrou-se uma alternativa de boa qualidade na alimentação de bovinos.
Avaliaram-se os indicadores fibra detergente ácido indigestível (FDAi) e óxido crômico (Cr2O3) na estimativa das digestililidades parciais e total das frações nutritivas da dieta. Foram utilizados quatro tourinhos Santa Gertrudes canulados no rúmen e no duodeno, distribuídos em delineamento quadrado latino 4 × 4 (animais ´ período) para estimativa da digestibilidade de quatro dietas compostas de feno de capim-marandu e concentrados, ajustadas para proporcionar ganho de peso corporal diário de 0,5 e 1 kg/animal e potencial de fermentação microbiana de 9,5 e 11 g de PB microbiana/MJ em fermentável. Os suplementos foram formulados com mistura mineral, milho, soja e farelos de soja e algodão. Não houve interação significativa dietas ´ indicadores. À exceção dos coeficientes de digestibilidade intestinal da MS e da FDN, todos os outros coeficientes de digestibilidade (MS, PB e CT) diferiram significativamente entre os indicadores avaliados. Quando utilizado o indicador FDAi, foram registrados maiores valores de digestibilidade ruminal e total e menores coeficientes de digestibilidade intestinal. A FDAi possibilitou melhor estimativa dos coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes das dietas, quando compostas na sua maior parte de volumosos (57 a 70% da MS).
An experiment was conducted to evaluate different commercial laying hen diets formulated based on recommendations for total and digestible amino acids. One hundred and twenty Lohmann LSL commercial laying hens aged 25 weeks were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design involving five replications of six birds in four treatments. Diet formulation on a total amino acid basis followed the recommendations of NRC (1994) and Rostagno et al. (2000), whereas formulation on digestible amino acids basis was according to Rostagno et al. (2000) and Degussa (1997) recommendations. The experimental period was divided into five periods of fourteen days. Performance parameters (egg production, feed intake, feed conversion, egg mass) were evaluated for each period, and on the last two days of each period, three eggs per replication were collected to evaluate egg quality parameters (Haugh unit, egg specific gravity, egg weight, eggshell thickness and percentage). Means were compared by orthogonal contrasts. Results on feed intake, egg production, egg mass, feed conversion and egg specific gravity showed that total amino acid recommendations promoted better bird responses than digestible amino acid recommendations.
Avaliaram-se o consumo alimentar, a digestibilidade parcial e total e o balanço de nitrogênio, em novilhos confinados. Foram utilizados três novilhos de corte cruzados, canulados no rúmen e no duodeno, distribuídos em dois delineamentos em quadrado latino 3 x 3. As dietas experimentais foram constituídas de 60% de silagem de milho, tendo como fonte de proteína o farelo de girassol e, como fonte de energia, o milho (MI). O milho foi substituído parcialmente pela casca de soja (CS) ou pelo farelo de gérmen de milho (FGM). Quatro indicadores internos (lignina e FDA, FDN e lignina indigestíveis) foram submetidos a 144 horas de digestão in vitro, para estimativa da digestibilidade parcial e total das dietas. Houve maior ingestão dos componentes fibrosos na dieta CS, porém não foi observado efeito sobre o consumo de matéria seca. A lignina subestimou significativamente a digestibilidade. A utilização da FDAi, FDNi e lignina-i para estimar a digestibilidade total é viável, no entanto, a FDAi e lignina-i não estimaram adequadamente as digestibilidades parciais. Houve efeito significativo na digestibilidade ruminal da FDA, com valores mais elevados para CS e semelhantes para FGM, em relação à dieta MI. A digestibilidade total da FDA foi maior na dieta CS, porém, as digestibilidades dos demais componentes não foram afetadas pelas diferentes fontes energéticas. Não houve diferença significativa para a digestibilidade da energia e nos valores obtidos de NDT, com média de 61,5%. A casca de soja e o farelo de gérmen de milho, em substituição parcial do milho, mostraram-se fontes alternativas satisfatórias para a inclusão na dieta de bovinos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação com enzimas fibrolíticas (celulase e xilanase) sobre o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente total dos nutrientes de dietas compostas de silagem de milho e feno de tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) cortado aos 90 dias. Oito bovinos (340 kg de PV) fistulados no rúmen foram distribuídos em dois quadrados latinos 4 x 4, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (fonte de volumoso e adição ou não de enzimas). O complexo enzimático testado foi proveniente de fonte comercial e extraído dos fungos Aspergillus niger e Trichoderma longibrachiatum, sendo fornecido na quantidade de 12 g/animal/dia, misturado à ração total. Não houve efeito da suplementação enzimática sobre o consumo de nutrientes para ambos os volumosos, porém, a adição de enzimas aumentou a digestibilidade total de FDN, FDA e CEL de 36,87; 36,21 e 46,89%, respectivamente, para 41,19; 40,01 e 50,46%, respectivamente.
Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de determinar o efeito da inclusão de aditivo químico e da inoculação de bactérias homo e heterofermentativas sobre a estabilidade aeróbia de silagens de capim-marandu e da ração total. Foram conduzidos três experimentos para avaliação do benzoato de sódio e de dois inoculantes, um contendo Lactobacillus plantarum + Propionibacterium e o segundo Lactobacillus buchneri. Após 60 dias de fermentação, os silos foram abertos e as silagens e a ração total (RT) contendo silagens de capim-marandu foram colocadas em caixas de isopor e transferidas para câmara climática, a 25 ± 1ºC, para determinação das variações de temperatura na ração total e na silagem, das recuperações de MS e das alterações no pH da silagem. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas. Houve perdas de MS e elevação dos teores de pH quando as silagens foram colocadas em condições de aerobiose. A temperatura das silagens e da RT teve discreto aumento durante os seis dias de aeração. O uso de bactérias ou de benzoato de sódio não influenciou a estabilidade aeróbia das silagens.
The objective of this study was to apply factor analysis to describe lactation curves in dairy buffaloes in order to estimate the phenotypic and genetic association between common latent factors and cumulative milk yield. A total of 31 257 monthly test-day milk yield records from buffaloes belonging to herds located in the state of São Paulo were used to estimate two common latent factors, which were then analysed in a multi-trait animal model for estimating genetic parameters. Estimates of (co)variance components for the two common latent factors and cumulated 270-d milk yield were obtained by Bayesian inference using a multiple trait animal model. Contemporary group, number of milkings per day (two levels) and age of buffalo cow at calving (linear and quadratic) as covariate were included in the model as fixed effects. The additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual effects were included as random effects. The first common latent factor (F1) was associated with persistency of lactation and the second common latent factor (F2) with the level of production in early lactation. Heritability estimates for Fl and F2 were 0.12 and 0.07, respectively. Genetic correlation estimates between El and F2 with cumulative milk yield were positive and moderate (0.63 and 0.52). Multivariate statistics employing factor analysis allowed the extraction of two variables (latent factors) that described the shape of the lactation curve. It is expected that the response to selection to increase lactation persistency is higher than the response obtained from selecting animals to increase lactation peak. Selection for higher total milk yield would result in a favourable correlated response to increase the level of production in early lactation and the lactation persistency.
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar cotas de vértices de uma poligonal, considerando dados coletados por três diferentes receptores GPS, usando como testemunha uma estação total. Os dados foram obtidos em uma poligonal fechada, sendo posteriormente tratados pelo software Topograph. As cotas obtidas pelos três receptores foram confrontadas com aquelas calculadas a partir do levantamento com a estação total, mediante a aplicação do teste t, constatando-se que as mesmas foram satisfatórias para o equipamento GPS Trimble® 4600 LS. Para o equipamento GPS Trimble® modelo PRO XR, as cotas não foram totalmente satisfatórias, mas possíveis de serem consideradas em anteprojetos. Para o equipamento GPS Garmin® de navegação 12 XS, as cotas mostraram-se inaceitáveis para a finalidade estudada.