995 resultados para Total column moisture


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670 p. Capítulos de introducción, metodología, discusión y conclusiones en castellano e inglés.


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Part I: An approach to the total synthesis of the triterpene shionone is described, which proceeds through the tetracyclic ketone i. The shionone side chain has been attached to this key intermediate in 5 steps, affording the olefin 2 in 29% yield. A method for the stereo-specific introduction of the angular methyl group at C-5 of shionone has been developed on a model system. The attempted utilization of this method to convert olefin 2 into shionone is described.

Part II: A method has been developed for activating the C-9 and C-10 positions of estrogenic steroids for substitution. Estrone has been converted to 4β,5β-epoxy-10β-hydroxyestr-3-one; cleavage of this epoxyketone using an Eschenmoser procedure, and subsequent modification of the product afforded 4-seco-9-estren-3,5-dione 3-ethylene acetal. This versatile intermediate, suitable for substitution at the 9 and/or 10 position, was converted to androst-4-ene-3-one by known procedures.


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The electromagnetic scattering and absorption properties of small (kr~1/2) inhomogeneous magnetoplasma columns are calculated via the full set of Maxwell's equations with tensor dielectric constitutive relation. The cold plasma model with collisional damping is used to describe the column. The equations are solved numerically, subject to boundary conditions appropriate to an infinite parallel strip line and to an incident plane wave. The results are similar for several density profiles and exhibit semiquantitative agreement with measurements in waveguide. The absorption is spatially limited, especially for small collision frequency, to a narrow hybrid resonant layer and is essentially zero when there is no hybrid layer in the column. The reflection is also enhanced when the hybrid layer is present, but the value of the reflection coefficient is strongly modified by the presence of the glass tube. The nature of the solutions and an extensive discussion of the conditions under which the cold collisional model should yield valid results is presented.


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O óleo lubrificante mineral é amplamente utilizado no cenário mundial no funcionamento de máquinas e motores. No entanto, o ciclo de vida deste petro-derivado resulta na geração de um resíduo (óleo lubrificante usado), o qual é nocivo ao meio ambiente quando não descartado adequadamente ou reciclado. No Brasil, apesar das normas que tratam especificamente do armazenamento, recolhimento e destino de óleo lubrificante usado, grande parte do mesmo ainda é despejado diretamente no meio ambiente, sem qualquer tratamento, sendo de grande importância estudos que visem o entendimento dos processos e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de remediação de áreas contaminadas por esse resíduo. O objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi conduzir estudos de tratabilidade de solo arenoso contaminado experimentalmente com 5% (m m-1 seco) de óleo lubrificante usado, através de duas diferentes estratégias de biorremediação: bioestímulo e bioaumento. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos. No primeiro, foi avaliada a atividade microbiana aeróbia na biodegradação do OLU através do método respirométrico de Bartha. No segundo, foram montados três biorreatores de fase sólida simulando biopilhas estáticas com aeração forçada, cada um contendo 125 kg de solo e 5% (m m-1 seco) de óleo lubrificante automotivo usado, os quais receberam como tratamento: bioestímulo por ajuste de pH e umidade (BIOSca); bioestímulo por ajuste de pH e umidade associado ao bioaumento com a adição de composto maduro (BIOA1ca) ; e bioestímulo por ajuste de pH e umidade associado ao bioaumento com a adição de composto jovem (BIOA2ca). Foram também montados três biorreatores de bancada simulando biopilhas estáticas sem aeração forçada, cada um contendo 3 kg de solo e 5% (m m-1) do mesmo contaminante, sendo que o primeiro continha solo sem contaminação - CONTsa, o segundo, solo contaminado com ajuste de pH BIOSsa e o terceiro, solo contaminado com adição de 0,3% de azida sódica - ABIOsa. Os tratamentos foram avaliados pela remoção de hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo (HTPs) e após 120 dias de experimento obteve-se remoções de HTPs de 84,75%, 99,99% e 99,99%, com BIOS, BIOA1 e BIOA2, respectivamente, demonstrando que a estratégia de bioestímulo associada ao bioaumento foram promissoras na remediação do solo contaminado pelo óleo lubrificante usado. Os tratamentos que receberam composto (BIOA1 e BIOA2) não apresentaram diferenças quanto à remoção de HTPs, evidenciando que a fase de maturação dos compostos não apresentou influência na eficiência do processo. No entanto, verificou-se uma eficiência nos tratamentos que receberam composto quando comparado ao tratamento sem adição de composto


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This thesis describes investigations of two classes of laboratory plasmas with rather different properties: partially ionized low pressure radiofrequency (RF) discharges, and fully ionized high density magnetohydrodynamically (MHD)-driven jets. An RF pre-ionization system was developed to enable neutral gas breakdown at lower pressures and create hotter, faster jets in the Caltech MHD-Driven Jet Experiment. The RF plasma source used a custom pulsed 3 kW 13.56 MHz RF power amplifier that was powered by AA batteries, allowing it to safely float at 4-6 kV with the cathode of the jet experiment. The argon RF discharge equilibrium and transport properties were analyzed, and novel jet dynamics were observed.

Although the RF plasma source was conceived as a wave-heated helicon source, scaling measurements and numerical modeling showed that inductive coupling was the dominant energy input mechanism. A one-dimensional time-dependent fluid model was developed to quantitatively explain the expansion of the pre-ionized plasma into the jet experiment chamber. The plasma transitioned from an ionizing phase with depressed neutral emission to a recombining phase with enhanced emission during the course of the experiment, causing fast camera images to be a poor indicator of the density distribution. Under certain conditions, the total visible and infrared brightness and the downstream ion density both increased after the RF power was turned off. The time-dependent emission patterns were used for an indirect measurement of the neutral gas pressure.

The low-mass jets formed with the aid of the pre-ionization system were extremely narrow and collimated near the electrodes, with peak density exceeding that of jets created without pre-ionization. The initial neutral gas distribution prior to plasma breakdown was found to be critical in determining the ultimate jet structure. The visible radius of the dense central jet column was several times narrower than the axial current channel radius, suggesting that the outer portion of the jet must have been force free, with the current parallel to the magnetic field. The studies of non-equilibrium flows and plasma self-organization being carried out at Caltech are relevant to astrophysical jets and fusion energy research.


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The determination of bi- and trivalent iron in proximity, in mineral waters has gained in significance, on biological and technical grounds. This short paper describes the procedure of the determination of bivalent iron and total iron in a water sample.


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Tryptophan and unnatural tryptophan derivatives are important building blocks for the total synthesis of natural products, as well as the development of new drugs, biological probes, and chiral small molecule catalysts. This thesis describes various catalytic methods for the preparation of tryptophan derivatives as well as their functionalization and use in natural product total synthesis.

Herein, the tandem Friedel–Crafts conjugate addition/asymmetric protonation reaction between 2-substituted indoles and methyl 2-acetamidoacrylate to provide enantioenriched trytophans is reported. This method inspired further work in the area of transition metal catalyzed arylation reactions. We report the development of the coppercatalyzed arylation of tryptamine and tryptophan derivatives. The utility of these transformations is highlighted in the five-step syntheses of the natural products (+)-naseseazine A and B. Further work on the development of a mild and general Larock indolization protocol to access unnatural tryptophans is also discussed.


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Diketopiperazine (DKP) motif is found in a wide range of biologically active natural products. This work details our efforts toward two classes of DKP-containing natural products.

Class one features the pyrroloindoline structure, derived from tryptophans. Our group developed a highly enantioselective (3 + 2) formal cycloaddition between indoles and acrylates to provide pyrroloindoline products possessing three stereocenters. Utilizing this methodology, we accomplished asymmetric total synthesis of three natural products: (–)-lansai B, (+)-nocardioazines A and B. Total synthesis of (–)-lansai B was realized in six steps, and featured an amino acid dimerization strategy. The total synthesis of (+)-nocardioazine B was also successfully completed in ten steps. Challenges were met in approaching (+)-nocardioazine A, where a seemingly easy last-step epoxidization did not prove successful. After re-examining our synthetic strategy, an early-stage epoxidation strategy was pursued, which eventually yielded a nine-step total synthesis of (+)-nocardioazine A.

Class two is the epidithiodiketopiperazine (ETP) natural products, which possesses an additional episulfide bridge in the DKP core. With the goal of accessing ETPs with different peripheral structures for structure-activity relationship studies, a highly divergent route was successfully developed, which was showcased in the formal synthesis of (–)-emethallicin E and (–)-haematocin, and the first asymmetric synthesis of (–)-acetylapoaranotin.


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An attempt is made to provide a theoretical explanation of the effect of the positive column on the voltage-current characteristic of a glow or an arc discharge. Such theories have been developed before, and all are based on balancing the production and loss of charged particles and accounting for the energy supplied to the plasma by the applied electric field. Differences among the theories arise from the approximations and omissions made in selecting processes that affect the particle and energy balances. This work is primarily concerned with the deviation from the ambipolar description of the positive column caused by space charge, electron-ion volume recombination, and temperature inhomogeneities.

The presentation is divided into three parts, the first of which involved the derivation of the final macroscopic equations from kinetic theory. The final equations are obtained by taking the first three moments of the Boltzmann equation for each of the three species in the plasma. Although the method used and the equations obtained are not novel, the derivation is carried out in detail in order to appraise the validity of numerous approximations and to justify the use of data from other sources. The equations are applied to a molecular hydrogen discharge contained between parallel walls. The applied electric field is parallel to the walls, and the dependent variables—electron and ion flux to the walls, electron and ion densities, transverse electric field, and gas temperature—vary only in the direction perpendicular to the walls. The mathematical description is given by a sixth-order nonlinear two-point boundary value problem which contains the applied field as a parameter. The amount of neutral gas and its temperature at the walls are held fixed, and the relation between the applied field and the electron density at the center of the discharge is obtained in the process of solving the problem. This relation corresponds to that between current and voltage and is used to interpret the effect of space charge, recombination, and temperature inhomogeneities on the voltage-current characteristic of the discharge.

The complete solution of the equations is impractical both numerically and analytically, and in Part II the gas temperature is assumed uniform so as to focus on the combined effects of space charge and recombination. The terms representing these effects are treated as perturbations to equations that would otherwise describe the ambipolar situation. However, the term representing space charge is not negligible in a thin boundary layer or sheath near the walls, and consequently the perturbation problem is singular. Separate solutions must be obtained in the sheath and in the main region of the discharge, and the relation between the electron density and the applied field is not determined until these solutions are matched.

In Part III the electron and ion densities are assumed equal, and the complicated space-charge calculation is thereby replaced by the ambipolar description. Recombination and temperature inhomogeneities are both important at high values of the electron density. However, the formulation of the problem permits a comparison of the relative effects, and temperature inhomogeneities are shown to be important at lower values of the electron density than recombination. The equations are solved by a direct numerical integration and by treating the term representing temperature inhomogeneities as a perturbation.

The conclusions reached in the study are primarily concerned with the association of the relation between electron density and axial field with the voltage-current characteristic. It is known that the effect of space charge can account for the subnormal glow discharge and that the normal glow corresponds to a close approach to an ambipolar situation. The effect of temperature inhomogeneities helps explain the decreasing characteristic of the arc, and the effect of recombination is not expected to appear except at very high electron densities.


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This thesis aims at enhancing our fundamental understanding of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), and mechanisms implicated in its climatology in present-day and warmer climates. We focus on the most prominent feature of the EASM, i.e., the so-called Meiyu-Baiu (MB), which is characterized by a well-defined, southwest to northeast elongated quasi-stationary rainfall band, spanning from eastern China to Japan and into the northwestern Pacific Ocean in June and July.

We begin with an observational study of the energetics of the MB front in present-day climate. Analyses of the moist static energy (MSE) budget of the MB front indicate that horizontal advection of moist enthalpy, primarily of dry enthalpy, sustains the front in a region of otherwise negative net energy input into the atmospheric column. A decomposition of the horizontal dry enthalpy advection into mean, transient, and stationary eddy fluxes identifies the longitudinal thermal gradient due to zonal asymmetries and the meridional stationary eddy velocity as the most influential factors determining the pattern of horizontal moist enthalpy advection. Numerical simulations in which the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is either retained or removed show that the TP influences the stationary enthalpy flux, and hence the MB front, primarily by changing the meridional stationary eddy velocity, with reinforced southerly wind on the northwestern flank of the north Pacific subtropical high (NPSH) over the MB region and northerly wind to its north. Changes in the longitudinal thermal gradient are mainly confined to the near downstream of the TP, with the resulting changes in zonal warm air advection having a lesser impact on the rainfall in the extended MB region.

Similar mechanisms are shown to be implicated in present climate simulations in the Couple Model Intercomparison Project - Phase 5 (CMIP5) models. We find that the spatial distribution of the EASM precipitation simulated by different models is highly correlated with the meridional stationary eddy velocity. The correlation becomes more robust when energy fluxes into the atmospheric column are considered, consistent with the observational analyses. The spread in the area-averaged rainfall amount can be partially explained by the spread in the simulated globally-averaged precipitation, with the rest primarily due to the lower-level meridional wind convergence. Clear relationships between precipitation and zonal and meridional eddy velocities are observed.

Finally, the response of the EASM to greenhouse gas forcing is investigated at different time scales in CMIP5 model simulations. The reduction of radiative cooling and the increase in continental surface temperature occur much more rapidly than changes in sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Without changes in SSTs, the rainfall in the monsoon region decreases (increases) over ocean (land) in most models. On longer time scales, as SSTs increase, rainfall changes are opposite. The total response to atmospheric CO^2 forcing and subsequent SST warming is a large (modest) increase in rainfall over ocean (land) in the EASM region. Dynamic changes, in spite of significant contributions from the thermodynamic component, play an important role in setting up the spatial pattern of precipitation changes. Rainfall anomalies over East China are a direct consequence of local land-sea contrast, while changes in the larger-scale oceanic rainfall band are closely associated with the displacement of the larger-scale NPSH. Numerical simulations show that topography and SST patterns play an important role in rainfall changes in the EASM region.


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A Echinodorus macrophyllus (Alismataceae), conhecida como chapéu de couro no Brasil, é usada popularmente para tratar doenças reumáticas e inflamatórias. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados os efeitos antiinflamatórios do extrato aquoso de E. macrophyllus (EAEm) e suas frações etanólicas no modelo murino de air pouch. Para a obtenção das frações, 7 g do EAEm foram aplicadas em uma coluna cromatográfica aberta de sílica gel eluída com diferentes concentrações de etanol. Os cromatogramas do EAEm/frações foram obtidos usando um sistema de HPLC. Foram obtidas quatro frações, duas delas com maior rendimento. Resumidamente, a bolha de ar foi induzida pela injeção de 5 mL de ar estéril (s.c) no dorso de camundongos SW machos (25-35 g). Após 3 dias, mas 3 mL de ar estéril foram injetados para manter a bolha. No sexto dia, cada grupo (n = 4) foi tratado intraperitoneal (ip) ou oralmente (v.o) com EAEm (25 ou 250 mg/kg), Fr20 ou Fr40 (2,5, 25, 50 ou 100 mg/kg) e os controles com indometacina (10 mg/kg, v.o.) ou veículo (salina). Uma hora depois, 1 mL de salina ou de carragenina 1% estéril foi injetada dentro da bolha. Após 4 h, a cavidade foi lavada com NaCl 0,9%, EDTA 2 mM (1 mL), para a determinação do número de leucócitos, volume do exsudato e concentração de proteínas. Células do exsudato foram preparadas em citocentrífuga e coradas pelo método do Panótico para a contagem diferencial dos leucócitos. Cortes histológicos coletados dos diferentes grupos foram fixados com formol tamponado 10% (pH 7,4) por 7 dias, corados com HE e analisados em MO. A análise da expressão da iNOS e da COX-2 foi realizada em células do exsudato por RT-PCR. O acúmulo de nitrito (NO2−) no sobrenadante do cultivo de células RAW 264.7 foi determinado usando um ensaio colorimétrico baseado na reação de Griess. Os resultados foram expressos como média EP e comparados usando ANOVA seguido de teste de Dunnet. Os experimentos foram realizados em triplicata. No modelo air pouch, a injeção de carragenina 1% aumentou tanto a migração celular quanto a concentração de proteína no exsudato. Contudo, enquanto o pré-tratamento com a Fr40 aumentou a resposta inflamatória, o pré-tratamento com o EAEm e a Fr20, sobretudo por via i.p., inibiu esta resposta quando comparado ao grupo controle tratado apenas com o veículo. Assim, foram observadas as seguintes razões de inibição da migração de células: EAEm, i.p. a 25 mg/kg (66,44%) e a 250 mg/kg (87,27%) e Fr20 a 2,5 mg/kg (26,89%), 25 mg/kg (60,06%), 50 mg/kg (63,13%) e a 100 mg/kg (77,47%). Em relação à contagem diferencial, o EAEm e a Fr20 afetaram principalmente o número de neutrófilos, inibindo sua migração no exsudato. O EAEm e a Fr20 também reduziram a concentração total de proteínas no exsudato principalmente no tratamento i.p.; EAEm a 25 e 250 mg/kg mostrou 3,33 0,55 e 2,05 0,51 mg/mL, respectivamente, quando comparado aos grupos controles (Indometacina 2.88 0.64 mg/mL; Veículo 5.48 0.88 mg/mL). A Fr20 a 2,5, 25, 50 e 100 mg/kg mostrou 4,788 0,444, 1,417 0,519, 2,474 0,529 e 2,215 0, 361 mg/mL. A análise histológica mostrou infiltrado celular, principalmente composto de leucócitos polimorfonucleares ao longo da derme inflamada de animais tratados com veículo. O tratamento com o EAEm ou Fr20 reduziu a infiltração de leucócitos no tecido inflamado. Além disso, o tratamento com o EAEm e a Fr20 mostrou atividade supressora sobre a expressão de iNOS e COX-2, e mostrou efeitos inibitórios na produção de NO induzida por LPS. Concluindo, todos estes resultados confirmam o potencial antiinflamatório sugerido para esta planta e fornecem uma base para a compreensão de seus mecanismos moleculares de ação. Contudo, outros estudos devem ser realizados para melhor elucidar as vias pelas quais o EAEm e a Fr20 exercem seus efeitos antiinflamatórios. Além disso, estudos fitoquímicos devem ser realizados para identificar os compostos ativos no EAEm e na Fr20.


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No Brasil, a contaminação do solo por derramamentos de combustíveis representa um dos mais graves problemas ambientais e o impacto da introdução de novas misturas como diesel/biodiesel na matriz energética requer investigação quanto a tecnologias apropriadas de remediação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes estratégias de biorremediação no tratamento de solo contaminado experimentalmente com óleo diesel B5. Foram conduzidos três experimentos. No primeiro, quatro microcosmos em duplicata, contendo 500 g de solo e 5% (p/p) de óleo diesel B5, todos suplementados com oxigênio através de revolvimento manual e com ajuste de umidade, tiveram como tratamentos: bioestímulo com ajuste de pH (BE1); bioestímulo com ajuste de pH e nutrientes (BE2); bioaumento com ajuste de pH, nutrientes e adição de consórcio microbiano comercial KMA (BAM) e; controle abiótico, com ajuste de pH e solo esterilizado em autoclave (PA). Paralelamente, foi conduzido tratamento por bioaumento com ajuste de pH e nutrientes, suplementação de oxigênio e consórcio KMA, em solo contaminado apenas por diesel a 5% (BAD). A população microbiana foi monitorada através da contagem de UFC e os tratamentos, avaliados pela remoção de carbono orgânico e de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo (n-alcanos C10-C36). No segundo experimento, o metabolismo microbiano aeróbio foi avaliado através da produção de CO2 em respirômetros de Bartha (triplicatas), em solo contaminado com 5% (p/p) de óleo diesel B5, ajustado para pH e umidade, nas seguintes condições: solo com adição do consórcio KMA; solo com adição de cultura microbiana obtida a partir de outro solo proveniente de um posto de combustível com histórico de vazamento de tanques (RES) e; solo esterilizado por adição de azida de sódio a 0,3% (p/p). Como controle, solo sem contaminação, com sua população microbiana autóctone. No terceiro experimento, a capacidade da microbiota autóctone (EX), assim como do consórcio KMA e da cultura RES, em biodegradar óleo diesel B5, diesel e biodiesel de soja foi testada através do uso de indicadores de oxirredução DCPIP e TTC. Os experimentos em microcosmos indicam que houve uma complementaridade metabólica entre a população nativa e o consórcio comercial de microorganismos KMA, cuja presença promoveu um decaimento mais rápido de n-alcanos nas primeiras semanas do experimento. No entanto, após 63 dias de experimento, os tratamentos BAM, BAD e BE2 apresentaram, respectivamente, em média, 92,7%, 89,4% e 81,7% de remoção dos hidrocarbonetos n-alcanos C10-C36, sendo tais diferenças, sem significância estatística. Nos respirômetros, o bioaumento com cultura microbiana RES apresentou a maior produção de CO2 e a maior remoção de hidrocarbonetos (46,2%) após 29 dias. Tanto nos ensaios em microcosmos quanto nos respirométricos, não foi possível estimar a contribuição dos processos abióticos, tendo em vista evidências da existência de atividade microbiana no solo esterilizado térmica ou quimicamente. Os ensaios com os dois indicadores redox mostraram que apenas a microbiota nativa do solo em estudo e a cultura microbiana RES apresentaram potencial para degradar óleo diesel B5, biodiesel de soja ou diesel, quando colocadas em meio mineral contendo tais combustíveis como única fonte de carbono.


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When salmonid redds are disrupted by spates, the displaced eggs will drift downstream. The mean distance of travel, the types of locations in which the eggs resettle and the depth of reburial of displaced eggs are not known. Investigation of these topics under field conditions presents considerable practical problems, though the use of artificial eggs might help to overcome some of them. Attempts to assess the similarities and/or differences in performance between real and artificial eggs are essential before artificial eggs can validly be used to simulate real eggs. The present report first compares the two types of egg in terms of their measurable physical characteristics (e.g. dimensions and density). The rate at which eggs fall in still water will relate to the rate at which they are likely to resettle in flowing water in the field. As the rate of fall will be influenced by a number of additional factors (e.g. shape and surface texture) which are not easily measured directly, the rates of fall of the two types of egg have been compared directly under controlled conditions. Finally, comparisons of the pattern of settlement of the two types of egg in flowing water in an experimental channel have been made. Although the work was primarily aimed at testing the value of artificial eggs as a simulation of real eggs, several side issues more directly concerned with the properties of real eggs and the likely distance of drift in natural streams have also been explored. This is the first of three reports made on this topic by the author in 1984.