938 resultados para Tornio verticale, FEM
Il lavoro si pone l’obiettivo di studiare in modo approfondito il fenomeno del ritiro del calcestruzzo, in un primo momento come fenomeno fisico verificandone gli effetti su elementi strutturali semplici, per poi approfondire in un secondo momento gli effetti indotti su una struttura reale, nello specifico su un impalcato da ponte a sezione mista. Tramite questo percorso di studio articolato in fasi di studio prettamente teoriche, seguite dall’analisi del fenomeno su modelli realizzati con software FEM, si vuole indagare il fenomeno del ritiro del calcestruzzo dal punto di vista fisico, capire l’entità delle azioni che si manifestano nelle strutture come effetto di tale fenomeno ed infine valutare se effettivamente il ritiro abbia rilevanza pratica solo nell’ambito delle verifiche allo Stato Limite di Esercizio.
Nella presente Tesi è affrontata l’analisi sperimentale e teorica del comportamento di pareti in muratura rinforzate con FRCM e sollecitate da azioni di taglio fuori piano. Lo schema statico adottato per i campioni sperimentati consiste in uno schema appoggio-appoggio, mentre le forze esterne di taglio sono state applicate secondo uno schema di carico a quattro punti. Durante il corso della prova, i pannelli murari sono inoltre stati soggetti ad un carico di precompressione verticale costante, che simula l’effetto della presenza del solaio in un edificio in muratura. Dopo una descrizione teorica delle principali caratteristiche dei materiali compositi e dei loro costituenti, all’interno della Tesi sono richiamati alcuni studi scientifici relativi al comportamento fuori piano di elementi strutturali rinforzati con FRCM. In seguito vengono presentati i materiali impiegati per la campagna sperimentale e le prove di caratterizzazione meccanica eseguite. Vengono poi riportati i risultati sperimentali delle prove a taglio fuori piano in termini di spostamenti, di deformazioni e di scorrimenti, affrontando infine un confronto tra i risultati ottenuti per i campioni esaminati e riportando alcune considerazioni circa la strumentazione impiegata. L’ultima parte della Tesi è dedicata all’analisi teorica delle pareti. Viene proposto un modello teorico per stimare la resistenza fornita dai muri rinforzati, ipotizzando tre possibili modalità di rottura: rottura a trazione della fibra, rottura per distacco tra FRCM e supporto in muratura e rottura per delaminazione interna. Infine, viene riportata la modellazione agli elementi finiti svolta mediante il codice di calcolo MidasFea, che consente di attribuire ai materiali legami costitutivi adeguati per la modellazione di strutture in muratura, cogliendone il comportamento non lineare e il progressivo danneggiamento.
La ricerca scientifica oggetto della seguente tesi verte sullo studio di problematiche mosse dalla collaborazione Azienda-Università nell’ambito di sili contenenti materiale granulare, soggetti a sollecitazione sismica. Si è indagato sul comportamento di tali strutture a mezzo di due modelli, uno raffinato e l'altro semplificato, soggetti alle medesime combinazioni. Un aspetto interessante, introdotto nella modellazione, è stato quello di considerare la lamiera corrugata come una piastra ortotropa. Si sono riportate le linee guida per la progettazione e la verifica dei profili in parete sottile. Discussione e validazione dei risultati numerici.
In questo lavoro si è tentato di fornire un metodo per la calibrazione di modelli numerici in analisi dinamiche spettrali. Attraverso una serie di analisi time history non lineari sono stati ottenuti gli spostamenti relativi orizzontali che nascono, in corrispondenza della connessione trave-pilastro di tipo attritivo, quando una struttura prefabbricata monopiano viene investita dalla componente orizzontale e verticale del sisma. Con un procedimento iterativo su varie analisi spettrali sono state calibrate delle rigidezze equivalenti che hanno permesso di ottenere, con buona approssimazione, gli stessi risultati delle analisi time history. Tali rigidezze sono state poi restituite in forma grafica. Per riprodurre gli spostamenti relativi orizzontali con un’analisi dinamica spettrale è quindi possibile collegare le travi ai pilastri con degli elementi elastici aventi rigidezza Kcoll. I valori di rigidezza restituiti da questo studio valgono per un’ampia gamma di prefabbricati monopiano (periodo proprio 0.20s < T < 2.00s) e tre differenti livelli di intensità sismica; inoltre è stata data la possibilità di considerare la plasticizzazione alla base dei pilastri e di scegliere fra due diverse posizioni nei confronti della rottura di faglia (Near Fault System o Far Fault System). La diminuzione di forza d’attrito risultante (a seguito della variazione dell’accelerazione verticale indotta dal sisma) è stata presa in considerazione utilizzando un modello in cui fra trave e pilastro è posto un isolatore a pendolo inverso (opportunamente calibrato per funzionare come semplice appoggio ad attrito). Con i modelli lineari equivalenti si riescono ad ottenere buoni risultati in tempi relativamente ridotti: è possibile così compiere delle valutazioni approssimate sulla perdita di appoggio e sulle priorità d’intervento in una determinata zona sismica.
La diffusione e l'evoluzione degli smartphone hanno permesso una rapida espansione delle informazioni che e possibile raccogliere tramite i sensori dei dispositivi, per creare nuovi servizi per gli utenti o potenziare considerevolmente quelli gia esistenti, come ad esempio quelli di emergenza. In questo lavoro viene esplorata la capacita dei dispositivi mobili di fornire, tramite il calcolo dell'altitudine possibile grazie alla presenza del sensore barometrico all'interno di sempre piu dispositivi, il piano dell'edificio in cui si trova l'utente, attraverso l'analisi di varie metodologie con enfasi sulle problematiche dello stazionamento a lungo termine. Tra le metodologie vengono anche considerati sistemi aventi accesso ad una informazione proveniente da un dispositivo esterno e ad una loro versione corretta del problema dei differenti hardware relativi ai sensori. Inoltre viene proposto un algoritmo che, sulla base delle sole informazioni raccolte dal sensore barometrico interno, ha obbiettivo di limitare l'errore generato dalla naturale evoluzione della pressione atmosferica durante l'arco della giornata, distinguendo con buona precisione uno spostamento verticale quale un movimento tra piani, da un cambiamento dovuto ad agenti, quali quelli atmosferici, sulla pressione. I risultati ottenuti dalle metodologie e loro combinazioni analizzate vengono mostrati sia per singolo campionamento, permettendo di confrontare vantaggi e svantaggi dei singoli metodi in situazioni specifiche, sia aggregati in casi d'uso di possibili utenti aventi diverse necessita di stazionamento all'interno di un edificio.
In questa tesi si affronta lo studio di piastre isotrope e laminate mediante metodo GDQ e si confrontano i risultati con quelli ottenuti, per le stesse tipologie di piastre, mediante metodo FEM. Lo scopo del lavoro e quello di certificare la maggior efficienza del software di calcolo DiQuMASPAB, basato su teorie in forma forte, rispetto ai tradizionali software di calcolo agli elementi finiti attualmente in commercio. Il confronto ha come obiettivo quello di evidenziare i punti deboli dal punto di vista dell'approssimazione delle soluzioni e del costo computazonale.
Laser tissue soldering (LTS) is a promising technique for tissue fusion based on a heat-denaturation process of proteins. Thermal damage of the fused tissue during the laser procedure has always been an important and challenging problem. Particularly in LTS of arterial blood vessels strong heating of the endothelium should be avoided to minimize the risk of thrombosis. A precise knowledge of the temperature distribution within the vessel wall during laser irradiation is inevitable. The authors developed a finite element model (FEM) to simulate the temperature distribution within blood vessels during LTS. Temperature measurements were used to verify and calibrate the model. Different parameters such as laser power, solder absorption coefficient, thickness of the solder layer, cooling of the vessel and continuous vs. pulsed energy deposition were tested to elucidate their impact on the temperature distribution within the soldering joint in order to reduce the amount of further animal experiments. A pulsed irradiation with high laser power and high absorbing solder yields the best results.
The analysis of Komendant's design of the Kimbell Art Museum was carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of the ring beams, edge beams and prestressing in the shells of the roof system. Finite element analysis was not available to Komendant or other engineers of the time to aid them in the design and analysis. Thus, the use of this tool helped to form a new perspective on the Kimbell Art Museum and analyze the engineer's work. In order to carry out the finite element analysis of Kimbell Art Museum, ADINA finite element analysis software was utilized. Eight finite element models (FEM-1 through FEM-8) of increasing complexity were created. The results of the most realistic model, FEM-8, which included ring beams, edge beams and prestressing, were compared to Komendant's calculations. The maximum deflection at the crown of the mid-span surface of -0.1739 in. in FEM-8 was found to be larger than Komendant's deflection in the design documents before the loss in prestressing force (-0.152 in.) but smaller than his prediction after the loss in prestressing force (-0.3814 in.). Komendant predicted a larger longitudinal stress of -903 psi at the crown (vs. -797 psi in FEM-8) and 37 psi at the edge (vs. -347 psi in FEM-8). Considering the strength of concrete of 5000 psi, the difference in results is not significant. From the analysis it was determined that both FEM-5, which included prestressing and fixed rings, and FEM-8 can be successfully and effectively implemented in practice. Prestressing was used in both models and thus served as the main contribution to efficiency. FEM-5 showed that ring and edge beams can be avoided, however an architect might find them more aesthetically appropriate than rigid walls.
The goal of this research is to provide a framework for vibro-acoustical analysis and design of a multiple-layer constrained damping structure. The existing research on damping and viscoelastic damping mechanism is limited to the following four mainstream approaches: modeling techniques of damping treatments/materials; control through the electrical-mechanical effect using the piezoelectric layer; optimization by adjusting the parameters of the structure to meet the design requirements; and identification of the damping material’s properties through the response of the structure. This research proposes a systematic design methodology for the multiple-layer constrained damping beam giving consideration to vibro-acoustics. A modeling technique to study the vibro-acoustics of multiple-layered viscoelastic laminated beams using the Biot damping model is presented using a hybrid numerical model. The boundary element method (BEM) is used to model the acoustical cavity whereas the Finite Element Method (FEM) is the basis for vibration analysis of the multiple-layered beam structure. Through the proposed procedure, the analysis can easily be extended to other complex geometry with arbitrary boundary conditions. The nonlinear behavior of viscoelastic damping materials is represented by the Biot damping model taking into account the effects of frequency, temperature and different damping materials for individual layers. A curve-fitting procedure used to obtain the Biot constants for different damping materials for each temperature is explained. The results from structural vibration analysis for selected beams agree with published closed-form results and results for the radiated noise for a sample beam structure obtained using a commercial BEM software is compared with the acoustical results of the same beam with using the Biot damping model. The extension of the Biot damping model is demonstrated to study MDOF (Multiple Degrees of Freedom) dynamics equations of a discrete system in order to introduce different types of viscoelastic damping materials. The mechanical properties of viscoelastic damping materials such as shear modulus and loss factor change with respect to different ambient temperatures and frequencies. The application of multiple-layer treatment increases the damping characteristic of the structure significantly and thus helps to attenuate the vibration and noise for a broad range of frequency and temperature. The main contributions of this dissertation include the following three major tasks: 1) Study of the viscoelastic damping mechanism and the dynamics equation of a multilayer damped system incorporating the Biot damping model. 2) Building the Finite Element Method (FEM) model of the multiple-layer constrained viscoelastic damping beam and conducting the vibration analysis. 3) Extending the vibration problem to the Boundary Element Method (BEM) based acoustical problem and comparing the results with commercial simulation software.
Intraneural Ganglion Cyst is a 200 year old mystery related to nerve injury which is yet to be solved. Current treatments for the above problem are relatively simple procedures related to removal of cystic contents from the nerve. However, these treatments may result into neuropathic pain and recurrence of the cyst. The articular theory proposed by Spinner et al., (Spinner et al. 2003) takes into consideration the neurological deficit in Common Peroneal Nerve (CPN) branch of the sciatic nerve and affirms that in addition to the above treatments, ligation of articular branch results into foolproof eradication of the deficit. Mechanical Modeling of the Affected Nerve Cross Section will reinforce the articular theory (Spinner et al. 2003). As the cyst propagates, it compresses the neighboring fascicles and the nerve cross section appears like a signet ring. Hence, in order to mechanically model the affected nerve cross section; computational methods capable of modeling excessively large deformations are required. Traditional FEM produces distorted elements while modeling such deformations, resulting into inaccuracies and premature termination of the analysis. The methods described in this Master’s Thesis are effective enough to be able to simulate such deformations. The results obtained from the model adequately resemble the MRI image obtained at the same location and shows an appearance of a signet ring. This Master’s Thesis describes the neurological deficit in brief followed by detail explanation of the advanced computational methods used to simulate this problem. Finally, qualitative results show the resemblance of mechanical model to MRI images of the Nerve Cross Section at the same location validating the capability of these methods to study this neurological deficit.
The Pacaya volcanic complex is part of the Central American volcanic arc, which is associated with the subduction of the Cocos tectonic plate under the Caribbean plate. Located 30 km south of Guatemala City, Pacaya is situated on the southern rim of the Amatitlan Caldera. It is the largest post-caldera volcano, and has been one of Central America’s most active volcanoes over the last 500 years. Between 400 and 2000 years B.P, the Pacaya volcano had experienced a huge collapse, which resulted in the formation of horseshoe-shaped scarp that is still visible. In the recent years, several smaller collapses have been associated with the activity of the volcano (in 1961 and 2010) affecting its northwestern flanks, which are likely to be induced by the local and regional stress changes. The similar orientation of dry and volcanic fissures and the distribution of new vents would likely explain the reactivation of the pre-existing stress configuration responsible for the old-collapse. This paper presents the first stability analysis of the Pacaya volcanic flank. The inputs for the geological and geotechnical models were defined based on the stratigraphical, lithological, structural data, and material properties obtained from field survey and lab tests. According to the mechanical characteristics, three lithotechnical units were defined: Lava, Lava-Breccia and Breccia-Lava. The Hoek and Brown’s failure criterion was applied for each lithotechnical unit and the rock mass friction angle, apparent cohesion, and strength and deformation characteristics were computed in a specified stress range. Further, the stability of the volcano was evaluated by two-dimensional analysis performed by Limit Equilibrium (LEM, ROCSCIENCE) and Finite Element Method (FEM, PHASE 2 7.0). The stability analysis mainly focused on the modern Pacaya volcano built inside the collapse amphitheatre of “Old Pacaya”. The volcanic instability was assessed based on the variability of safety factor using deterministic, sensitivity, and probabilistic analysis considering the gravitational instability and the effects of external forces such as magma pressure and seismicity as potential triggering mechanisms of lateral collapse. The preliminary results from the analysis provide two insights: first, the least stable sector is on the south-western flank of the volcano; second, the lowest safety factor value suggests that the edifice is stable under gravity alone, and the external triggering mechanism can represent a likely destabilizing factor.
Determining how an exhaust system will perform acoustically before a prototype muffler is built can save the designer both a substantial amount of time and resources. In order to effectively use the simulation tools available it is important to understand what is the most effective tool for the intended purpose of analysis as well as how typical elements in an exhaust system affect muffler performance. An in-depth look at the available tools and their most beneficial uses are presented in this thesis. A full parametric study was conducted using the FEM method for typical muffler elements which was also correlated to experimental results. This thesis lays out the overall ground work on how to accurately predict sound pressure levels in the free field for an exhaust system with the engine properties included. The accuracy of the model is heavily dependent on the correct temperature profile of the model in addition to the accuracy of the source properties. These factors will be discussed in detail and methods for determining them will be presented. The secondary effects of mean flow, which affects both the acoustical wave propagation and the flow noise generation, will be discussed. Effective ways for predicting these secondary effects will be described. Experimental models will be tested on a flow rig that showcases these phenomena.
Power transformers are key components of the power grid and are also one of the most subjected to a variety of power system transients. The failure of a large transformer can cause severe monetary losses to a utility, thus adequate protection schemes are of great importance to avoid transformer damage and maximize the continuity of service. Computer modeling can be used as an efficient tool to improve the reliability of a transformer protective relay application. Unfortunately, transformer models presently available in commercial software lack completeness in the representation of several aspects such as internal winding faults, which is a common cause of transformer failure. It is also important to adequately represent the transformer at frequencies higher than the power frequency for a more accurate simulation of switching transients since these are a well known cause for the unwanted tripping of protective relays. This work develops new capabilities for the Hybrid Transformer Model (XFMR) implemented in ATPDraw to allow the representation of internal winding faults and slow-front transients up to 10 kHz. The new model can be developed using any of two sources of information: 1) test report data and 2) design data. When only test-report data is available, a higher-order leakage inductance matrix is created from standard measurements. If design information is available, a Finite Element Model is created to calculate the leakage parameters for the higher-order model. An analytical model is also implemented as an alternative to FEM modeling. Measurements on 15-kVA 240?/208Y V and 500-kVA 11430Y/235Y V distribution transformers were performed to validate the model. A transformer model that is valid for simulations for frequencies above the power frequency was developed after continuing the division of windings into multiple sections and including a higher-order capacitance matrix. Frequency-scan laboratory measurements were used to benchmark the simulations. Finally, a stability analysis of the higher-order model was made by analyzing the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration as used in ATP. Numerical damping was also added to suppress oscillations locally when discontinuities occurred in the solution. A maximum error magnitude of 7.84% was encountered in the simulated currents for different turn-to-ground and turn-to-turn faults. The FEM approach provided the most accurate means to determine the leakage parameters for the ATP model. The higher-order model was found to reproduce the short-circuit impedance acceptably up to about 10 kHz and the behavior at the first anti-resonant frequency was better matched with the measurements.
Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is susceptible to errors introduced by the presence of real-ground and resonant size scatterers in the vicinity of the antenna array. To compensate for these errors pre-calibration and auto-calibration techniques are presented. The effects of real-ground constituent parameters on the mutual coupling (MC) of wire type antenna arrays for DOA estimation are investigated. This is accomplished by pre-calibration of the antenna array over the real-ground using the finite element method (FEM). The mutual impedance matrix is pre-estimated and used to remove the perturbations in the received terminal voltage. The unperturbed terminal voltage is incorporated in MUSIC algorithm to estimate DOAs. First, MC of quarter wave monopole antenna arrays is investigated. This work augments an existing MC compensation technique for ground-based antennas and proposes reduction in MC for antennas over finite ground as compared to the perfect ground. A factor of 4 decrease in both the real and imaginary parts of the MC is observed when considering a poor ground versus a perfectly conducting one for quarter wave monopoles in the receiving mode. A simulated result to show the compensation of errors direction of arrival (DOA) estimation with actual realization of the environment is also presented. Secondly, investigations for the effects on received MC of λ/2 dipole arrays placed near real-earth are carried out. As a rule of thumb, estimation of mutual coupling can be divided in two regions of antenna height that is very near ground 0
Many methodologies dealing with prediction or simulation of soft tissue deformations on medical image data require preprocessing of the data in order to produce a different shape representation that complies with standard methodologies, such as mass–spring networks, finite element method s (FEM). On the other hand, methodologies working directly on the image space normally do not take into account mechanical behavior of tissues and tend to lack physics foundations driving soft tissue deformations. This chapter presents a method to simulate soft tissue deformations based on coupled concepts from image analysis and mechanics theory. The proposed methodology is based on a robust stochastic approach that takes into account material properties retrieved directly from the image, concepts from continuum mechanics and FEM. The optimization framework is solved within a hierarchical Markov random field (HMRF) which is implemented on the graphics processor unit (GPU See Graphics processing unit ).