934 resultados para Three-dimensional electrical impedance tomography
The objective of this work is to present a multitechnique approach to define the geometry, the kinematics, and the failure mechanism of a retrogressive large landslide (upper part of the La Valette landslide, South French Alps) by the combination of airborne and terrestrial laser scanning data and ground-based seismic tomography data. The advantage of combining different methods is to constrain the geometrical and failure mechanism models by integrating different sources of information. Because of an important point density at the ground surface (4. 1 points m?2), a small laser footprint (0.09 m) and an accurate three-dimensional positioning (0.07 m), airborne laser scanning data are adapted as a source of information to analyze morphological structures at the surface. Seismic tomography surveys (P-wave and S-wave velocities) may highlight the presence of low-seismic-velocity zones that characterize the presence of dense fracture networks at the subsurface. The surface displacements measured from the terrestrial laser scanning data over a period of 2 years (May 2008?May 2010) allow one to quantify the landslide activity at the direct vicinity of the identified discontinuities. An important subsidence of the crown area with an average subsidence rate of 3.07 m?year?1 is determined. The displacement directions indicate that the retrogression is controlled structurally by the preexisting discontinuities. A conceptual structural model is proposed to explain the failure mechanism and the retrogressive evolution of the main scarp. Uphill, the crown area is affected by planar sliding included in a deeper wedge failure system constrained by two preexisting fractures. Downhill, the landslide body acts as a buttress for the upper part. Consequently, the progression of the landslide body downhill allows the development of dip-slope failures, and coherent blocks start sliding along planar discontinuities. The volume of the failed mass in the crown area is estimated at 500,000 m3 with the sloping local base level method.
This article presents a feasibility study with the objective of investigating the potential of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) to estimate the bone age and sex of deceased persons. To obtain virtual skeletons, the bodies of 22 deceased persons with known age at death were scanned by MDCT using a special protocol that consisted of high-resolution imaging of the skull, shoulder girdle (including the upper half of the humeri), the symphysis pubis and the upper halves of the femora. Bone and soft-tissue reconstructions were performed in two and three dimensions. The resulting data were investigated by three anthropologists with different professional experience. Sex was determined by investigating three-dimensional models of the skull and pelvis. As a basic orientation for the age estimation, the complex method according to Nemeskéri and co-workers was applied. The final estimation was effected using additional parameters like the state of dentition, degeneration of the spine, etc., which where chosen individually by the three observers according to their experience. The results of the study show that the estimation of sex and age is possible by the use of MDCT. Virtual skeletons present an ideal collection for anthropological studies, because they are obtained in a non-invasive way and can be investigated ad infinitum.
In recent years, modern techniques of medical imaging such as MDCT (multidetector-computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) have pioneered post mortem (pm) investigations, especially in forensic medicine. Particularly pm angiography permits investigating the vascular system in a way which is not possible by performing only conventional autopsy. Beside these radiological methods, other modem visualizing techniques like the three dimensional (3D) surface scan have been implemented in order perform reconstructions of complex cases. By the use of pm imaging techniques, more objective and accurate documentations can be realized that permit an increase of quality in forensic investigations.
Coronary artery calcification (CAC) is quantified based on a computed tomography (CT) scan image. A calcified region is identified. Modified expectation maximization (MEM) of a statistical model for the calcified and background material is used to estimate the partial calcium content of the voxels. The algorithm limits the region over which MEM is performed. By using MEM, the statistical properties of the model are iteratively updated based on the calculated resultant calcium distribution from the previous iteration. The estimated statistical properties are used to generate a map of the partial calcium content in the calcified region. The volume of calcium in the calcified region is determined based on the map. The experimental results on a cardiac phantom, scanned 90 times using 15 different protocols, demonstrate that the proposed method is less sensitive to partial volume effect and noise, with average error of 9.5% (standard deviation (SD) of 5-7mm(3)) compared with 67% (SD of 3-20mm(3)) for conventional techniques. The high reproducibility of the proposed method for 35 patients, scanned twice using the same protocol at a minimum interval of 10 min, shows that the method provides 2-3 times lower interscan variation than conventional techniques.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Irlanda, entre setembre i desembre del 2009.En els últims anys s’ha realitzat un important avanç en la modelització tridimensional en magnetotel•lúrica (MT) gracies a l'augment d’algorismes d’inversió tridimensional disponibles. Aquests codis utilitzen diferents formulacions del problema (diferències finites, elements finits o equacions integrals), diverses orientacions del sistema de coordenades i, o bé en el conveni de signe, més o menys, en la dependència temporal. Tanmateix, les impedàncies resultants per a tots els valors d'aquests codis han de ser les mateixes una vegada que es converteixen a un conveni de signe comú i al mateix sistema de coordenades. Per comparar els resultats dels diferents codis hem dissenyat models diferents de resistivitats amb estructures tridimensional incrustades en un subsòl homogeni. Un requisit fonamental d’aquests models és que generin impedàncies amb valors importants en els elements de la diagonal, que no són menyspreables. A diferència dels casos del modelització de dades magnetotel.lúriques unidimensionals i bidimensionals, pel al cas tridimensional aquests elements de les diagonals del tensor d'impedància porten informació sobre l'estructura de la resistivitat. Un dels models de terreny s'utilitza per comparar els diferents algoritmes que és la base per posterior inversió dels diferents codis. Aquesta comparació va ser seguida de la inversió per recuperar el conjunt de dades d'una estructura coneguda.
Des progrès significatifs ont été réalisés dans le domaine de l'intégration quantitative des données géophysique et hydrologique l'échelle locale. Cependant, l'extension à de plus grandes échelles des approches correspondantes constitue encore un défi majeur. Il est néanmoins extrêmement important de relever ce défi pour développer des modèles fiables de flux des eaux souterraines et de transport de contaminant. Pour résoudre ce problème, j'ai développé une technique d'intégration des données hydrogéophysiques basée sur une procédure bayésienne de simulation séquentielle en deux étapes. Cette procédure vise des problèmes à plus grande échelle. L'objectif est de simuler la distribution d'un paramètre hydraulique cible à partir, d'une part, de mesures d'un paramètre géophysique pertinent qui couvrent l'espace de manière exhaustive, mais avec une faible résolution (spatiale) et, d'autre part, de mesures locales de très haute résolution des mêmes paramètres géophysique et hydraulique. Pour cela, mon algorithme lie dans un premier temps les données géophysiques de faible et de haute résolution à travers une procédure de réduction déchelle. Les données géophysiques régionales réduites sont ensuite reliées au champ du paramètre hydraulique à haute résolution. J'illustre d'abord l'application de cette nouvelle approche dintégration des données à une base de données synthétiques réaliste. Celle-ci est constituée de mesures de conductivité hydraulique et électrique de haute résolution réalisées dans les mêmes forages ainsi que destimations des conductivités électriques obtenues à partir de mesures de tomographic de résistivité électrique (ERT) sur l'ensemble de l'espace. Ces dernières mesures ont une faible résolution spatiale. La viabilité globale de cette méthode est testée en effectuant les simulations de flux et de transport au travers du modèle original du champ de conductivité hydraulique ainsi que du modèle simulé. Les simulations sont alors comparées. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que la procédure dintégration des données proposée permet d'obtenir des estimations de la conductivité en adéquation avec la structure à grande échelle ainsi que des predictions fiables des caractéristiques de transports sur des distances de moyenne à grande échelle. Les résultats correspondant au scénario de terrain indiquent que l'approche d'intégration des données nouvellement mise au point est capable d'appréhender correctement les hétérogénéitées à petite échelle aussi bien que les tendances à gande échelle du champ hydraulique prévalent. Les résultats montrent également une flexibilté remarquable et une robustesse de cette nouvelle approche dintégration des données. De ce fait, elle est susceptible d'être appliquée à un large éventail de données géophysiques et hydrologiques, à toutes les gammes déchelles. Dans la deuxième partie de ma thèse, j'évalue en détail la viabilité du réechantillonnage geostatique séquentiel comme mécanisme de proposition pour les méthodes Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) appliquées à des probmes inverses géophysiques et hydrologiques de grande dimension . L'objectif est de permettre une quantification plus précise et plus réaliste des incertitudes associées aux modèles obtenus. En considérant une série dexemples de tomographic radar puits à puits, j'étudie deux classes de stratégies de rééchantillonnage spatial en considérant leur habilité à générer efficacement et précisément des réalisations de la distribution postérieure bayésienne. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, malgré sa popularité, le réechantillonnage séquentiel est plutôt inefficace à générer des échantillons postérieurs indépendants pour des études de cas synthétiques réalistes, notamment pour le cas assez communs et importants où il existe de fortes corrélations spatiales entre le modèle et les paramètres. Pour résoudre ce problème, j'ai développé un nouvelle approche de perturbation basée sur une déformation progressive. Cette approche est flexible en ce qui concerne le nombre de paramètres du modèle et lintensité de la perturbation. Par rapport au rééchantillonage séquentiel, cette nouvelle approche s'avère être très efficace pour diminuer le nombre requis d'itérations pour générer des échantillons indépendants à partir de la distribution postérieure bayésienne. - Significant progress has been made with regard to the quantitative integration of geophysical and hydrological data at the local scale. However, extending corresponding approaches beyond the local scale still represents a major challenge, yet is critically important for the development of reliable groundwater flow and contaminant transport models. To address this issue, I have developed a hydrogeophysical data integration technique based on a two-step Bayesian sequential simulation procedure that is specifically targeted towards larger-scale problems. The objective is to simulate the distribution of a target hydraulic parameter based on spatially exhaustive, but poorly resolved, measurements of a pertinent geophysical parameter and locally highly resolved, but spatially sparse, measurements of the considered geophysical and hydraulic parameters. To this end, my algorithm links the low- and high-resolution geophysical data via a downscaling procedure before relating the downscaled regional-scale geophysical data to the high-resolution hydraulic parameter field. I first illustrate the application of this novel data integration approach to a realistic synthetic database consisting of collocated high-resolution borehole measurements of the hydraulic and electrical conductivities and spatially exhaustive, low-resolution electrical conductivity estimates obtained from electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). The overall viability of this method is tested and verified by performing and comparing flow and transport simulations through the original and simulated hydraulic conductivity fields. The corresponding results indicate that the proposed data integration procedure does indeed allow for obtaining faithful estimates of the larger-scale hydraulic conductivity structure and reliable predictions of the transport characteristics over medium- to regional-scale distances. The approach is then applied to a corresponding field scenario consisting of collocated high- resolution measurements of the electrical conductivity, as measured using a cone penetrometer testing (CPT) system, and the hydraulic conductivity, as estimated from electromagnetic flowmeter and slug test measurements, in combination with spatially exhaustive low-resolution electrical conductivity estimates obtained from surface-based electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). The corresponding results indicate that the newly developed data integration approach is indeed capable of adequately capturing both the small-scale heterogeneity as well as the larger-scale trend of the prevailing hydraulic conductivity field. The results also indicate that this novel data integration approach is remarkably flexible and robust and hence can be expected to be applicable to a wide range of geophysical and hydrological data at all scale ranges. In the second part of my thesis, I evaluate in detail the viability of sequential geostatistical resampling as a proposal mechanism for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods applied to high-dimensional geophysical and hydrological inverse problems in order to allow for a more accurate and realistic quantification of the uncertainty associated with the thus inferred models. Focusing on a series of pertinent crosshole georadar tomographic examples, I investigated two classes of geostatistical resampling strategies with regard to their ability to efficiently and accurately generate independent realizations from the Bayesian posterior distribution. The corresponding results indicate that, despite its popularity, sequential resampling is rather inefficient at drawing independent posterior samples for realistic synthetic case studies, notably for the practically common and important scenario of pronounced spatial correlation between model parameters. To address this issue, I have developed a new gradual-deformation-based perturbation approach, which is flexible with regard to the number of model parameters as well as the perturbation strength. Compared to sequential resampling, this newly proposed approach was proven to be highly effective in decreasing the number of iterations required for drawing independent samples from the Bayesian posterior distribution.
PURPOSE: The purposes of this study were to (1) develop a high-resolution 3-T magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) technique with an in-plane resolution approximate to that of multidetector coronary computed tomography (MDCT) and a voxel size of 0.35 × 0.35 × 1.5 mm³ and to (2) investigate the image quality of this technique in healthy participants and preliminarily in patients with known coronary artery disease (CAD). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 3-T coronary MRA technique optimized for an image acquisition voxel as small as 0.35 × 0.35 × 1.5 mm³ (high-resolution coronary MRA [HRC]) was implemented and the coronary arteries of 22 participants were imaged. These included 11 healthy participants (average age, 28.5 years; 5 men) and 11 participants with CAD (average age, 52.9 years; 5 women) as identified on MDCT. In addition, the 11 healthy participants were imaged using a method with a more common spatial resolution of 0.7 × 1 × 3 mm³ (regular-resolution coronary MRA [RRC]). Qualitative and quantitative comparisons were made between the 2 MRA techniques. RESULTS: Normal vessels and CAD lesions were successfully depicted at 350 × 350 μm² in-plane resolution with adequate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio. The CAD findings were consistent among MDCT and HRC. The HRC showed a 47% improvement in sharpness despite a reduction in SNR (by 72%) and in contrast-to-noise ratio (by 86%) compared with the regular-resolution coronary MRA. CONCLUSION: This study, as a first step toward substantial improvement in the resolution of coronary MRA, demonstrates the feasibility of obtaining at 3 T a spatial resolution that approximates that of MDCT. The acquisition in-plane pixel dimensions are as small as 350 × 350 μm² with a 1.5-mm slice thickness. Although SNR is lower, the images have improved sharpness, resulting in image quality that allows qualitative identification of disease sites on MRA consistent with MDCT.
Successful detection of inflammatory lesions by planar scintigraphy and SPECT after injection of iodine-123 labelled monoclonal antibodies directed against human granulocytes (123I-Mabgc) is demonstrated. This new tracer has been compared with indium-111 labelled white blood cells (111In-WBC) in selected patients with proven infectious lesions. Scans were equally positive in all cases, but the methodical advantages of the new marker were obvious, namely, there is no need for cell separation and the images of inflammatory lesions were better defined. In addition, SPECT could be performed with 123I-Mabgc and allowed a better anatomic localization and a three-dimensional description of the lesions. No adverse reactions have been seen. It is concluded, therefore, that 123I-Mabgc is a promising agent for the detection of acute focal inflammatory lesions which may, with advantages, replace 111In-WBC.
RESUME L'architecture nucléaire ainsi que l'ultrastructure des microtubules ont été abondamment étudiées par des méthodes cytochimiques utilisant des échantillons fixés chimiquement, enrobés dans des résines ou fixés à basse température. Les échantillons fixés à basse température pouvant aussi avoir été substitués, déshydratés et enrobés dans des résines pour la plupart hydrophiles. Ici, nous avons étendu ces études en utilisant la microscopie électronique effectuée sur des sections hydratées (CEMOVIS) permettant d'observer les échantillons dans un état le plus proche de leur état natif. De plus, nous avons effectué de la tomographie électronique sur des sections hydratées (TOVIS) afin d'obtenir une vision tridimensionnelle de : 1) la périphérie du noyau et de la région périchromatinienne et 2) de la lumière des microtubules. Concernant l'architecture nucléaire Nos observations montrent que le nucléole et la chromatine condensée sont facilement visualisés grâce à la texture spécifique qu'ils arborent. Au contraire, la visualisation de domaines nucléaires importants et spécialement ceux qui contiennent des ribonucléoprotéines, est rendue difficile, à cause du faible contraste qui caractérise l'espace interchromatinien. Ceci est essentiellement dû à la quantité d'information présente dans le volume de la section qui semble être superposée, lorsque observée sur des micrographies en deux dimensions. La tomographie nous a permis de mieux visualiser les différentes régions du noyau. Les mottes de chromatine condensée sont décorées à leur périphérie (région périchromatinienne), par nombre de fibrilles et granules. Des tunnels d'espace interchromatinien sont occasionnellement observés en train de traverser des régions de chromatine condensée favorisant l'accès aux pores nucléaires. Enfin, nous avons pu, au niveau d'un pore unique, observer la plupart des structures caractéristiques du complexe de pore nucléaire. Concernant l'ultrastructure des microtubules: Nous avons démontré que la polarité d'un microtubule observé in situ en section transversale, par CEMOVIS, est directement déduite de l'observation de la chiralité de ses protofilaments. Cette chiralité, a été établie précédemment comme étant liée à la morphologie des sous unités de tubuline. La tomographie électronique effectuée sur des sections hydratées, nous a permis d'observer les microtubules dans leur contexte cellulaire avec une résolution suffisante pour visualiser des détails moléculaires, comme les monomères de tubuline. Ainsi, des molécules n'ayant pas encore été caractérisées, ont été observées dans la lumière des microtubules. Ces observations ont été effectuées autant sur des cellules observées en coupe par CEMOVIS que sur des cellules congelées dans leur totalité par immersion dans un bain d'éthane liquide. Enfin, nous avons montré que les microtubules étaient aussi de formidables objets, permettant une meilleure compréhension des artéfacts de coupe occasionnés lors de la préparation des échantillons par CEMOVIS. Les buts des études qui seront menées â la suite de ce travail seront de 1) essayer de localiser des domaines nucléaires spécifiques par des approches cytochimiques avant la congélation des cellules. 2) Appliquer des méthodes de moyennage afin d'obtenir un modèle tridimensionnel de la structure du complexe de pore nucléaire dans son contexte cellulaire. 3) Utiliser des approches biochimiques afin de déterminer la nature exacte des particules qui se trouvent dans la lumière des microtubules. ABSTRACT Nuclear architecture as well as microtubule ultrastructure have been extensively investigated by means of different methods of ultrastructural cytochemistry using chemically fixed and resin embedded samples or following cryofixation, cryosubstitution and embedding into various, especially partially hydrophilic resins. Here, we extend these studies using cryoelectron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS) which allows one to observe the specimen as close as possible to its native state. Furthermore, we applied cryoelectron tomography of vitreous sections (TOVIS) in order to obtain athree-dimensional view of: 1) the nuclear periphery, and of the perichromatin region, and 2) the microtubule lumen. Concerning the nuclear architecture: Our observations show that nucleoli and condensed chromatin are well recognisable due to their specific texture. Conversely, the visualisation of other important nuclear domains, especially those containing ribonucleoproteins, is seriously hampered by a generally low contrast of the interchromatin region. This is mainly due to the plethora of information superposed in the volume of the section observed on two-dimensional micrographs. Cryoelectron tomography allowed us to better visualise nuclear regions. Condensed chromatin clumps are decorated on their periphery, the perichromatin region, by numerous fibrils and granules. Tunnels of interchromatin space can occasionally be found as crossing condensed chromatin regions, thus, allowing the access to nuclear pores. Finally, we were able to use TOVIS to directly distinguish most of the nuclear pore complex structures, at the level of a single pore. Concerning the microtubule ultrastructure: We have demonstrated that the polarity of across-sectioned microtubule observed in situ by CEMOVIS wás directly deducible from the visualisation of the tubulin protofiíaments' chirality. This chirality has been established before as related to the shape. of the tubulin subunits. Cryoelectron tomography allowed us to observe microtubules in their cellular context at a resolution sufficient to resolve molecular details such as their tubulin monomers. In this way, uncharacterized molecules were visualised in the microtubule lumen. These observations were made either on samples prepared by CEMOVIS or plunge freezing of whole cells. Finally, we have shown that microtubules are also relevant objects for the understanding of cutting artefacts, when performing CEMOVIS. The goals of our further studies will be to: 1) try to speciifically target different nuclear domains by cytochemical approaches in situ, prior to cryofixation. 2) Apply averaging methods in order to obtain a three-dimensional model of the nuclear pore complex at work, in its cellular context. 3) Use biochemical analysis combined in a second time to immunocytochemical approaches, to determine the exact nature of the microtubule's luminal particles.
BACKGROUND: Prospective assessment of pedicled extrathoracic muscle flaps for the closure of large intrathoracic airway defects after noncircumferential resection in situations where an end-to-end reconstruction seemed risky (defects of > 4-cm length, desmoplastic reactions after previous infection or radiochemotherapy). METHODS: From 1996 to 2001, 13 intrathoracic muscle transpositions (6 latissimus dorsi and 7 serratus anterior muscle flaps) were performed to close defects of the intrathoracic airways after noncircumferential resection for tumor (n = 5), large tracheoesophageal fistula (n = 2), delayed tracheal injury (n = 1) and bronchopleural fistula (n = 5). In 2 patients, the extent of the tracheal defect required reinforcement of the reconstruction by use of a rib segment embedded into the muscle flap followed by temporary tracheal stenting. Patient follow-up was by clinical examination bronchoscopy and biopsy, pulmonary function tests, and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy by computed tomographic (CT) scan during inspiration and expiration. RESULTS: The airway defects ranged from 2 x 1 cm to 8 x 4 cm and involved up to 50% of the airway circumference. They were all successfully closed using muscle flaps with no mortality and all patients were extubated within 24 hours. Bronchoscopy revealed epithelialization of the reconstructions without dehiscence, stenosis, or recurrence of fistulas. The flow-volume loop was preserved in all patients and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy revealed no significant difference in the endoluminal cross surface areas of the airway between inspiration and expiration above (45 +/- 21 mm(2)), at the site (76 +/- 23 mm(2)) and below the reconstruction (65 +/- 40 mm(2)). CONCLUSIONS: Intrathoracic airway defects of up to 50% of the circumference may be repaired using extrathoracic muscle flaps when an end-to-end reconstruction is not feasible.
The nervous system is a frequent target of industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and environmental pollutants. To screen large numbers of compounds for their neurotoxic potential, in vitro systems are required which combine organ-specific traits with robustness and high reproducibility. These requirements are met by serum-free aggregating brain cell cultures derived from mechanically dissociated embryonic rat brain. The initial cell suspension, composed of neural stem cells, neural progenitor cells, immature postmitotic neurons, glioblasts, and microglial cells, is kept under continuous gyratory agitation. Spherical aggregates form spontaneously and are maintained in suspension culture for several weeks. Within the aggregates, the cells rearrange and mature, reproducing critical morphogenic events such as migration, proliferation, differentiation, synaptogenesis, and myelination. In addition to the spontaneous reconstitution of histotypic brain architecture, the cultures acquire organ-specific functionality as indicated by activity-dependent glucose consumption, spontaneous electrical activity, and brain-specific inflammatory responses. These three-dimensional primary cell cultures offer therefore a unique model for neurotoxicity testing both during development and at advanced cellular differentiation. The high number of aggregates available and the excellent reproducibility of the cultures facilitate routine test procedures. This chapter presents a detailed description of the preparation and maintenance of these cultures as well as their use for routine toxicity testing.
To evaluate the severity of airway pathologies, quantitative dimensioning of airways is of utmost importance. Endoscopic vision gives a projective image and thus no true scaling information can be directly deduced from it. In this article, an approach based on an interferometric setup, a low-coherence laser source and a standard rigid endoscope is presented, and applied to hollow samples measurements. More generally, the use of the low-coherence interferometric setup detailed here could be extended to any other endoscopy-related field of interest, e.g., gastroscopy, arthroscopy and other medical or industrial applications where tri-dimensional topology is required. The setup design with a multiple fibers illumination system is presented. Demonstration of the method ability to operate on biological samples is assessed through measurements on ex vivo pig bronchi.
It is frequently stated that unilateral cricothyroid muscle (CT) paralysis can be diagnosed by physical examination, noting rotation of the glottis, and shortening and vertical displacement of the ipsilateral vocal fold. These signs, however, are inconsistently observed, and there is considerable controversy regarding the direction of glottic rotation. To determine the effects of CT contraction on three-dimensional glottic configuration, we performed computerized tomography on cadaver larynges before and after simulated CT contraction. Radiopaque makers were used to compute distances. Unilateral CT contraction equally increased the length of both membranous vocal folds, and rotated the posterior glottis less than 1 mm. CT contraction neither adducted the vocal processes, nor significantly their altered vertical level. These results suggest that unilateral CT paralysis cannot be diagnosed on the basis of any clinically apparent change in glottal configuration.
The growth history of two populations of snowball garnet from the Lukmanier Pass area (central Swiss Alps) was examined through a detailed analysis of three-dimensional geometry, chemical zoning and crystallographic orientation. The first population, collected in the hinge of a chevron-type fold, shows an apparent rotation of 360 degrees. The first 270 degrees are characterized by spiral-shaped inclusion trails, gradual and concentric Mn zoning and a single crystallographic orientation, whereas in the last 90 degrees, crenulated inclusion trails and secondary Mn maxima centred on distinct crystallographic garnet domains are observed. Microstructural, geochemical and textural data indicate a radical change in growth regime between the two growth sequences. In the first 270 degrees, growth occurred under rotational non-coaxial flow, whereas in the last 90 degrees, garnet grew under a non-rotational shortening regime. The second population, collected in the limb of the same chevron-type fold structure, is characterized by a spiral geometry that does not exceed 270 degrees of apparent rotation. These garnet microstructures do not record any evidence for a modification of the stress field during garnet growth. Concentric Mn zoning as well as a single crystallographic orientation are observed for the entire spiral. Electron backscatter diffraction data indicate that nearly all central domains in the snowball garnet are characterized by one [001] axis oriented (sub-)parallel to the symmetry axis and by another [001] axis oriented (sub-)parallel to the orientation of the internal foliation. These features suggest that the crystallographic orientation across the garnet spiral is not random and that a relation exists among the symmetry axis, the internal foliation and the crystallographic orientation.
Coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a powerful noninvasive technique with high soft-tissue contrast for the visualization of the coronary anatomy without X-ray exposure. Due to the small dimensions and tortuous nature of the coronary arteries, a high spatial resolution and sufficient volumetric coverage have to be obtained. However, this necessitates scanning times that are typically much longer than one cardiac cycle. By collecting image data during multiple RR intervals, one can successfully acquire coronary MR angiograms. However, constant cardiac contraction and relaxation, as well as respiratory motion, adversely affect image quality. Therefore, sophisticated motion-compensation strategies are needed. Furthermore, a high contrast between the coronary arteries and the surrounding tissue is mandatory. In the present article, challenges and solutions of coronary imaging are discussed, and results obtained in both healthy and diseased states are reviewed. This includes preliminary data obtained with state-of-the-art techniques such as steady-state free precession (SSFP), whole-heart imaging, intravascular contrast agents, coronary vessel wall imaging, and high-field imaging. Simultaneously, the utility of electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) and multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) for the visualization of the coronary arteries is discussed.