888 resultados para Theory of Cosmology
by Adam Smith, LL.D., fellow of the royal societies of London and Edinburgh, one of the commissioners of his majesty's customs in Scotland, and formerly professor of moral philosophy in the University of Glasgow
El presente trabajo consiste en dos partes diferenciadas: la principal de ellas (Cap tulos 1 y 2) est a dedicada a introducir estructura adicional en grupos que aparecen de manera natural en el contexto de la teor a de la forma. En la segunda parte (Cap tulo 3), se plantea c omo generalizar la teor a de espacios recubridores y, en particular, se propone una l nea de trabajo relacionada con la teor a de la forma. El punto de partida de esta tesis doctoral son los trabajos [25, 26, 68, 69, 70] en los que los autores introducen y utilizan algunas ultram etricas en el conjunto de los mor smos shape entre dos espacios topol ogicos punteados. En particular, si el dominio es (S1; 1); la construcci on realizada en [68] permite explicitar una ultram etrica en el grupo shape 1(X; x0) de un espacio m etrico compacto X; como ya fue observado en [69] y [80]. Si el espacio no es m etrico compacto, la construcci on nos lleva a utilizar el concepto de ultram etrica generalizada, en el sentido de Priess-Crampe y Ribenboim [78, 79]. En [7], D. K. Biss introduce la idea de topologizar el grupo fundamental de un espacio, de forma que la topolog a en 1(X; x0) sea una topolog a de grupo que permita detectar la (no) existencia de un recubridor universal para X: La forma de proceder sugerida es tomar en 1(X; x0)la toplog a cociente inducida por la topolog a compacto-abierta en el espacio de lazos (X; x0): Sin embargo, hay algunos errores en el art culo mencionado: en concreto, el error relacionado con el presente trabajo fue puesto de mani esto por P. Fabel en [33], mostrando que, en general, la operaci on de grupo en 1(X; x0)con la topolog a cociente no es continua. Utilizando un punto de vista similar, varios autores han tratado de dotar al grupo fundamental con una topolog a, de forma que 1(X; x0) sea un grupo topol ogico y la proyecci on q (X; x0){u100000} 1(X; x0)sea continua...
This concise essay attempts to show why Isaak Illich Rubin is, until today, the best interpreter, commentator and developer of The Capital of Karl Marx, understanding Marx’s work as an ontology and a gnoseology of the capitalist economic system. To do this, we analyze the relations existing between Marx, Rubin and the theory of science of the Spanish Marxist philosopher Gustavo Bueno. In this way, we can interpret the work “Essays on Marxist theory of value” also as an ontology and a gnoseology of capitalism.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
This paper presents an economic model of the effects of identity and social norms on consumption patterns. By incorporating qualitative studies in psychology and sociology, I propose a utility function that features two components – economic (functional) and identity elements. This setup is extended to analyze a market comprising a continuum of consumers, whose identity distribution along a spectrum of binary identities is described by a Beta distribution. I also introduce the notion of salience in the context of identity and consumption decisions. The key result of the model suggests that fundamental economic parameters, such as price elasticity and market demand, can be altered by identity elements. In addition, it predicts that firms in perfectly competitive markets may associate their products with certain types of identities, in order to reduce product substitutability and attain price-setting power.
This research aims to explore the challenges nurses face, when caring for stroke patients on a general medical/surgical ward, in the acute care setting and identify how nurses resolve or process this challenge. Healthcare environments continue to face the pressures of constraints such as reduced staffing levels, budgets, resources and less time, which influence care provision. Patient safety is central in care provision where nurses face the challenge of delivering best quality care when working within constraints. The incidence of stroke is increasing worldwide and internationally stroke units are the recognised minimum standard of care. In Ireland with few designated stroke units in operation many stroke patients are cared for in the acute general care setting. A classic grounded theory methodology was utilised for this study. Data was collected and analysed simultaneously through coding, constant comparison, theoretical sampling and memoing. Individual unstructured interviews with thirty two nurses were carried out. Twenty hours of non-participant observations in the acute general care setting were undertaken. The main concern that emerged was working within constraints. This concern is processed by nurses through resigning which consists of three phases; idealistic striving, resourcing and care accommodation. Through the process of resigning nurses engage in an energy maintenance process enabling them to continue working within constraints. The generation of the theory of resigning explains how nurses’ resolve or process working within constraints. This theory adds to the body of knowledge on stroke care provision. This theory has the potential to enhance nursing care, minimise burnout and make better use of resources while advocating for best care of stroke patients.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Supersession is the theory of one idea supplanting the other. In both Christianity and Islam, this idea is commonplace. In Christianity, the message of Jesus creates a New Covenant for both Jews and Gentiles, while in Islam, the revelation of Muhammad restores the original religion that God intended from the beginning. Christianity and Islam both supersede Judaism in very similar ways. In regards to the use of Abraham in particular, each religion inherits him by appealing to Jewish scripture or their oral tradition, using him to prove their truth claims, and claiming that their religion is originally the religion of Abraham.
The purpose of this study was to assess the intention to exercise among ethnically and racially diverse community college students using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In addition to identifying the variables associated with motivation or intention of college students to engage in physical activity, this study tested the model of the Theory of Planned Behavior, asking: Does the TPB model explain intention to exercise among a racially/ethnically diverse group of college students? The relevant variables were the TPB constructs (behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs), which combined to form a measure of intention to exercise. Structural Equation Modeling was used to test the predictive power of the TPB constructs for predicting intention to exercise. Following procedures described by Ajzen (2002), the researcher developed a questionnaire encompassing the external variables of student demographics (age, gender, work status, student status, socio-economic status, access to exercise facilities, and past behavior), major constructs of the TPB, and two questions from the Godin Leisure Time Questionnaire (GLTQ; Godin & Shephard, 1985). Participants were students (N = 255) who enrolled in an on-campus wellness course at an urban community college. The demographic profile of the sample revealed a racially/ethnically diverse study population. The original model that was used to reflect the TPB as developed by Ajzen was not supported by the data analyzed using SEM; however, a revised model that the researcher thought was theoretically a more accurate reflection of the causal relations between the TPB constructs was supported. The GLTQ questions were problematic for some students; those data could not be used in the modeling efforts. The GLTQ measure, however, revealed a significant correlation with intention to exercise (r = .27, p = .001). Post-hoc comparisons revealed significant differences in normative beliefs and attitude toward exercising behavior between Black students and Hispanic students. Compared to Black students, Hispanic students were more likely to (a) perceive “friends” as approving of them being physically active and (b) rate being physically active for 30 minutes per day as “beneficial”. No statistically significant difference was found among groups on overall intention to exercise.