981 resultados para Teaching innovation
The purpose of this research study was to determine if the instructional model, Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU), would allow for the successful teaching of sport to disengaged female students in Physical Education (PE) classes. An instrumental case study research design was used to determine grade nine female students’ experiences with TGfU, the factors of TGfU that facilitated their engagement, and the ways in which these students resisted engaging in TGfU. Data was collected through a pre and post TGfU unit focus group, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and researcher reflections. Results showed that TGfU caused an increase in the participants’ engagement in PE physically, mentally, and socially/emotionally. Future researchers could structure their entire study holistically and should examine TGfU’s impact on student engagement over the course of an entire semester. Subsequent studies should moreover examine the presence of disengagement within physically skilled students in PE.
Teaching Adolescents to Think and Act Responsibly Through Narrative Film-making: A Qualitative Study
The current qualitative study examined an adapted version of the psychoeducational program, Teaching Adolescents to Think and Act Responsibly: The EQUIP Approach (DiBiase, Gibbs, Potter, & Blount, 2012). The adapted version, referred to as the EQUIP – Narrative Filmmaking Program, was implemented as a means of character education. The purpose of this study was three-fold: 1) to examine how the EQUIP – Narrative Film-making Program influenced student’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours; 2) to explore the students’ and the teacher’s perception of their experience with the program; and 3) to assess whether or not the integrated EQUIP – Narrative Film-making Program addressed the goals of Ontario’s character education initiative. Purposive sampling was used to select one typical Grade 9 Exploring Technologies class, consisting of 15 boys from a Catholic board of education in the southern Ontario region. The EQUIP – Narrative Film-making Program required students to create moral narrative films that first portrayed a set of self-centered cognitive distortions, with follow-up portrayals of behavioural modifications. Before, during, and after intervention questionnaires were administered to the students and teacher. The student questionnaires invited responses to a set of cognitive distortion vignettes. In addition, data was collected through student and teacher interviews, and researcher observation protocol reports. Initially the data was coded according to an a priori set of themes that were further analyzed according to emotion and values coding methods. The results indicated that while each student was unique in his thoughts, feelings, and behavioural responses to the cognitive distortion vignettes after completing the EQUIP program, the overall trends showed students had a more positive attitude, with a decreased proclivity for antisocial behaviour and self-serving cognitive distortion portrayed in the vignettes. Overall, the teacher and students’ learning experiences were mainly positive and the program met the learning expectations of Ontario’s character education initiative. Based on these results of the present study, it is recommended that the EQUIP – Narrative Film-making Program be further evaluated through quantitative research and longitudinal study.
This project addressed the need for more insightful, current, and applicable resources for intermediate math teachers in Canadian classrooms. A need for a handbook in this division seemed warranted by a lack of government resource support. Throughout an extensive review of the literature, themes and topics for the handbook emerged. The handbook was designed to not only provide educators with examples of effective teaching strategies within the mathematics classroom but to also inform them about the ways in which their personal characteristics and personality type could affect their students and their own pedagogical practices. Three teaching professionals who had each taught in an intermediate math class within the past year evaluated the handbook. The feedback received from these educators was directly applied to the first draft of the handbook in order to make it more accessible and applicable to other math teachers. Although the handbook was written with teachers in mind, the language and format used throughout the manual also make it accessible to parents, tutors, preservice education students, and educational administrators. Essentially, any individual who is hoping to inspire and educate intermediate math students could make use of the content within the handbook.
This study investigated instructor perceptions of motivators and barriers that exist with respect to participation in educational development in the postsecondary context. Eight instructors from a mid-size, research intensive university in south-western Ontario participated in semistructured interviews to explore this particular issue. Data were analyzed using a qualitative approach. Motivation theory was used as a conceptual framework in this study, referring primarily to the work of Ryan and Deci (2000), Deci and Ryan (1985), and Pink (2009). The identified motivators and barriers spanned all 3 levels of postsecondary institutions: the micro (i.e., the individual), the meso (i.e., the department or Faculty), and the macro (i.e., the institution). Significant motivators to participation in educational development included desire to improve one’s teaching (micro), feedback from students (meso), and tenure and promotion (macro). Significant barriers to participation included lack of time (micro), the perception that an investment towards one’s research was more important than an investment to enhancing teaching (meso), and the impression that quality teaching was not valued by the institution (macro). The study identifies connections between the micro, meso, macro framework and motivation theory, and offers recommendations for practice.
In children, levels of play, physical activity, and fitness are key indicators of health and disease and closely tied to optimal growth and development. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) provides clinicians with biomarkers of disease and effectiveness of therapy, and researchers with novel insights into fundamental biological mechanisms reflecting an integrated physiological response that is hidden when the child is at rest. Yet the growth of clinical trials utilizing CPET in pediatrics remains stunted despite the current emphasis on preventative medicine and the growing recognition that therapies used in children should be clinically tested in children. There exists a translational gap between basic discovery and clinical application in this essential component of child health. To address this gap, the NIH provided funding through the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program to convene a panel of experts. This report summarizes our major findings and outlines next steps necessary to enhance child health exercise medicine translational research. We present specific plans to bolster data interoperability, improve child health CPET reference values, stimulate formal training in exercise medicine for child health care professionals, and outline innovative approaches through which exercise medicine can become more accessible and advance therapeutics across the child health spectrum.
This case study explored strategies and techniques in order to assist individuals with learning disabilities in their academic achievement. Of particular focus was how a literacy-based program, titled The Spring Reading Program, utilizes effective tactics and approaches that result in academic growth. The Spring Reading Program, offered by the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region (LDANR) and partnered with John McNamara from Brock University, supports children with reading disabilities academically. In addition, the program helps children increase their confidence and motivation towards literacy. I began this study by outlining the importance of reading followed by and exploration of what educators and researchers have demonstrated regarding effective literacy instruction for children with learning disabilities. I studied effective strategies and techniques in the Spring Reading Program by conducting a qualitative case study of the program. This case study subsequently presents in depth, 4 specific strategies: Hands-on activities, motivation, engagement, and one-on-one instruction. Each strategy demonstrates its effectiveness through literature and examples from the Spring Reading Program.
An article by Grandin sharing tips for teaching and working with autistic children. The focus is on: Structured Environment, Learning to Talk, Rhythm, Sensory Problems, Reducing Arousal, Tactile Stimulation, Fixations, Visual Thinking. The conclusion of the article reads "I cannot over emphasize the important role that good teachers and therapists play in enabling autistics to lead a fuller life. A good autism program needs dedicated people and should use a variety of treatment methods in combination with an intense structured environment".
The purpose of this project was to develop an instructors’ handbook that provides the declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge associated with the interactive instructional approach, differentiated instruction, and the gradual release of responsibility framework for teaching reading to English as a second language adult literacy learners. The need for this handbook was determined by conducting a critical analysis of existing handbooks and concluding that no handbook completely addressed the 3 types of knowledge for the 3 instructional processes. A literature review was conducted to examine the nature, use, and effectiveness of the 3 instructional processes when teaching reading to ESL adult literacy learners. The literature review also examined teachers’ preferences for reading research and found that texts that were relevant, practical, and accessible were favoured. Hence, these 3 elements were incorporated as part of the handbook design. Three peer reviewers completed a 35-item 5-point Likert scale evaluation form that also included 5 open-ended questions. Their feedback about the handbook’s relevancy, practicality, accessibility, and face validity were incorporated into the final version of the handbook presented here. Reference to the handbook by ESL adult literacy instructors has the potential to support evidence-informed lesson planning which can support the ESL adult literacy learners in achieving their goals and contributing to their societies in multiple and meaningful ways.
This paper studies vertical R&D spillovers between upstream and downstream firms. The model incorporates two vertically related industries, with horizontal spillovers within each industry and vertical spillovers between the two industries. Four types of R&D cooperation are studied : no cooperation, horizontal cooperation, vertical cooperation, and simultaneous horizontal and vertical cooperation. Vertical spillovers always increase R&D and welfare, while horizontal spillovers may increase or decrease them. The comparison of cooperative settings in terms of R&D shows that no setting uniformly dominates the others. Which type of cooperation yields more R&D depends on horizontal and vertical spillovers, and market structure. The ranking of cooperative structures hinges on the signs and magnitudes of three competitive externalities (vertical, horizontal, and diagonal) which capture the effect of the R&D of a firm on the profits of other firms. One of the basic results of the strategic investment literature is that cooperation between competitors increases (decreases) R&D when horizontal spillovers are high (low); the model shows that this result does not necessarily hold when vertical spillovers and vertical cooperation are taken into account. The paper proposes a theory of innovation and market structure, showing that the relation between innovation and competition depends on horizontal spillovers, vertical spillovers, and cooperative settings. The private incentives for R&D cooperation are addressed. It is found that buyers and sellers have divergent interests regarding the choice of cooperative settings and that spillovers increase the likelihood of the emergence of cooperation in a decentralized equilibrium.
Rapport de recherche
Considérant que le Canada aura perdu presque un million de travailleurs qualifiés en 2020 et qu’en 2005, déjà 40 à 60% des travailleurs de la génération des baby-boomers ont pris leur retraite, on peut anticiper que les capacités d’innovation des entreprises sont en train de devenir un enjeu de société. De plus, depuis quelques années déjà, on remarque que la valeur des connaissances et de la créativité au sein des économies capitalistes a augmenté, plaçant les industries créatives au premier plan. En fait, les activités de création artistique incarneraient l’expression la plus avancée des modes de production et des relations au sein du monde du travail engendrées par les mutations récentes du capitalisme. Apprendre à innover devient dès lors une priorité et, comme les pratiques exemplaires émergent généralement chez les leaders d’une industrie, le cirque le plus applaudi à travers le monde, le Cirque du Soleil, représente un terrain idéal de renouvellement des pratiques d’innovation. Centrée spécifiquement sur le cas de l’innovation artistique, cette recherche explore les interactions entre les artistes et les managers pendant les premières phases d’un projet d’architecture menant à la construction d’un centre d’art et de divertissement, un des secteurs d’affaires de l’entreprise. Cette thèse présente les résultats d’une étude de cas effectuée dans un champ de recherche en émergence au sein des recherches en management : le croisement entre l’art et le management. À partir d’une perspective interdisciplinaire incluant une méthodologie ethnographique et une approche esthétique des organisations, l’étude met l’accent sur la co-création de connaissances parmi les artistes et les managers participant à un projet de grande envergure. La problématique de l’innovation est étudiée par le biais des pratiques managériales et artistiques, à partir de l’étude des organisations, de l’anthropologie et de la sociologie. L’étude vise à comprendre comment ces deux groupes culturels distincts travaillent et apprennent dans l’action et comment leurs pratiques collectives sont créées, partagées et mises en œuvre. À partir du quotidien de 26 artistes et managers suivi sur une période de 9 mois, complété par l’analyse de plus de 5500 pages de documents et de 20 heures de vidéo, une ethnographie de type récit de fiction donne accès à la culture de ces maîtres bâtisseurs, à leur imaginaire, à leur mode de vie et à leurs pratiques. La cognition partagée entre ces acteurs de l’industrie créative des arts du cirque donne lieu à sept pratiques (tribu, dialogue, récits, innovation, action, rapports et mémoire) qui sont décrites selon une double perspective, le management et les sciencs humaines. Outre une méthodologie qui intègre l’approche esthétique des organisations, une nouvelle définition de la face cachée de l’innovation est proposée, ainsi qu’un modèle conceptuel dynamique développé à partir des pratiques novatrices du Cirque du Soleil. Créatives, celles-ci constituent une source d’inspiration pour le domaine du management. En ce sens, cette recherche contribue à l’étude des organisations et au développement de pratiques créatives de management.
Wendy Adams, professeure adjointe à la Faculté de droit de l'Université McGill et chercheure associée au CRDP. Communication organisée par Konstantia Koutouki, chercheure régulière au CRDP et professeure à la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Montréal.
Ce texte se focalise sur le rôle que les éco-innovations peuvent jouer en matière de compétitivité,notamment pour l’économie et les entreprises européennes.Une première partie fait ressortir les grandes tendances internationales en émergence quant aux caractères des éco-innovations, afin d’identifier les leviers permettant d’accroître leur performance.Ensuite,une vision prospective de ce que seront les écoinnovations les plus probables à moyen et long terme permet de comprendre la place des différents pays dans leur développement ainsi que leurs principaux marchés et enjeux. Enfin, nous identifions les écueils à éviter et les précautions à prendre afin de s’assurer que l’éco-innovation ne soit pas guidée que par des considérations économiques et qu’elle obéisse également aux principes d’équité et d’acceptabilité sociétale, à la base du développement durable.
Cette étude de cas est issue d’un module final de formation pour les employés du service public d’une agence de l’eau. Nous explorons les résultats de plusieurs stratégies utilisées pour souligner le besoin de changement dans les comportements individuels et institutionnels en vue d’améliorer les services aux clients. En particulier, nous explorons certaines manières d’ouvrir la discussion sur les pratiques de corruption de manière non-triviale sans offenser les sensibilités ou provoquer l’indifférence. Comme point de départ, il est demandé aux participants de relever les problèmes institutionnels qu’ils caractérisent comme éthiques, même si d’autres problèmes appartiennent à d’autres catégories identifiées plus tard. Pour éviter une approche purement théorique des devoirs et obligations envers les clients, ils sont dérivés de la mission de l’agence telle que définit par la loi qui l’a créée.