953 resultados para Tamminen, Lea


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Objective. To describe the spectrum and occurrence of occupational exposures of relevance to the respiratory system and their subsequent adverse effects within the service industries and occupations, as outlined by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2007. ^ Design. Systematic review of the literature from an Ovid search including years 1950 to 2008. Initially, occupational respiratory disease categories were searched, and then combined with each of the different occupations for a comprehensive review of the literature. ^ Results. Ten groups within the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2007 were identified as having exposures leading to occupational respiratory disease. These include janitors/cleaners, dental personnel, cosmetology professionals, traffic police, veterinary personnel, firefighters, healthcare workers, bakers, and bar/restaurant workers. The most common respiratory disorder affecting this population was occupational asthma caused by many different exposures in each occupation. The biggest limitation was the absence of a uniform reporting method for occupational respiratory diseases. ^ Conclusion. There is evidence that there are risks for occupational respiratory disease in the services industry. ^ Key Words: occupational and respiratory disease and service industries ^


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This paper synthesizes the current knowledge available regarding the impact of socioeconomic status on diabetes and amputations. In September 2009, searches in the OVID Medline and PubMed databases were performed using keywords associated with race/ethnicity, educational level, insurance status, veteran status, low income, diabetes, and lower extremity amputation. Articles published between 1996 and the search date were used. The pertinent articles were analyzed, summarized, and synthesized. ^ The majority of the articles agreed that African American, American Indian, and Latino minorities experience significantly higher rates of diabetes-related lower extremity amputation (LEA) when compared to whites. Few articles suggested that the disparity experienced by minorities and others of low SES was due to biology; most articles link it to a combination of lower income, lower educational attainment, uninsured or underinsured status, and a greater prevalence of detrimental health behaviors such as smoking. These, in turn, are linked to decreased knowledge of self-care, delayed health care seeking, delayed diagnoses and treatment, discrimination, and low quality health care. Interventions focused on patient education, established regimens of treatment, foot care, and control of diabetes have been shown to be effective, although none have lowered the rate of diabetes-related LEA to rates found in the general population.^


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Objective. To describe the spectrum and occurrence of occupational exposures of relevance to the respiratory system and their subsequent adverse effects within the service industries and occupations, as outlined by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2007. ^ Design. Systematic review of the literature from an Ovid search including years 1950 to 2008. Initially, occupational respiratory disease categories were searched, and then combined with each of the different occupations for a comprehensive review of the literature. ^ Results. Ten groups within the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2007 were identified as having exposures leading to occupational respiratory disease. These include janitors/cleaners, dental personnel, cosmetology professionals, traffic police, veterinary personnel, firefighters, healthcare workers, bakers, and bar/restaurant workers. The most common respiratory disorder affecting this population was occupational asthma caused by many different exposures in each occupation. The biggest limitation was the absence of a uniform reporting method for occupational respiratory diseases. ^ Conclusion. There is evidence that there are risks for occupational respiratory disease in the services industry. ^ Key Words. occupational and respiratory disease and service industries ^


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The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of traditional psychiatric services with case management services on the functioning of people with schizophrenia. Traditional services were defined as routine clinic services consisting of medication follow-along, psychotherapy, and support services. Case management consisted of activities involved in linking, planning, and monitoring services for the outpatient client who has schizophrenia. The target population was adult schizophrenics who had been receiving outpatient clinic services for a minimum of six months. Structured interviews were conducted using standardized scales (e.g., Quality of Life, Self-Efficacy, and Brief Symptom Inventory) with 78 outpatient client volunteers from two sites: Nova Scotia (Canada) and Texas (USA). The researcher tested for differences in psychiatric symptomatology, recidivism, and quality of life for persons with schizophrenia receiving traditional psychiatric services in Nova Scotia and traditional plus case management services in Texas. Data were collected from the structured interviews and medical records review forms. Types of services were blocked into low and high levels of Intensity (frequency x minutes) and compared to determine the relative contribution of each. Finally, the role of clients' self-efficacy was tested as an intervening variable. Although the findings did not support the hypotheses in the direction anticipated, there were some interesting and useful results. From the Nova Scotia site, clients who received low levels of services were hospitalized less compared to the Texas site. The more psychotic a patient was the higher their involvement in medication follow-along and the more monitoring they received. The more psychotherapy received, the lower the reported satisfaction with social relationships. Of particular interest is the role that self-efficacy played in improved client outcomes. Although self-efficacy scores were related to improved functioning, the mechanism for this still needs to be clarified through subsequent research. ^


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The Greenland ice sheet is accepted as a key factor controlling the Quaternary glacial scenario. However, the origin and mechanisms of major Arctic glaciation starting at 3.15 Ma and culminating at 2.74 Ma are still controversial. For this phase of intense cooling Ravelo et al. proposed a complex gradual forcing mechanism. In contrast, our new submillennial-scale paleoceanographic records from the Pliocene North Atlantic suggest a far more precise timing and forcing for the initiation of northern hemisphere glaciation (NHG), since it was linked to a 2-3 °C surface water warming during warm stages from 2.95 to 2.82 Ma. These records support previous models, claiming that the final closure of the Panama Isthmus (3.0- ~2.5 Ma induced an increased poleward salt and heat transport. Associated strengthening of North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation and in turn, an intensified moisture supply to northern high latitudes resulted in the build-up of NHG, finally culminating in the great, irreversible climate crash at marine isotope stage G6 (2.74 Ma). In summary, there was a two-step threshold mechanism that marked the onset of NHG with glacial-to-interglacial cycles quasi-persistent until today.


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Esta tesina de grado ha sido abordada bajo el objetivo de determinar la conveniencia del uso de combustible alternativo, en comparación con la quema de leña tradicional, en la actividad ladrillera que se lleva a cabo en el distrito El Algarrobal, de Las Heras, Mendoza. Se compararon para ello tres escenarios de quema de combustible en la etapa de cocción: uno con uso de leña (sistema vigente) y dos hipotéticos, utilizando gas natural y biogás. Dado que se trata de una actividad de importancia regional y que trae aparejadas problemáticas ambientales y sociales, se realizó un análisis desde estos dos puntos de vista. El estudio se enmarcó dentro del “Pensamiento de Ciclo de Vida", concepto que tiene en cuenta todas las etapas del ciclo de vida de un producto, proceso o servicio para la evaluación de los impactos ambientales, sociales y económicos asociados. Su objetivo principal es reducir el uso de recursos y las emisiones al ambiente, así como también mejorar el rendimiento socio-económico del objeto de estudio, a lo largo de todo su ciclo de vida. Entre el abanico de metodologías que este enfoque ofrece, se seleccionó el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) para el estudio de los aspectos ambientales, y el Análisis Social del Ciclo de Vida (ASCV) para los sociales. En el ACV, se utilizaron dos tipos de enfoque para evaluar las consecuencias ambientales de la actividad ladrillera: el enfoque midpoint, con el que se identificaron los impactos potenciales sobre diferentes categorías de impacto; y el enfoque endpoint, a fin de determinar los daños potenciales1 en las áreas de protección correspondientes a los recursos naturales, la calidad de los ecosistemas y la salud humana. Éste último, constituye un análisis inédito en el ámbito científico local dedicado a la actividad ladrillera. En el ASCV, se definió un indicador que sirva para evaluar los impactos sociales de la actividad ladrillera, así como la evolución de éstos tras incorporar los cambios propuestos en los escenarios hipotéticos. Se alcanzó el objetivo propuesto y se logró demostrar parcialmente la hipótesis de trabajo, dando lugar a futuros estudios que profundicen los conocimientos sobre el tema abordado. Los resultados evidenciaron que, si en la etapa de cocción de la fabricación de ladrillos artesanales se reemplaza el uso tradicional de leña por un combustible alternativo, se reduce el impacto potencial producido por la actividad ladrillera, no así los daños ocasionados. Ello determinó: la necesidad de efectuar investigaciones más exhaustivas para definir los cambios necesarios que reduzcan las nocivas consecuencias ambientales y sociales del caso de estudio; la importancia de tomar en cuenta los resultados de los dos tipos de enfoques aquí aplicados (midpoint y endpoint) a la hora de tomar decisiones; y que éstas deben estar basadas sobre una visión amplia de la realidad, en una ponderación de los efectos positivos y negativos que cada cambio pudiera producir, y en el planteamiento de objetivos claros y prioridades consensuadas.


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Las intervenciones de Rafael Azcona como guionista recorren medio siglo de cine español dejando una huella ostensible. De la totalidad de las películas cuyo guión le pertenece, un grupo -que representa a la vez los comienzos del autor en el medio cinematográfico- conforma un corpus con características específicas; se trata de El pisito (Ferreri, 1958), El cochecito (Ferreri, 1960), Plácido (García Berlanga, 1961) y El verdugo (García Berlanga, 1963). Es en estos filmes que aparecen y se asientan algunos de los rasgos distintivos de la poética de Rafael Azcona guionista, como resultan, por ejemplo, la aparición del hombre común como protagonista y "héroe" de los avatares cotidianos, el humor y la sutil ironía en el planteo del conflicto, la elaboración de diálogos que exceden la mera función informativa. En el caso de las películas citadas, y en un contexto cinematográfico mundial en el que los nuevos movimientos buscan desarrollar una producción alterna al preeminente modelo hollywoodense, estos rasgos aparecen en función de retratar los vicios y los padecimientos de una sociedad española que, bajo un régimen dictatorial, transita los últimos años 50 para entrar de lleno en la convulsionada década del 60.


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El cine, desde su nacimiento, despertó el interés de los escritores y, a pesar de algunas resistencias, el nuevo fenómeno fascinó a numerosos autores tanto por su estatuto de novedad técnica como por el despliegue de recursos que desde ciertas perspectivas representaban la garantía de una renovación del lenguaje literario. Dentro de los múltiples fenómenos y productos que nacen en los primeros años de este cruce entre la literatura y el cine -y que se desarrollan con mayor profusión durante los años veinte-, se encuentran aquellos textos que derivan de la influencia que ejerció el cine en las letras, y más específicamente, el corpus de textos que nace a la luz de la pantalla de la primera época de Hollywood. Se trata de la huella de un tipo de cine con señas particulares que se plasmó de muy diversas formas en la literatura. En este caso, dos obras, a un lado y a otro del Atlántico, registran y dan cuenta de la presencia del cine norteamericano en la vida cultural rioplatense y española de comienzos de siglo; se trata de Cinelandia (1923), de Ramón Gómez de la Serna, y -Miss Dorothy Phillips, mi esposa- (1919), de Horacio Quiroga; dos aventuras literarias que proponen un diálogo ente los medios, a la par que dialogan entre sí