958 resultados para TRNA-mediatedtrans-splicing


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Taking advantage of the ongoing Dictyostelium genome sequencing project, we have assembled >73 kb of genomic DNA in 15 contigs harbouring 15 genes and one pseudogene of Rho-related proteins. Comparison with EST sequences revealed that every gene is interrupted by at least one and up to four introns. For racC extensive alternative splicing was identified. Northern blot analysis showed that mRNAs for racA, racE, racG, racH and racI were present at all stages of development, whereas racJ and racL were expressed only at late stages. Amino acid sequences have been analysed in the context of Rho-related proteins of other organisms. Rac1a/1b/1c, RacF1/F2 and to a lesser extent RacB and the GTPase domain of RacA can be grouped in the Rac subfamily. None of the additional Dictyostelium Rho-related proteins belongs to any of the well-defined subfamilies, like Rac, Cdc42 or Rho. RacD and RacA are unique in that they lack the prenylation motif characteristic of Rho proteins. RacD possesses a 50 residue C-terminal extension and RacA a 400 residue C-terminal extension that contains a proline-rich region, two BTB domains and a novel C-terminal domain. We have also identified homologues for RacA in Drosophila and mammals, thus defining a new subfamily of Rho proteins, RhoBTB.


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Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are randomly sequenced cDNA clones. Currently, nearly 3 million human and 2 million mouse ESTs provide valuable resources that enable researchers to investigate the products of gene expression. The EST databases have proven to be useful tools for detecting homologous genes, for exon mapping, revealing differential splicing, etc. With the increasing availability of large amounts of poorly characterised eukaryotic (notably human) genomic sequence, ESTs have now become a vital tool for gene identification, sometimes yielding the only unambiguous evidence for the existence of a gene expression product. However, BLAST-based Web servers available to the general user have not kept pace with these developments and do not provide appropriate tools for querying EST databases with large highly spliced genes, often spanning 50 000–100 000 bases or more. Here we describe Gene2EST (http://woody.embl-heidelberg.de/gene2est/), a server that brings together a set of tools enabling efficient retrieval of ESTs matching large DNA queries and their subsequent analysis. RepeatMasker is used to mask dispersed repetitive sequences (such as Alu elements) in the query, BLAST2 for searching EST databases and Artemis for graphical display of the findings. Gene2EST combines these components into a Web resource targeted at the researcher who wishes to study one or a few genes to a high level of detail.


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A novel database, under the acronym RISSC (Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Sequence Collection), has been created. It compiles more than 1600 entries of edited DNA sequence data from the 16S–23S ribosomal spacers present in most prokaryotes and organelles (e.g. mitochondria and chloroplasts) and is accessible through the Internet (http://ulises.umh.es/RISSC), where systematic searches for specific words can be conducted, as well as BLAST-type sequence searches. Additionally, a characteristic feature of this region, the presence/absence and nature of tRNA genes within the spacer, is included in all the entries, even when not previously indicated in the original database. All these combined features could provide a useful documen­tation tool for studies on evolution, identification, typing and strain characterization, among others.


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The tmRNA database (tmRDB) is maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, and accessible on the World Wide Web at the URL http://psyche.uthct.edu/dbs/tmRDB/tmRDB.html. Mirror sites are located at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (http://www.ag.auburn.edu/mirror/tmRDB/) and the Institute of Biological Sciences, Aarhus, Denmark (http://www.bioinf.au.dk/tmRDB/). The tmRDB provides information and citation links about tmRNA, a molecule that combines functions of tRNA and mRNA in trans-translation. tmRNA is likely to be present in all bacteria and has been found in algae chloroplasts, the cyanelle of Cyanophora paradoxa and the mitochondrion of the flagellate Reclinomonas americana. This release adds 26 new sequences and corresponding predicted tmRNA-encoded tag peptides for a total of 86 tmRNAs, ordered alphabetically and phylogenetically. Secondary structures and three-dimensional models in PDB format for representative molecules are being made available. tmRNA alignments prove individual base pairs and are generated manually assisted by computational tools. The alignments with their corresponding structural annotation can be obtained in various formats, including a new column format designed to improve and simplify computational usability of the data.


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The objective of database AsMamDB is to facilitate the systematic study of alternatively spliced genes of mammals. Version 1.0 of AsMamDB contains 1563 alternatively spliced genes of human, mouse and rat, each associated with a cluster of nucleotide sequences. The main information provided by AsMamDB includes gene alternative splicing patterns, gene structures, locations in chromosomes, products of genes and tissues where they express. Alternative splicing patterns are represented by multiple alignments of various gene transcripts and by graphs of their topological structures. Gene structures are illustrated by exon, intron and various regulatory elements distributions. There are 4204 DNAs, 3977 mRNAs, 8989 CDSs and 126 931 ESTs in the current database. More than 130 000 GenBank entries are covered and 4443 MEDLINE records are linked. DNA, mRNA, exon, intron and relevant regulatory element sequences are provided in FASTA format. More information can be obtained by using the web-based multiple alignment tool Asalign and various category lists. AsMamDB can be accessed at 5/ASMAM DB.html.


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The association of a particular mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation with different clinical phenotypes is a well-known feature of mitochondrial diseases. A simple genotype–phenotype correlation has not been found between mutation load and disease expression. Tissue and intercellular mosaicism as well as mtDNA copy number are thought to be responsible for the different clinical phenotypes. As disease expression of mitochondrial tRNA mutations is mostly in postmitotic tissues, studies to elucidate disease mechanisms need to be performed on patient material. Heteroplasmy quantitation and copy number estimation using small patient biopsy samples has not been reported before, mainly due to technical restrictions. In order to resolve this problem, we have developed a robust assay that utilizes Molecular Beacons to accurately quantify heteroplasmy levels and determine mtDNA copy number in small samples carrying the A8344G tRNALys mutation. It provides the methodological basis to investigate the role of heteroplasmy and mtDNA copy number in determining the clinical phenotypes.


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SsrA RNA acts as a tRNA and mRNA to modify proteins whose synthesis on ribosomes has stalled. Such proteins are marked for degradation by addition of peptide tags to their C termini in a reaction mediated by SsrA RNA and SmpB, a specific SsrA-RNA binding protein. Evidence is presented here for the existence of a larger ribonucleoprotein complex that contains ribosomal protein S1, phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthase, RNase R, and YfbG in addition to SsrA RNA and SmpB. Biochemical, genetic, and phylogenetic results suggest potential roles for some of these factors in various stages of the ribosome rescue and tagging process and/or the presence of functional interactions between one or more of these proteins and SsrA.


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Differential compartmentalization of signaling molecules in cells and tissues is being recognized as an important mechanism for regulating the specificity of signal transduction pathways. A kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) direct the subcellular localization of protein kinase A (PKA) by binding to its regulatory (R) subunits. Dual specific AKAPs (D-AKAPs) interact with both RI and RII. A 372-residue fragment of mouse D-AKAP2 with a 40-residue C-terminal PKA binding region and a putative regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain was previously identified by means of a yeast two-hybrid screen. Here, we report the cloning of full-length human D-AKAP2 (662 residues) with an additional putative RGS domain, and the corresponding mouse protein less the first two exons (617 residues). Expression of D-AKAP2 was characterized by using mouse tissue extracts. Full-length D-AKAP2 from various tissues shows different molecular weights, possibly because of alternative splicing or posttranslational modifications. The cloned human gene product has a molecular weight similar to one of the prominent mouse proteins. In vivo association of D-AKAP2 with PKA in mouse brain was demonstrated by using cAMP agarose pull-down assay. Subcellular localization for endogenous mouse, rat, and human D-AKAP2 was determined by immunocytochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and tissue fractionation. D-AKAP2 from all three species is highly enriched in mitochondria. The mitochondrial localization and the presence of RGS domains in D-AKAP2 may have important implications for its function in PKA and G protein signal transduction.


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Nuclear speckles (speckles) represent a distinct nuclear compartment within the interchromatin space and are enriched in splicing factors. They have been shown to serve neighboring active genes as a reservoir of these factors. In this study, we show that, in HeLa cells, the (pre)spliceosomal assembly on precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) is associated with the speckles. For this purpose, we used microinjection of splicing competent and mutant adenovirus pre-mRNAs with differential splicing factor binding, which form different (pre)spliceosomal complexes and followed their sites of accumulation. Splicing competent pre-mRNAs are rapidly targeted into the speckles, but the targeting is temperature-dependent. The polypyrimidine tract sequence is required for targeting, but, in itself, is not sufficient. The downstream flanking sequences are particularly important for the targeting of the mutant pre-mRNAs into the speckles. In supportive experiments, the behavior of the speckles was followed after the microinjection of antisense deoxyoligoribonucleotides complementary to the specific domains of snRNAs. Under these latter conditions prespliceosomal complexes are formed on endogenous pre-mRNAs. We conclude that the (pre)spliceosomal complexes on microinjected pre-mRNA are formed inside the speckles. Their targeting into and accumulation in the speckles is a result of the cumulative loading of splicing factors to the pre-mRNA and the complexes formed give rise to the speckled pattern observed.


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The A loop is an essential RNA component of the ribosome peptidyltransferase center that directly interacts with aminoacyl (A)-site tRNA. The A loop is highly conserved and contains a ubiquitous 2′-O-methyl ribose modification at position U2552. Here, we present the solution structure of a modified and unmodified A-loop RNA to define both the A-loop fold and the structural impact of the U2552 modification. Solution data reveal that the A-loop RNA has a compact structure that includes a noncanonical base pair between C2556 and U2552. NMR evidence is presented that the N3 position of C2556 has a shifted pKa and that protonation at C2556-N3 changes the C-U pair geometry. Our data indicate that U2552 methylation modifies the A-loop fold, in particular the dynamics and position of residues C2556 and U2555. We compare our structural data with the structure of the A loop observed in a recent 50S crystal structure [Ban, N., Nissen, P., Hansen, J., Moore, P. B. & Steitz, T. A. (2000) Science 289, 905–920; Nissen, P., Hansen, J., Ban, N., Moore, P. B. & Steitz, T. A. (2000) Science 289, 920–930]. The solution and crystal structures of the A loop are dramatically different, suggesting that a structural rearrangement of the A loop must occur on docking into the peptidyltransferase center. Possible roles of this docking event, the shifted pKa of C2556 and the U2552 2′-O-methylation in the mechanism of translation, are discussed.


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SF3b155 is an essential spliceosomal protein, highly conserved during evolution. It has been identified as a subunit of splicing factor SF3b, which, together with a second multimeric complex termed SF3a, interacts specifically with the 12S U2 snRNP and converts it into the active 17S form. The protein displays a characteristic intranuclear localization. It is diffusely distributed in the nucleoplasm but highly concentrated in defined intranuclear structures termed “speckles,” a subnuclear compartment enriched in small ribonucleoprotein particles and various splicing factors. The primary sequence of SF3b155 suggests a multidomain structure, different from those of other nuclear speckles components. To identify which part of SF3b155 determines its specific intranuclear localization, we have constructed expression vectors encoding a series of epitope-tagged SF3b155 deletion mutants as well as chimeric combinations of SF3b155 sequences with the soluble cytoplasmic protein pyruvate kinase. Following transfection of cultured mammalian cells, we have identified (i) a functional nuclear localization signal of the monopartite type (KRKRR, amino acids 196–200) and (ii) a molecular segment with multiple threonine-proline repeats (amino acids 208–513), which is essential and sufficient to confer a specific accumulation in nuclear speckles. This latter sequence element, in particular amino acids 208–440, is required for correct subcellular localization of SF3b155 and is also sufficient to target a reporter protein to nuclear speckles. Moreover, this “speckle-targeting sequence” transfers the capacity for interaction with other U2 snRNP components.


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Eukaryotic elongation factor 1 (eEF-1) contains the guanine nucleotide exchange factor eEF-1B that loads the G protein eEF-1A with GTP after each cycle of elongation during protein synthesis. Two features of eEF-1B have not yet been elucidated: (i) the presence of the unique valyl-tRNA synthetase; (ii) the significance of target sites for the cell cycle protein kinase CDK1/cyclin B. The roles of these two features were addressed by elongation measurements in vitro using cell-free extracts. A poly(GUA) template RNA was generated to support both poly(valine) and poly(serine) synthesis and poly(phenylalanine) synthesis was driven by a poly(uridylic acid) template. Elongation rates were in the order phenylalanine > valine > serine. Addition of CDK1/cyclin B decreased the elongation rate for valine whereas the rate for serine and phenylalanine elongation was increased. This effect was correlated with phosphorylation of the eEF-1δ and eEF-1γ subunits of eEF-1B. Our results demonstrate specific regulation of elongation by CDK1/cyclin B phosphorylation.


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Bacterial tmRNA mediates a trans-translation reaction, which permits the recycling of stalled ribosomes and probably also contributes to the regulated expression of a subset of genes. Its action results in the addition of a small number of C-terminal amino acids to protein whose synthesis had stalled and these constitute a proteolytic recognition tag for the degradation of these incompletely synthesized proteins. Previous work has identified pseudoknots and stem–loops that are widely conserved in divergent bacteria. In the present work an alignment of tmRNA gene sequences within 13 β-proteobacteria reveals an additional sub-structure specific for this bacterial group. This sub-structure is in pseudoknot Pk2, and consists of one to two additional stem–loop(s) capped by stable GNRA tetraloop(s). Three-dimensional models of tmRNA pseudoknot 2 (Pk2) containing various topological versions of the additional sub-structure suggest that the sub-structures likely point away from the core of the RNA, containing both the tRNA and the mRNA domains. A putative tertiary interaction has also been identified.


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Ribozyme activity in vivo depends on achieving high-level expression, intracellular stability, target colocalization, and cleavage site access. At present, target site selection is problematic because of unforeseeable secondary and tertiary RNA structures that prevent cleavage. To overcome this design obstacle, we wished to engineer a ribozyme that could access any chosen site. To create this ribozyme, the constitutive transport element (CTE), an RNA motif that has the ability to interact with intracellular RNA helicases, was attached to our ribozymes so that the helicase-bound, hybrid ribozymes would be produced in cells. This modification significantly enhanced ribozyme activity in vivo, permitting cleavage of sites previously found to be inaccessible. To confer cleavage enhancement, the CTE must retain helicase-binding activity. Binding experiments demonstrated the likely involvement of RNA helicase(s). We found that attachment of the RNA motif to our tRNA ribozymes leads to cleavage in vivo at the chosen target site regardless of the local RNA secondary or tertiary structure.


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A search of databases with the sequence from the 5′ untranslated region of a Hydra cDNA clone encoding a receptor protein-tyrosine kinase revealed that a number of Hydra cDNAs contain one of two different sequences at their 5′ ends. This finding suggested the possibility that mRNAs in Hydra receive leader sequences by trans-splicing. This hypothesis was confirmed by the finding that the leader sequences are transcribed as parts of small RNAs encoded by genes located in the 5S rRNA clusters of Hydra. The two spliced leader (SL) RNAs (SL-A and -B) contain splice donor dinucleotides at the predicted positions, and genes that receive SLs contain splice acceptor dinucleotides at the predicted positions. Both of the SL RNAs are bound by antibody against trimethylguanosine, suggesting that they contain a trimethylguanosine cap. The predicted secondary structures of the Hydra SL RNAs show significant differences from the structures predicted for the SLs of other organisms. Messenger RNAs have been identified that can receive either SL-A or -B, although the impact of the two different SLs on the function of the mRNA is unknown. The presence and features of SL addition in the phylum Cnidaria raise interesting questions regarding the evolution of this process.