945 resultados para TRIGLYCERIDES


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Nas últimas décadas, diversos estudos têm demonstrado os efeitos nocivos dos ácidos graxos trans à saúde. Consequentemente, diversas agências reguladoras de saúde e sociedades responsáveis pela elaboração de diretrizes nutricionais recomendaram a redução do consumo desses ácidos graxos. Deste modo, a indústria de alimentos vem adequando seus produtos a fim de substituir os ácidos graxos trans por gorduras interesterificadas, porém seus efeitos sobre o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose não foram ainda totalmente elucidados. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de gorduras interesterificadas contendo principalmente ácido graxo palmítico ou esteárico sobre o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose. Desta forma, camundongos knockout para o receptor de LDL (LDLr-KO) recém-desmamados foram alimentados por 16 semanas com dietas hiperlipídicas (40% do valor calórico total sob forma de gordura) contendo principalmente ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (POLI), trans (TRANS), palmítico (PALM), palmítico interesterificado (PALM INTER), esteárico (ESTEAR) ou esteárico interesterificado (ESTEAR INTER) para determinação de concentrações plasmáticas de colesterol total e triglicérides; perfil de lipoproteínas; conteúdo de lípides (Oil Red O) e colágeno (Picrosirius Red) e infiltrado de macrófagos (imuno-histoquímica) na área de lesão aterosclerótica; expressão e conteúdo proteico de citocinas na aorta; dosagem das citocinas secretadas por macrófagos de peritônio estimulados ou não com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS); efluxo celular de colesterol mediado pela apo-AI e HDL2. Os resultados mostraram que os animais que consumiram a gordura interesterificada contendo ácido palmítico (PALM INTER) desenvolveram importante lesão aterosclerótica em comparação aos grupos PALM, ESTEAR, ESTEAR INTER e POLI, resultados confirmados pelo conteúdo de colágeno na lesão. Apesar do processo de interesterificação não ter alterado as concentrações plasmáticas de lípides, conforme verificado entre os grupos PALM vs PALM INTER e ESTEAR vs ESTEAR INTER, o acúmulo de colesterol na partícula de LDL foi similar entre os grupos PALM INTER e TRANS. Além desse efeito sobre o perfil de lipoproteínas, macrófagos do peritônio de camundongos que consumiram PALM INTER secretaram significativamente mais IL-1beta, IL-6 e MCP-1 em comparação aos demais grupos. Esse efeito pró-inflamatório foi confirmado na aorta, onde se observou maior expressão de TNF-alfa e IL-1beta para o grupo PALM INTER em comparação a PALM. Tal insulto inflamatório foi similar ao provocado por TRANS. Esses efeitos deletérios do PALM INTER podem ser parcialmente atribuídos ao acúmulo de colesterol nos macrófagos, promovido pelo prejuízo no efluxo de colesterol mediado pela apo-AI e HDL2, bem como aumento da expressão de receptores envolvidos na captação de LDL modificada (Olr-1) e diminuição daqueles envolvidos na remoção intracelular de colesterol (Abca1 e Nr1h3) na parede arterial. Como conclusão, as gorduras interesterificadas contendo ácido palmítico favorecem o acúmulo de colesterol nas partículas de LDL e em macrófagos, ativando o processo inflamatório, o que conjuntamente contribuiu para maior desenvolvimento de lesão aterosclerótica


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A inclusão de óleos vegetais na dieta de bovinos tem sido utilizada para aumentar a densidade energética da dieta, melhorar a eficiência alimentar, além de produzir carnes com a composição de ácidos graxos mais favorável à saúde humana. Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos da inclusão de óleos de soja, girassol e linhaça na dieta de bovinos, sobre o desempenho, características quantitativas de carcaça e qualitativas da carne, perfil de ácidos graxos, oxidação lipídica e formação de compostos oxidados do colesterol. Foram confinados 96 bovinos Nelore, castrados, com aproximadamente 380 kg ± 34 kg de peso inicial e idade média de 20 meses. As dietas foram compostas de 79% de concentrado e 21% de volumoso (silagem de milho) e incluídos os óleos de soja, girassol e linhaça. Os animais foram pesados e avaliadas as características de carcaça por ultrassonografia nos dias 0, 28, 56 e 81 de confinamento. Nos dias zero e 81 dias de confinamento foi coletado sangue dos bovinos para avaliação do LDL-colesterol, HDL-colesterol, VLDL-colesterol e triacilgliceróis. Ao final de 81 dias de confinamento, os animais foram abatidos e foi avaliado o pH (uma e 48 horas após o abate) e foram retiradas amostras do músculo longissimus. Foi avaliado a cor, força de cisalhamento (FC) e perdas por cocção (PPC) em carnes não maturadas e maturadas por 14 dias. Duas amostras do longissimus foram expostas por um e três dias em condições semelhantes ao varejo. Nas carnes expostas por um dia foi avaliado a cor e o pH. Nas amostras expostas por três dias foi avaliado além da cor e pH, o perfil de ácidos graxos, TBARS, colesterol e a presença do 7-cetocolesterol. Foi realizada ainda a análise sensorial e determinado a quantidade de lipídios totais das carnes. A estabilidade oxidativa dos óleos utilizados na dieta também foi avaliada. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados, sendo o peso inicial o bloco. O desempenho e as características de carcaça avaliadas por ultrassonografia não foram influenciadas pelas fontes de óleo. Os tratamentos não influenciaram o peso de abate, o peso de carcaça quente, o pH da carcaça uma hora e 48 horas após o abate, o rendimento de carcaça, a cor, as PPC e a FC. O pH foi maior nas carnes maturadas por 14 dias (P=0,01), em relação àquelas sem maturação. As PPC e a FC foram menores (P=0,01) nas carnes maturadas por 14 dias. O óleo de linhaça apresentou menor estabilidade oxidativa seguidos do óleo de girassol e soja. As fontes de óleo não afetaram a concentração dos lipídios do plasma sanguíneo, no entanto, os níveis de VLDL, LDL, HDL, colesterol e triacilgliceróis foram maiores (P<0,01) no final do experimento em relação ao início. Não houve interação entre a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) avaliada no abate e as dietas e efeito das fontes de óleo sobre os valores de TBARS, lipídios e colesterol. Não foi encontrado o 7-cetocolesterol nas carnes. O pH das carnes expostas por um e três dias sob condições de varejo, não foram influenciadas pela dieta nem pela interação da dieta e dos dias de exposição. No entanto, foi observado o efeito de tempo (P<0,01), as carnes expostas por três dias tiveram valores de pH maiores que as carnes expostas por um dia. A cor L*, a* e b* das carnes expostas em gôndola, sob condições de varejo não foi influenciado pela dieta, pelos dias de exposição e nem pela interação dos dias de exposição e dietas. Os ácidos graxos C18:1 n-9, C20:3 n-6 e C20:5 n-3 apresentaram interação entre a EGS e a dieta (P<0,05). O C18:1 cis 6 apresentou maiores concentrações (P<0,05) nas carnes provenientes dos animais alimentados com óleo de linhaça e soja, em comparação com as carnes provenientes da dieta controle. O C18:3 n-3 apresentou maiores concentrações nas carnes de animais alimentados com linhaça (P<0,05), em comparação com os demais tratamentos. O aroma e a textura da carne avaliados em análise sensorial realizada com consumidores não foram alterados pelos tratamentos. A carne dos animais alimentados com óleo de girassol resultou em maiores notas para o sabor (P<0,01), em relação à carne proveniente de animais alimentados com óleo de soja. As dietas controle e girassol resultaram em carnes mais suculentas e com maior aceitabilidade global (P<0,01), em relação ao tratamento soja. Independentemente do tipo de óleo utilizado na dieta dos animais, não houve influência no desempenho e nas características da carcaça. O óleo de linhaça proporcionou carnes com perfil de ácidos graxos mais favorável para a saúde humana, pois apresentou maiores proporções do ácido linolênico e relações ideais de n6:n3 (4,15). O uso de óleos vegetais na dieta, não prejudicou a aparência das carnes e não proporcionaram oxidação lipídica com a formação de compostos de colesterol oxidados nas carnes expostas sob condições de varejo.


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Purpose: Regulation of liver X receptors (LXRs) is essential for cholesterol homeostasis and inflammation. The present study was conducted to determine whether oleic acid (OA) could regulate mRNA expression of LXRα and LXRα-regulated genes and to assess the potential promotion of oxidative stress by OA in neutrophils. Methods: Human neutrophils were treated with OA at different doses and LXR target gene expression, oxidative stress production, lipid efflux and inflammation state were analyzed. Results: We describe that mRNA synthesis of both LXRα and ABCA1 (a reverse cholesterol transporter) was induced by OA in human neutrophils. This fatty acid enhanced the effects of LXR ligands on ABCA1 and LXR expression, but it decreased the mRNA levels of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (a transcription factor that regulates the synthesis of triglycerides). Although OA elicited a slight oxidative stress in the short term (15–30 min) in neutrophils, it is unlikely that this is relevant for the modulation of transcription in our experimental conditions, which involve longer incubation time (i.e., 6 h). Of physiological importance is our finding that OA depresses intracellular lipid levels and that markers of inflammation, such as ERK1/2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, were decreased by OA treatment. In addition, 200 μM OA reduced the migration of human neutrophils, another marker of the inflammatory state. However, OA did not affect lipid peroxidation induced by pro-oxidant agents. Conclusions: This work presents for the first time evidence that human neutrophils are highly sensitive to OA and provides novel data in support of a protective role of this monounsaturated acid against the activation of neutrophils during inflammation.


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Tese de mestrado, Doenças Infecciosas Emergentes, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016


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Enquadramento: As doenças cardiovasculares são a principal causa de morte, cuja etiologia surge da conjugação de fatores de risco, causando uma patogenia complexa. Objetivos: identificar quais os fatores de risco, em presença, nos profissionais de saúde do Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu; analisar a relação das variáveis sociodemográficas (sexo e idade) com o risco cardiovascular. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo e não experimental, transversal, descritivo e correlacional. Recorreu-se ao Questionário de Nível de Risco Cardiovascular (QNRC) (Cunha & Macário, 2012). A amostragem é não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 1000 profissionais de saúde do Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu. Resultados: Amostra maioritariamente feminina (71.3%), na faixa etária dos 36-45 anos (35.8%), a exercerem em serviços médicos (40.1%), destacando-se os enfermeiros (42.7%). Quanto à presença de fatores de risco cardiovascular, 5.2% são hipertensos; 3.5% são obesos; 1.6% sofrem de doença cardíaca; 1.6% sofrem de diabetes mellitus; verificou-se a presença de história familiar de hipertensão arterial (40.6%), obesidade (7.8%), doença cardíaca (15.9%), diabetes mellitus (23.4%); 69.9% apresentavam pressão arterial normal; 37.3% relataram hábitos tabágicos; 80.7% não apresentavam situação sem riso em relação aos triglicerídeos, mas em 19.3% esse estava presente; 61.9% não revelaram risco no parâmetro colesterol total, contudo, 38.1% patenteavam; 88.8% não apresentam risco quanto ao colesterol HDL, porém, 11.2% enquadravam-se no grupo de risco face ao colesterol HDL; 64.0% não apresentam valores de colesterol LDL considerados de risco, todavia, 36.0% revelaram valores de colesterol LDL considerados de risco. Conclusão: Os resultados apontam para a realização de sessões de esclarecimento na promoção da saúde e prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares para profissionais de saúde. Palavras-chave: Fatores de Risco Cardiovascular; Profissionais de Saúde.


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BACKGROUND Cholesterol deficiency (CD), a newly identified autosomal recessive genetic defect in Holstein cattle, is associated with clinical signs of diarrhea, failure to thrive, and hypocholesterolemia. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES The objective is to describe the clinicopathological phenotype of affected Holstein cattle homozygous for the causative apolipoprotein B gene (APOB) mutation. ANIMALS Six Holstein cattle, 5 calves with a clinical history of chronic diarrhea, and 1 heifer with erosions in the buccal cavity and neurologic symptoms were admitted to the Clinic for Ruminants. METHODS This case review included a full clinical examination, a complete blood count, blood chemistry, and measurements of cholesterol and triglycerides. The animals were euthanized and necropsied. A PCR-based direct gene test was applied to determine the APOB genotype. RESULTS All 6 animals were inbred, could be traced back to the sire Maughlin Storm, and were confirmed homozygous for the APOB mutation. The clinical phenotype included poor development, underweight, and intermittent diarrhea in the calves, and neurologic signs in the heifer included hypermetria and pacing. Hypocholesterolemia and low triglycerides concentrations were present in all animals. The pathological phenotype of all animals was steatorrhea with enterocytes of the small intestine containing intracytoplasmic lipid vacuoles. The peripheral nervous system of the heifer displayed degenerative changes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Suspicion of CD in Holstein cattle is based on the presence of chronic diarrhea with no evidence of primary infections. Confirmation of the associated APOB gene mutation is needed. Additionally, the heifer demonstrated primarily signs of neurologic disease providing an unexpected phenotype of CD.


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Objectives: Study objectives were: 1) to describe the differences in the prevalence of CHID risk factors between Aboriginal people in a remote community and the general Australian population; and 2) to compare the predicted risks of CHD events between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. Design: A cross-sectional study. Participants: 681 Aboriginal adults aged 25 to 74 years. Results: Aboriginal young adults had substantially higher prevalence of diabetes compared to non-Aboriginal Australians. The prevalence ratios for diabetes were 12.5, 5.6, 3.2, 1.3, and 0.73 for 25-, 35-, 45-, 55-, and 65- to 74-year-old females, respectively, The corresponding values for males were 12.1, 2.7, 2.9, 0.69, and 0.42. Young females had a higher prevalence of obesity, overweight, and abnormal waist circumference, while males and females 45 years and older tended to have a lower prevalence of overweight and ab. normal waist circumference. Compared to the general population, Aboriginal adults had a lower prevalence of abnormal total cholesterol but a higher prevalence of abnormal HDL, triglycerides, hypertension, and smoking. The risk ratios of abnormal total cholesterol for females ages 2534, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, and 65-75 years were 0.38, 0.53, 0.48, 0.48, and 0.41, respectively. Conclusions: Aboriginal people in the remote community experienced different levels of CHD risk predictors from the general Australian population. They had a lower prevalence of abnormal total cholesterol and a higher prevalence of abnormal HDL, smoking, diabetes, and hypertension.


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The staggerer mice carry a deletion in the RORalpha gene and have a prolonged humoral response, overproduce inflammatory cytokines, and are immunodeficient. Furthermore, the staggerer mice display lowered plasma apoA-I/-II, decreased plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides, and develop hypo-alpha-lipoproteinemia and atherosclerosis. However, relatively little is known about RORalpha in the context of target tissues, target genes, and lipid homeostasis. For example, RORalpha is abundantly expressed in skeletal muscle, a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for similar to40% of total body weight and 50% of energy expenditure. This lean tissue is a primary site of glucose disposal and fatty acid oxidation. Consequently, muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, obesity, and the blood-lipid profile. In particular, the role of RORalpha in skeletal muscle metabolism has not been investigated, and the contribution of skeletal muscle to the ROR-/- phenotype has not been resolved. We utilize ectopic dominant negative RORalpha expression in skeletal muscle cells to understand the regulatory role of RORs in this major mass peripheral tissue. Exogenous dominant negative RORalpha expression in skeletal muscle cells represses the endogenous levels of RORalpha and -gamma mRNAs and ROR-dependent gene expression. Moreover, we observed attenuated expression of many genes involved in lipid homeostasis. Furthermore, we show that the muscle carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 and caveolin-3 promoters are directly regulated by ROR and coactivated by p300 and PGC-1. This study implicates RORs in the control of lipid homeostasis in skeletal muscle. In conclusion, we speculate that ROR agonists would increase fatty acid catabolism in muscle and suggest selective activators of ROR may have therapeutic utility in the treatment of obesity and atherosclerosis.


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Aims Fibrates or nicotinic acid are usually recommended for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in patients with low plasma levels of both low-density tipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) less than or equal to140 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.6 mmol/L) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) less than or equal to40 mg/dL (less than or equal to1.03 mmol/L). The LIPID trial, a randomised, placebo-controlled trial in 9014 patients at 87 centres in Australia and New Zealand, provided an opportunity to investigate the effects of an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor in patients with tow LDL-C and tow HDL-C. Methods and results Participants in this post hoc substudy were 2073 patients aged 31-75 years with baseline LDL-C less than or equal to140 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.6 mmoL/L), HDL-C less than or equal to40 mg/dL (less than or equal to1.03 mmol/L), and triglyceride less than or equal to300 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.4 mmol/L). The relative risk reduction with pravastatin treatment was 27% for major coronary events (95% Cl 8-42%), 27% for coronary heart disease mortality (95% CI 0-47%), 21% for all-cause mortality (95% Cl 0-38%), and 51% for stroke (95% CI 24-69%). The number needed to treat to prevent a major coronary event over 6 years was 22. Conclusions Treatment with pravastatin in patients with both low LDL-C and low HDL-C significantly reduced major coronary events, stroke, and all-cause mortality. The level of HDL-C is crucial to the risk of recurrent CHD events and, consequently, the benefit of lowering LDL-C. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.


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Aim Cardiovascular disease (CVD) rates are substantially higher among patients with Type 2 diabetes than in the general population. The objective of this study was to identify the determinants of carotid intima media thickness (IMT) in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Methods We measured the thickness of the intima media layer of the carotid artery, a strong predictor of the risk of future vascular events, in 397 Type 2 diabetic patients drawn from the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes study, prior to treatment allocation. Results The mean IMT was 0.78 mm [interquartile range (IQR) 0.23 mm], and the maximum IMT was 1.17 mm (IQR 0.36 mm). By multivariate analysis, age, sex, duration of diabetes, triglycerides, and total cholesterol were independently correlated with IMT, as was urine albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR) (P < 0.001). The effect of ACR on IMT was further examined by tertile. Clinically significant differences in IMT were associated with ACR > 0.65 mg/mmol, approximately one-fifth the standard clinical threshold for microalbuminuria (P < 0.01). Long-term diabetes, independent of other parameters, was associated with a 50% increase in age-related thickening. Conclusions IMT in people with Type 2 diabetes is independently and continuously related to urine albumin levels and to the duration of diabetes. These results support previous data linking urine albumin measurements within the normal range with increased ischaemic cardiac mortality in the setting of Type 2 diabetes, and strongly suggest that urine albumin levels within this range should trigger a formal evaluation for CVD.


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Skeletal muscle is a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for similar to 40% of the total body mass and a major player in energy balance. It accounts for > 30% of energy expenditure, is the primary tissue of insulin stimulated glucose uptake, disposal, and storage. Furthermore, it influences metabolism via modulation of circulating and stored lipid (and cholesterol) flux. Lipid catabolism supplies up to 70% of the energy requirements for resting muscle. However, initial aerobic exercise utilizes stored muscle glycogen but as exercise continues, glucose and stored muscle triglycerides become important energy substrates. Endurance exercise increasingly depends on fatty acid oxidation (and lipid mobilization from other tissues). This underscores the importance of lipid and glucose utilization as an energy source in muscle. Consequently skeletal muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, the blood lipid profile, and obesity. Moreover, caloric excess, obesity and physical inactivity lead to skeletal muscle insulin resistance, a risk factor for the development of type II diabetes. In this context skeletal muscle is an important therapeutic target in the battle against cardiovascular disease, the worlds most serious public health threat. Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease include dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and diabetes. These risk factors are directly influenced by diet, metabolism and physical activity. Metabolism is largely regulated by nuclear hormone receptors which function as hormone regulated transcription factors that bind DNA and mediate the pathophysiological regulation of gene expression. Metabolism and activity, which directly influence cardiovascular disease risk factors, are primarily driven by skeletal muscle. Recently, many nuclear receptors expressed in skeletal muscle have been shown to improve glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and dyslipidernia. Skeletal muscle and nuclear receptors are rapidly emerging as critical targets in the battle against cardiovascular disease risk factors. Understanding the function of nuclear receptors in skeletal muscle has enormous pharmacological utility for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. This review focuses on the molecular regulation of metabolism by nuclear receptors in skeletal muscle in the context of dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Although the LDL cholesterol-lowering statins have reduced the mortality and morbidity associated with coronary artery disease (CAD), considerable mortality and morbidity remains. Increasing HDL cholesterol levels is associated with reduced CAD mortality and morbidity. In healthy subjects with mild dyslipidemia, treatment with JTT-705 decreased cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity, increased HDL cholesterol and decreased LDL cholesterol. Similarly, another CETP inhibitor, torcetrapib, has recently been shown to increase HDL cholesterol by 46%, decrease LDL cholesterol by 8% and have no effect on triglycerides in subjects with HDL cholesterol levels below 1.0 mmol/l. Increasing HDL cholesterol with inhibitors of CETP represents a new approach to dyslipidemia that requires further investigation, especially in patients with CAD.


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Methyl ketones, aldehydes and free saturated fatty acids were measured in the headspace of samples of two indirectly processed and two directly processed Australian commercial UHT milks during room temperature storage for 16 weeks. The analytes were isolated using headspace solid phase microextraction and analysed by gas chromatography coupled with flame ionisation detection. All methyl ketones and aldehydes increased during storage, With free saturated fatty acids exhibiting little change. On average, the total methyl ketone and aldehyde concentrations in the indirectly processed UHT milks were higher than those in the directly processed samples. A strong correlation was found between the concentration of methyl ketones and various heat indices (furosine, lactulose and undenatured whey proteins) in the milk samples.


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Background: Plasma cholinesterase activity is known to be correlated with plasma triglycerides, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol, and other features of the metabolic syndrome. A role in triglyceride metabolism has been proposed. Genetic variants that decrease activity have been studied extensively, but the factors contributing to overall variation in the population are poorly understood. We studied plasma cholinesterase activity in a sample of 2200 adult twins to assess covariation with cardiovascular risk factors and components of the metabolic syndrome, to determine the degree of genetic effects on enzyme activity, and to search for quantitative trait loci affecting activity. Methods and Results: Cholinesterase activity was lower in women than in men before the age of 50, but increased to activity values similar to those in males after that age. There were highly significant correlations with variables associated with the metabolic syndrome: plasma triglyceride, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and E, urate, and insulin concentrations; gamma-glutamyltransferase and aspartate and alanine aminotransferase activities; body mass index; and blood pressure. The heritability of plasma cholinesterase activity was 65%. Linkage analysis with data from the dizygotic twin pairs showed suggestive linkage on chromosome 3 at the location of the cholinesterase WHO gene and also on chromosome 5. Conclusions: Our results confirm and extend the connection between cholinesterase, cardiovascular risk factors, and metabolic syndrome. They establish a substantial heritability for plasma cholinesterase activity that might be attributable to variation near the structural gene and at an independent locus. (c) 2006 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.


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Objective: Previous studies investigating associations between serum lipids and renal disease have generally not taken into account dietary intake or physical activity - both known to influence circulating lipids. Furthermore, inclusion of patients on HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors may also have influenced findings due to the pleiotropic effect of this medication. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the relationships between serum lipids and renal function in a group of patients not taking lipid-lowering medication and taking into account dietary intake and physical activity. Methods: Data from 100 patients enrolled in the Lipid Lowering and Onset of Renal Disease (LORD) trial were used in this study. Patients were included with serum creatinine > 120 mu mol/l, and excluded if they were taking lipid-lowering medication. Unadjusted and adjusted relationships were determined between fasting serum lipid concentrations (total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol/HDL ratio) and measures of renal function (estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), creatinine clearance and serum creatinine) and urinary protein excretion. Results: Significant (p < 0.05) negative unadjusted relationships were found between lipids (total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol) and serum creatinine. In support of these findings, logarithmically-transformed lipids (total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol) were significantly associated with eGFR and creatinine clearance although the effects were of a smaller magnitude. Adjustment for dietary saturated fat intake and physical activity did not substantially change these effects. Conclusion: These data do not support the premise that lipids are associated with renal dysfunction in patients with normocholesterolemia.