997 resultados para T-Zell Repertoire Tumorassoziierte Antigene Melanoma mRNA Stimulation


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Enhanced understanding of soil disturbance effects on weed seedling recruitment will help guide improved management approaches. Field experiments were conducted at 16 site-years at 10 research farms across Europe and North America to (i) quantify superficial soil disturbance (SSD) effects on Chenopodium album emergence and (ii) clarify adaptive emergence behaviour in frequently disturbed environments. Each site-year contained factorial combinations of two seed populations (local and common, with the common population studied at all site-years) and six SSD timings [0, 50, 100, 150, 200 day-degrees (d°C, base temperature 3°C) after first emergence from undisturbed soil]. Analytical units in this study were emergence flushes. Flush magnitudes (maximum weekly emergence per count flush) and flush frequencies (flushes year 1) were compared between disturbed and undisturbed seedbanks. One year after burial, SSD promoted seedling emergence relative to undisturbed seedbanks by increasing flush magnitude rather than increasing flush frequency. Two years after burial, SSD promoted emergence through increased flush magnitude and flush frequency. The promotional effects of SSD on emergence were strongest within 500 d°C following SSD; however, low levels of SSDinduced emergence were detected as late as 3000 d°C following SSD. Accordingly, stale seedbed practices that eliminate weed seedlings should occur within 500 d°C of disturbance, because few seedlings emerge after this time. However, implementation of stale seedbed practices will probably cause slight increases in weed population densities throughout the year. Compared with the common population, local populations exhibited reduced variance in total emergence measured within sites and across SSD treatments, suggesting that C. album adaptation to local pedo-climatic conditions involves increased consistency in SSD-induced emergence.


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Although contraction of human isolated bronchi is mediated mainly by tachykinin NK2 receptors, NK1 receptors, via prostanoid release, contract small-size (approximately 1 mm in diameter) bronchi. Here, we have investigated the presence and biological responses of NK1 receptors in medium-size (2-5 mm in diameter) human isolated bronchi. Specific staining was seen in bronchial sections with an antibody directed against the human NK1 receptor. The selective NK1 receptor agonist, [Sar(9), Met(O2)(11)]SP, contracted about 60% of human isolated bronchial rings. This effect was reduced by two different NK1 receptor antagonists, CP-99,994 and SR 140333. Contraction induced by [Sar(9), Met(O2)(11)]SP was independent of acetylcholine and histamine release and epithelium removal, and was not affected by nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibition. [Sar(9), Met(O2)(11)]SP increased inositol phosphate (IP) levels, and SR 140333 blocked this increase, in segments of medium- and small-size (approximately 1 mm in diameter) human bronchi. COX inhibition blocked the IP increase induced by [Sar(9), Met(O2)(11)]SP in small-size, but not in medium-size, bronchi. NK1 receptors mediated bronchoconstriction in a large proportion of medium-size human bronchi. Unlike small-size bronchi this effect is independent of prostanoid release, and the results are suggestive of a direct activation of smooth muscle receptors and IP release.


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Objective: Many diseases, including atherosclerosis, involve chronic inflammation. The master transcription factor for inflammation is NF-κB. Inflammatory sites have a low extracellular pH. Our objective was to demonstrate the effect of pH on NF-κB activation and cytokine secretion. Methods: Mouse J774 macrophages or human THP-1 or monocyte-derived macrophages were incubated at pH 7.0–7.4 and inflammatory cytokine secretion and NF-κB activity were measured. Results: A pH of 7.0 greatly decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion (TNF or IL-6) by J774 macrophages, but not THP-1 or human monocyte-derived macrophages. Upon stimulation of mouse macrophages, the levels of IκBα, which inhibits NF-κB, fell but low pH prevented its later increase, which normally restores the baseline activity of NF-κB, even though the levels of mRNA for IκBα were increased. pH 7.0 greatly increased and prolonged NF-κB binding to its consensus promoter sequence, especially the anti-inflammatory p50:p50 homodimers. Human p50 was overexpressed using adenovirus in THP-1 macrophages and monocyte-derived macrophages to see if it would confer pH sensitivity to NF-κB activity in human cells. Overexpression of p50 increased p50:p50 DNA-binding and in THP-1 macrophages inhibited considerably TNF and IL-6 secretion, but there was still no effect of pH on p50:p50 DNA binding or cytokine secretion. Conclusion: A modest decrease in pH can sometimes have marked effects on NF-κB activation and cytokine secretion and might be one reason to explain why mice normally develop less atherosclerosis than do humans.


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Objective To investigate the effect of nutrient stimulation of gut hormones by oligofructose supplementation on appetite, energy intake (EI), body weight (BW) and adiposity in overweight and obese volunteers. Methods In a parallel, single-blind and placebo-controlled study, 22 healthy overweight and obese volunteers were randomly allocated to receive 30 g day−1 oligofructose or cellulose for 6 weeks following a 2-week run-in. Subjective appetite and side effect scores, breath hydrogen, serum short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), plasma gut hormones, glucose and insulin concentrations, EI, BW and adiposity were quantified at baseline and post-supplementation. Results Oligofructose increased breath hydrogen (P < 0.0001), late acetate concentrations (P = 0.024), tended to increase total area under the curve (tAUC)420mins peptide YY (PYY) (P = 0.056) and reduced tAUC450mins hunger (P = 0.034) and motivation to eat (P = 0.013) when compared with cellulose. However, there was no significant difference between the groups in other parameters although within group analyses showed an increase in glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) (P = 0.006) in the cellulose group and a decrease in EI during ad libitum meal in both groups. Conclusions Oligofructose increased plasma PYY concentrations and suppressed appetite, while cellulose increased GLP-1 concentrations. EI decreased in both groups. However, these positive effects did not translate into changes in BW or adiposity.


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Analysis of microbial gene expression during host colonization provides valuable information on the nature of interaction, beneficial or pathogenic, and the adaptive processes involved. Isolation of bacterial mRNA for in planta analysis can be challenging where host nucleic acid may dominate the preparation, or inhibitory compounds affect downstream analysis, e.g., quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qPCR), microarray, or RNA-seq. The goal of this work was to optimize the isolation of bacterial mRNA of food-borne pathogens from living plants. Reported methods for recovery of phytopathogen-infected plant material, using hot phenol extraction and high concentration of bacterial inoculation or large amounts of infected tissues, were found to be inappropriate for plant roots inoculated with Escherichia coli O157:H7. The bacterial RNA yields were too low and increased plant material resulted in a dominance of plant RNA in the sample. To improve the yield of bacterial RNA and reduce the number of plants required, an optimized method was developed which combines bead beating with directed bacterial lysis using SDS and lysozyme. Inhibitory plant compounds, such as phenolics and polysaccharides, were counteracted with the addition of high-molecular-weight polyethylene glycol and hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide. The new method increased the total yield of bacterial mRNA substantially and allowed assessment of gene expression by qPCR. This method can be applied to other bacterial species associated with plant roots, and also in the wider context of food safety.


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As a model for brain inflammation we previously studied transcriptional profiles of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF)treated U373 astroglioma cells. In previous work we were able to demonstrate that the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1, SCYA2, CCL2, MCAF) expression in U373 cells was inducible by TNF-alpha treatment. Demonstrably MCP-1 mRNA and protein expression in U373 cells was sustainable over time and at the highest level of all genes analyzed (Schwamborn et al., BMC Genomics 4, 46, 2003). In the hematopoietic system MCP-1 is a CC chemokine that attracts monocytes, memory T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. In search of further functions in brain inflammation we tested the hypothesis that MCP-1 acts as a chemokine on neural stem cells. Here we report that MCP-1 activates the migration capacity of rat-derived neural stem cells. The migration of stem cells in a Boyden chamber analysis was elevated after stimulation with MCP-1. Time-lapse video microscopy visualized the migration of single stem cells from neurospheres in MCP-1-treated cultures, whereas untreated cultures depicted no migration at all, but showed signs of sprouting. Expression of the MCP-1 receptor CCR2 in neurosphere cultures was verified by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence microscopy. Supernatants from TNF-treated U373 cells also induced migration of neural stem cells.


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Within target T lymphocytes, human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) encounters the retroviral restriction factor APOBEC3G (apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3G; A3G), which is counteracted by the HIV-1 accessory protein Vif. Vif is encoded by intron-containing viral RNAs that are generated by splicing at 3' splice site (3'ss) A1 but lack splicing at 5'ss D2, which results in the retention of a large downstream intron. Hence, the extents of activation of 3'ss A1 and repression of D2, respectively, determine the levels of vif mRNA and thus the ability to evade A3G-mediated antiviral effects. The use of 3'ss A1 can be enhanced or repressed by splicing regulatory elements that control the recognition of downstream 5'ss D2. Here we show that an intronic G run (G(I2)-1) represses the use of a second 5'ss, termed D2b, that is embedded within intron 2 and, as determined by RNA deep-sequencing analysis, is normally inefficiently used. Mutations of G(I2)-1 and activation of D2b led to the generation of transcripts coding for Gp41 and Rev protein isoforms but primarily led to considerable upregulation of vif mRNA expression. We further demonstrate, however, that higher levels of Vif protein are actually detrimental to viral replication in A3G-expressing T cell lines but not in A3G-deficient cells. These observations suggest that an appropriate ratio of Vif-to-A3G protein levels is required for optimal virus replication and that part of Vif level regulation is effected by the novel G run identified here.


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Virtual Reality (VR) can provide visual stimuli for EEG studies that can be altered in real time and can produce effects that are difficult or impossible to reproduce in a non-virtual experimental platform. As part of this experiment the Oculus Rift, a commercial-grade, low-cost, Head Mounted Display (HMD) was assessed as a visual stimuli platform for experiments recording EEG. Following, the device was used to investigate the effect of congruent visual stimuli on Event Related Desynchronisation (ERD) due to motion imagery.


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The translocation of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms PKC-alpha, PKC-delta, PKC-epsilon, and PKC-zeta from soluble to particulate fractions was studied in ventricular cardiomyocytes cultured from neonatal rats. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) caused a rapid ETA receptor-mediated translocation of PKC-delta and PKC-epsilon (complete in 0.5-1 min). By 3-5 min, both isoforms were returning to the soluble fraction, but a greater proportion of PKC-epsilon remained associated with the particulate fraction. The EC50 of translocation for PKC-delta was 11-15 nM ET-1 whereas that for PKC-epsilon was 1.4-1.7 nM. Phenylephrine caused a rapid translocation of PKC-epsilon (EC50 = 0.9 microM) but the proportion lost from the soluble fraction was less than with ET-1. Translocation of PKC-delta was barely detectable with phenylephrine. Neither agonist caused any consistent translocation of PKC-alpha or PKC-zeta. Activation of p42 and p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by ET-1 or phenylephrine followed more slowly (complete in 3-5 min). Phosphorylation of p42-MAPK occurred simultaneously with its activation. The proportion of the total p42-MAPK pool phosphorylated in response to ET-1 (50%) was greater than with phenylephrine (20%). In addition to activation of MAPK, an unidentified p85 protein kinase was activated by ET-1 in the soluble fraction whereas an unidentified p58 protein kinase was activated in the particulate fraction.


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Phenylephrine and noradrenaline (alpha-adrenergic agonism) or isoprenaline (beta-adrenergic agonism) stimulated protein synthesis rates, increased the activity of the atrial natriuretic factor gene promoter and activated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). The EC50 for MAPK activation by noradrenaline was 2-4 microM and that for isoprenaline was 0.2-0.3 microM. Maximal activation of MAPK by isoprenaline was inhibited by the beta-adrenergic antagonist, propranolol, whereas the activation by noradrenaline was inhibited by the alpha1-adrenergic antagonist, prazosin. FPLC on a Mono-Q column separated two peaks of MAPK (p42MAPK and p44MAPK) and two peaks of MAPK-activating activity (MEK) activated by isoprenaline or noradrenaline. Prolonged phorbol ester exposure partially down-regulated the activation of MAPK by noradrenaline but not by isoprenaline. This implies a role for protein kinase C in MAPK activation by noradrenaline but not isoprenaline. A role for cyclic AMP in activation of the MAPK pathway was eliminated when other agonists that elevate cyclic AMP in the cardiac myocyte did not activate MAPK. In contrast, MAPK was activated by exposure to ionomycin, Bay K8644 or thapsigargin that elevate intracellular Ca2+. Furthermore, depletion of extracellular Ca2+ concentrations with bis-(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-NNN'N'-tetra-acetic acid (BAPTA) or blocking of the L-type Ca2+ channel with nifepidine or verapamil inhibited the response to isoprenaline without inhibiting the responses to noradrenaline. We conclude that alpha- and beta-adrenergic agonists can activate the MEK/MAPK pathway in the heart by different signalling pathways. Elevation of intracellular Ca2+ rather than cyclic AMP appears important in the activation of MAPK by isoprenaline in the cardiac myocyte.


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In ventricular myocytes cultured from neonatal rat hearts, bradykinin (BK), kallidin or BK(1-8) [(Des-Arg9)BK] stimulated PtdinsP2 hydrolysis by 3-4-fold. EC50 values were 6 nM (BK), 2 nM (kallidin), and 14 microM [BK(1-8)]. BK or kallidin stimulated the rapid (less than 30 s) translocation of more than 80% of the novel protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms nPKC-delta and nPKC-epsilon from the soluble to the particulate fraction. EC50 values for nPKC-delta translocation by BK or kallidin were 10 and 2 nM respectively. EC50 values for nPKC-epsilon translocation by BK or kallidin were 2 and 0.6 nM respectively. EC50 values for the translocation of nPKC-delta and nPKC-epsilon by BK(1-8) were more than 5 microM. The classical PKC, cPKC-alpha, and the atypical PKC, nPKC-zeta, did not translocate. BK caused activation and phosphorylation of p42-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) (maximal at 3-5 min, 30-35% of p42-MAPK phosphorylated). p44-MAPK was similarly activated. EC50 values for p42/p44-MAPK activation by BK were less than 1 nM whereas values for BK(1-8) were more than 10 microM. The order of potency [BK approximately equal to kallidin > BK (1-8)] for the stimulation of PtdInsP2 hydrolysis, nPKC-delta and nPKC-epsilon translocation, and p42/p44-MAPK activities suggests involvement of the B2 BK receptor subtype. In addition, stimulation of all three processes by BK was inhibited by the B2BK receptor-selective antagonist HOE140 but not by the B1-selective antagonist Leu8BK(1-8). Exposure of cells to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate for 24 h inhibited subsequent activation of p42/p44-MAPK by BK suggesting participation of nPKC (and possibly cPKC) isoforms in the activation process. Thus, like hypertrophic agents such as endothelin-1 (ET-1) and phenylephrine (PE), BK activates PtdInsP2 hydrolysis, translocates nPKC-delta, and nPKC-epsilon, and activates p42/p44-MAPK. However, in comparison with ET-1 and PE, BK was only weakly hypertrophic as assessed by cell morphology and patterns of gene expression. This difference could not be attributed to dissimilarities between the duration of activation of p42/p44-MAPK by BK or ET-1. Thus activation of these signalling pathways alone may be insufficient to induce a powerful hypertrophic response.


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The physiological activator of protein kinase C (PKC), diacylglycerol, is formed by hydrolysis of phosphoinositides (PI) by phospholipase C (PLC) or phosphatidylcholine by phospholipase D (PLD). We have measured activation of these phospholipases by endothelin-1 (ET-1), bradykinin (BK), or phenylephrine (PE) in ventricular myocytes cultured from neonatal rat. The stimulation of PI hydrolysis after 10 min by 0.1 microM ET-1 (about 12-fold) was much greater than for BK or PE (each about four-fold), and did not correlate with translocation of nPKC delta or nPKC epsilon (Clerk A. Bogoyevitch MA. Andersson MB. Sugden PH, 1994. J Biol Chem 269: 32848-32857: Clerk A, Gillespie-Brown J, Fuller SJ, Sugden PH, 1996. Biochem J 317: 109-118). However, ET-1 and BK stimulated a similar rapid increase in [3H]InsP, formation (< 30 s), which was much greater than that seen with PE. This early phase correlated with PKC translocation. Acute or chronic exposure to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) or treatment with Ro-31-8220 showed that the stimulation of PI hydrolysis by PE, but not ET-1 or BK, was inhibited by activation of PKC. Furthermore, ET-1 and BK heterologously desensitized the stimulation of PI hydrolysis by PE, ET-1 or BK homologously uncoupled their own receptors from [3H]InsP3 formation, but there was no evidence of heterologous desensitization with these two agonists. Anomalously, chronic exposure to TPA increased the stimulation of PI hydrolysis by BK, but this probably resulted from an increase in BK receptor density. PLD was also rapidly activated by TPA. ET-1, BK or PE. Experiments with Ro-31-8220 showed that the stimulation of PLD by ET-1 and BK was mediated through activation of PKC. We discuss the characteristics of the activation of PI hydrolysis and PLD by ET-1, BK, and PE with respect to the translocation of PKC.


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"Stress-regulated" mitogen-activated protein kinases (SR-MAPKs) comprise the stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs)/c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and the p38-MAPKs. In the perfused heart, ischemia/reperfusion activates SR-MAPKs. Although the agent(s) directly responsible is unclear, reactive oxygen species are generated during ischemia/reperfusion. We have assessed the ability of oxidative stress (as exemplified by H2O2) to activate SR-MAPKs in the perfused heart and compared it with the effect of ischemia/reperfusion. H2O2 activated both SAPKs/JNKs and p38-MAPK. Maximal activation by H2O2 in both cases was observed at 0.5 mM. Whereas activation of p38-MAPK by H2O2 was comparable to that of ischemia and ischemia/reperfusion, activation of the SAPKs/JNKs was less than that of ischemia/reperfusion. As with ischemia/reperfusion, there was minimal activation of the ERK MAPK subfamily by H2O2. MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MAPKAPK2), a downstream substrate of p38-MAPKs, was activated by H2O2 to a similar extent as with ischemia or ischemia/reperfusion. In all instances, activation of MAPKAPK2 in perfused hearts was inhibited by SB203580, an inhibitor of p38-MAPKs. Perfusion of hearts at high aortic pressure (20 kilopascals) also activated the SR-MAPKs and MAPKAPK2. Free radical trapping agents (dimethyl sulfoxide and N-t-butyl-alpha-phenyl nitrone) inhibited the activation of SR-MAPKs and MAPKAPK2 by ischemia/reperfusion. These data are consistent with a role for reactive oxygen species in the activation of SR-MAPKs during ischemia/reperfusion.


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We examined the activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38-MAPK) pathway by the G protein-coupled receptor agonists, endothelin-1 and phenylephrine in primary cultures of cardiac myocytes from neonatal rat hearts. Both agonists increased the phosphorylation (activation) of p38-MAPK by approximately 12-fold. A p38-MAPK substrate, MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MAPKAPK2), was activated approximately fourfold and 10 microM SB203580, a p38-MAPK inhibitor, abolished this activation. Phosphorylation of the MAPKAPK2 substrate, heat shock protein 25/27, was also increased. Using selective inhibitors, activation of the p38-MAPK pathway by endothelin-1 was shown to involve protein kinase C but not Gi/Go nor the extracellularly responsive kinase (ERK) pathway. SB203580 failed to inhibit the morphological changes associated with cardiac myocyte hypertrophy induced by endothelin-1 or phenylephrine between 4 and 24 h. However, it decreased the myofibrillar organization and cell profile at 48 h. In contrast, inhibition of the ERK cascade with PD98059 prevented the increase in myofibrillar organization but not cell profile. These data are not consistent with a role for the p38-MAPK pathway in the immediate induction of the morphological changes of hypertrophy but suggest that it may be necessary over a longer period to maintain the response.


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We investigated the activation of three subfamilies of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), namely the stress-activated protein kinases/c-Jun N-terminal kinases (SAPKs/JNKs), the extracellularly responsive kinases (ERKs) and p38-MAPK, by oxidative stress as exemplified by H2O2 in primary cultures of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. The 46 and 54 kDa species of SAPKs/JNKs were activated 5- and 10-fold, respectively, by 0.1 mM H2O2 (the maximally effective concentration). Maximal activation occurred at 15-30 min, but was still detectable after 2 h. Both ERK1 and ERK2 were activated 16-fold by 0.1 mM H2O2 with a similar time course to the SAPKs/JNKs, and this was comparable with their activation by 1 microM PMA, the most powerful activator of ERKs that we have so far identified in these cells. The activation of ERKs by H2O2 was inhibited by PD98059, which inhibits the activation of MAPK (or ERK) kinases, and by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, GF109203X. ERK activation was also inhibited by down-regulation of PMA-sensitive PKC isoforms. p38-MAPK was activated by 0.1 mM H2O2 as shown by an increase in its phosphorylation. However, maximal phosphorylation (activation) was more rapid (<5 min) than for the SAPKs/JNKs or the ERKs. We studied the downstream consequences of p38-MAPK activation by examining activation of MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MAPKAPK2) and phosphorylation of the MAPKAPK2 substrate, the small heat shock protein HSP25/27. As with p38-MAPK, MAPKAPK2 was rapidly activated (maximal within 5 min) by 0.1 mM H2O2. This activation was abolished by 10 microM SB203580, a selective inhibitor of certain p38-MAPK isoforms. The phosphorylation of HSP25/27 rapidly followed activation of MAPKAPK2 and was also inhibited by SB203580. Phosphorylation of HSP25/27 was associated with a decrease in its aggregation state. These data indicate that oxidative stress is a powerful activator of all three MAPK subfamilies in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. Activation of all three MAPKs has been associated with the development of the hypertrophic phenotype. However, stimulation of p38-MAPK and the consequent phosphorylation of HSP25/27 may also be important in cardioprotection.