898 resultados para Sudoeste peninsular
The no-tillage system is the predominant model in the agricultural scenario of southern Brazil. Thus, the use of cover crops is significant due to the addition of biomass to protect the soil surface, and contribute to the cycling and/or fixing of nutrients, and in particular nitrogen (N) with liberation for the subsequent culture. Among the cool season species, it was found predominant use of oat to obtain straw to system. Though large quantities input of residue is not the preferred species to precede the corn, cereal with relevant importance in the Paraná Southwest region. It was aimed to evaluate the productivity capacity of corn in no-tillage, in the absence or presence of nitrogen fertilization, on waste of winter cover crops on soil and climatic conditions of the Paraná Southwest region. The installation of no-tillage was held in 2010 in the experimental area belonging to UTFPR, Campus Dois Vizinhos, on a Red Latosol. For the present study, we used data relating to three agricultural years (2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015). The experimental design was randomized block design with split plots with three replications. The main plots consisted of systems composed by cover crops (black oat, ryegrass, rye, turnip, vetch, white lupine, aot+vetch consortium and oat+vetch+turnip), preceding corn. In the subplots were used two doses of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 180 kg ha N) coverage in maize.The biggest coverage rates occurred in the consortium with 95% at 62 days after sowing. The residual effect of 180 kg ha cool season plants following year. The residual effect of 180 kg ha systems, reduced in 21% the C/N ratio of poaceae. The common vetch accumulated 32 kg N per ton of MS added. The oat and rye keeps more than 50% waste to the land cover, after 120 days, while the ryegrass and vetch provide low soil protection. Consortium oat+vetch+turnip, vetch and white lupine, released the largest amounts of N, between 52 and 59 kg ha brassica and consortia positively influencing the diameter and length of cobs, number of kernels per row and, total number of grains per ear of corn, in the absence of mineral N. The weight of a thousand grains was increased by 12.4% by the addition of 180 kg ha increase in productivity of grain by the addition of 180 kg ha N, was 2.1 Mg ha 5.6 Mg ha 6.4 Mg ha components when cultivated on vetch. Systems containing fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, predating the corn, in the absence of mineral N, provided similar grain yelds inrelation to the systems with the addition of 180 kg ha Keywords: Cover crops. No-tillage. Grain yield. Zea mays - 1 -1 N, increased 4.8% coverage rate in the of N in corn/cover crops -1 -1 . Fabaceae, -1 N mineral. The average N, in relation to dose 0 kg ha corn kernels on fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, and poaceae the grains in succession. The consortium added amount between 4.0 the DM in the years of study. There was no effect of mineral N rate for corn yield components when cultivated on vetch. Systems containing fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, predating the corn, in the absence of mineral N, provided similar grain yelds inrelation to the systems with the addition of 180 kg ha-1 N.
To design strategies for the conservation and use of genetic resources of tree species such as jaboticaba tree, it is essential to make the characterization. In southwestern Paraná region, there are several forest fragments containing native jaboticaba tree (Plinia cauliflora), whose materials have broad potential for commercial orchards or breeding programs. As is the potential genetic diversity of a population to produce different genotypes, it would be able to start in such a characterization one of these fragments. The aim was to characterize fruits of jaboticaba tree (P. caulifora) of forest fragment kept in Clevelândia - PR for the presence of phenotypic variability, seeking to identify those superiors named for future selection as farming or male parent, as well as estimate genetic divergence between them, as a complementary tool for this purpose. Also, verify the regeneration and spatial distribution of the species. For the study was defined portion of a hectare (10.000 m²), with all individuals identified, mapped, with local coordinate system, and measured height and diameter. Fruits were characterized by sensory and biochemical characteristics in two years, 70 genotypes at 2013 and 56 at 2014, and of these 33 genotypes in both years. As a pre-selection criteria was adopted the choice of 20% of the genotypes that showed the highest frequency of superiority in the evaluated characteristics of the fruit. Genetic divergence among 33 genotypes per year was analyzed. The distribution pattern and spatial association was evaluated by Ripley's K function. It was classified for the first time the following ontogenetic stages of jaboticaba tree, by plant height, seedling (from 0.01 to 0.99 m), juvenile (1.0 to 4.99 m), immature (> 5.0 m, non-reproductive), adult (reproductive). It was also have been describe for the first time the naturally occurring juxtaposed seedlings, indicating polyembryony. The number of regenerating identified in the population (seedlings: n = 2163; juveniles: n = 330; immature: n = 59) was much larger than the number of adults (n = 132). The species showed reverse J-shaped size structure standard, with high concentration of regenerating. The regeneration distribution occurs in aggregate pattern and there is seedling-adult dependence, due seed dispersal and seedling emergence closest to mothers. The jaboticaba tree regeneration is sufficient to maintain the species for long term in this population, which should serve as reference to regeneration success for other studies of this important fruiting species from Ombrofile Mixed Forests. Has been pre-selected the jaboticaba trees 7, 42, 43, 47, 54, 91, 97, 104, 105, 118, 134, 153, 154, 157, 163, 169, 177, 186, 212, J7-01 and J7- 02, and 16 and 194 the ones that can now be selected by the superior characteristics of both cycles. It was recommended to carry out hybridization between genotypes 79 and 119, and 96 to 148. The quality of fruit analyzed showed potential for use as a dual purpose serving both in natura market or processing.
Currently, the biodiversity is considered as a powerful food security strategy, ecological and economical for humanity. Brazil is one of the main centers of genetic diversity of native fruit in the world. However, little is known about most of these species. In southwestern Paraná region, this diversity can be found, however, due to human action to increase genetic erosion, it is losing genotypes with potential for use. Thus, the conservation of genetic resources is essential for reduction strategies for damage caused to the environment and the lack of tech-nical information to increase the use of them. This study aimed to obtain information for cre-ating on farm net conservation in four citties this region. This study was carried out in rural properties from Dois Vizinhos, Itapejara D’Oeste, Verê and São Jorge D'Oeste citties, Paraná State, Brazil. It was action plan was established with the rural communities through gathering information with agents considered key in the process, it seeking the greatest number of farm-ers who had their properties in the native fruits as pitanga, jabuticaba, uvaia, cereja-do-mato, guabiroba, guabiju, sete capote, goiaba serrana, araça amarelo e vermelho trees. Semi-structured questionnaire was applied, which concerned issues of presence, handling and use of Myrtaceae fruit trees on their properties and informed consent term. There was a survey of the number and native fruits present in each property. The characterization of each household in terms of diversity handled and used in native fruit was performed. It was realized the soil col-lect in 200 properties with the presence of at least some native fruit tree naturally occurring, in order to determine the preference of the species for the chemical characteristics of the soil. The four citties have native fruits trees in quantity and diversity for the creation of on farm net conservation, with farmers demonstrating knowledge of their role as guardians of this heritage of humanity.
CL imaging and U–Th–Pb data for a population of zircons from two of the Évora Massif granitoids (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia) show that both calc-alkaline granitoids have zircon populations dominated by grains with cores and rims either showing or not showing differences in Th/U ratio, and having ages in the range ca. 350–335 Ma (Early Carboniferous). Multistage crystallization of zircon is revealed in two main growth stages (ca. 344–342 Ma and ca. 336–335 Ma), well represented by morphologically complex zircons with cores and rims with different ages and different Th/U ratios that can be explained by: (1) crystallization from melts with different compositions (felsic peraluminous to felsic-intermediate metaluminous; 0.001 Th/U ratio < 0.5) and (2) transient temperature fluctuations in a system where anatectic felsic melts periodically underwent injection of more mafic magmas at higher temperatures. The two studied calc-alkaline granitoids do not include inherited zircons (pre-Carboniferous), probably because they were formed at the highest grade of metamorphism (T 837 °C; granulite facies) and/or because they were derived from inheritance-poor felsic and mafic rocks from a previous cycle, as suggested by the internal structures of zircon cores. These Variscan magmatic rocks with crystallization ages estimated at ca. 336–335 Ma are spatially and temporally related to high-temperature metamorphism, anatexis, processes of interaction between crustal- and mantle-derived magmas and intra-orogenic extension that acted in SW Iberia during the Early Carboniferous.
O Espanhol é, cada vez mais, uma língua de destaque no panorama mundial. Daí que surja a necessidade de garantir a qualidade e constante aprimoramento do ensino/aprendizagem desta língua. Um dos nossos propósitos, com o presente estudo, foi aprofundar e refletir sobre os conhecimentos dos alunos acerca da diversidade (intra)linguística do Espanhol, promovendo, deste modo, a sua valorização. Elaborámos, como ponto de partida, um enquadramento teórico que sustenta a investigação onde abordamos a dimensão atual do Espanhol e das suas variedades, bem como a questão dos estereótipos relacionada com o ensino das variedades (intra)linguísticas espanholas. De seguida, procedemos à implementação de um estudo de caso, tendo em conta o Espanhol como língua internacional e pluricêntrica, com variedades distintas. O referido estudo apresenta contornos de investigação-ação e foi desenvolvido num agrupamento de escolas da região de Aveiro, no ano letivo 2014/2015. No decurso do nosso projeto, socorremo-nos de diversas técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados, nomeadamente um inquérito por questionário e fichas de atividades para identificar e descrever os estereótipos dos alunos. Neste projeto, analisamos os resultados de uma investigação onde destacamos, por um lado, os estereótipos que alunos portugueses, do 8.º ano de escolaridade, têm sobre a realidade da língua espanhola e das suas variedades, no mundo; por outro lado, a presença/ausência dessa diversidade (intra)linguística nos manuais escolares que acompanharam a turma-alvo do estudo. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi realizada ainda uma sessão de sensibilização às variedades do Espanhol. Os resultados demonstram que os manuais escolares analisados contêm visões estereotipadas e redutoras sobre a diversidade linguística espanhola, sobrevalorizando, em certa medida, a norma peninsular. Os dados recolhidos através do inquérito por questionário, permitiram-nos concluir que os alunos possuíam visões estereotipadas sobre o Espanhol e as suas variedades. No entanto, mediante a sessão de sensibilização para a valorização da diversidade linguística espanhola, concluímos que foi criado um espaço de reflexão que permitisse quer a reconstrução de estereótipos quer ainda um espaço de diálogo e debate coletivo sobre como as diferenças da língua a podem enriquecer.
Anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita) é uma espécie pelágica encontrada no Sudoeste do Oceano Atlântico. Estima-se que 135000 toneladas/ano desse peixe possam ser exploradas ao longo do litoral sul do Brasil. Entretanto, os recursos pesqueiros do país são ainda inexplorados, o que torna esta matéria prima candidata em potencial para a fabricação de novos produtos a base desse pescado. Com o apoio de programas governamentais sociais, a tendência para o Brasil é para o desenvolvimento de produtos de anchoíta alternativos e que sejam capazes de suprir as necessidades específicas de cada grupo de consumo alvo. Dentro desse cenário, um estudo de novos produtos de pescado frente ao mercado se faz necessário, na tentativa de compreender as variáveis influentes do setor. Para tanto, na presente tese teve objetivou-se desenvolver produtos à base de anchoíta e estudar o comportamento do mercado consumidor frente a esses novos produtos de pescado. Um total de seis artigos foi gerado. O primeiro artigo intitulou-se: “Potencial de inserção de empanados de pescado na merenda escolar mediante determinantes individuais”. Neste objetivou-se detectar os determinantes individuais do consumo de pescado com adolescentes em idade de 12 a 17 anos, visando à inserção de empanados de pescado na merenda escolar. Foi verificado que as variáveis que melhor discriminaram a frequência de consumo foram “gosta de pescado” e “grau de escolaridade dos pais”. Os resultados indicaram um potencial de consumo de empanados de pescado por adolescentes, associado à necessidade de educação alimentar. O segundo artigo “Elaboração de hambúrguer a partir de base proteica de anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita)” no qual se objetivou avaliar o efeito de diferentes combinações de solventes para a obtenção de base proteica de anchoíta visando à elaboração de hambúrguer de pescado. As lavagens com ácido fosfórico e mais dois ciclos de água foram as que apresentaram os melhores valores para a obtenção da base proteica, baseando-se na remoção de nitrogenados e respostas sensoriais. No terceiro artigo “Aceitação de empanados de pescado (Engraulis anchoita) na merenda escolar no extremo sul do Brasil” o objetivo foi avaliar a aceitação de empanados de pescado (Engraulis anchoita) com alunos (n = 830) da rede pública de ensino, em idades entre 5 e 18 anos, de duas cidades do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os resultados indicaram relação inversa entre a aceitação de empanados de pescado e o aumento da idade das crianças. O quarto artigo estudou “Razões subjacentes ao baixo consumo de pescado pelo consumidor brasileiro.” Neste objetivou-se investigar o comportamento referente ao consumo de pescado de uma população com baixo consumo de pescado (Brasil), aplicando a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado (TCP). Os resultados indicaram que tanto a intenção como a atitude provou serem determinantes significativos na frequência de comer pescado, sendo a atitude inversamente correlacionada com o consumo de pescado. Hábito apareceu como uma importante variável discriminante para o consumo de pescado. O quinto artigo intitula-se “Modelagem de equações estruturais e associação de palavras como ferramentas para melhor compreensão do baixo consumo de pescado”. O objetivo foi desenvolver um modelo e explicar o conjunto das relações entre os construtos do consumo de pescado em uma população com baixo consumo de pescado (Brasil) através da aplicação da TCP e pelo Questionário das Escolhas dos Alimentos. Além disso, a percepção cognitiva de produtos de pescado (Engraulis anchoíta) foi avaliada pela mesma população. Os resultados indicaram um bom ajuste para o modelo proposto e mostraram que os construtos “saúde” e “controle de peso” são bons preditores da intenção. A técnica associação de palavras provou ser um método útil para a análise de percepção de um novo produto de pescado, além de ajudar a explicar os resultados obtidos pelas equações estruturais. O sexto e último artigo “Percepção de saudável em produtos de pescado em uma população com alto consumo de pescado. Uma investigação por eye tracking” em que se objetivou explorar o uso do método eye tracking para estudar a percepção de saudável em diferentes produtos de pescado. Dois pontos importantes podem ser salientados como influentes na percepção de saudável: produtos de pescado processados e alimentos fritos.
Considering the social and economic importance that the milk has, the objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence and quantifying antimicrobial residues in the food. The samples were collected in dairy industry of southwestern Paraná state and thus they were able to cover all ten municipalities in the region of Pato Branco. The work focused on the development of appropriate models for the identification and quantification of analytes: tetracycline, sulfamethazine, sulfadimethoxine, chloramphenicol and ampicillin, all antimicrobials with health interest. For the calibration procedure and validation of the models was used the Infrared Spectroscopy Fourier Transform associated with chemometric method based on Partial Least Squares regression (PLS - Partial Least Squares). To prepare a work solution antimicrobials, the five analytes of interest were used in increasing doses, namely tetracycline from 0 to 0.60 ppm, sulfamethazine 0 to 0.12 ppm, sulfadimethoxine 0 to 2.40 ppm chloramphenicol 0 1.20 ppm and ampicillin 0 to 1.80 ppm to perform the work with the interest in multiresidues analysis. The performance of the models constructed was evaluated through the figures of merit: mean square error of calibration and cross-validation, correlation coefficients and offset performance ratio. For the purposes of applicability in this work, it is considered that the models generated for Tetracycline, Sulfadimethoxine and Chloramphenicol were considered viable, with the greatest predictive power and efficiency, then were employed to evaluate the quality of raw milk from the region of Pato Branco . Among the analyzed samples by NIR, 70% were in conformity with sanitary legislation, and 5% of these samples had concentrations below the Maximum Residue permitted, and is also satisfactory. However 30% of the sample set showed unsatisfactory results when evaluating the contamination with antimicrobials residues, which is non conformity related to the presence of antimicrobial unauthorized use or concentrations above the permitted limits. With the development of this work can be said that laboratory tests in the food area, using infrared spectroscopy with multivariate calibration was also good, fast in analysis, reduced costs and with minimum generation of laboratory waste. Thus, the alternative method proposed meets the quality concerns and desired efficiency by industrial sectors and society in general.
The southern region of Brazil, especially the states of Parana and Santa Catarina stand out for growing grapes and apples for fresh consumption and in order to add value to these products, process the material for the production of wine, juices and jellies . As a result large quantities of by-products, such as peels, seeds and pulp are produced becoming environmental problems. Studies reuse of these by-products have attracted interest because they have shown a high biological potential, due to the presence of high levels of phenolic compounds, which are associated with a lower incidence of disease caused by oxidative stress, due to its antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties. Currently, few studies are presented on the phenolic composition and biological potential of waste grape variety Bordô (Vitis labrusca) and apple (Malus domestica) Gala variety, cultivated in southern Brazil. Within this context, the objectives of this study were: compare the efficiency of solidliquid and liquid-liquid extraction, perform the optimization and validation of analytical methodology by HPLC-DAD for the separation, identification and quantification of multiclass phenolic compounds, evaluate the activity antioxidant by sequestering methods of free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1 picrilhidrazina (DPPH) and 2,2-azino-bis (3- ethyl-benzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) solution, reduction of Fe3+ in Fe2+ method (FRAP), ORAC, RP-HPLC-ABTS online, Rancimat and determination of total phenolics three agro-industrial byproducts, pomace and stems grape Bordô produced in Paraná Southwest region and Gala apple pomace coming from the Santa Catarina West. Optimization and validation of chromatographic method showed satisfactory quality parameters for the compounds of interest and the solidliquid extraction was more efficient in extracting phenolic evaluated. The three byproducts evaluated showed significant levels of phenolic compounds when analyzed by HPLC, especially flavonoids, catechin and epicatechin besides that showed significant antioxidant capacity. The grape stems extract had the highest sequestration capacity of DPPH and ABTS radical and reduced iron, and high content of phenolic compounds. The apple pomace extract showed the best response to the Rancimat method, which indicates a high potential to protect the oil from lipid oxidation, was no significant difference when compared to synthetic antioxidant TBHQ. The results of this study showed that the agro-industrial coproducts analyzed are rich in phenolic compounds of high antioxidant capacity and therefore must be better explored by the food and pharmaceutical industries.
The routine analysis for quantization of organic acids and sugars are generally slow methods that involve the use and preparation of several reagents, require trained professional, the availability of special equipment and is expensive. In this context, it has been increasing investment in research whose purpose is the development of substitutive methods to reference, which are faster, cheap and simple, and infrared spectroscopy have been highlighted in this regard. The present study developed multivariate calibration models for the simultaneous and quantitative determination of ascorbic acid, citric, malic and tartaric and sugars sucrose, glucose and fructose, and soluble solids in juices and fruit nectars and classification models for ACP. We used methods of spectroscopy in the near infrared (Near Infrared, NIR) in association with the method regression of partial least squares (PLS). Were used 42 samples between juices and fruit nectars commercially available in local shops. For the construction of the models were performed with reference analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and refractometry for the analysis of soluble solids. Subsequently, the acquisition of the spectra was done in triplicate, in the spectral range 12500 to 4000 cm-1. The best models were applied to the quantification of analytes in study on natural juices and juice samples produced in the Paraná Southwest Region. The juices used in the application of the models also underwent physical and chemical analysis. Validation of chromatographic methodology has shown satisfactory results, since the external calibration curve obtained R-square value (R2) above 0.98 and coefficient of variation (%CV) for intermediate precision and repeatability below 8.83%. Through the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was possible to separate samples of juices into two major groups, grape and apple and tangerine and orange, while for nectars groups separated guava and grape, and pineapple and apple. Different validation methods, and pre-processes that were used separately and in combination, were obtained with multivariate calibration models with average forecast square error (RMSEP) and cross validation (RMSECV) errors below 1.33 and 1.53 g.100 mL-1, respectively and R2 above 0.771, except for malic acid. The physicochemical analysis enabled the characterization of drinks, including the pH working range (variation of 2.83 to 5.79) and acidity within the parameters Regulation for each flavor. Regression models have demonstrated the possibility of determining both ascorbic acids, citric, malic and tartaric with successfully, besides sucrose, glucose and fructose by means of only a spectrum, suggesting that the models are economically viable for quality control and product standardization in the fruit juice and nectars processing industry.
The municipal management in any country of the globe requires planning and allocation of resources evenly. In Brazil, the Law of Budgetary Guidelines (LDO) guides municipal managers toward that balance. This research develops a model that seeks to find the balance of the allocation of public resources in Brazilian municipalities, considering the LDO as a parameter. For this using statistical techniques and multicriteria analysis as a first step in order to define allocation strategies, based on the technical aspects arising from the municipal manager. In a second step, presented in linear programming based optimization where the objective function is derived from the preference of the results of the manager and his staff. The statistical representation is presented to support multicriteria development in the definition of replacement rates through time series. The multicriteria analysis was structured by defining the criteria, alternatives and the application of UTASTAR methods to calculate replacement rates. After these initial settings, an application of linear programming was developed to find the optimal allocation of enforcement resources of the municipal budget. Data from the budget of a municipality in southwestern Paraná were studied in the application of the model and analysis of results.
Due to the high supply and its attractive cost, the poultry litter has been used in the southwestern region of Parana to the improvement of soil fertility seeking greater production of grains and pastures. However, the use without technical knowledge can minimize the benefits of poultry litter or even cause undesirable effects on soil, environmental pollution and also productivity losses in the used crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different times of poultry litter application, predating the winter crop, associated with increasing levels, about soil chemical properties, release of nutrients and crop performances in four consecutive years (2011-2014). In the first three years the experimental design was randomized blocks with a split plot system and four replications. In the main plots were tested four poultry litter application times preceding the wheat production: 0, 15, 30 and 45 days before sowing (DAS); in the subplots were applied four poultry litter levels (wet basis): 0, 4, 8 and 12 Mg ha-1. Last year one more subdivision of plots was done, evaluating the use or not of nitrogen in coverage in wheat, at a dose of 100 kg N ha-1. The wheat cultivar used in the four years was the BRS 220. In three years it was evaluated the residual effect on soybean production (cultivar - BMX Turbo RR) and in one year on the beans. The chemical soil attributes were evaluated at four depths 0-2,5cm, 2,5-5cm, 5-10cm and 10-20cm, and also the rate of decomposition and nutrient release of poultry litter and the crop productivity. The different times of application concerning the poultry litter had little influence on the studied variables, demonstrating that the producer does not need to have a specific date (before planting) to the application of poultry litter. Potassium was fully released 60 days after the allocation of litter bags into the field; for nitrogen and phosphorus the release was slower. The use of increasing levels of poultry litter increased the levels of various soil elements, highlighting the potassium which reached 20 cm deep in the second year of evaluation. The increase in pH and in the base saturation occurred only in the upper layers, while the phosphorus reached 10 cm deep in the third year of the study. It was observed increased pH and base saturation. The use of increasing doses of poultry litter contributed to the wheat plant nutrition, significantly increasing the weight of a thousand grains, and the grain yield of wheat in all the evaluated years; the nitrogen fertilization in coverage also had significant effect for the fourth evaluated year. Also there was a significant response from the residual effect of poultry litter for crops planted in summer for both soybeans and beans.
This work was general-purpose, develop a proposal of a theoretical model of decisionmaking with a focus on management of small family farms costs, which enables support for decision making. And the following objectives: i) develop a structured methodology, which allows to form a literary basis to provide scientific support for the implementation of research; ii) develop based on the literature the dimensions and variables of the necessary models to propose an application and iii tooling) to implement the proposed model within the dimensions and variables, and validate every stage background and perform the necessary conclusions to verify the effectiveness of applied model. In terms of methodology, we used a structured methodology, which allowed forming a bibliographic portfolio of 29 articles, and through the research constructs developed, based on an existing model, an activity segmentation model for aid farmer of small family farms in the decision-making process with emphasis on cost management. The model was applied in six family farms in the South West region of Parana and Santa Catarina West. With regard to the search results, it was identified that the model can be applied to the specific context for which it was created. It was also possible to identify that the proposed model was valid and relevant to aid in the management of family farms by identifying, through the targeting of productive activities, investment priorities guided by the balance between managing costs and return activities. Moreover, possible to target the activities of six surveyed properties, demonstrating that the property 02, has the shape of more complex segmentation should be divided into three groups of activities, which can be conducted in parallel without any restrictions between activities. Other properties have the segmentation of the simplest activities, allowing viewing in this way that there are activities of groups that require prioritizing investments. Specifically the property 01 and 04 have the highest priority investment target groups, the most prominent activities of groups representing respectively 49.32% and 47.40%, which are represented by grain production activities on the property 01 and grain production, beef cattle and eggs on the property 04.
Tangara da Serra is located on southwestern Mato Grosso and is found to be on the route of pollutants dispersion originated in the Legal Amazon s deforestation area. This region has also a wide area of sugarcane culture, setting this site quite exposed to atmospheric pollutants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genotoxicity of three different concentrations of organic particulate matter which was collected from August through December / 2008 in Tangara da Serra, using micronucleus test in Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MCN). The levels of particulate matter less than 10μm (MP10) and black carbon (BC) collected on the Teflon and polycarbonate filters were determined as well. Also, the alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were identified and quantified on the samples from the burning period by gas chromatography detector with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The results from the analyzing of alkanes indicate an antropic influence. Among the PAHs, the retene was the one found on the higher quantity and it is an indicator of biomass burning. The compounds indene(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(k)fluoranthene were identified on the samples and are considered to be potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic. By using Trad-MCN, it was observed a significant increase on the micronucleus frequency during the burning period, and this fact can be related to the mutagenic PAHs which were found on such extracts. When the period of less burnings is analyzed and compared to the negative control group, it was noted that there was no significant difference on the micronuclei rate. On the other hand, when the higher burning period is analyzed, statistically significant differences were evident. This study showed that the Trad-MCN was sensible and efficient on evaluating the genotoxicity potencial of organic matter from biomass burning, and also, emphasizes the importance of performing a chemical composition analysis in order to achieve a complete diagnosis on environmental risk control