882 resultados para Students with Disabilities


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Today, Digital Systems and Services for Technology Supported Learning and Education are recognized as the key drivers to transform the way that individuals, groups and organizations “learn” and the way to “assess learning” in 21st Century. These transformations influence: Objectives - moving from acquiring new “knowledge” to developing new and relevant “competences”; Methods – moving from “classroom” based teaching to “context-aware” personalized learning; and Assessment – moving from “life-long” degrees and certifications to “on-demand” and “in-context” accreditation of qualifications. Within this context, promoting Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning, is currently a key issue in the public discourse and the global dialogue on Education, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Flipped School Classrooms. This volume on Digital Systems for Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning contributes to the international dialogue between researchers, technologists, practitioners and policy makers in Technology Supported Education and Learning. It addresses emerging issues related with both theory and practice, as well as, methods and technologies that can support Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning. In the twenty chapters contributed by international experts who are actively shaping the future of Educational Technology around the world, topics such as: - The evolution of University Open Courses in Transforming Learning - Supporting Open Access to Teaching and Learning of People with Disabilities - Assessing Student Learning in Online Courses - Digital Game-based Learning for School Education - Open Access to Virtual and Remote Labs for STEM Education - Teachers’ and Schools’ ICT Competence Profiling - Web-Based Education and Innovative Leadership in a K-12 International School Setting are presented. An in-depth blueprint of the promise, potential, and imminent future of the field, Digital Systems for Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning is necessary reading for researchers and practitioners, as well as, undergraduate and postgraduate students, in educational technology.


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Actual school dropout among immigrant youth has been addressed in a number of studies, but research on hidden school dropout among immigrant students is rare. Thus, the objective of this paper is to analyze hidden school dropout among primary school students with an immigrant background. The analyses were performed using survey data of 1186 immigrant students in Swiss primary schools. Our results show that immigrant students’ academic achievement, their attitudes towards school-related values, and the quality of their relationships with classmates and teachers were significant predictors of their disengagement during classes. Moreover, our findings strongly suggest that those predictors that are important for actual school dropout are crucial for hidden school dropout as well. We conclude that low-achieving immigrant youth who do not value school and who have poor relationships with teachers and peers are especially at risk of hidden and, eventually, of actual school dropout.


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Due to the rising number of children with disabilities, the needs of these families must be addressed. This article describes the development and implementation of a regional forum in a rural community to address education and training needs of families and professionals. The Special Needs Summit provided workshops, information, and activities for parents and professionals. Participants were invited to participate in a study through a survey soliciting feedback regarding the importance and effectiveness of the training and information received through the Summit, gaps in resources, and future educational and training needs. Overall, participants gave satisfactory ratings regarding the training and education provided during the forum, and gave direction for future programming.


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Introduction In our program, simulated patients (SPs) give feedback to medical students in the course of communication skills training. To ensure effective training, quality control of the SPs’ feedback should be implemented. At other institutions, medical students evaluate the SPs’ feedback for quality control (Bouter et al., 2012). Thinking about implementing quality control for SPs’ feedback in our program, we wondered whether the evaluation by students would result in the same scores as evaluation by experts. Methods Consultations simulated by 4th-year medical students with SPs were video taped including the SP’s feedback to the students (n=85). At the end of the training sessions students rated the SPs’ performance using a rating instrument called Bernese Assessment for Role-play and Feedback (BARF) containing 11 items concerning feedback quality. Additionally the videos were evaluated by 3 trained experts using the BARF. Results The experts showed a high interrater agreement when rating identical feedbacks (ICCunjust=0.953). Comparing the rating of students and experts, high agreement was found with regard to the following items: 1. The SP invited the student to reflect on the consultation first, Amin (= minimal agreement) 97% 2. The SP asked the student what he/she liked about the consultation, Amin = 88%. 3. The SP started with positive feedback, Amin = 91%. 4. The SP was comparing the student with other students, Amin = 92%. In contrast the following items showed differences between the rating of experts and students: 1. The SP used precise situations for feedback, Amax (=maximal agreement) 55%, Students rated 67 of SPs’ feedbacks to be perfect with regard to this item (highest rating on a 5 point Likert scale), while only 29 feedbacks were rated this way by the experts. 2. The SP gave precise suggestions for improvement, Amax 75%, 62 of SPs’ feedbacks obtained the highest rating from students, while only 44 of SPs’ feedbacks achieved the highest rating in the view of the experts. 3. The SP speaks about his/her role in the third person, Amax 60%. Students rated 77 feedbacks with the highest score, while experts judged only 43 feedbacks this way. Conclusion Although evaluation by the students was in agreement with that of experts concerning some items, students rated the SPs’ feedback more often with the optimal score than experts did. Moreover it seems difficult for students to notice when SPs talk about the role in the first instead of the third person. Since precision and talking about the role in the third person are important quality criteria of feedback, this result should be taken into account when thinking about students’ evaluation of SPs’ feedback for quality control. Bouter, S., E. van Weel-Baumgarten, and S. Bolhuis. 2012. Construction and Validation of the Nijmegen Evaluation of the Simulated Patient (NESP): Assessing Simulated Patients’ Ability to Role-Play and Provide Feedback to Students. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges


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Es wurde kürzlich gezeigt, dass die Stärke des Zusammenhangs zwischen Angst und Leistung von der momentan vorhandenen Selbstkontrollkraft abhängt. Wir untersuchten an einer Stichprobe aus Wirtschaftsschülern (N = 136), ob dieser Befund auf den Abruf von Wissen generalisierbar ist. Die Leistungsängstlichkeit der Teilnehmenden wurde erfasst und deren Selbstkontrollkraft experimentell manipuliert, woraufhin sie einen standardisierten Wortschatztest bearbeiteten. Während das Wissen nicht von der Leistungsängstlichkeit oder der Selbstkontrollkraft abhing, sagte die Interaktion aus beiden Variablen das gezeigte Wissen vorher. Übereinstimmend mit früheren Studien fiel die Leistung von Schülern mit niedriger Selbstkontrollkraft umso geringer aus, je leistungsängstlicher sie waren. Bei Schülern mit hoher Selbstkontrollkraft hingen die Leistungsängstlichkeit und die Wortschatzleistung hingegen nicht zusammen. Wir interpretieren dieses Muster dergestalt, dass Leistungsängstlichkeit den Wissensabruf nur dann behindert, wenn Selbstkontrolle nicht zur Kompensierung angstbezogener Aufmerksamkeitsdefizite herangezogen werden kann. Die Befunde implizieren, dass gründliche Vorbereitung keine guten Testnoten garantiert.


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This study explores the relationship between the different environments within a school and the stereotyped behaviors of students with autism. The study seeks to identify whether the behaviors of these students are similar or different in the different environments, testing the idea of environment as a stimulus for these behaviors. The study is a naturalistic observational study, and a change in prevalence of these stereotyped behaviors during the duration of the study is not a focus of this study.


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Cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of death in the United States for over fifty years. While multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease have been identified, hypertension is one of the most commonly recognized and treatable. Recent studies indicate that the prevalence of hypertension among children and adolescents is between 3-5%, much higher than originally estimated and likely rising due to the epidemic of obesity in the U.S. In 2004, the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents published new guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in this population. Included in these recommendations was the creation of a new diagnosis, pre-hypertension, aimed at identifying children at-risk for hypertension to provide early lifestyle interventions in an effort to prevent its ultimate development. In order to determine the risk associated with pre-hypertension for the development of incident HTN, a secondary analysis of a repeated cross-sectional study measuring blood pressure in Houston area adolescents from 2000 to 2007 was performed. Of 1006 students participating in the blood pressure screening on more than one occasion not diagnosed with hypertension at initial encounter, eleven were later found to have hypertension providing an overall incident rate of 0.5% per year. Incidence rates were higher among overweight adolescents–1.9% per year [IRR 8.6 (1.97, 51.63)]; students “at-risk for hypertension” (pre-hypertensive or initial blood pressure in the hypertensive range but falling on subsequent measures)–1.4% per year [IRR 4.77 (1.21, 19.78)]; and those with blood pressure ≥90th percentile on three occasions–6.6% per year [IRR 21.87 (3.40, 112.40)]. Students with pre-hypertension as currently defined by the Task Force did have an increased rate of hypertension (1.1% per year) but it did not reach statistical significance [IRR 2.44 (0.42, 10.18)]. Further research is needed to determine the morbidity and mortality associated with pre-hypertension in this age group as well as the effectiveness of various interventions for preventing the development of hypertensive disease among these at-risk individuals. ^


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The state of knowledge on the relation of stress factors, health problems and health service utilization among university students is limited. Special problems of stress exist for the international students due to their having to adjust to a new environment. It is this latter problem area that provides the focus for this study. Recognizing there are special stress factors affecting the international students, it is first necessary to see if the problems of cultural adaptation affect them to any greater degree than American students attending the same university.^ To make the comparison, the study identified a number of health problems of both American and international students and related their frequency to the use of the Student Health Center. The expectation was that there would be an association between the number of health problems and the number of life change events experienced by these students and between the number of health problems and stresses from social factors. It was also expected that the number of health problems would decline with the amount of social support.^ The population chosen were students newly enrolled in Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas in the Fall Semester of 1979. Two groups were selected at random: 126 international and 126 American students. The survey instrument was a self-administered questionnaire. The response rate was 90% (114) for the international and 94% (118) for the American students.^ Data analyses consisted of both descriptive and inferential statistics. Chi-squares and correlation coefficients were the statistics used in comparing the international students and the American students.^ There was a weak association between the number of health problems and the number of life change events, as reported by both the international and the American students. The study failed to show any statistically significant association between the number of stress from social factors and the number of health problems. It also failed to show an association between the number of health problems and the amount of social support. These findings applied to both the international and the American students.^ One unexpected finding was that certain health problems were reported by more American than international students. There were: cough, diarrhea, and trouble in sleeping. Another finding was that those students with health insurance had a higher level of utilization of the Health Center than those without health insurance. More international than American students utilized the Student Health Center.^ In comparing the women students, there was no statistical significant difference in their reported fertility related health problems.^ The investigator recommends that in follow-up studies, instead of grouping all international students together, that they be divided by major nationalities represented in the student body; that is, Iranians, Nigerians and others. ^


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Individuals with disabilities face numerous barriers to participation due to biological and physical characteristics of the disability as well as social and environmental factors. Participation can be impacted on all levels from societal, to activities of daily living, exercise, education, and interpersonal relationships. This study evaluated the impact of pain, mood, depression, quality of life and fatigue on participation for individuals with mobility impairments. This cross sectional study derives from self-report data collected from a wheelchair using sample. Bivariate correlational and multivariate analysis were employed to examine the relationship between pain, quality of life, positive and negative mood, fatigue, and depression with participation while controlling for relevant socio-demographic variables (sex, age, time with disability, race, and education). Results from the 122 respondents with mobility impairments demonstrated that after controlling for socio-demographic characteristics in the full model, 20% of the variance in participation scores were accounted for by pain, quality of life, positive and negative mood, and depression. Notably, quality of life emerged as being the single variable that was significantly related to participation in the full model. Contrary to other studies, pain did not appear to significantly impact participation outcomes for wheelchair users in this sample. Participation is an emerging area of interest among rehabilitation and disability researchers, and results of this study provide compelling evidence that several psychosocial factors are related to participation. This area of inquiry warrants further study, as many of the psychosocial variables identified in this study (mood, depression, quality of life) may be amenable to intervention, which may also positively influence participation.^


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La educación superior en el siglo XXI va más allá de la simple transferencia de conocimientos donde el estudiante es un receptor pasivo y el rol activo lo desempeña el docente. Hoy la co-construcción de los conocimientos con los alumnos resulta una estrategia enriquecedora para ambos, más aún cuando las actividades pedagógicas que se planteen tengan como uno de sus receptores a la propia comunidad. La experiencia que se relata intenta complementar saberes universitarios, mediarlos a diferentes destinatarios, desarrollar capacidades para producirlos y utilizarlos adecuadamente a grupos definidos que requieren la información que se imparte. La tecnología digital en los escenarios pedagógico-didácticos no se limita exclusivamente a los ámbitos informáticos, virtuales o de elearning. Resulta una herramienta excelente para llegar a grupos poblacionales diversos. Así es que se que expresa una experiencia realizada entre las cátedras Clínica del Paciente Discapacitado y PrácticaProfesional Supervisada de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo en Mendoza, Argentina. Se diseñó una propuesta de promoción de la salud bucal mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs). La misma consistió en la construcción a cargo de los alumnos de páginas web como instrumento de educación de la salud bucal dirigidas a grupos de riesgo con discapacidad, sus familias y profesionales odontólogos que atienden a estos pacientes.


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More children with different versions of speech disorders appear in Russia last decades. This situation reflects general tendency of national health deterioration. Our practical experience shows that close grownups can?t communicate to children with limited health capacity. As a result there arise social disabilities in child development. Speech communication is one of the forms of global communicative interaction process between close grownups and young child in the course of which there is a redistribution of knowledge and ignorance (Nikas Luman,2005). Within a framework of sociocultiral theory of mental growth we consider the appearance of speech communication under any cases of physical illness is possible only under conditions of correctly- organized communication between grownups and young children. (L.S. Vigotski ,2000). The special value in this aspect acquires the study of communication between grownups and young children. For five years we have been conducting the surveys on the problem of communicative contacts between parents and non-verbal children. Analysis of received data gave us the opportunity to systematize peculiar communicative interaction of adults and children who have some lapses in acquiring speech form communication. We have revealed four versions of situational- business communication between close grownups and young children with disabilities in acquiring speech. We have assumed that four versions of situational- business communication negatively affect speech form communication formation.


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Convivemos natural e socialmente com as diferenças, mesmo que de forma não apreendida, não aparente. Nesse contexto surge o estigma do deficiente, parte integrante de um grupo que foge aos padrões normais da sociedade e da natureza. E no convívio escolar essa diferença torna-se mais evidente gerando um desequilíbrio social, que as práticas pedagógicas tentam minimizar com a proposta da inclusão. As pesquisas acerca da educação inclusiva apontam experiências de professores(as) normais com alunos(as) com e sem deficiência que freqüentam o mesmo ambiente escolar. Observando essa realidade de outro ângulo, como se apresentam essas relações quando o(a) professor(a) é deficiente? Existem poucos trabalhos documentando essas experiências. Esta pesquisa pretende preencher essa lacuna, tendo como base a trajetória formativa de um professor com deficiência física, atuando no ensino superior, em conjunto com entrevistas de outros dois professores do ensino superior, também com deficiência física por meio das seguintes categorias: trajetórias no ensino básico, acesso e permanência no ensino superior, acesso ao mercado de trabalho, acesso e atuação como professor de ensino superior e inclusão. Objetivou-se assim, estabelecer uma reflexão sobre a inclusão profissional frente às dificuldades enfrentadas diariamente na escola. Na tentativa de explicitar as características e os atributos dos indivíduos com deficiência, em convívio com pessoas normais, utilizou-se como base teórica o apoio da estatística, especificamente da curva normal, em conjunto com a trajetória histórica e legislativa acerca do tema. Portanto, o estudo visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura inclusiva promovendo a normalidade das diferenças.(AU)


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Convivemos natural e socialmente com as diferenças, mesmo que de forma não apreendida, não aparente. Nesse contexto surge o estigma do deficiente, parte integrante de um grupo que foge aos padrões normais da sociedade e da natureza. E no convívio escolar essa diferença torna-se mais evidente gerando um desequilíbrio social, que as práticas pedagógicas tentam minimizar com a proposta da inclusão. As pesquisas acerca da educação inclusiva apontam experiências de professores(as) normais com alunos(as) com e sem deficiência que freqüentam o mesmo ambiente escolar. Observando essa realidade de outro ângulo, como se apresentam essas relações quando o(a) professor(a) é deficiente? Existem poucos trabalhos documentando essas experiências. Esta pesquisa pretende preencher essa lacuna, tendo como base a trajetória formativa de um professor com deficiência física, atuando no ensino superior, em conjunto com entrevistas de outros dois professores do ensino superior, também com deficiência física por meio das seguintes categorias: trajetórias no ensino básico, acesso e permanência no ensino superior, acesso ao mercado de trabalho, acesso e atuação como professor de ensino superior e inclusão. Objetivou-se assim, estabelecer uma reflexão sobre a inclusão profissional frente às dificuldades enfrentadas diariamente na escola. Na tentativa de explicitar as características e os atributos dos indivíduos com deficiência, em convívio com pessoas normais, utilizou-se como base teórica o apoio da estatística, especificamente da curva normal, em conjunto com a trajetória histórica e legislativa acerca do tema. Portanto, o estudo visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura inclusiva promovendo a normalidade das diferenças.(AU)


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Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies (EAAT) including Therapeutic Horseback Riding (THR) and un-mounted equine assisted activities are interventions aimed at improving the daily functioning and success of individuals with disabilities, including those with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While THR is frequently utilized as a treatment intervention for children with ASD, there are many limitations (individual's weight, horse health, weather, physical limitations, health conditions, etc.) that prevent this population from participating in mounted programs. Un-mounted equine assisted activities are often utilized as an alternative, but they are not informed by empirical research or a standardized treatment model. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the literature for EAAT including un-mounted programs, examination of organizational guidelines as they apply to un-mounted programs, and consultation with program directors regarding current practices in the field, and finally it establishes recommendations for the development of a standard curriculum that would strengthen un-mounted horse care group programs serving children with ASD.


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College students with Asperger's Disorder (AD) are likely to face significant challenges as they encounter the unpredictable and socially demanding environment of their university setting. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can be a valuable approach to addressing many of these struggles. This paper will explore the application of ACT to problems that are commonly associated with individuals diagnosed with AD. Utilizing ACT and the Hexaflex Model as a guide for working with AD students can assist in establishing a greater understanding and acceptance of their unique internal experience, as well as their interaction with the external world. ACT can offer these students the ability to be more present in the moment, to recognize efforts to avoid negative experiences, and to move in directions in life that are personally meaningful.